1001 ideas for a RL campaign.

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Evil Genius
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Post by HuManBing »

Strahdsbuddy wrote:73. CHRONOMANCY! Some being of great power is attempting to escape Ravenloft by keeping each domain from ever forming! The PCs must chase him/her through the real AND imagined history of Ravenloft to twart the plan. ...
Taking this idea a little further, my proposal for the Time of Unparalleled Darkness would have been for Azalin to cause a Grandfather Paradox, forcing the Demiplane to indefinitely alternate between two timelines. This could be made even worse if Azalin left clues to himself each time, so each iteration would collapse and reset a little earlier each time.

Done correctly, the window of time between an iteration's start and an iteration's reset could become very small, maybe no more than a week. Adventurers who want to solve this have to make sure they don't overrun the final reset time limit or they will be trapped in the loop as well.

For added fun, have this occur during the Grand Conjunction, when Ravenloft briefly touched every other plane. This means that the entire multiverse will start recurring too, always resetting itself after the one week limit.

There is also a silly pun here about parallel universes and Time of Unparalleled Darkness.
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Post by maglaurus »

These are individual adventure ideas, but they could constitute a journey from Nova Vaasa, to Barovia, to Sithicus, and then to Valachan.

74. An ancient dead emerges from the depths of the forest in western Nova Vaasa with a nasty entourage of zombies and ghouls. He is the hero Fjodor. He is angry at the church of the Lawgiver for absconding with the mummified remains of his twin brother Fyldor.

75. The white she-wolf who lost her cubs to the hag in the forest takes revenge upon the goat and pig farmers of of a small village. She torments a specific family, as their wayward relation is the exiled hag.

76. The aforementioned exiled hag seeks revenge upon the nobleman who jilted her when they were young lovers, sending her wolves-turned-goblins to attack the crumbling nobleman's crumbling castle.

77. The death of Sava the toy-maker's son caused him to loose his mind. He recently made a dark pact, allowing him to construct a living puppet to act has his child.

78. In Barovia Marku Stolojan’s young daughter return’s home (to wherever, from wherever) following the death of her young husband. She is now a vampire of Strahd’s lineage. The widow Stolojan slowly begins to create her own brood from among the local Boyar’s court, making preparations for the arrival of her sire.

79. Strange parasites are entering the flesh of a villages' woodworkers, turning them into living zombies under the command of a strange cult-leader. He has become the confidant of a local merchant lord.

80. In a town or village in Sithicus, the dead gardens become “alive”, as undead plants seek to feed on the blood of living beings.

81. An elf wizard considers it the place of his people to know the deepest secrets of magic and no other race. In his hubris, he transforms himself into a creature of chaos.

82. The Sithican elves that guard a dryad in the forest of Sithicus are mad with jealousy and xenophobia. They have made her a prisoner in her own glade.

83. A group of zealous Sithican elves remain loyal to a dragon who has traded his pure soul for false vampiric immortality. The elves’ master requires regular blood sacrifices.

84. Hordes of undead and disgorged from the depths of a foul swamp, led by a vicious bog-mummy. These creatures are the victims of a group of forest bandits. They are mad with the desire for revenge.

85. Near the town of Ungrad a glade full of wild mushrooms are guarded jealously by cold-hearted fae-folk.

86. One of Von Kharkov’s dread werepanther wardens has taken advantage of a Valachanite woman and cursed her with lycanthropy. The woman is totally unaware of this and inflicting the curse upon others.
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Post by maglaurus »

87. The heroes are called to the bedside of a former mentor and benefactor. He is dying, and he reveals the horrible truth that he and his university chums tried to play occult when they were younger and they trapped something horrible in the attic of an abandoned farmhouse. The mentor/benefactor is the last living member of the group. When he dies, the monster will be free.

88. A group of brigands have started masquerading as ghosts and ghouls to convince traveler to give up their coins with less resistance. Will their black robes and painted faces cause enough mayhem on their own, or will their masquerade stir up something worse.

89. A hidden cabal of Mind Flayers seek to suppress the magical abilities of the people of a specific a town, county, or domain. Maybe sorcerous magic disrupts their psionic talents, or maybe they want to enslave these people several generations from now and are hoping a lack of magic will offer up less resistance. They use subtle drugs and religion (thanks to human co-conspirators) to put their plan into action.

90. A local butcher is grinding up more than just pork and onions to make his sausages. What happens to a community when their favorite food is tainted by werewolf or vampire blood? What about the flesh of imps, manes, or other minor demonic creatures?

91. A well known poet or novelist has a demon in his favorite quill. The demon drives not just the writer mad, but exudes his influence over anyone reading the cursed words upon the page.
To represent means to have kind of magical power
over appearances, to be able to bring into presence what is absent, and that is why writing, the most powerful means of representation, was called “grammarye,” a magical act.
--Stephen A. Tyler
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