Fan-Made Domain: Silent Hill

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Fan-Made Domain: Silent Hill

Post by Gwenfloor »

I found the mechanic on how the land shapes to its Darklord's will and whim in a subtle and psychological way reminiscent of Silent Hill, a popular Survival Horror video game series.
I also enjoyed how the town of Silent Hill was made by the descent of Alessa's drive for revenge. If Silent Hill were in Ravenloft, Alessa would be the Darklord. So here we go:

Silent Hill

Cultural Level: Formerly around 12 (Industrial), now Savage(0). In the movie, Silent Hill had some cultists, but I cannot accurately measure the Cultural Level. Too sophisticated for Stone Age, yet too savage for anything higher.
Population: Occasional trapped denizen, no surviving natives other than the cultists. Monsters: Unknown
Magic Rating: 0
Desolate and dark, Silent Hill is surrounded by an impenetrable fog, thick enough that one cannot see several feet ahead. The buildings are dirty and decrepit, the cars unworking regardless of condition. Even in noon, the fog captures most of the rays of sunlight, leaving the entire town trapped in a fog-bound abbattoir. No visible indication of why or how the town was abadoned is visible anywhere. That is, any place that would not be visible to the unseeing eye...
Technological devices for transportation and communication stop functioning, while radios and walkie-talkies give off faint static. At times, the static grows stronger, until it is impossible for the ears to not pick up the cacophany. Woe to the soul who hears this, as this is a sure indication that the blasphemous beings that roam this town are nearby.

The Darklord of the realm is no more than a little girl, Alessa Gillespie. Treated horribly at the hands of the locals, she was inflicted by numerous atrocities thanks to the local cult. She was no more than a witch in their eyes, not an innocent child. She was ritually sacrificed on the Church alter of the cult to purge her evil.
Alessa just barely survived, relocated to the burn ward section of a hospital. Her constant pain and agony were channeled into thoughts of vengeance at the hands of the cult and their leader, Dahlia.
Alessa now subconsciously controls the town of Silent Hill, the monsters and locations shaped by her thoughts, wants, desires, and fears.

Monsters of Silent Hill
Silent Hill 2


Lying Figure: CR 1; Medium Aberration; HD 2d8+4; hp 16; Init +2; Spd 15 feet ( 40 feet when on its belly); Defense 13; Touch 12; Flat-footed 11; Bab +1; Grapple -3 (no arms); Attack Slam +1 Melee (1d3) or Acid Spray +3 Ranged (1d6 acid, Reflex Save DC 15 for half); Space/Reach 5/5; Special Qualities: Low-light vision, Dark-vision 60 feet, Resistance to Acid 10, Acid Breath Weapon; AL: None or Silent Hill; Abilities: Saves: Fort+2, Ref+0, Will+3; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 6; Skills: Balance+6, Bluff +3 (+7 when feinting), Tumble +7; Feats: Ability Focus (Acid Spray).
A slim, grey humanoid with no arms and a face that appears to have its flesh burned off slowly walks toward you, moaning in agony. As it reaches you, its upper body starts swaying side to side, a soft rumbling sound emanates from the figure. Suddenly, its torso opens up, exposing its organs, not resembling any normal human being’s. An organ in its body starts spraying a greenish acidic mist towards you, its foul smell overwhelming your nostrils.
A Lying Figure is a pitiful creature, its form representing suffering and agony. It walks up to any light source or foreign creature (humans), and sprays its acid mist at it. When the creature encounters belligerent prey, it feigns death. If the enemy continues to attack it, it crawls away at an astonishing speed, “tumbling” through enemy space. If it has nowhere to escape, it rams into its opponent (treat as a slam), and attempts to put distance between it and its tormenter as soon as possible. A Lying Figure has a +4 species bonus on Bluff Checks when feigning death.
Lying Figures in the Labyrinth are more powerful than the standard Lying Figure.
Labyrinth Lying Figure: CR 3; Medium Aberration; HD 5d8+15; hp 39; Init+2; Spd 15 feet (40 feet when on its belly); Defense 15; Touch 12; Flat-footed 13; Bab+3; Grapple-1 (no arms); Attack Slam +3 Melee (1d3) or Acid Spray+6 Ranged (1d6+1); Space/Reach 5/5; Special Qualities: Low-light Vision, Dark-vision 60 feet, Resistance to Acid 10, Acid Breath Weapon (DC 17); AL: None or Silent Hill; Abilities: Str 10, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 6; Skills: Balance+6, Bluff+6 (+10 when feinting), Tumble+10; Feats: Ability Focus (Acid Spray), Point Blank Shot.


Mannequin: CR 1; Medium Aberration; HD 2d8+4; hp 17; Init +1; Spd 30 feet; Defense 13; Touch 11; Flat-footed 12; Bab +1; Grapple +3; Attack Slam +4 Melee (1d4+3); Space/Reach 5/5; Special Qualities: Blind-sense 30 feet; Mas:15; AL: None or Silent Hill; Saves: Fort+2, Ref+1, Will+3; Abilities: Str 14, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 8; Skills: Disguise +8 (as an inanimate object), Jump+7, Listen +9, Swim+3; Feats: Improved Natural Attack (Slam).
In every respect, this mannequin appears normal, except for one trait; it is comprised of two lower bodies joined together at the waists, its upper legs and feet functioning as impromptu arms. When you approach this curiosity, it comes to life, shouting in an unearthly tone not unlike that of a strangled man screaming. Whatever orifice the noises emanate from is unclear and probably best left unknown.
This monstrosity manifests from one’s natural desires, lusts, and urges. It attacks by swinging it’s upper feet at hostile creatures and unfamiliar creatures. From a distance, it is completely motionless, but when someone approaches within 10 feet, 20 feet with a light source, it springs to life and attacks. A mannequin has a +4 species bonus on Disguise checks when imitating a mannequin and Listen checks.

Creeper: Diminutive Vermin; CR ¼; HD 1/8d8-1; hp 1; Init +3; Spd 30 feet; Defense 17: Touch 17: Flat-footed 14; Bab+0; Grapple-17; Attack Bite +0 melee (1, plus poison); Space/Reach; Special Qualities: Dark-vision 60 feet, Poison; Mas 9; AL: None; Saves: Fort+1, Ref+3, Will-1; Abilities: Str 1, Dex 16, Con 8, Int -, Wis 8, Cha 2; Skills: Climb +7, Hide +19, Swim +7; Feats: None.
This appears to be a large beetle, about the size of an adult foot. It moves with surprising speed, about as fast as a running human, making soft screeching sounds as it moves.
This insect is too large to be a product of nature, especially in this climate. The bug is unlike any kind of vermin previously encountered in the study of entomology.
The creeper uses its Dexterity modifier for Climb and Swim checks. It poisons creatures that it bites. The initial damage is 1d3 Strength, the secondary damage is 1d2 Dexterity. The Save DC is 9.


“Bubblehead” Nurse: Medium Monstrous Humanoid; CR 3; HD 4d8+12; hp 32; Init +3; Spd 30 feet; Defense 16; Touch 13; Flat-footed 13; Bab+4; Grapple+7; Attack Iron Pipe+8 Melee (1d6+4), Power Attack Iron Pipe+4 Melee (1d6+12) or Revolver+7 Ranged (2d8); Space/Reach 5/5; Special Qualities: Dark-vision 60 feet; AL None or Silent Hill; Mas 16; Saves: Fort+4, Ref+6, Will+6; Abilities: Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 6; Skills: Listen +9, Hide +9, Spot +3, Treat Injury+9; Feats: Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Iron Pipe or Revolver).
This female nurse bears a grotesquely swollen head; its neck permanently fixed 90 degrees to its left. This horrid mutation carries an iron pipe, dragging it along the ground, making sounds of metal colliding against the floor. As it nears its prey, it unleashes a scream not unlike that of a young woman in mind-numbing pain.
It is unclear whether these monsters were humans in a previous life, or have always been the product of this wretched town. It attacks with either an iron pipe in two hands or, rarely, a pistol.


Mandarin: Large Monstrous Humanoid; CR 4; HD 6d8+24; hp 46; Init+0; Spd Climb 30 feet; Defense 15; Touch 9; Flat-footed 15; Bab+6; Grapple+14 Attack Spike +10 Melee (1d8+6) or Power Attack Spike +7 Melee (1d8+9); Full Attack 2 Spikes +8 Melee (1d8+6) or Power Attack Spikes +5 Melee (1d8+9); Space/Reach 10/10; Special Qualities: Cursed, Slow fall 30 feet, Dark-vision 60 feet, Improved Grab; AL None or Silent Hill; Mas 16; Saves: Fort+5, Ref+4, Will+7; Abilities: Str 18, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 7; Skills: Balance+3, Climb +21, Jump+13; Feats: Power Attack, Improved Natural Attack (Claw), Multiattack.
This anthropoid is around 8 feet tall, with large, muscular arms and a stained white apron. It hangs under the grate you are standing upon. It has no fingers on its hand, yet somehow it manages to hang on. What is even more disturbing is that it has no face, and its neck and head are shaped like that of a worm’s.
This pitiful soul is cursed to remain below ground, its feet never allowed to touch a flat surface. Spikes are located in the creature’s arms, launching out of its hands at any foe that approaches nearby.
Cursed (Su): All Mandarins are cursed to hang below ground, to hang onto any nearby object for dear life. When its feet touch a flat surface, it instantly dies.
Slow fall (Ex): When taking falling damage, it ignores the first 30 feet of damage. In order to use this ability, it must be within reach of a wall.


Doorman: Large Aberration; Challenge Rating 7; HD 8d8+40; hp 76; Init +2; Spd 20 feet; Defense 18; Touch 11; Flat-footed 16; Bab +6; Grapple+19; Attack +13 Melee (Bite 2d8+7) or Power Attack +8 Melee (Bite 2d8+17) or +8 Melee (1d4+17, Slam, 5 point Power Attack); Full Attack Bite+8/+3 Melee (2d8+17) and Slam+6 Melee (1d4+17); Space/Reach 10/10; Special Qualities: Energy Drain, Fear Aura (DC 18), Improved Grab, Constrict 2d8+7, Dark-vision 60 feet; AL None or Silent Hill, sometimes Evil; Mas 20; Saves: Fort+7, Ref+4, Will+8; Abilities: Str 20, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 18; Skills: Balance+13, Bluff+15, Intimidate +17, Listen+11; Feats: Power Attack, Improved Grapple, Improved Natural Attack (Bite), Multiattack.
This horrid entity appears to be two reclining figures on a table-like object, stitched together and to the table. The creature uses the “table legs” to walk, and two humanoid hands dangle below the front. As it walks toward you, it’s loud stomps reverberating throughout the recesses of your ears.
The Doorman is a malicious creature, draining others of life and using that energy to heal its own wounds by means of its bite. Its appearance is a representation of Angela Orosco’s father.
When engaged in combat, a doorman goes to the weakest-looking creature and attempts to grapple the victim. If it succeeds, it drains the life out of the victim until either the victim dies or the Doorman is presented with a greater threat, in which it attack the greater threat. The Doorman is one of the few monsters in Silent Hill to realize that humans with guns are much more dangerous than the ones without them. Even though it cannot speak, it can use an Intimidate check by means of attacking and its fear aura. A Doorman has a +4 species bonus on Listen checks.
For the Doorman that attempted to kill Angela in the Labyrinth, see Angela’s Monster in the Boss Monsters section.
Boss Monsters


Pyramid Head: Medium Outsider: Challenge Rating 12; HD 10d8+60; hp 105; Init+2; Spd 30 feet (20 feet with Great Knife); Defense 21; Touch 12; Flat-footed 19; Bab+10; Grapple+20; Attack Great Knife+16 Melee (2d6+20, 4-point Power Attack) or +20 Melee (2d6+12, Normal) or Full Power Attack Great Knife+10 Melee (2d6+32) or Slam+12 Melee (1d6+10, 4-point Power Attack) or Javelin +12 Ranged (1d6+6); Full Attack Great Knife+16/+12 Melee (2d6+20 Melee, 4 Point Power Attack); Space/Reach 5/5; Special Qualities: Blindsight 60 feet, Damage Reduction 10/-, Fear Aura (DC 22), Improved Grab, Regeneration 10; AL Neutral Evil; Mas 22; Saves: Fort+13, Ref+9, Will+10; Abilities: Str 22, Dex 14, Con 22, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 24. Skills: Balance+12, Climb+18, Concentration+18, Escape Artist+14, Intimidate+19, Jump+18, Knowledge (Behavioral Sciences)+14, Listen+15, Spot+15, Swim+18; Feats: Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Frightful Presence (DC22), Improved Bull Rush, Improved Grapple, Power Attack, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Weapon Focus (Great Sword).
A muscular humanoid, about 6’1/2” tall, wearing a bloodstained white robe, coupled with what looks like a huge, triangular red hat that is actually the vile creature’s head. It carries a giant sword, about 6 feet long, with its right hand, scraping the blade against the cold stone floor, leaving scratch marks wherever it walks.
Pyramid head is one of the vilest blackguards to have been spawned from the fog-bound abattoir that is Silent Hill. It formally existed as a human executioner/assassin for the Order, before disaster plagued the town and turned him into a sadistic hellion. It stalks a particular victim, most likely one who (sub) consciously believes to be punished for a crime, and uses psychological torture to get their victim to admit their crime(s). When the victim admits this, that particular person has the power to kill Pyramid Head. In game terms, Pyramid Head loses both the Regeneration and Damage Reduction special qualities against that specific person, and that person only.
Sometimes Pyramid Head attacks his victims, sometimes he watches and observes, even if the victim attempts to hurt him. Pyramid Head’s Motives are mostly inscrutable to most eyes. It takes a DC 30 Sense Motive check to realize that Pyramid Head is attempting to get the victim to realize something about him/herself.

Angela’s Monster: Large Aberration; Challenge Rating 9; HD 12d8+60; hp 112; Init+2; Spd 20 feet; Defense 18; Touch 11; Flat-footed 16; Bab+9; Grapple+22; Attack Bite +16 Melee (2d10+7) Or Power Attack Bite +11 Melee (2d10+17, 5-point Power Attack); Full Attack Power Attack Bite+11/+6 Melee (2d10+17) and Slam+9 Melee (1d4+17); Space/Reach 10/10; Special Qualities: Energy Drain, Fear Aura (DC 20), Improved Grab, Constrict 2d10+7, Dark-vision 60 feet; AL Evil, Silent Hill; Mas 21; Saves: Fort+9, Ref+6, Will+10; Abilities: Str 20, Dex 14, Con 21, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 18; Skills: Bluff+13, Balance+15, Intimidate+21, Listen+15; Feats: Power Attack, Improved Grapple, Improved Natural Attack (Bite)x2, Multiattack.
As you are walking down the damnable hallway in this vile maze, you hear a woman scream. She shouts “No Daddy! Please don’t!” The sound emanates from a door to the right. As you pursue whatever lies beyond the threshold the voices come from, you see a gruesome sight; a woman in her early-to-mid 20s attempting to fend off with a butcher knife what appears to be two humanoids stitched together on a table, the stand being able to walk with its table legs of its own volition. As the miscreation turns its head away from the frightened girl and toward you! It moans in a pitched tone, its vociferation carries a hint of acrimony.
This behemoth is basically an advanced Doorman with a more vicious bite attack and is slightly larger.


Flesh Lips: Medium Aberration; Challenge Rating 5; HD 7d8+21; hp 54; Init+3; Spd 30 feet; Defense 19; Touch 13; Flat-footed 16; Bab+5; Grapple+13; Attack Bite+10 Melee (2d6+6, Bite) or Power Attack Bite+7 Melee (2d6+12, 3-point Power Attack); Space/Reach 5/5; Special Qualities: Improved Grab, Constrict 2d6+6, Blind-sight 60 feet; AL Silent Hill; Mas 16; Saves: Fort+5, Ref+5, Will+6; Abilities: Str 18, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 10; Skills: Climb+14, Escape Artist+13, Hide+13, Listen+5, Move Silently+13; Feats: Improved Grapple, Improved Natural Attack (Bite), Power Attack.
A dark, silent figure bound to a cage in the ceiling descends to roughly above your head’s level. It bears plump, beefy lips, in addition what looks like to be two pincers to the sides of its head. It does not appear to have any visible ears or eyes of any kind, and the rest of its body is no more than a fleshy sack.
This brute is encountered in Brookhaven hospital, and a dead specimen was spotted in Pyramid Head’s torture chamber in the Labyrinth. It attacks potential prey by positioning itself above the head and uses its pincers to grab the victim by the neck. It then envelops the head and neck, muscle constriction slowly crushing the cranium into gory paste, which it then digests as nutrients.


Mary/Maria: Medium Monstrous Humanoid; Challenge Rating 15; HD 20d10+100; hp 225; Init+10; Spd Fly 50 feet (good); Defense 30; Touch 16; Flat-footed 24; Bab+20; Grapple+33; Attack Tentacle Spike+20 Melee (2d8+33), 8-point Power Attack; Full Attack Tentacle Spike+20/+15/+10/+5 Melee (2d8+33); Space/Reach 5/5; Special Qualities: Constrict, Damage Reduction 10/-, Fear Aura (DC 27), Resistance to Fire 30, Improved Grab, Regeneration 20, Dark-vision 60 feet, Alter Self at will, Summon Swarm (Bat Swarm) at will; AL Neutral; Mas 24; Saves: Fort+13, Ref+20, Will+17; Abilities: Str 28, Dex 23, Con 21, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 24; Skills: Bluff+17, Concentration+15, Disguise+17, Intimidate+19, Listen+13, Sense Motive+13, Spot+13. Feats: Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Spike), Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Heroic Surge, Precise Strike, Power Critical, Frightful Presence (DC 27), Improved Massive Damage Threshold (Bonus).
Mary/Maria is the final boss of Silent Hill 2. It is either a manifestation of a fake Mary, or the girl Maria in disguise, depending on the ending. Regardless, it is a malicious freak of nature that is the product of James Sunderland’s mind. The creature can alter self at will to transform into that of a young woman that looks exactly like James’ wife, Mary. She calls herself Maria, and wants James to protect her and love her.
Maria will stay in human form, with physical stats of 12 each, even if it will mean her death. In combat against James, however, she transforms into a twisted visage of Mary, garbed in a hospital gown and strapped to a hospital bed, flying in mid-air. It has the uncanny ability to summon swarms of bats at will, which fly away after 2 rounds. It can only use this ability every other round.

Silent Hill 3


Numb Body: Small Aberration; Challenge Rating 1/4; HD 1/2d8; hp 4; Init-1; Spd 15 feet; Defense 10; Touch 10; Flat-footed 10; Bab+0; Grapple-6; Attack Slam-2 Melee (1d2-2); Space/Reach 5/5; Special Qualities: Blind-sight 60 feet, Scent; AL None; Mas 11; Saves: Fort+0, Ref-1, Will+3; Abilities: Str 6, Dex 8, Con 11, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 3; Skills: Listen+10, Spot+3, Survival+3 (+7 when tracking by scent); Feats: Alertness.
You hear a moaning sound, like that of a wounded animal. The source of the sound becomes clear: a small, hairless biped, about 4 feet at the shoulder, its body apparently pale and frozen-looking. In place of a face, a large orifice for what could be its mouth is the only significant feature on this animal’s head. It has a short tail and slender legs. It starts to walk towards you, weakly lunging at you with its face.
Possibly the most desperate and pathetic creature of Silent Hill, the only advantage the Numb Body has on its side is its sheer numbers. In order to survive, Numb Bodies often travel together in groups, surrounding other monsters and unfortunate humans to wear down their prey. Some Numb Bodies are encountered alone, but are almost always found in a location that would suit a creature of its size and be tactically appropriate; to do so otherwise would be suicide, especially in the desolate realm of Silent Hill.
Some Numb Bodies have grown to exceptionally large sizes; the largest one encountered was 6 feet tall at the shoulder. The larger varieties sometimes travel in groups, but it is not as necessary to their survival as they are larger and stronger.
Medium Numb Body: Challenge Rating 1; HD 1d8+1; hp 9; Init-1; Spd 20 feet; Defense 12, Touch 9, Flat-footed 12; Bab+0: Grapple+0; Attack Slam+0 Melee (1d3); Space/Reach 5/5; Special Qualities: Blind-sight 60 feet, Scent; AL None: Mas 13; Saves: Fort+1, Ref-1, Will+3; Abilities: Str 10, Dex 8, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 3; Skills: Listen+10, Spot+3, Survival+3(+7 when tracking by scent); Feats: Alertness.
Large Numb Body: Challenge Rating 2; HD 3d8+9; hp 25; Init-1; Spd 25 feet; Defense 14, Touch 8, Flat-footed 14; Bab+2; Grapple+8; Attack Slam+6 Melee (1d4+6); Space/Reach 10/10; Special Qualities: Blind-sight 60 feet, Scent; AL None; Mas 17; Saves: Fort+4, Ref+0, Will+4; Abilities: Str 18, Dex 8, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 3; Skills: Listen+12, Spot+3, Survival+5(+9 when tracking by scent); Feats: Alertness.


Double Head: Medium Aberration; Challenge Rating 2; HD 2d8+4; hp 18; Init+6; Spd 40 feet; Defense 13, Touch 12, Flat-footed 11; Bab+1; Grapple+3; Attack Bite+3 Melee (2d4+2) or Claw+3 Melee (1d4+2); Space/Reach 5/5; Special Qualities: Scent; AL None; Mas 12; Saves: Fort+1, Ref+2, Will+4; Abilities: Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 5; Skills: Jump+4, Listen+3, Spot+3, Survival+3(+7 when tracking by scent); Feats: Improved Initiative.
This pitiful canine appears to have its head split in two vertically. Torn, bloody bandages adorn its frame and the bark that emanates from its gaping “face-maw” does not in the least bit sound like that of a normal dog’s. As it rushes toward you, it bites your leg with its vertical face.
Double Heads are loosely related to the canine family, except for notable differences in its appearance and pack mentality. A pack of double heads are more loosely organized than that of a typical earthly canine’s; any double heads that are dead, dying, or weak will be slaughtered by the rest of the pack, feasting on its remains. However, the Double-Heads have not lost their animal instinct whilst in Silent Hill; they will flee from any great threat, willing to sacrifice the rest of the pack in order to get away. They are impossible to domesticate; they are far too malicious and blood-thirsty to display any signs of loyalty to a human.


Closer: Large Monstrous Humanoid; Challenge Rating 5; HD 6d8+24; hp 46; Init+1; Spd 30 feet; Defense 16; Touch 10; Flat-footed 16; Bab+6; Grapple+15; Attack Spike+11 Melee (1d8+7) or Power Attack Spike+7 Melee (1d8+15) or Bite+11 Melee (2d6+7) or Power Attack Bite+7 Melee (2d6+15); Full Attack 2 Spikes+11/+6 Melee (1d8+7) and Bite+9 Melee (2d6+7) or Power Attack 2 Spikes+7/+2 Melee (1d8+15) and Bite+5 Melee (2d6+15); Space/Reach 10/10; Special Qualities: Low-Light Vision, Dark-vision 60 feet, Improved Grab; AL None or Silent Hill; Mas 18; Saves: Fort+6, Ref+6, Will+7; Abilities: Str 21, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 7; Skills: Balance+5, Climb+14, Jump+14; Feats: Power Attack, Improved Natural Attack (Claw), Multiattack (Bonus).
You have never seen a Mandarin at eye level, and you probably wish you hadn’t; in all respects, this creature is the same as the Mandarin, but it is standing above ground on a flat surface. Its head wildly gyrating, it thrusts its arm towards you, and a spike shoots out to lengthen its reach. Fortunately, it just barely grazes your left side.
Closers are so named for their ability to block tight passageways and thin corridors. The more fortunate cousin of the Mandarin, the Closer has free run wherever it goes, except of course for small niches and alcoves.


Insane Cancer: Large Monstrous Humanoid; Challenge Rating 7; HD 8d8+48; hp 84; Init+3; Spd 30 feet; Defense 17; Touch 11; Flat-footed 15; Bab+8; Grapple+16; Attack Slam+13 Melee (1d4+6) or Bite+13 Melee (1d6+9, plus Poison) or Power Attack Slam+8 Melee (1d4+16) or Power Attack Bite +8 Melee (1d6+19, plus Poison), 5-points for Power Attacks; Full Attack 2 Slams+13/+11 Melee (1d4+16) and Bite+11 Melee (1d6+19, plus Poison) or Power Attack 2 Slams+8/+6 Melee (1d4+16) and Bite+11 Melee (1d6+19, plus Poison); Space/Reach 10/10; Special Qualities: Low-light Vision, Dark-vision 60 feet, Poison (Save DC 16, Primary Damage 1d4 Dexterity, Secondary Damage 1d6 Constitution); AL: Silent Hill; Mas 23; Saves: Fort+8, Ref+9, Will+8; Abilities: Str 22, Dex 16, Con 23, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 8; Skills: Bluff+7(+15 when faking death or feinting in combat), Climb+14, Jump+14; Feats: Power Attack, Improved Feint (Bonus), Improved Bull Rush, Multiattack, Run.
This inconceivably bloated freak of nature bears a huge mouth, fat meaty arms, and every breath it takes gives off a labored, buzz-like exhalation. Its skin is purplish-grey, dotted here and there with warts, ranging from tiny dots to huge, oozing orbs. With surprising speed, it darts toward your location, concealing a surprisingly nimble body beneath its blanket of flesh.
The Insane Cancer is so named because it resembles a feral-minded human with extreme stages of skin cancer. It is surprisingly strong and quick for its size and girth, being able to out-perform all but the most professional of athletes.
The Insane Cancer is surprisingly clever in combat: It fakes death near an important item or entryway, then when another living being approaches too close, its body literally inflates and quickly regains its posture in about half a second seconds whenever it is prone (free action). When reduced to a quarter of its hit points, it fakes death until its opponents leave.


Pendulum: Medium Monstrous Humanoid; Challenge Rating 3; HD 4d8+4; hp 24; Init+4; Spd 5 feet, Fly 60 feet (good); Defense 18; Touch 14; Flat-footed 14; Bab+4; Grapple+6; Attack Spike+8 Melee (1d6+1); Full Attack 4 Spikes +8/+6/+6/+6 Melee (1d6+1); Space/Reach 5/5; Special Qualities: Blind-sight 60 feet; AL None or Silent Hill; Mas 13; Saves: Fort+2, Ref+8, Will+5; Abilities: Str 12, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 8; Skills: Balance+11, Hide+5, Listen+16, Tumble+11; Feats: Multiattack, Fly-by Attack (Bonus).
The unearthly sound of what seems to be of metal scraping against metal at incredibly high speeds off in the distance. Who, or what, is making the sonancy is obscured in the tenebrosity. Suddenly, a monstrous insect-like creature, about the size of a human, swoops towards you at incredible velocity, a chaotic mass of blades rotating around as the figure gyrates in the air, a living blender of turbulence. It is bright green, a humanoid figure curled up in a ball, two spikes on the head and the bottom, coupled by two other barbs sticking out to the sides, capable of being bent like two impromptu legs.
The Pendulum represents a vicious cycle, events repeating themselves, only to bring destruction and ruin to any soul who gets too close to the heart of the matter. Heather is the reincarnated soul of Alessa, doomed to repeat the history of revenge and violence. Curbing those hidden rages are the key to escaping the sequence.
Pendulums hide in the distance under the veil of the crepuscule, the maddening scraping sound reverberating throughout the entire area, making it almost impossible to pinpoint the source. The Pendulum uses this confusion to strike at its prey, flying past the victim at breakneck speed, sundering flesh and bone alike, retreating into the inky black and repeating this doomed sequence anew.
Last edited by Gwenfloor on Thu Jan 25, 2007 8:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Gwenfloor »

Just a note, unless noted otherwise, all monsters are Neutral Alignment. I was converting them from the D20 Modern game, which had a similiar mechanic to alignment, allegiance.
"Deities are no more than mortals with supernatural powers, and thus are capable of making mistakes."
~Alper, Kobold Alchemist in my Ravenloft Campaign
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*bows due to absolute respect*
Coltiviamo per tutti un rancore
che ha l'odore del sangue rappreso
ciò che allora chiamammo dolore
è soltanto un discorso sospeso
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Post by Drinnik Shoehorn »

I love it.

The only problem with Silent Hill is the psychology. It's so personal, to make it work you'd have to focus on one PC alone. Plus, if you use a plot like the second game (and possibly the 4th) there's the whole psycho-sexual element too, which could be potentially off putting for some players.

That said, FANTASTIC work. I love Silent Hill.
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Post by Gwenfloor »

With my players being all 13-14 year old males, I do not plan on introducing the parts of 2 & 4, *cough* Pyramid Head! *cough*
I think Masque of the Red Death would work best, or D20 Modern.
The idea of a modern Ravenloft domain cluster intrigues me...
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Post by Gwenfloor »

Sorti wrote:*bows due to absolute respect*
Worship me, lowly mortals!
Seriously, thank you! This took a lot of work to make.
More to come later!
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Post by Guardian of Twilight »

Wow Gwen, this is really impressive!! Incredible job!!
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Post by Gwenfloor »


Slurper: Medium Monstrous Humanoid; Challenge Rating 5; HD 6d8+18; hp 42; Init+2; Spd 30 feet; Defense 17; Touch 15; Flat-footed 12; Bab+6; Grapple+13; Attack Slam+9 Melee(1d3+3) or Bite+10 Melee (1d6+4); Full Attack Slam+9 Melee(1d3+3) and Bite+10 Melee (1d6+4); Space/Reach 5/5; Special Qualities: Improved Grab, Blind-sight 60 feet, Scent; AL None or Silent Hill; Mas 19; Saves: Fort+7, Ref+7, Will+8; Abilities: Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 5; Skills: Bluff+6 (+10 when Feinting or faking death), Jump+9, Listen+20, Survival+10 (+14 when tracking by scent); Feats: Great Fortitude (B), Improved Feint, Improved Grapple, Improved Massive Damage Threshold (B), Improved Trip (B).
An irritating chirruping sound, rising and falling, echoes throughout the hallway of the building, and the source of the sound comes into full view; a figure that is mostly humanoid, except with a proboscis slurping up remnants of blood and rust, crawling on all fours, with limbs ending in malformed stumps. Suddenly, the creature darts forward and grasps your limbs, attempting to pull you over with surprising strength and ferocity!
Slurpers are blind scavengers, subsisting on dried blood and rust that permeates the Reverse side of Silent Hill. But when fresh meat enters the area, the slurpers are more than happy to divert their attention to their new prey, attacking with hit and run methods, at first slowly crawling over, then suddenly darting forward and pulling out the prey’s legs from under. They retreat if their adversary puts up a good fight, but eventually return to stalk their nemesis if she remains in the area. Slurpers are nothing if not territorial.


Scraper: Medium Monstrous Humanoid; Challenge Rating 4; HD 4d8; hp 20; Init+9; Spd 40 feet; Defense 20, (21 with Dodge or Defensive Martial Arts, 22 with Dodge and Defensive Martial Arts) Touch 15, Flat-footed 15; Bab+4; Grapple+7; Attack Razor+10 Melee (1d6+3); Full Attack Two Razors +10/+8 Melee (1d6+3); Space/Reach 5/5 feet; Special Qualities: Two-Weapon Expert, Deflection; AL The Order, Evil; Mas 13; Saves: Fort+1, Ref+9, Will+7; Abilities: Str 16, Dex 20, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10; Skills: Balance+10, Hide+10, Jump+8, Knowledge (Theology & Philosophy)+6, Move Silently+10, Tumble+8; Feats: Improved Massive Damage Threshold (B), Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Razor).
This monstrosity appears in every respect, human, except with one distinct feature; its head is an indescribable mass of mutilated flesh, no eyes, ears, or any other distinguishing features on its face. It wields one slender, long dagger in each hand, and it wears brown, bloodstained robes.
Scrapers are monsters that were formerly human cult members of The Order, changed into current form by Claudia’s powers. They are fanatically loyal and cannot, or probably choose not to speak. They are incredibly agile and can block gun shots and melee hits by parrying with their razors. However, they are not very tough, and it usually takes around one to two shotgun blasts to kill all but the strongest of Scrapers.

Boss Monsters


Split Worm; Huge Vermin; Challenge Rating 9; HD 10d8+50; hp 94; Init+0; Spd 50 feet; Defense 15, Touch 8, Flat-footed 15 (+7 Natural, -2 Size); Bab+7; Grapple+24; Attack Bite+17 Melee (2d10+13) or Slam+16 Melee (1d6+13); Space/Reach 15/15 (20 ft. with Bite); Special Qualities: Blind-sight 60 ft., Constrict (2d10+13), Frightful Presence (DC 15), Improved Grab, Swallow Whole; AL None; Saves: Fort+12, Ref+3, Will+3; Mas 20; Abilities: Str 27, Dex 11, Con 20, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1; Skills: Climb+9, Listen+10; Feats: None.
This disgusting gastropod is a light blue in color and is approximately 18 feet long and 10 feet wide. It bears two flaps of skin that open to the side vertically, revealing a mouth not unlike that of a human’s, filled with teeth and a tongue, both resembling an uncanny similarity to that of a person.
The Split Worm is a freak of the otherworldly nature of Silent Hill, impossible to be that of a natural creation. Its shape symbolizes a phallus, related to the fact that Heather, the main character of Silent Hill 3, is pregnant with the Order’s God in her womb.
The Split Worm attacks by crawling along the dark tunnels, then suddenly bursts out, trying to bite its prey. If it gets a hold, it rends its meal apart until it cannot fight back, and then swallows its ghastly banquet.
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Post by Gwenfloor »

Great, I just realized that three of the images are hosted by Tripod and won't show up.
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Post by Gwenfloor »


Alessa, "Darklord" of Silent Hill

Note: Alessa is no more than a little girl whose only major ability of note is the ability to alter reality within the domain. Thus, I am not giving full game statistics for her.

Alessa; female human teenager; Ordinary Person in OGL Horror, Dedicated Ordinary in D20 Modern, Expert in D&D; Challenge Rating N/A; Alignment Neutral.

Alter Reality: Alessa can subconsciously alter reality within Silent Hill. She can cause monsters to suddenly appear, the terrain to alter, even create illusory sights and sounds. No Will Save or spell can penetrate this, except through Alessa's intervention.
Otherworld Transition: At certain moments, the domain of Silent Hill may change to that of the Otherworld, a lightless place covered in blood and rust, with some walls, floors, and ceilings taking on a fleshy appearance. Due to the ghastly nature of the Otherworld, Fear, Horror, and Madness Save DCs are increased by 5, and monsters are more plentiful and in greater numbers. Chances for random encounters in Silent Hill are doubled when within the Otherworld.

Lair: Alessa is usually mobile, located in the body of Cheryl in Silent Hill 1 and 3. Alessa laired in the hospital and Church, and those locations were her most vivid memories.
The hospital is a Rank 3 Sinkhole of Evil, with Agony and Hatred as the primary emotions.
The Church is a Rank 5 Sinkhole of Evil, with Fear and Rage as the primary emotions.

Closing the Borders
Alessa can close the borders to entrap unfortunate victims. Impenetrable fog surrounds the outskirts of the town, and pathways out are blocked by huge gaps extending as the far as the eye can see in all directions.
Sometimes, white dirty sheets supported by a scaffolding hang in front of passages, extending upwards into infinity.
Last edited by Gwenfloor on Thu Jan 25, 2007 8:56 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Charney »

I must admit I never played the game and only saw the movie. Is Alessa really evil? From what I've seen she was rather an innocent victim while the cult leader was the real villain.
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Post by Gwenfloor »

Now that I think of it, she is not evil. Even though Dahlia would obviously make a much better Darklord, she cannot control the realm as Alessa can.
Dahlia, the real Darklord:
Needless to say, I think that Dahlia is the most evil person in all of the Silent Hill Games. She sacrificed her own daughter in the name of religion, and ruthlesslly kidnapped children and brainwashed them into worshiping her God, ordering her cultists to torture and kill the ones who did not submit in the Water Prison.
Dahlia should be the Darklord of the Domain, but a powerless one, with Alessa being the one with the typical "Darklord" powers.
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Post by Stygian Inquirer »

In that way, it is the same kind of paradox between Azrael and Inza Kulchevik and the domain of Sithicus, or Maloccio Aderre and Gabrielle Aderre in Invidia.
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Post by Gwenfloor »

Exactly! The true Darklord has less power than the other semi-darklord, but is more evil than the semi.
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Post by Gwenfloor »

New Weapon: Great Knife
This Masterwork Greatsword provides a +3 bonus on damage rolls in the hands of anyone but Pyramid Head. It is also so heavy that if you use Power Attack, it takes a full round action to make the attack instead of an attack action (ever seen the move in where Pyramid slowly lifts the sword into the air for about 5 seconds before making a vertical slice?).
In the hands of Pyramid Head, this Greatsword becomes a +3 Greatsword and can wield the sword with one hand, if he wishes to, as though he had the Monkey Grip Feat.
GP: 18,000
New Weapon: Sexy Beam
This wand grants a new attack to any female character, and transforms their clothing into a magical girl outfit, a la Sailor Moon. This attack deals 6d6 points of fire damage by means of lasers shooting out of her eyes. The Reflex Save is DC 10+1/2 Female's Character Level+her Charisma Modifier. This is a supernatural ability. This weapon was from Silent Hill 3.
GP: 75,000
"Deities are no more than mortals with supernatural powers, and thus are capable of making mistakes."
~Alper, Kobold Alchemist in my Ravenloft Campaign
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