The Circle (Verbrek/Arkandale) map inconsistencies

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Mephisto of the FoS
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The Circle (Verbrek/Arkandale) map inconsistencies

Post by Mephisto of the FoS »

So I have been writing an article for Arkandale (yes pre-GC) and now I am facing a problem with the Circles position.

In the 2e Realm of Terror (Black Box) pre-GC map the Circle is located in central Verbrek with Arkandale on the north. ... 3f4237.jpg

In Ravenloft Campaign Setting (Red Box) which is after the GC the Circle exists again in central Verbrek (though a bit lower than the domains centre) but because post GC Verbrek has claimed also territories previously belonging to Arkandale (as has Invidia), it is larger, which means that the circle has moved to the north, in what previously (before the GC) was south Arkandale. ... ravenloft/

The Mordent Cartographic Society places the Circle in what should have been northern Verbrek which is closer to the Realm of Terror version. ... lormap.gif

In Domains of Dread the Circle is placed directly below a tribunary of the Arden River but still in the center of the domain.

In 3e Ravenloft Setting and Ravenloft Gazetter IV the circle is located closer to the north part of Verbrek in what definitely was Arkandale before the GC. Also the Ravenloft Gazetter IV mentions the area as Winterfangs and describes it as the a place of the werewolves most sacred site. ... tteers.pdf

So my dilemma is how to make this work. The most logical explanation would be for the GC to have moved the circle from the areas that used to be central Verbrek before the GC to the Winterfangs. It could be also that the Circle of pre-GC Verbrek was a copy of the werewolves most sacred site and later abandoned when they could reach the new one. It also could be that this is a new circle created by Alfred when he "inherited" his father's lands.

Suggestions? Preferences?
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Evil Genius
Evil Genius
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Re: The Circle (Verbrek/Arkandale) map inconsistencies

Post by IanFordam »

Personally, I like the idea that Alfred created a new Circle. In particular, perhaps he deliberately founded this new Circle in Arkandale during the GC for the express purpose of staking a claim to his father's lands.
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