Gwenfloor's Improved Alchemy

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Gwenfloor's Improved Alchemy

Post by Gwenfloor »

For those of you who want to make Alchemy on par with magic, or who want to make the local alchemist not just another "oh, she's just an alchemist/apothecary," this is for you!

Variant: Masterwork Alchemy

Masterwork Alchemy adds double it's market price in gp for the purposes of item creation.

Masterwork Acid: This flask of Acid deals 1d8 acid damage and grants a +2 bonus on damage rolls.
Masterwork Alchemist's Fire: This flask of Alchemist's Fire deals 1d8 fire damage grants a +2 bonus on damage rolls.
Masterwork Everburning Torch: The masterwork version of this alchemical torch provides clear illumination to 40 feet, and shadowy illumination to 80 feet.
Masterwork Antitoxin: This alchemical remedy provides a +10 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saves to poisons for two hours.
Masterwork Holy Water: This masterwork equivalent provides a +2 bonus on damage rolls.
Masterwork Smokestick: This masterwork alchemical tool provides the equivalent of the fog cloud spell, but in a 20 foot cube and lasts for 2 rounds.
Masterwork Sunrod: This masterwork equivalent burns for twice as long as the normal equivalent, 12 hours, and double the light radius.
Masterwork Tanglefoot Bag: The Reflex Saves, Strength checks, and Concentration checks, to avoid, break out of, or cast spells within, the masterwork tanglefoot bag are increased by 4, to 19, 21, and 19, respectively.
Masterwork Thunderstone: The Fortitude Save to avoid deafness from the masterwork Thunderstone increases by 4, to 19.
Masterwork Tindertwig: Lighting a masterwork Tindertwig is a free action instead of a standard action.

New Feat: Improved Alchemy
You are capable of improving alchemical supplies by a significant degree.
Prerequisites: Alchemy 6 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) or Knowledge (Nature) 6 ranks
Benefits: At a +2 the DC of Craft (Alchemy), you can add these special qualities any of these alchemical items:
Acid: Add +1d6 Acid Damage to the base damage, for a total of 2d6. If it is masterwork, the damage rolls increase to +3.
Antitoxin: Anyone who drinks this or pours this over an object, is subject to a nonmagical equivalent to Detect Poison, turning a slight red if any poison is present within the object or person.
Alchemist's Fire: Add +1d6 Fire Damage to the base damage for a total of 2d6. If it is masterwork, the damage rolls increase to +3.
Everburning Torch: Can be customized to create a nonmagical equivalent to the Resist Energy (Cold) spell to one target within the radius.
Holy Water: Adds +1d4 points of damage, to a total of 3d4, to evil outsiders and undead. If it is masterwork, the damage rolls increase to +3.
Smokestick: Can be customized to create a nonmagical equivalent to Lullaby to whoever inhales the fumes.
Sunrod: Can be customized to create a nonmagical equivalent to Flare to one target within the radius.
Tanglefoot Bag: Can be customized to create a non-magical equivalent to the Grease spell.
Thunderstone: Can create a non-magical equivalent to the Orb of Sound, Lesser spell.
Tindertwig: Creates a non-magical equivalent to Produce Flame.

Exceptional Alchemy
You are an exquisitely skilled and talented alchemist.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) 9 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) or Knowledge (Nature) 9 ranks, Improved Alchemy.
Benefit: At +4 to the DC to craft, you can customize your alchemical equipment with additional benefits.
Acid: Adds +3d6 acid damage, for a total of 4d6. If it is masterwork, the bonus to damage rolls increases to +4.
Alchemist's Fire: Adds +3d6 fire damage, for a total of 4d6. If it is masterwork, the bonus to damage rolls increases to +4.
Antitoxin: Nonmagical equivalent of Delay Poison.
Everburning Torch: Uses a nonmagical equivalent of Daylight.
Holy Water: Adds +2d4 damage to evil outsiders and undead, for a total of 5d6. If it is masterwork, the bonus improves to +4.
Smokestick: Makes a nonmagical equivalent to Obscure Object.
Sunrod: Nonmagical equivalent to Blindness
Tanglefoot Bag: Nonmagical equivalent of Snare.
Thunderstone: Nonmagical equivalent to Silence.
Tindertwig: Nonmagical equivalent of Scorching Ray.

Savvy Alchemy
Your talent at Alchemy is unsurpassed by few.
Prerequisite: Craft (Alchemy) 12 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) or Knowledge (Nature) 12 ranks, Improved Alchemy, Exceptional Alchemy.
Benefit:Adding +6 to the DC to craft, you can customize your alchemical equipment.
Acid: Adds +5d6 acid damage, for a total of 6d6. If it is masterwork, add +5 to the damage roll.
Alchemist's Fire: Adds +5d6 fire damage, for a total of 6d6. If it is masterwork, add +5 to the damage roll.
Antitoxin: When ingested, the imbiber gains a new fortitude save to ward off poison with a +5 alchemical bonus.
Everburning Torch: Non-magical equivalent of Searing Light.
Holy Water: Deals 8d6 damage against undead and evil outsiders. If it is masterwork, add +5 to the roll.
Smokestick: Non-magical equivalent of Solid Fog.
Sunrod: Non-magical equivalent of Blistering Radiance.
Tanglefoot Bag: Non-magical equivalent of Hold Person.
Thunderstone: Non-magical equivalent of Shout.
Tindertwig: Non-magical equivalent of Wall of Fire.

Masterful Alchemy

The workings of alchemy are second nature to you.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) 15 ranks, Knowledge (Arcane) or Knowledge (Nature) 15 ranks, Improved Alchemy, Exceptional Alchemy, Savvy Alchemy.
Benefit: By adding +8 to the Craft DC, you can customize your alchemical equipment.
Acid: Add +9d6 acid damage, for a total of 10d6. If it is masterwork, add 6 to the damage roll.
Alchemist's Fire: Add +9d6 fire damage, for a total of 10d6. If it is masterwork, add +6 to the damage roll.
Antitoxin: Nonmagical equivalent to Lesser Restoration on two ability scores, plus Neutralize Poison
Everburning Torch: Nonmagical equivalent to Rainbow Pattern
Holy Water: Deals 12d6 damage to undead or evil outsiders. If masterwork, add +7 to the damage roll.
Smokestick: Nonmagical equivalent of Mind Fog.
Sunrod: Nonmagical equivalent of Searing Light
Tanglefoot Bag: Nonmagical equivalent to Hold Monster.
Thunderstone: Creates a non-magical equivalent to Orb of Sound.
Tindertwig: Nonmagical equivalent to Fires of Purity.

Peerless Alchemy
Few except for the elite among alchemists can match your skill at the arts of chemistry.
Prerquisites: Craft (Alchemy) 18 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) or Knowledge (Nature) 18 ranks.
Benefit: By adding +10 to the DC to craft, you can customize your alchemical equipment.
Acid: Deals 10d8 acid damage. If it is masterwork, add +7 to the damage roll.
Alchemist's Fire: Deals 10d6 fire damage. If it is masterwork, add +7 to the damage roll.
Antitoxin: Nonmagical equivalent to Restoration to two ability scores.
Everburning Torch: Nonmagical equivalent of True Seeing within the radius.
Holy Water: Deals 12d8 damage against undead and evil outsiders. If it is masterwork, add +8 to the damage roll.
Smokestick: Nonmagical equivalent to Acid Fog.
Sunrod: Nonmagical equivalent to Sunbeam
Tanglefoot Bag: Nonmagical equivalent to Hold Person, Mass.
Thunderstone: Nonmagical equivalent to Greater Shout.
Tindertwig: Nonmagical equivalent to Fire Storm, but in one 10 foot cube.

Sublime Alchemy
You are to alchemy what Mordenkainen is to magic.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) 21 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) or Knowledge (Nature) 21 ranks.
Benefit: By adding +12 to the DC to craft, you can customize your alchemical equipment.
Acid: Deals 10d10 acid damage. If it is masterwork, add +8 to the damage roll.
Alchemist's Fire: Deals 10d10 fire damage. If it is masterwork, add +8 to the damage roll.
Antitoxin: Nonmagical equivalent to Greater Restoration to two ability scores.
Everburning Torch: Nonmagical equivalent of Scintillating Pattern.
Holy Water: Deals 12d10 damage against undead and evil outsiders. If it is masterwork, add +9 to the damage roll.
Smokestick: Nonmagical equivalent to Incendiary Cloud.
Sunrod: Nonmagical equivalent to Sunburst
Tanglefoot Bag: Nonmagical equivalent to Hold Monster, Mass.
Thunderstone: Nonmagical equivalent to Power Word Stun.
Tindertwig: Nonmagical equivalent to the Combust spell, but can combust 2 targets no more than 10 feet apart.

Acid and Alchemist's Fire Splash Damage:
Masterwork: 3
Improved: 4
Exceptional: 5
Savvy: 6
Masterful: 7
Peerless: 8
Sublime: 9

Holy Water Splash Damage:
Masterwork: 4
Improved: 5
Exceptional: 6
Savvy: 7
Masterful: 8
Peerless: 9
Sublime: 10

In case one needs to know, the effective caster level for the non-magical equivalents is equal to the ranks in Craft (Alchemy)-3.

From Halidan of the Candlekeep message boards:
I like the concept in principle, but I've got some problems with the way you've taken the Everburning Torch. Rather than have it become some sort of illusion based wand with Daze/Rainbow Pattern/Fire Storm (BTW - where did that come from??)and then Scintilating Pattern, I think you should simply have the torch come closer to actual sunlight. The prgress could go something like this:

Improved Everburning Torch = The warmth of the torch acts as a Resist Energy (cold) spell on the person carrying the torch. (Cleric 2nd)
Exceptional Everburning Torch = Torch acts as a Daylight Spell within it's radius. (Bard 3rd)
Savvy Everburning Torch = Torch can cast a Seering Light Spell (Cleric 3rd)
Peerless Everburning Torch = Torch can cast a Sunbeam Spell (Cleric 7th)
Sublime Everburning Torch = Sunburst Spell (Cleric 8th)

The other question I have is about how often the spells can be cast from the torch. Most alchemical items have a duration - by definition, the torch lasts forever. Allowing it to cast a multiple number of these spells makes the item too powerful. My suggestion would be that once the spell is cast, the torch goes out for good. How does this seem to you folks?

Turambar on the Dragonlance Messageboards:
Quote from me:
I know. I am just posting it on multiple D&D messageboards to get people's opinion on it. So far, all people that commented think that it is good, and one suggested that I should find a good price range for Improved Alchemy. I am afraid that if I make them too expensive, then there will be no incentive to buy a 2d6 vial of acid if two vials that deal 1d6 each are cheaper.
His reply:
Simply make the cost exponential. And also put some constraint on the kind that if two vials are thrown at the same target, at least some time must pass before the other makes effect.

New Alchemical Equipment:

Healing Solvent: Requires 4 ranks of Craft (Alchemy) and 1 rank in Heal.

The Healing Solvent converts 1d4 points of damage per rank of Heal the creator had into nonlethal damage. You can only benefit from this once a day. If someone tries to use another Healing Solvent on you, the effort is wasted. The market price is 40 gp per rank in heal. If you possess an ability from the “healing” talent tree from the Alchemist Core Class, this does not count towards your daily uses.
Masterwork: Converts 1d6 points of damage per rank of Heal. Market Price: 60 gp per rank.
Improved: Non-magical equivalent of Cure Light Wounds.
Exceptional: Non-magical equivalent of Cure Moderate Wounds.
Savvy: Non-magical equivalent of Cure Serious Wounds .
Masterful: Non-magical equivalent of Cure Critical Wounds.
Peerless: Non-magical equivalent of Heal.
Sublime: Non-magical equivalent of Regenerate.

The alchemy of the standard Player's Handbook was rather useful, but their was no way to improve upon it at higher levels, where magic becomes much more popular. I also found the rule in which you had to be a spellcaster to make alchemical equipment senseless. Do you need to be a Wizard to be a master in chemistry? What about Lamordia, which is bereft of spellcasters? No alchemy for them!
When you look at the Player's Handbook material components, they all represent technology! For the Scry spell: Arcane Material Component: The eye of a hawk, an eagle, or a roc, plus nitric acid, copper, and zinc.
Wizard, Sorcerer, or Bard Focus: A mirror of finely wrought and highly polished silver costing not less than 1,000 gp. The mirror must be at least 2 feet by 4 feet.
Basically a television set.
For the Fireball spell: Material Component: A tiny ball of bat guano and sulfur.
You are basically a scientist, passing off natural phenomena as magic!
The 3rd edition spellcasters are basically no different than scientists!
Last edited by Gwenfloor on Sun Mar 11, 2007 9:39 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by Ail »


you might want to edit one of the feats to 'Unsurpassing Alchemy' and say that it is 'surpassed by few'. As it is, the meaning is quite funny.
I gave it a cursory glance, but it seems you are aiming at too far many levels. As you go up, the pre-requisites seem to become very difficult for experts that hardly adventure and thus gain little levels and impossible for adventurers who must spend their skill points somewhere else.

I don't know if you did this, but you should have a way of affecting the price of the altered items. They should reflect the hard requisites the alchemist has had to build, and I think a linear increase would not be enough. But then, perhaps the items would become to expensive for what they do. I mean, why buy a 2d6 acid bag if you can buy two 1d6 ones by less?

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Post by Lost Heretic »

Ail wrote:I mean, why buy a 2d6 acid bag if you can buy two 1d6 ones by less?
To kill the monster before it kills you?
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Post by Gwenfloor »

They will become more expensive, but I have not figured out a general price.
I will change the name of Surpassing Alchemy to Savvy Alchemy.
"Deities are no more than mortals with supernatural powers, and thus are capable of making mistakes."
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Post by Gwenfloor »

New revision to EB and Sunrod:

Improved EB:
Everburning Torch: Can be customized to create a nonmagical equivalent to the Resist Energy (Cold) spell to one target within the radius.
Improved Sunrod: Can be customized to create a nonmagical equivalent to Flare to one target within the radius.
Exceptional EB: Uses a nonmagical equivalent of Hypnotic Pattern
Exceptional Sunrod:Nonmagical equivalent to Blindness
Savvy EB:Non-magical equivalent of Searing Light.
Savvy Sunrod: Non-magical equivalent of Blindness
Masterful EB:Nonmagical equivalent to Rainbow Pattern
Masterful Sunrod:Nonmagical equivalent of Searing Light
Peerless EB:Nonmagical equivalent of True Seeing
Peerless Sunrod:Nonmagical equivalent to Sunbeam
Sublime EB:Nonmagical equivalent of Scintillating Pattern.
Sublime Sunrod:Nonmagical equivalent to Sunburst
"Deities are no more than mortals with supernatural powers, and thus are capable of making mistakes."
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Post by Gwenfloor »


The apothecary that brews healing herbs, the alchemist that crafts explosives and potions with unheard of effects, the Chemist is a master of the elements, underlying principles that govern reality.

Hit Die: d6. The Alchemist is a thinker, not a warrior.

Alignment: Any. The morality of Alchemists ranges from the benevolent to the fiendish.

Base Attack Progression: Poor.

Saves: Fortitude Poor, Reflex Good, Will Good.

Class Skills: Appraise, Concentration, Craft, Heal, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Architecture & Engineering), Knowledge (Nature), Profession, Search, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device.

Skill Points at 1st level: (8+ Int Mod) x4.

Skill Points at each additional level: 6+ Int Mod.
Level Base Attack Bonus Fortitude Reflex Will Class Features
1st 0 0 2 2 Talent
2nd 1 0 3 3 Expert Creation (x2)
3rd 1 1 3 3 Improved Alchemy, Skill Focus (Craft [Alchemy])
4th 2 1 4 4 Bonus Feat, Talent
5th 2 1 4 4 Quick Creation, Expert Creation (x3)
6th 3 2 5 5 Exceptional Alchemy
7th 3 2 5 5 Talent
8th 4 2 6 6 Bonus Feat, Improvised Creation, Expert Creation (x4)
9th 4 3 6 6 Savvy Alchemy
10th 5 3 7 7 Talent
11th 5 3 7 7 Discern Composition, Expert Creation (x5)
12th 6 4 8 8 Bonus Feat, Masterful Alchemy
13th 6 4 8 8 Talent
14th 7 4 9 9 Unorthodox Creation, Expert Creation (x6)
15th 7 5 9 9 Peerless Alchemy
16th 8 5 10 10 Talent, Bonus Feat
17th 8 5 10 10 Swift Creation, Expert Creation (x7)
18th 9 6 11 11 Sublime Alchemy
19th 9 6 11 11 Talent
20th 10 6 12 12 Legendary Physician, Bonus Feat, Expert Creation (x8 )

Class Features: The Following are the class features of the Alchemist.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Alchemists are proficient in all simple weapons, the Alchemist’s Gun (by Bhaal006), no armor, and no shields.

Talent: At first level, fourth level, and every four levels thereafter, the Alchemist can select one talent from below. Unless noted otherwise, each talent can only be taken once.

Poisoner: You are adept in the handling of toxins. You only have a 1% chance of accidentally poisoning yourself when applying poisons to an object.
Prerequisite: Craft (Poisonmaking) 4 ranks.

Festerer: You are an expert in the creation of toxins. At the cost of 1 1/2th the base cost of the poison for the purposes of item creation, you can increase the Fortitude Save DC by 4.
Prerequisite: Poisoner, Craft (Poisonmaking) 7 ranks.

Defiler: You are a master in the creation of toxins. At the cost of double the base cost of the poison for the purposes of item creation, you increase the ability/hit point damage of the primary and secondary effects by one die. If the ability/hit point damage's base is 1, increase it to a d3. For example, the primary and secondary damage of giant wasp venom would be 1d8 Dexterity.
Prerequisite: Poisoner, Festerer, Craft (Poisonmaking) 10 ranks.

Thermal Dynamics: You are adept at identifying sources of chemical reactions, plus the specific effects that the source would have on living subjects. By making a Craft (Alchemy) or Knowledge (Nature) check against the source’s Hit Dice+10, whether it be an elemental, an energy spell, or the breath weapon of a dragon, the Alchemist can learn what the general abilities of the chemical source in in-game knowledge terms. For sources without Hit Die, assume that the DC for simple, everyday sources, is 10, with 15 for unusual sources, and 20 for rare sources. Legendary and unheard of sources could be DC 25 and over. If she beats the DC by 10, she learns the more esoteric abilities of the source.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) 4 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 2 ranks.

Multitasking: By taking a -2 to both Craft (Alchemy) or Craft (Poisonmaking) checks, you can craft two alchemical items per week, rolling separately for both.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) 4 ranks, Concentration 4 ranks.

Improved Multi-tasking:
By taking -4 on all Craft (Alchemy) and Craft (Poisonmaking Checks), you can make three items in a standard time period, be it a week or shorter due to the Fast Creation or Swift Creation class features.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) or Craft (Poisonmaking) 7 ranks, Concentration 7 ranks, Multi-tasking.

Advanced Multi-tasking:
By taking -6 on all Craft (Alchemy) and/or Craft (Poisonmaking) checks, you can make four items in a standard time period, be it a week or shorter due to the Fast Creation or Swift Creation class features.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) and/or Craft (Poisonmaking) 10 ranks, Improved Multi-tasking, Multi-tasking.

Demolitionist: You are adept in the handling and setting up of explosive and harmful chemicals by minimizing the damage. You can decrease the radius of an alchemical device by 5 feet by adding +4 to the DC for the purposes of item creation.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) 4 ranks, Knowledge (Nature) 2 ranks.

Mad Bomber: You are adept in maximizing the danger and pain of explosive and harmful chemicals. You can increase the radius of an alchemical device by 5 feet by adding +6 to the DC for the purposes of item creation.
Prerequisites: Demolitionist, Craft (Alchemy) 7 ranks, Knowledge (Nature) 4 ranks.

Timer: You are skilled in the timing of setting up explosive and harmful chemicals so that they trigger when you want them to. By adding +4 to the DC for the purposes of item creation, you can have the alchemical device trigger later, up to three rounds, adding +2 to the DC for each additional round, decided at the time you finish crafting the item.
Prerequisites: Demolitionist, Mad Bomber, Craft (Alchemy) 10 ranks, Knowledge (Nature) 5 ranks.

Apothecary: You are proficient in making alchemical items that can improve and heal the body, both mental and physical. You receive a +4 bonus on Craft (Alchemy) checks to make Healing Solvents and Antitoxins. At the cost of 55 gold pieces for the purposes of item creation, you can make drug that if ingested, bestows a non-magical equivalent to an enchantment spell of 0th or 1st level to the imbiber.
Prerequisites: Heal 4 ranks, Profession(Herbalist) 2 ranks.

Druggist: You receive a +6 bonus on Craft (Alchemy) checks to make Healing Solvents and Antitoxins. At the cost of 175 gold pieces (2nd level) or 413 gold pieces (3rd level) for the purposes of item creation, you can make a drug that if ingested, bestows a non-magical equivalent to an enchantment spell of 2nd or 3rd level to the imbiber, or Cure Poison or Cure Disease, one poison or disease at the time of creation, or any of the stat boosting spells, (Bull’s Strength, Fox’s Cunning, etc.).
Prerequisites: Apothecary, Heal 7 ranks, Profession (Herbalist) 4 ranks.

Pharmacist: You receive a +8 bonus on Craft (Alchemy) checks to make Healing Solvents and Antitoxins. At the cost of 770 gold pieces (4th level) or 1238 gold pieces (5th level) for the purposes of item creation, you can make a drug that if ingested, bestows a non-magical equivalent to an enchantment spell of 4th or 5th level to the imbiber.
Prerequisites: Apothecary, Pharmacist, Heal 10 ranks, Profession (Herbalist) 5 ranks.

Healer: Three times a day per person, you can use a Heal check to minimize injuries. By making a DC 15 Heal check, you can convert 1d4 hit points of lethal damage into nonlethal damage. For every 3 points by which you beat the DC, you convert an additional d4 hit points. By expending two out of three uses, you can completely heal the damage by the amount of hit points you would have converted.
Prerequisite: Heal 4 ranks.

Doctor: When converting lethal damage to nonlethal damage and completely healing, you use a d6 instead of a d4.
Prerequisites: Healer, Heal 7 ranks.

Surgeon: When converting lethal damage to nonlethal damage and completely healing, you use a d8 instead of a d6.
Prerequisites: Healer, Doctor, Heal 10 ranks.

Expert Creation: When using the Craft (Alchemy) skill, you make double the gp you would normally make at the end of the period for the purposes of crafting items. This bonus increases at every three levels thereafter, to a maximum of eight times the gp you would normally make at 20th level.

Fast Creation: At 2nd level, an Alchemist, when using the purposes of making items for Craft (Alchemy), she only needs to spend 3.5 days instead of a full week.

Improved Alchemy: At 3rd level, the Alchemist gains Improved Alchemy as a bonus feat, regardless of whether she meets the prerequisites. If she already has this feat, she gain select another feat that she meets the prerequisites for.

Skill Focus (Craft [Alchemy]): At 3rd level, the Alchemist gains Skill Focus (Craft [Alchemy]) as a bonus feat. If she already has this feat, she gain select another feat that she meets the prerequisites for.

Bonus Feat: At fourth level and every four levels thereafter, the Alchemist gains a bonus feat, selected from the following list: Combat Expertise, Endurance, Far Shot, Grenadier (PHBII), Iron Will, Mad Alchemist (PHBII), Open Minded (Complet Adventurer), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw.

Quick Creation: At 5th level, an Alchemist, when using the purposes of making items for Craft (Alchemy), she only needs to spend 2 days instead of a full week.

Exceptional Alchemy: At 6th level, the Alchemist gains Exceptional Alchemy as a bonus feat, regardless of whether or not she meets the prerequisites.

Improvised Creation: The Alchemist is capable of using unorthodox materials and jury-rigged tools to quickly create alchemical equipment. The Craft DC for making jury-rigged alchemical equipment is reduced by 10, taking only one full day to make but damaging alchemical equipment explodes on a roll of a natural one when crafting it, plus the Save DCs and damage rolls for jury-rigged alchemical equipment are reduced by 4 for Save DCs, and -2 per damage dice. For example, an acid made by Savvy Alchemy would deal 4d6-8 points of acid damage.

Savvy Alchemy: At 9th level, the Alchemist gains Savvy Alchemy as a bonus feat, regardless of whether or not she meets the prerequisites.

Discern Composition: At 11th level, an Alchemist gains the Discern Composition Class Feature. By making a Craft (Alchemy) check against a monster with a DC of the monster's Hit Dice+15, the Alchemist can discern the monster's type and subtype, plus any weaknesses it might have.

Masterful Alchemy: At 12th level, the Alchemist gains Masterful Alchemy as a bonus feat, regardless of whether or not she meets the prerequisites.

Unorthodox Creation: At 14th level, the Alchemist can substitute extraordinary abilities that duplicate magic in alchemical devices by selecting another spell of the same level, in the same school, by adding the minimum caster level to the DC of crafting an alchemical device.

Peerless Alchemy: At 15th level, the Alchemist gains Peerless Alchemy as a bonus feat, regardless of whether or not she meets the prerequisites.

Swift Creation: At 17th level, the Alchemist, when using the purposes of making items for Craft (Alchemy), she only needs to spend 1 day instead of a full week.

Sublime Alchemy: At 18th level, the Alchemist gains Sublime Alchemy as a bonus feat, regardless of whether or not she meets the prerequisites.

Legendary Physician: At 20th level, you are a living paramount to the study of chemistry, your very existence proof of a major scientific breakthrough. You gain a +8 insight bonus on Craft (Alchemy) and Knowledge (Arcana) checks. When you create alchemical devices that damage or heal, you bestow the maximum possible dice result for damage or healing.

By Bhaal006 of the WotC message boards:
Alchemists Gun: This strange looking device has a large metal cylinder mounted on top of what appears to be a crossbow frame but lacking the arms that defines such a weapon, closer examination reveals a tightly coiled spring housed inside the tube, this device was created by adventuring alchmists as means to deliver their potent chemical formulas froma safer distance, Increase the rang increment of all grenadelike weapons fired from this device to 40ft.

I use the magic item creation rules in the DMG to figure out the market price for my alchemical equipment. For example, a potion with a 2nd level spell by a third level caster would cost 150 gp, 25x2 (the spell level)x3(the caster level). At the end, I double the price to 300 gp, as they are non-magical, and thus more powerful than their equivalent spells. Raw materials cost 1/3rd the market price, making it 100 gp for an alchemist. In order to make a lot of alchemical equipment to keep up with the spell casters, I implemented the Multi-tasking talent tree, and the Fast Creation, Swift Creation, and Expert Creation rules.

By RuckusFox of the WotC message boards:
Alchemist's Vest
This vest is specially built for the alchemist on the go! It is specially lined with deerskin-twice-to prevent nasty burns. It provides -1 to chemical damage (splash or direct). The sides of the vest are covered with plenty of different component pouches, each with their own protective flap and sealing buckle. If declared buckled, components inside of buckled pouches will not spill, even when fumbling (Natural 1).
Cost: 50 GP ?

Since they are non-magic, they are priced like potions to their magical equivalents, but the market price is increased by 10%. For dispel magic, you must target individual magic equipment, and antimagic fields do not come into use by spell casters until 11th level.
Last edited by Gwenfloor on Sun Mar 11, 2007 9:40 pm, edited 3 times in total.
"Deities are no more than mortals with supernatural powers, and thus are capable of making mistakes."
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Post by Archedius »

Hmm looks fun- test it out and submit it to a QtR.
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Post by Gwenfloor »

I got some suggestions from other experienced D&D players, so I remodeled the class and feats:

Variant: Masterwork Alchemy


The apothecary that brews healing herbs, the alchemist that crafts explosives and potions with unheard of effects, the Chemist is a master of the elements, underlying principles that govern reality.

Hit Die: d6. The Alchemist is a thinker, not a warrior.

Alignment: Any. The morality of Alchemists ranges from the benevolent to the fiendish.

Base Attack Progression: Poor.

Saves: Fortitude Poor, Reflex Good, Will Good.

Class Skills: Appraise, Concentration, Craft, Heal, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Architecture & Engineering), Knowledge (Nature), Profession, Search, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device.

Skill Points at 1st level: (6+ Int Mod) x4.

Skill Points at each additional level: 6+ Int Mod.
Level Base Attack Bonus Fortitude Reflex Will Class Features
1st 0 0 2 2 Talent
2nd 1 0 3 3 Expert Creation (x2)
3rd 1 1 3 3 Improved Alchemy, Skill Focus (Craft [Alchemy])
4th 2 1 4 4 Bonus Feat, Talent
5th 2 1 4 4 Quick Creation, Expert Creation (x3)
6th 3 2 5 5 Exceptional Alchemy
7th 3 2 5 5 Talent
8th 4 2 6 6 Bonus Feat, Improvised Creation, Expert Creation (x4)
9th 4 3 6 6 Savvy Alchemy
10th 5 3 7 7 Talent
11th 5 3 7 7 Discern Composition, Expert Creation (x5)
12th 6 4 8 8 Bonus Feat, Masterful Alchemy
13th 6 4 8 8 Talent
14th 7 4 9 9 Unorthodox Creation, Expert Creation (x6)
15th 7 5 9 9 Peerless Alchemy
16th 8 5 10 10 Talent, Bonus Feat
17th 8 5 10 10 Swift Creation, Expert Creation (x7)
18th 9 6 11 11 Sublime Alchemy
19th 9 6 11 11 Talent
20th 10 6 12 12 Legendary Physician, Bonus Feat, Expert Creation (x8)

Class Features: The Following are the class features of the Alchemist.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Alchemists are proficient in all simple weapons, the Alchemist’s Gun (by Bhaal006), no armor, and no shields.

Talent: At first level, fourth level, and every four levels thereafter, the Alchemist can select one talent from below. Unless noted otherwise, each talent can only be taken once.

Poisoner: You are adept in the handling of toxins. You only have a 1% chance of accidentally poisoning yourself when applying poisons to an object.
Prerequisite: Craft (Poisonmaking) 4 ranks.

Festerer: You are an expert in the creation of toxins. At the cost of 1 1/2th the base cost of the poison for the purposes of item creation, you can increase the Fortitude Save DC by 4.
Prerequisite: Craft (Poisonmaking) 7 ranks.

Defiler: You are a master in the creation of toxins. At the cost of double the base cost of the poison for the purposes of item creation, you increase the ability/hit point damage of the primary and secondary effects by one die. If the ability/hit point damage's base is 1, increase it to a d3. For example, the primary and secondary damage of giant wasp venom would be 1d8 Dexterity.
Prerequisite: Craft (Poisonmaking) 10 ranks.

Thermal Dynamics: You are adept at identifying sources of chemical reactions, plus the specific effects that the source would have on living subjects. By making a Craft (Alchemy) or Knowledge (Nature) check against the source’s Hit Dice+10, whether it be an elemental, an energy spell, or the breath weapon of a dragon, the Alchemist can learn what the general abilities of the chemical source in in-game knowledge terms. For sources without Hit Die, assume that the DC for simple, everyday sources, is 10, with 15 for unusual sources, and 20 for rare sources. Legendary and unheard of sources could be DC 25 and over. If she beats the DC by 10, she learns the more esoteric abilities of the source.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) 4 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 2 ranks.

Multitasking: By taking a -4 to both Craft (Alchemy) or Craft (Poisonmaking) checks, you can craft two alchemical items per week, rolling separately for both.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) 4 ranks, Concentration 4 ranks.

Improved Multi-tasking:
By taking -6 on all Craft (Alchemy) and Craft (Poisonmaking Checks), you can make three items in a standard time period, be it a week or shorter due to the Fast Creation or Swift Creation class features.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) or Craft (Poisonmaking) 7 ranks, Concentration 7 ranks, Multi-tasking.

Advanced Multi-tasking:
By taking -8 on all Craft (Alchemy) and/or Craft (Poisonmaking) checks, you can make four items in a standard time period, be it a week or shorter due to the Fast Creation or Swift Creation class features.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) and/or Craft (Poisonmaking) 10 ranks, Improved Multi-tasking, Multi-tasking.

Demolitionist: You are adept in the handling and setting up of explosive and harmful chemicals by minimizing the damage. You can decrease the radius of an alchemical device by 5 feet by adding +4 to the DC for the purposes of item creation.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) 4 ranks, Knowledge (Nature) 2 ranks.

Mad Bomber: You are adept in maximizing the danger and pain of explosive and harmful chemicals. You can increase the radius of an alchemical device by 5 feet by adding +6 to the DC for the purposes of item creation.
Prerequisites: Demolitionist, Craft (Alchemy) 7 ranks, Knowledge (Nature) 4 ranks.

Timer: You are skilled in the timing of setting up explosive and harmful chemicals so that they trigger when you want them to. By adding +8 to the DC for the purposes of item creation, you can have the alchemical device trigger later, up to twenty rounds, decided at the time you finish crafting the item.
Prerequisites: Demolitionist, Mad Bomber, Craft (Alchemy) 10 ranks, Knowledge (Nature) 5 ranks.

Apothecary: You are proficient in making alchemical items that can improve and heal the body, both mental and physical. You receive a +4 bonus on Craft (Alchemy) checks to make Healing Solvents and Antitoxins.At the cost of 100 gold pieces for the purposes of item creation, you can make drug that if ingested, bestows a non-magical equivalent to an enchantment spell of 0th or 1st level to the imbiber.
Prerequisites: Heal 4 ranks, Profession(Herbalist) 2 ranks.

Druggist: You receive a +6 bonus on Craft (Alchemy) checks to make Healing Solvents and Antitoxins. At the cost of 500 gold pieces for the purposes of item creation, you can make a drug that if ingested, bestows a non-magical equivalent to an enchantment spell of 2nd level to the imbiber, or Cure Poison or Cure Disease, choose one poison or disease at the time of creation.
Prerequisites: Apothecary, Heal 7 ranks, Profession (Herbalist) 4 ranks.

Pharmacist: You receive a +8 bonus on Craft (Alchemy) checks to make Healing Solvents and Antitoxins. At the cost of 1,400 gold pieces for the purposes of item creation, you can make a drug that if ingested, bestows a non-magical equivalent to an enchantment spell of 3rd or 4th level to the imbiber.
Prerequisites: Apothecary, Pharmacist, Heal 10 ranks, Profession (Herbalist) 5 ranks.

Healer: Three times a day per person, you can use a Heal check to minimize injuries. By making a DC 15 Heal check, you can convert 1d4 hit points of lethal damage into nonlethal damage. For every 3 points by which you beat the DC, you convert an additional d4 hit points. By expending two out of three uses, you can completely heal the damage by the amount of hit points you would have converted.
Prerequisite: Heal 4 ranks.

Doctor: When converting lethal damage to nonlethal damage and completely healing, you use a d6 instead of a d4.
Prerequisites: Healer, Heal 7 ranks.

Surgeon: When converting lethal damage to nonlethal damage and completely healing, you use a d8 instead of a d6.
Prerequisites: Healer, Doctor, Heal 10 ranks.

Expert Creation: When using the Craft (Alchemy) skill, you make double the gp you would normally make at the end of the period for the purposes of crafting items. This bonus increases at every three levels thereafter, to a maximum of eight times the gp you would normally make at 20th level.

Fast Creation: At 2nd level, an Alchemist, when using the purposes of making items for Craft (Alchemy), she only needs to spend 3.5 days instead of a full week.

Improved Alchemy: At 3rd level, the Alchemist gains Improved Alchemy as a bonus feat, regardless of whether she meets the prerequisites. If she already has this feat, she gain select another feat that she meets the prerequisites for.

Skill Focus (Craft [Alchemy]): At 3rd level, the Alchemist gains Skill Focus (Craft [Alchemy]) as a bonus feat. If she already has this feat, she gain select another feat that she meets the prerequisites for.

Bonus Feat: At fourth level and every four levels thereafter, the Alchemist gains a bonus feat, selected from the following list: Combat Expertise, Endurance, Far Shot, Grenadier (PHBII), Iron Will, Mad Alchemist (PHBII), Open Minded (Complet Adventurer), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw.

Quick Creation: At 5th level, an Alchemist, when using the purposes of making items for Craft (Alchemy), she only needs to spend 2 days instead of a full week.

Exceptional Alchemy: At 6th level, the Alchemist gains Exceptional Alchemy as a bonus feat, regardless of whether or not she meets the prerequisites.

Improvised Creation: The Alchemist is capable of using unorthodox materials and jury-rigged tools to quickly create alchemical equipment. The Craft DC for making jury-rigged alchemical equipment is reduced by 10, taking only one full day to make but damaging alchemical equipment explodes on a roll of a natural one when crafting it, plus the Save DCs and damage rolls for jury-rigged alchemical equipment are reduced by 4 for Save DCs, and -2 per damage dice. For example, an acid made by Savvy Alchemy would deal 4d6-8 points of acid damage.

Savvy Alchemy: At 9th level, the Alchemist gains Savvy Alchemy as a bonus feat, regardless of whether or not she meets the prerequisites.

Discern Composition: At 11th level, an Alchemist gains the Discern Composition Class Feature. By making a Craft (Alchemy) check against a monster with a DC of the monster's Hit Dice+15, the Alchemist can discern the monster's type and subtype, plus any weaknesses it might have.

Masterful Alchemy: At 12th level, the Alchemist gains Masterful Alchemy as a bonus feat, regardless of whether or not she meets the prerequisites.

Unorthodox Creation: At 14th level, the Alchemist can substitute extraordinary abilities that duplicate magic in alchemical devices by selecting another spell of the same level, in the same school, by adding the minimum caster level to the DC of crafting an alchemical device.

Peerless Alchemy: At 15th level, the Alchemist gains Peerless Alchemy as a bonus feat, regardless of whether or not she meets the prerequisites.

Swift Creation: At 17th level, the Alchemist, when using the purposes of making items for Craft (Alchemy), she only needs to spend 1 day instead of a full week.

Sublime Alchemy: At 18th level, the Alchemist gains Sublime Alchemy as a bonus feat, regardless of whether or not she meets the prerequisites.

Legendary Physician: At 20th level, you are a living paramount to the study of chemistry, your very existence proof of a major scientific breakthrough. You gain a +8 insight bonus on Craft (Alchemy) and Knowledge (Arcana) checks. When you create alchemical devices that damage or heal, you bestow the maximum possible dice result for damage or healing.

By Bhaal006 of the WotC Messageboards:
Alchemists Gun: This strange looking device has a large metal cylinder mounted on top of what appears to be a crossbow frame but lacking the arms that defines such a weapon, closer examination reveals a tightly coiled spring housed inside the tube, this device was created by adventuring alchmists as means to deliver their potent chemical formulas froma safer distance, Increase the rang increment of all grenadelike weapons fired from this device to 40ft.
Last edited by Gwenfloor on Sat Mar 10, 2007 7:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Deities are no more than mortals with supernatural powers, and thus are capable of making mistakes."
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Post by alhoon »

OK, not wanting to sound lazy but... can you send that to QtR? :)

I was tinkering with such a thing for years. Never managed to end up in a good class. Yours seems fine. However I would give Alchemist a bit of spellcasting power and light armor proficiency?

May be as bold as to propose the following? Arcane spells BTW.

Known Spells:
Alchemist level/ spell level 0/1/2/3/4/5

. 1-2 (no spells)
. 3 2/1
. 4 3/2
. 5 4/3/1
. 6 4/4/2
. 7 5/5/3
. 8 5/5/3/1
. 9 5/5/4/2
. 10 6/5/5/3
. 11 6/5/5/3/1
. 12 6/5/5/4/2
. 13 6/6/5/5/3
. 14 6/6/5/5/3/1
. 15 6/6/5/5/4/2
. 16 7/6/6/5/5/3
. 17 7/6/6/5/5/3/1
. 18 7/6/6/5/5/4/2
. 19 7/7/6/6/5/5/3
. 20 7/7/6/6/5/5/3/1

Alchemist spells should be things that best work in potions, need long casting times and have material components. For example an invisibility spell by an Alchemist should have a casting time of 3rds, while a cure light wounds spell should be unchanged.
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Post by Gwenfloor »

I prefer to keep alchemy separate, as the two were rarely combined in real world myths and history.
However, I am planning on a prestige class that combines alchemy and magic, for those of you who want to take the best of both worlds.
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Post by Gwenfloor »

I remodeled the Alchemist class in my earlier post. They know have more skill points, a good reflex save, and put in the Multi-tasking talent tree, and improved Expert Creation.
"Deities are no more than mortals with supernatural powers, and thus are capable of making mistakes."
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Post by Gwenfloor »

alhoon wrote:OK, not wanting to sound lazy but... can you send that to QtR? :)
I tried to look at the submission article in the downloads section, but it only gave an example of prestige classes. It did not say any particular format or font.
"Deities are no more than mortals with supernatural powers, and thus are capable of making mistakes."
~Alper, Kobold Alchemist in my Ravenloft Campaign
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Stygian Inquirer
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Post by Stygian Inquirer »

Check the sticky thread about QtR #14.
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Post by Gwenfloor »

Before submitting, I will need Bhaal006's and RuckusFox's permission to post their Gun and Vest Equipment. I am waiting for their reply at the WotC message boards.
"Deities are no more than mortals with supernatural powers, and thus are capable of making mistakes."
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Post by Gwenfloor »

Final Version Up!!!

Instead of remodeling the original post, I am putting the final version of the Alchemist here:


The apothecary that brews healing herbs, the alchemist that crafts explosives and potions with unheard of effects, the Chemist is a master of the elements, underlying principles that govern reality.

Hit Die: d6. The Alchemist is a thinker, not a warrior.

Alignment: Any. The morality of Alchemists ranges from the benevolent to the fiendish.

Base Attack Progression: Poor.

Saves: Fortitude Poor, Reflex Good, Will Good.

Class Skills: Appraise, Concentration, Craft, Heal, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Architecture & Engineering), Knowledge (Nature), Profession, Search, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device.

Skill Points at 1st level: (8+ Int Mod) x4.

Skill Points at each additional level: 6+ Int Mod.
Level Base Attack Bonus Fortitude Reflex Will Class Features
1st 0 0 2 2 Talent
2nd 1 0 3 3 Expert Creation (x2)
3rd 1 1 3 3 Improved Alchemy, Skill Focus (Craft [Alchemy])
4th 2 1 4 4 Bonus Feat, Talent
5th 2 1 4 4 Quick Creation, Expert Creation (x3)
6th 3 2 5 5 Exceptional Alchemy
7th 3 2 5 5 Talent
8th 4 2 6 6 Bonus Feat, Improvised Creation, Expert Creation (x4)
9th 4 3 6 6 Savvy Alchemy
10th 5 3 7 7 Talent
11th 5 3 7 7 Discern Composition, Expert Creation (x5)
12th 6 4 8 8 Bonus Feat, Masterful Alchemy
13th 6 4 8 8 Talent
14th 7 4 9 9 Unorthodox Creation, Expert Creation (x6)
15th 7 5 9 9 Peerless Alchemy
16th 8 5 10 10 Talent, Bonus Feat
17th 8 5 10 10 Swift Creation, Expert Creation (x7)
18th 9 6 11 11 Sublime Alchemy
19th 9 6 11 11 Talent
20th 10 6 12 12 Legendary Physician, Bonus Feat, Expert Creation (x8)

Class Features: The Following are the class features of the Alchemist.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Alchemists are proficient in all simple weapons, the Alchemist’s Gun (by Bhaal006), no armor, and no shields.

Talent: At first level, fourth level, and every four levels thereafter, the Alchemist can select one talent from below. Unless noted otherwise, each talent can only be taken once.

Poisoner: You are adept in the handling of toxins. You only have a 1% chance of accidentally poisoning yourself when applying poisons to an object.
Prerequisite: Craft (Poisonmaking) 4 ranks.

Festerer: You are an expert in the creation of toxins. At the cost of 1 1/2th the base cost of the poison for the purposes of item creation, you can increase the Fortitude Save DC by 4.
Prerequisite: Poisoner, Craft (Poisonmaking) 7 ranks.

Defiler: You are a master in the creation of toxins. At the cost of double the base cost of the poison for the purposes of item creation, you increase the ability/hit point damage of the primary and secondary effects by one die. If the ability/hit point damage's base is 1, increase it to a d3. For example, the primary and secondary damage of giant wasp venom would be 1d8 Dexterity.
Prerequisite: Poisoner, Festerer, Craft (Poisonmaking) 10 ranks.

Thermal Dynamics: You are adept at identifying sources of chemical reactions, plus the specific effects that the source would have on living subjects. By making a Craft (Alchemy) or Knowledge (Nature) check against the source’s Hit Dice+10, whether it be an elemental, an energy spell, or the breath weapon of a dragon, the Alchemist can learn what the general abilities of the chemical source in in-game knowledge terms. For sources without Hit Die, assume that the DC for simple, everyday sources, is 10, with 15 for unusual sources, and 20 for rare sources. Legendary and unheard of sources could be DC 25 and over. If she beats the DC by 10, she learns the more esoteric abilities of the source.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) 4 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 2 ranks.

Multitasking: By taking a -2 to both Craft (Alchemy) or Craft (Poisonmaking) checks, you can craft two alchemical items per week, rolling separately for both.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) 4 ranks, Concentration 4 ranks.

Improved Multi-tasking:
By taking -4 on all Craft (Alchemy) and Craft (Poisonmaking Checks), you can make three items in a standard time period, be it a week or shorter due to the Fast Creation or Swift Creation class features.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) or Craft (Poisonmaking) 7 ranks, Concentration 7 ranks, Multi-tasking.

Advanced Multi-tasking:
By taking -6 on all Craft (Alchemy) and/or Craft (Poisonmaking) checks, you can make four items in a standard time period, be it a week or shorter due to the Fast Creation or Swift Creation class features.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) and/or Craft (Poisonmaking) 10 ranks, Improved Multi-tasking, Multi-tasking.

Demolitionist: You are adept in the handling and setting up of explosive and harmful chemicals by minimizing the damage. You can decrease the radius of an alchemical device by 5 feet by adding +4 to the DC for the purposes of item creation.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) 4 ranks, Knowledge (Nature) 2 ranks.

Mad Bomber: You are adept in maximizing the danger and pain of explosive and harmful chemicals. You can increase the radius of an alchemical device by 5 feet by adding +6 to the DC for the purposes of item creation.
Prerequisites: Demolitionist, Craft (Alchemy) 7 ranks, Knowledge (Nature) 4 ranks.

Timer: You are skilled in the timing of setting up explosive and harmful chemicals so that they trigger when you want them to. By adding +4 to the DC for the purposes of item creation, you can have the alchemical device trigger later, up to three rounds, adding +2 to the DC for each additional round, decided at the time you finish crafting the item.
Prerequisites: Demolitionist, Mad Bomber, Craft (Alchemy) 10 ranks, Knowledge (Nature) 5 ranks.

Apothecary: You are proficient in making alchemical items that can improve and heal the body, both mental and physical. You receive a +4 bonus on Craft (Alchemy) checks to make Healing Solvents and Antitoxins. At the cost of 55 gold pieces for the purposes of item creation, you can make drug that if ingested, bestows a non-magical equivalent to an enchantment spell of 0th or 1st level to the imbiber.
Prerequisites: Heal 4 ranks, Profession(Herbalist) 2 ranks.

Druggist: You receive a +6 bonus on Craft (Alchemy) checks to make Healing Solvents and Antitoxins. At the cost of 175 gold pieces (2nd level) or 413 gold pieces (3rd level) for the purposes of item creation, you can make a drug that if ingested, bestows a non-magical equivalent to an enchantment spell of 2nd or 3rd level to the imbiber, or Cure Poison or Cure Disease, one poison or disease at the time of creation, or any of the stat boosting spells, (Bull’s Strength, Fox’s Cunning, etc.).
Prerequisites: Apothecary, Heal 7 ranks, Profession (Herbalist) 4 ranks.

Pharmacist: You receive a +8 bonus on Craft (Alchemy) checks to make Healing Solvents and Antitoxins. At the cost of 770 gold pieces (4th level) or 1238 gold pieces (5th level) for the purposes of item creation, you can make a drug that if ingested, bestows a non-magical equivalent to an enchantment spell of 4th or 5th level to the imbiber.
Prerequisites: Apothecary, Pharmacist, Heal 10 ranks, Profession (Herbalist) 5 ranks.

Healer: Three times a day per person, you can use a Heal check to minimize injuries. By making a DC 15 Heal check, you can convert 1d4 hit points of lethal damage into nonlethal damage. For every 3 points by which you beat the DC, you convert an additional d4 hit points. By expending two out of three uses, you can completely heal the damage by the amount of hit points you would have converted.
Prerequisite: Heal 4 ranks.

Doctor: When converting lethal damage to nonlethal damage and completely healing, you use a d6 instead of a d4.
Prerequisites: Healer, Heal 7 ranks.

Surgeon: When converting lethal damage to nonlethal damage and completely healing, you use a d8 instead of a d6.
Prerequisites: Healer, Doctor, Heal 10 ranks.

Expert Creation: When using the Craft (Alchemy) skill, you make double the gp you would normally make at the end of the period for the purposes of crafting items. This bonus increases at every three levels thereafter, to a maximum of eight times the gp you would normally make at 20th level.

Fast Creation: At 2nd level, an Alchemist, when using the purposes of making items for Craft (Alchemy), she only needs to spend 3.5 days instead of a full week.

Improved Alchemy: At 3rd level, the Alchemist gains Improved Alchemy as a bonus feat, regardless of whether she meets the prerequisites. If she already has this feat, she gain select another feat that she meets the prerequisites for.

Skill Focus (Craft [Alchemy]): At 3rd level, the Alchemist gains Skill Focus (Craft [Alchemy]) as a bonus feat. If she already has this feat, she gain select another feat that she meets the prerequisites for.

Bonus Feat: At fourth level and every four levels thereafter, the Alchemist gains a bonus feat, selected from the following list: Combat Expertise, Endurance, Far Shot, Grenadier (PHBII), Iron Will, Mad Alchemist (PHBII), Open Minded (Complet Adventurer), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw.

Quick Creation: At 5th level, an Alchemist, when using the purposes of making items for Craft (Alchemy), she only needs to spend 2 days instead of a full week.

Exceptional Alchemy: At 6th level, the Alchemist gains Exceptional Alchemy as a bonus feat, regardless of whether or not she meets the prerequisites.

Improvised Creation: The Alchemist is capable of using unorthodox materials and jury-rigged tools to quickly create alchemical equipment. The Craft DC for making jury-rigged alchemical equipment is reduced by 10, taking only one full day to make but damaging alchemical equipment explodes on a roll of a natural one when crafting it, plus the Save DCs and damage rolls for jury-rigged alchemical equipment are reduced by 4 for Save DCs, and -2 per damage dice. For example, an acid made by Savvy Alchemy would deal 4d6-8 points of acid damage.

Savvy Alchemy: At 9th level, the Alchemist gains Savvy Alchemy as a bonus feat, regardless of whether or not she meets the prerequisites.

Discern Composition: At 11th level, an Alchemist gains the Discern Composition Class Feature. By making a Craft (Alchemy) check against a monster with a DC of the monster's Hit Dice+15, the Alchemist can discern the monster's type and subtype, plus any weaknesses it might have.

Masterful Alchemy: At 12th level, the Alchemist gains Masterful Alchemy as a bonus feat, regardless of whether or not she meets the prerequisites.

Unorthodox Creation: At 14th level, the Alchemist can substitute extraordinary abilities that duplicate magic in alchemical devices by selecting another spell of the same level, in the same school, by adding the minimum caster level to the DC of crafting an alchemical device.

Peerless Alchemy: At 15th level, the Alchemist gains Peerless Alchemy as a bonus feat, regardless of whether or not she meets the prerequisites.

Swift Creation: At 17th level, the Alchemist, when using the purposes of making items for Craft (Alchemy), she only needs to spend 1 day instead of a full week.

Sublime Alchemy: At 18th level, the Alchemist gains Sublime Alchemy as a bonus feat, regardless of whether or not she meets the prerequisites.

Legendary Physician: At 20th level, you are a living paramount to the study of chemistry, your very existence proof of a major scientific breakthrough. You gain a +8 insight bonus on Craft (Alchemy) and Knowledge (Arcana) checks. When you create alchemical devices that damage or heal, you bestow the maximum possible dice result for damage or healing.

By Bhaal006 of the WotC message boards:
Alchemists Gun: This strange looking device has a large metal cylinder mounted on top of what appears to be a crossbow frame but lacking the arms that defines such a weapon, closer examination reveals a tightly coiled spring housed inside the tube, this device was created by adventuring alchmists as means to deliver their potent chemical formulas froma safer distance, Increase the rang increment of all grenadelike weapons fired from this device to 40ft.

I use the magic item creation rules in the DMG to figure out the market price for my alchemical equipment. For example, a potion with a 2nd level spell by a third level caster would cost 150 gp, 25x2 (the spell level)x3(the caster level). At the end, I double the price to 300 gp, as they are non-magical, and thus more powerful than their equivalent spells. Raw materials cost 1/3rd the market price, making it 100 gp for an alchemist. In order to make a lot of alchemical equipment to keep up with the spell casters, I implemented the Multi-tasking talent tree, and the Fast Creation, Swift Creation, and Expert Creation rules.

By RuckusFox of the WotC message boards:
Alchemist's Vest
This vest is specially built for the alchemist on the go! It is specially lined with deerskin-twice-to prevent nasty burns. It provides -1 to chemical damage (splash or direct). The sides of the vest are covered with plenty of different component pouches, each with their own protective flap and sealing buckle. If declared buckled, components inside of buckled pouches will not spill, even when fumbling (Natural 1).
Cost: 50 GP ?

Since they are non-magic, they are priced like scrolls to their magical equivalents. For dispel magic, you must target individual magic equipment, and antimagic fields do not come into use by spell casters until 11th level.
"Deities are no more than mortals with supernatural powers, and thus are capable of making mistakes."
~Alper, Kobold Alchemist in my Ravenloft Campaign
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