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Post by alhoon »

Jason of the Fraternity wrote:
Rotipher wrote:Hmmmm. I wonder if we could set up a mock letter-writing thread on this board, in which we'd post "letters" that our PCs have been sending to each other, to try to reestablish contact with other Fraternity members, in the period between headquarters...?
I would definitely say that this would be acceptable if there are enough people who don't wish to wait a couple more months.
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Post by alhoon »

Draxton's Letter to the Fraternity in general:

Brothers in the shadows,

After the recent tragedy and the huge setback it presented I decided to leave the safety of La Maison Soulombre and go out to the world to actively search for knowledge and answers. I'll keep you informed on my activities and progress to the best of my abilities.
Some of you may think that I'm too old to follow the rigorous and demanding road adventuring in that age. To these brothers and sisters I respectufully remind that age doesn't cloud my reasoning or magical abilities. Thankfully I'm rich enough to be able to hire assistants and bodyguards to take care of the menial tasks and close combat.
We lost much because the treachery of our brother. Being loyal to the Fraternity demands of us more than words and curses to the traitor.
I left for the magic-rich lands of Darkon with the first light of dawn. The wizards there are rightfully feared and isolated and guard their secrets closer than their children. However I was a merchant for all my life and I'm versed in bargaining and acquiring what is difficult to obtain.

Loyal as ever,
Draxton Serd 12 - November
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
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Post by maraudar »

Brothers and Sisters of the Fraternity,

My sincerest apologies and regrets for not being there at your side during that hellish night when the manor was devoured by flames. Truly my sabre and pistols would have wreaked damage upon our attackers. Alas, I was waylaid by events that both surprised and horrified me that night.

I was but minutes from the manor and could see the flames rising in the smoke filled air. My man-servant Ewan and I spurred our horses faster hoping to save some of our brethern. Out of the smoke came the walking dead and blocked our advance.

They swarmed us and thier claws tore into our horses. We drew our sabre's and I shot at least two of the vermin with my pistols. but it seemed that there more and more emrging from the smoke. It seemed no matter how many we destroyed more filled their places. retreat was the only option.

They pursued for hours, harrying us away from the manor until dawn finally arrived. We were at the border of Mordent and the morning mists lay heavily on the land. Not knowing if more of the walking dead lurked in the mists waiting for us we rode quickly to a nearby waystation frequented by both traders and smugglers.

A new horror awaited us there. We rode into the stable fully intending to care for our poor horses that had bled badly from their mauling yet had thankfully lived. The inside or the stable looked as if it doubled as a slaughterhouse. The smell of blood was heavy in the air. It seemed that bits and pieces of the stablemaster and his helpers was spread across the floor and hung from hooks on the walls. It was a horrible sight on top of the ones I had witnessed the night before.

Readying our weapons Ewan and I advanced on the in itself. Hoping to find someone, anyone alive. If possible the inn was even more horrible than the stables. The smell of blood was even heavier here. We heard a soft moan coming from a shadow of the room and investigated. We found a man savagely mauled lying in his own blood. Hoiw he lived is beyond me.

His eyes focused on us and he began to whimper and moan and begging us not to hurt him anymore. The glaze of madness was in his eyes. He died quickly after this. Searching the rest of the inn simply brought us to the scenes of more death.

We left soon after securing food drink for the road from some unspoiled stores found in the cellars. As we left Ewan and I set fire to bothe stables and inn.

What caused such a slaughter I do not know, but could it be something connected to the attack on our brotherhood and the manor? And what creature kills in such an indiscriminate way. Vampires would not have wasted so much blood and shapechangers surely would not have wasted all the bodies undevoured.

I have decided to investigate this event and hopefully rejoin all of you at some future date to report my findings. Until then be wary.


Rafen Mclaren
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Post by alhoon »

Draxton's Letter to the fraternity members of La Maison Soulombre:

Brothers in the shadows,
It has been two difficult weeks since my last letter to you. However, less than a month after the attack I have some news that you may find interesting.
After reaching Darkon I have hired some mercenaries and had them accompany me in a forgotten tomb in the mountains of Misery. It was the Tomb of Mergand the Earthdelver a long dead priest of the humanoids called dwarves that was reputed to be an oracle. The journey there was treacherous and dangerous and tomb was full of traps. However, I managed to retrieve some manuscripts that the dwarf has had buried with him. Most of them was what he called "visions" and "revelations" given to him by what he believes it was the entity of the mountains themselves. I haven't studied them extensively since I believe most of them are just mad ramblings of a deranged humanoid. I will send them to some agents in Richemulot and soon they will be in your hands, just in case I'm wrong.
What I found interesting however was a few books containing information about religious, semi-religious and even scientific practices for dealing with the undead, the vile creatures that the Traitor now uses as allies against us. Once I have these books copied I'll send them to La Maison Soulombre too.
Unfortunately for me, the dwarf was not as dead as he was supposed to be. As soon as I touched the books he believed so dear, his embalmed corpse broke away from its sarcophagus and attacked us! Thankfully I was able to escape with my life and drive away the creature, but it managed to place a curse upon me. I seek cure but the priests of Ezra I hired seem unable to lift this curse from my shoulders. . .
So be it. I'll bear the mark of the curse as an honorable scar taken in our war for knowledge with pride, knowing that I served my brothers well, even to the expense of my own well being.

Loyal as ever,
Draxton Serd
26 November
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
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McLaren's Letter

Post by maraudar »


I write this sitting in my family's home in Mordent. I am currently making plans to leave Mordent in pursuit of the killer that was responsible for the slaughter of the waystation inn the night the manor was destroyed. After arriving home I contacted an old friend in the constabulary, Ian Farnsworth and informed of my discovery that night. He was already aware of the events as a military patrol had discovered it as well and reported it to his office.

During my talks with him, he told of similiar events that had happened in the neighboring regions in the past. The constabulary had originally suspected a group of unusually bloodthirsty brigands to be responsible but the investigation did not bear that out. Ian told me that one being, either man, woman or perhaps supernatural entity was responsible. He showed me letters from other investigators that he corresponded with in the past of these killings. All were the same, an out of the way place, multiple victims and savage wounds inflicted on them.

It was during my discussion that I managed to convince him that he should appoint me a special commission to hunt this killer. It took some doing but eventually he agreed and made the arrangements so that I would be able to present the proper credentials during the investigation in other lands. Not only would I hunt this killer but I would also be able to seek the means for furthering our protection against our enemies as well all under the official guise of hunting a killer. Hopefully I will find some means to futher our defenses.

Ian passed on to me copies of all his records and correspondence so that I would not be unprepared. One thing I noticed in reading all this was that it was suspected that killer would often return to a scene of a previous slaughter to gloat. If this correct I do not know, but it has been hypothised. Why would the killer do this? Pride? Gratifiation? Need to convince themselves of their own power? There were notes from an investigator in Borca who had contaced an individual while investigating a scene there. The notes do not give much of a description save to say the person appeared male and was extremely nervous when questioned. Highly subjective in my opinion.

Ironically the investigator was found dead the next day in his home. His throat slashed down to the bone. It was believed by his superiors at least that he had been killed during a robbery attempt when he startled the thieves. I find this coincidence a little hard to swallow as the files shows that at least three others who were investigating this have also died in most brutal fasions.

On the morrow as this missive slowly winds it way to you I shall be headed to Borca to start my investigation there. the files show that Borca has had four incidents that are attributed this killer.

Rafe McLaren
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Post by alhoon »

Draxton's Letter to Getrude Kingsley

Dear sister Getrude,
I have written this letter to you since you have shown such courage and defiance in that fateful Evening. I studied the books about our enemies I have recovered at the cost of the curse. I believe that the Traitor has transformed himself to an undead creature called Lich. I'm sure that a scholar of your caliber probably knows how powerful such creatures are. A lich's source of immortality however is its greatest liability. A lich cannot be destroyed permanently until we also destroy its phylactery.
As a lich, I belive Van Rijn has a phylactery somewhere, perhaps it is something he keeps with him, but it can also be something valuable he has hidden in the manor and that he attempted to steal after the transformation. While it would be extremely lucky for us if he failed to aquire it, I believe he has secured it. However, we can make theories on what this item is if we find what has been stolen from the Fraternity that night.
Nothing guarantees that something reported as stolen is the traitor's key to immortality, but I believe it is worth checking.
Why I ask you of this Madam Kingsley? Because I believe that as a woman you can easily fool the Weathermay twins. You are an intelligent scholar that proved she can keep her wits when needed (and I not say this as a compliment but as a fact). So I believe you can gain great insight in our enemy's new state from the Weathermays without alerting them or making them suspicious and drawing their attention to the Fraternity.
I sincerely hope you will find what I ask of you feasible and worthy of your attention Madam Kingsley. I believe you will do a great favor to the Fraternity if you aquire a "Van Richten's guide to the Lich" from the twins and some extra clarifications without alerting them.

Best Wishes,
Draxton Serd. 4 December
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Lies within lies: another letter to Kingsley

Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

[Received by Professor Gertrude Kingsley; block-printed with a stiff hand on low-grade foolscap, consistent with mundane bureaucratic documents throughout the Core; portions of text imperfectly censored with a thick, black ink, as transcribed below; Darkonian postal-stamping; waxen seal apparently broken and illegibly re-melted]

Office of Captain Poorgate, Baronial Guard
Nartok Keep, Nartok, Barony of Volker

Re. Unauthorized inquiries:

Recent queries as to the current positioning of
[censored] of Corvia, of the [censored]th regiment of [censored] in the Darkonian armed forces, must cease and desist immediately. No subject of a foreign state, whether contiguous Core or transMist land mass, is legally authorized to correspond via post with active-duty military personnel in the F[censored] of Sh[censored]s, nor to enquire as to the deployment of His Arcane Majesty’s defense forces. Were adjutant offices of the Baronial Guard to proclaim which site our individual soldiers, such as [censored] of Corvia or his two battle-comrades your queries referenced, were positioned to stand in defense of, our sovereign security could well be compromised in this period of unrest!

Further unauthorized probes into the exact location of
[censored] of Corvia, or any other armsman under Darkon’s banner, will invite severe diplomatic and legal repercussions. This is the sole and only warning this Office shall issue, before drastic action is taken to curtail these intrusive and unlawful inquiries.

Vivat Azalin Rex!

[Magically revealed via Secret Page, in a cramped yet graceful hand densely covering both sides of the above letter’s foolscap, upon utterance of the command-word “library”]

Professor Kingsley,

My apologies for such elaborate precautions to safeguard this communication, respected Brother, but my shattered Fraternity-cell’s position in Darkon is perilous enough, without gambling our very lives upon the state postal-censors’ incompetence. Better, in fact, that those Kargat dogs’ presumption that none from our organization escaped the abominable disaster their hated master unleashed – a misconception, which even our own Brethren at Brautslava Institute yet labor under, as we have long suspected their security to have been breeched – nearly a decade ago, goes unchallenged! Indeed, it is only for that reason that I break my silence, and answer your missives at all: the fear that your careless enquiries after the youngest of Il Aluk’s mere handful of Brothers and prospective Initiates (myself, counting among the latter, for I as yet wear no sigil… but formal distinctions of hierarchy become meaningless, when one’s ranking superiors have been annihilated en masse: I live, thus I “outrank” even the very Fathers now lost behind the Shroud!) who yet draw breath, may spur renewed investigations by the secret police. But of course, coming from Paridon, perhaps you would understand the extreme measures necessary to maintain secrecy in a realm where any face, however innocuous, may hide a savage and inhuman enemy…?

That being said, the surest method I can see to ensure you desist these clumsy inquiries – queries I learned of, merely by an hour’s idle eavesdropping in a Stagnus Lake student tavern; again, please learn from your own homeland’s example: enemies’ and imposters’ ears are everywhere! – is to provide the very information which you seek. Thus, I must confirm that Mr. Crow’s initiation into our society, and his later elevation to the rank of Brother, did take place within our illustrious Fraternity’s ill-fated Il Aluk cell. Such was no minor feat for one so young as he, nor (at least in Darkon) for one of foreign extraction, nor for any practitioner of a methodology of Art less-structured than the Fraternity’s own leadership embraces! (A regrettable bias I, too - and perhaps yourself, in your own capacity as a sorceress - well know the sting of; indeed, those hidebound bibliophiles at Brautslava seldom condescend even to acknowledge we bardic prospectives’ very existence!) Nevertheless, Crow's highly-innovative insights into the psychosubstantial underpinnings which maintain the fabric of this world, as outlined in his debut lecture, On Folkloric Power-Sites And Potential Transformative Effects Of Music-Mediated Paradigm Shifts On Their Emotive Ambience’s Sustaining Zeitgeist (sadly unpublished … and likely to remain so, unless the Slain run printing-presses), sufficed to overcome their skepticism. Indeed, had Crow’s promotion not been approved, in those fateful closing days of 750, both he and I might yet stalk the Slain City as fleshless husks: it was in celebration of our fellow’s besting his critics’ narrow-mindedness, that'd forestalled the rightful advancement of so many of we whose magic springs from music, that a handful of us escorted our erstwhile-protege on his monthly trek east of Rivalis! (As a foreigner we’d privately warned of the consequences, of course, he routinely fortified his memories with forays on the Lamordian border.) As fate would have it, the city – my city, and Crow’s by adoption for some years, for all that he prized his true origins too highly to let them slip wholly away – was Slain on the very night we’d set forth along the King’s Highway… and the vast majority of our cell’s brethren – Initiates, Brothers, and Fathers alike – expired with it.

Finding we, alone, remained as breathing men, from all Il Aluk’s chapter of our Brotherhood – recalling, too, that our methods were the subject of unmerited scorn at Brautslava, such that only those among us who bore sigil-rings (and mayhap, not even all of them … for when the Requiem struck, Crow’s own elevation had not yet been reported to Brethren in neighboring cities!) would be accorded the due respect our loyal service and contributions of lore truly merited, should our cell’s remnants be absorbed by theirs – we opted, instead, to keep our very survival a secret: to shield ourselves both from the Kargat (then in chaos, jockeying for power, and all-too-eager to settle old scores) and the grotesque adherents of the Unholy Order (horrors which you, yourself, recently confronted in Richemulot), by remaining “dead” to the world throughout the six years of strife which followed. Not until the lich-king’s reemergence brought a modicum of stability to Darkon did we un-Slain survivors see fit to resume contact with our fellows in the wider Fraternity; and even then, we observed a policy of strict silence as to our exact origins, that the truth of our escape from undying doom might remain concealed … a wise practice, as the treachery in St. Ronges has verified that no place in the Core is truly immune to infiltration and corruption.

I would not break this policy of silence, even now, if not for Crow’s close involvement in the Richemulot cell’s recent difficulties… that, and the need to insist you cease at once these security-imperiling, blind inquiries! I’ve appended addresses for some of our far-roaming Brother’s usual mail-drops in the western lands, through which you may be able to contact him – your guess is good as mine how soon he’ll check them: since leaving Darkon in a huff over our cell’s firm disinterest in imprudent retaliation against its foes, Crow’s contact with his fellow-survivors has been sporadic at best; I have received but one letter from him in the past six months, reporting on the crisis at the Manoir de Penombre – but I must warn you that any further epistles regarding this matter – be they to myself (and no, madam, your letters will NOT find me), the Brautslava Institute, or any other Darkonian cell – can only threaten we who yet hide our continuance from the Kargat’s prying eyes.

In all candor, you should be aware that Crow was severely distressed by the demise of Il Aluk – though fully accepting of our organization’s core philosophies, he was perhaps too young at the time to be fully purged of wasted sentiment, and he took the abrupt loss of the Slain to undeath hard, unenlightened and dispensable though their vast majority were – and he may yet harbor wild notions of retribution against the Unholy Order, that vastly pre-date the more recent debacle in Richemulot. So please, return the respectful gesture I extend to you, Professor, in entrusting to your discretion such crucial secrets as these, with a comparable gesture on our fragile cell’s behalf: look out for our Brother-in-Exile, if you possibly can. Try to ensure that his vendetta against the Doomsday Device's creator and its creations, alike, does not bring him to grief needlessly; and guard his secrets – even from your fellow-Brothers is best; again, no one should EVER be considered exempt from suspicion! – if you would keep ours. The Fraternity’s position under the lich-king’s flame-socketed gaze has always been precarious, even in the meekest of times … and we few who were fortuitously spared from Il Aluk have lost far too many of our brethren to Death’s cold hand, already.

Your hidden ally in Shadow,
Dzungaria Tao, Initiate & Thespian
Formerly of Aluk Septentrion

[Leased letter-box addresses in Chateaufaux, Levkarest, Pont-a-Museau, Ludendorf and East Riding follow as postscripts]

* * * * *

OOC: And if you believe a word of that, Crow’s got a nice plot of high-yield cropland in Har’Akir to sell you! :lol: But at least he respects Gertrude's smarts enough to know that she'd puzzle out the Corvia/corvids/Crow clue without any problem, instead of staring blankly at the "military red tape" letter wondering what the heck it was talking about! :wink:

Oh, and a box of (virtual) Xmas cookies goes to the first person who figures out why the bard’s not worried the real Dzungaria Tao might speak up to refute Crow’s appropriating his name for this bit of disinformation, even if (by some mind-boggling coincidence) the man actually was a prospective Fraternity Initiate when the bard (very briefly) met him ten years ago… :wink:
Last edited by Rotipher of the FoS on Thu Dec 22, 2005 11:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Pamela »

Saturday, December 10

Dear Mr Serd -

I thank you for your compliments and confidence in my abilities. I must confess my ignorance on the topic you suggest; my studies have directed me to other areas of interest. I have, needless to say, been remedying this ignorance of those matters which so caught our attention at le Manoir de Penombre.

Professional obligations prohibit me from visiting Mordent any time in the near future. However, I will relay your opinions and request to Mr Lauren Hartly. He is a respected scholar there and has previously written about matters relating to this particular area. I would be surprised if he himself does not already possess most of the van Richten volumes. I am sure that if he required recourse to the Weathermays, it would incite less attention than I ever could.

I am intrigued about your opinions concerning our former esteemed Brother. I personally do not believe he would have left anything of such value behind. Beyond that, my impression of the object he sought was not something stolen from him, but something which he desired.

My condolences, by the way, on this malady you have incurred in the mountains. It is possible that the treatment you require may only be found in Mergand’s temple or among his fellow clerics.


Gertrude smiled wryly as she signed the letter. The only people permitted the familiarity of a Zherisian woman’s first name were family, intimates and lovers. It had taken her a while to get accustomed to others writing customs, but Gertrude still preferred to be addressed, as men commonly were, by their surnames.

She had been astonished by Serd’s openness in his writing. She herself rarely relayed anything too personal unless it were heavily veiled by inferences. She was not going to change her habits now, let alone on an issue this sensitive.

She then reached for her pen once more.

Saturday, December 10

Greetings, Mr Hartly-

I hope this letter finds you in good health, and that you will excuse me if I intrude upon your attentions at an inopportune moment.

She wrote on the ongoing debate between the two about the existence of gods. Both knew neither was going to convert the other, but the discussion had introduced them to new writings and ideas. It was a pleasant exercise for her.

By the way, our colleague Draxton Serd believes a former esteemed Brother may have been deeply involved in the study of liches. Serd is hoping to acquire Van Richten’s Guide to the Lich, and any other information that you might have on the matter. I include his address if you wish to contact him directly.

Do you believe there is any value in this topic? If so, would you be able to forward me information on this matter, or direct me to reliable sources?


She was about to lay her pen aside, and a thought crossed her mind. She grinned as she added a postscipt.

PS I will be visiting Nevuchar Springs once the weather improves here. I will be sure to light a candle in your honour.
His only real danger is if stupidity is contagious and lethal. In which case, we’re all dead…-Gertrude
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Post by Pamela »

Yesterday Gertrude had been surprised by Serd’s direct approach. But this! She tossed down Tao’s letter once more. She was still furious.

The professor had made innocuous inquiries into Crow’s previous writings and articles. She received this magical missive, insults, and warnings of his precarious situation-

…and then the long, long biography.

This does not make any sense. If so paranoid, why give a total stranger all this information? Why not merely forward the mailing addresses and leave it to Crow to address the matter, with a note he has not published? Why this, this…charade?!

She took a deep breath. So then…what does this letter claim? Unravelling the tangled traps of words, she listed the points in her mind.

Crow considers himself in danger, and does not wish his whereabouts to be public knowledge.

He is not published- or at least, not under the name of Crow. He is a member of Il Aluk’s dead cell, and has an unrecognised state of elevation.

He fights against the creation of the Doomsday Device.

She is being asked to keep her aid and knowledge of Crow secret even from the Fraternity of Shadows.

She sat back in thought. Half an hour later, she came to a decision. She took pen to paper. She was in Lamordia; she would send it to Ludendorf.

Sunday, December 11

I was hoping to read your writings, but have been informed that you have not published. I would be interested in corresponding and possibly meeting if you should be in the area. I will understand if you are too preoccupied with more pressing concerns.


She added details about her travel plans for the next month, as well as her home address in Paridon, and wondered when- and if- she'd ever get a reply.
His only real danger is if stupidity is contagious and lethal. In which case, we’re all dead…-Gertrude
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Post by Moral Machivelli »

Letter dated 25th of January 760

Honored Farthers of the Fraternity


I have been conducting some degree of research, into any items that could be of aid to those of proven loyalty to the Fraternity.

I am glad to say that I have been utterly sucessfull. I have been able to locate an Artifact, of unknown creation, that would be of great useage to us in these troubeled times.

I would say more, but am uncertian if this letter will be intercepted and would prefer to err on the side of caution

I depart on the 30th for the item's location.

Yours sincearly

Raphael Buchvold
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Post by alhoon »

Draxton Serd's letter to Getrude Kingsley

Dear professor Kingsley,
I'm currently residing at the Hotel "Lady Marganira" in Martira Bay, and I'll stay here until the first days of January. If you happen to pass by, I would be glad to receive your company.
I have also hired an experienced mercenary named Dadrag Sotris. He is staying in another hotel a few square blocks from Marganira hotel. Dadrag is well versed in keeping secrets from his years in Richemulot, but he is not one of us, so we should be careful of what we talk about near him.

With Respect,
Draxton Serd.
December 26, 759 BC
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Post by Tobias Blackburn »

Hartly's Letter to Kingsley

December 31st,

Dear Professor Kingsley,

Thank you for your well wishes. I apologize for the lateness in my reply, but after the events of our initial meeting I was unavoidably detained by a number of acquainances who wished to discuss the matter of my allegiances.

Now that I am free to pursue my research, I will be visiting a number of archives in Port-A-Lucine. Should you be within the city during the months of January and Febuary, I would be enjoy meeting with you to discuss our mutual interests.

Please pass my apologizes onto Mr. Serd, but my copy of the guide is currently in use. I would make the trip to visit him myself in order to discuss his line of research, but I am currently
personna non grata in the lands of Darkon. If he truely needs the book, he can find me in Port-a-Lucine at the following address.

I found your latest theories to be very interesting, and have included a number of papers I have written on similar topics. You will also find enclosed a copy of Alphonse Bouraie's "On Belief", which has become somewhat difficult to find.

Lauren Hartly
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Post by Pamela »

February 12, 760
38 Boulevard des Saules

Dear Mr Hartly,

Good day to you, and I hope this finds you in good health. Please do not apologise for your understandable delay, especially under such circumstances. I am sorry that anyone should even think to question your integrity, but our world has not proven itself short of fools to date.

I fortunately received your correspondence on my way here, and am eager to hear how your work is progressing. I will notify Mr Serd about the book and your present whereabouts; he will surely understand your own need for the work.

Thank you very much for Bouraie; he is certainly fascinating; I’ll be interested to hear your opinion of his work, as well as your view on my theories. Please contact me at your convenience; I look forward to renewing our acquaintance.

Gertrude Kingsley
His only real danger is if stupidity is contagious and lethal. In which case, we’re all dead…-Gertrude
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Post by Pamela »

Tuesday, January 3, 760

Dear Mr Serd,

I hope that this letter finds you well. I apologise for being unable to be in town for our suggested meeting; personal matters have arisen which require my immediate attention. I will be traveling for the next month and am unsure as to when it will be convenient to meet.

Please address any correspondence to my Ludendorf address. I am looking forward to meeting you still, and promise to write as soon as circumstances permit.

His only real danger is if stupidity is contagious and lethal. In which case, we’re all dead…-Gertrude
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