My take on Ravenloft, chapter one

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Evil Genius
Evil Genius
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My take on Ravenloft, chapter one

Post by Mistmaster »

The Mistworld
This is the name scholars call the world which orbit around the Eye-Star; This world is a small planet with 5 continents on it;
The more populated is called the Core; On his south-east, you find the Verdourous Land, while on the south-west there are the Amber Reaches; On the West you find the vast Newland finally, on the North east we have the Always Winter Lands.

This material plane take it's name by thethik spots of eternal mist that dots it's surface.

Ten things you need to know about the Mistworld:

The Mists veil the truth. Magic of divination is less effective in the Mistworld; Expecially power with discern moral alignement. It works, but it is seldom reliable.

The Mists curse the wicked. Evil deeds can have dire consequences on those who commit it.

The Mists displace. Peple which enter the Mists can use them to travel, but they can't decide were; not even planes have borders strong enought.

4) The Mists keep. Magical powers to travel is harder to be used to leave the Mistworlds; Far from impossible, but hard.

The Mists protect the innocents. True innocence is rare, and the mists do seems to protect it; There are those who pray on the innocents, but they don't get any help, on the opposite.

Good and Evil do exist, and they fight in the mists. The eternal fight is personificated in two kind of beings: There are the Darklords, cursed for theyr own sins, powerfull, let bound to theyr lairs, they are discouraged for living the land thery are bound too;
The Lightlords, burdened for theyr own choise, have the power to balance the wickedness of the darklords.

Demihumans are rare, and people are distrustful of strangers in the lands sorrounded by the mists. Xenophoby is common. Fear for magic too.

8 )
Deities do exist but they seldomly walk the mists; Even the simple outsiders thread carfully, as the way in is simple, but the way out not so much.

Don't say thing you don't mean, the mists do take wishes and curses to the letter.

The mists confound, things often are not as they seems; Normal people do know horrors lurk in the shadows, but often try to rationalize it in some less mind-shattering way. Reality can be frightening and damage the sanity of umprepared people.
Last edited by Mistmaster on Sat May 21, 2016 6:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
Posts: 1156
Joined: Fri Feb 19, 2016 5:27 pm

Re: My take on Ravenloft, chapter one

Post by Mistmaster »

Ages of the Mistworld

The Age of Creation:
The 9 gods (Hala, Ezra, Tiche, Andaran, Oceanus, Lathurr, Zakhata, Fenris (The Wolf God) e Erlik created the world. However, they soon starterd to fight beetwen themselves, and theyr being were divided in many aspects; the Mist arose from the strife and struggles of the battling gods.
The first to be created were the Feys. Then came the Humans.

The Age of Empires
5000-1000 Before Current Age.
Great empires are born in the five continents, which once where six, the mightier being the Kingdom of the Black Earth in the Amber Reaches, the Rainbow Kingdom in the Verdouros land, Olympia in the Core, and Oceana on the lost continent.
The sinking of Oceana, thanks to the foolishness of it's Last Emperor marked the end of the Age of Empires, and the start of the Age of Darkness.

The Age of Darkness
1000 BCA-500 CA
Mighty undead sorcerer-kings enslave entire populations; Finally, living being start freeing themselves, but the new civilizations of the living are barbaric, with some exceptions. The Core is invaded by Terg, a mighty population from the Southern continent.

The Modern Age
500 BCA-0CA
In the Core, New nations fight off the few unded-lords remaning, and fight wars and wars beetween themselves; Okraina Vaasa and Lamordia creates powerfull empire but Dementlieu and Zherisia rise too. The western continent has been discovered and partly colonized;
This age was over 300 years ago, when Strahd von Zarovich, heir of Barovia reclaimed the Earth of the Core, the mountain on which he would have builded Castle Ravenloft.

The Current age
1 CA-300 CA
In this three centuries many nations have been formed and as many has fallen; The Core nations have reached out to other powerfull nations in the other continents; a new, aggressive nation have born from the ashes of the lamordian Empire, Falkovnia, and Darkon is once again a mighty empire ruled by a mysterious mage-king;
Last edited by Mistmaster on Tue May 11, 2021 3:46 pm, edited 7 times in total.
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
Posts: 1156
Joined: Fri Feb 19, 2016 5:27 pm

Re: My take on Ravenloft, chapter one

Post by Mistmaster »

The Core, First Part

Mainland Part 1

Official Name: Kingdom of Barovia.
Inhabitants: 10 millions. (90% Humans, 5%Vistani, 4% Others, 1% Dhampirs)
Surface: 250,000 square kilometres.
Capital City: Barovia Town (30,000)
Major Settlements: Zeidenburg (50,000), Vallaki (35,000), Krezk (15,000), Immols (10,000)
Borders:North Lazendrak; North-East and East, Nova Vaasa, South: Hazlan, Forlorn, Kartakass and Gundarak; South-West, Gundarak; West, Invidia, Borca and Dorvinia,
Government: Feudal Ereditary Monarchy.
Ruler: Count Strahd XII von Zarovich, King of Barovia.
Darklord: Count Strahd I von Zarovich, aka the Devil Strahd. ( Ancient Vampire, Wizard 20/ Fighter 5, L/E)
Lightlord: Prince Sergey von Zarovich (Ghost Rank 5, Swashbuckler 20, L/G)
Economy: Agriculture, Timber and Iron, Local Craftmanship.
Military:Standing, Professional; Boyars and Bourgmasters are supposed to muster theyr own retinue, too.
Politics:The Count-King provide to defence and foreign politics, and, once a week, give an audience in his seat, Castle Ravenolft, except in winter when traveling is veruy difficult to hear the subjects lamentations; Boyars and Bourgmasters enforce the Count-King decrees, maintain peace, administrate the land and collect taxes.
Magic:Known, allowed, but feared; No public arcane college existing. In the bigger cities, there are private schools of the arcane arts.
Religion: Church of Andaran, Cult of the Morninglord.
Climate:Continental, rigid winters, cool summers.
Geography:Dominated by the Balinok mountain range, the valleys of Barovia are rich of forests and rivers.
Education:Dependant on neighbouring Borca for superior one, and on local administration for base one; There are three years of compulsive education in Barovia Town.
Languages: Common, Barovian, Vistani, Invidian, Vaasan, Sylvan, Gundaraki, Kartakasian, Borcan.
Flora:Sunset Asher and Red Pines are the more diffused trees. Barovian Blood Rose is a variety of Rose which only grows in Barovia.
Fauna: Wolves, Eagles, Foxes, Bears, Deers, Sparrows and Bats.
Local Monsters: Barovian Zombies, Barovian Skeletons, Barovian Vampires and Spawns, Bloodwolves, Bloodbats, Direwolves, Direbats.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) The Devil Strahd is a Vampire and still roam the lands; 2) Vistani works for Strahd; 3) The Ghosts warn the livings against the undeads; 4) The Mists are the Devil Strahd claws, they chokes his enemies. 5) Barovian Blood Rose is anathema for Vampires.
Adventurers from the Nation: Sorcerers (From the Undead Bloodline), Witches, Rangers, Fighters, Slayers, Spellbrakes and Cavaliers

Official Name: Kingdom of Darkon
Inhabitants: 30 millions. (Humans 75%, Halflings 14%, Gnomes 5%, Elves 3%, Half-Elves 1%, Dwarves 1%, Other 1%)
Surface: 1,000,000 Square Kilometres.
Capital City: Il-Aluk (450.000 )
Major Settlements: Martira Bay (300,000), Rivalis (283,000), Nartok (200,000), Tempe Falls (110,000), Nevuchar Springs (80,000), Delagia (78,000), Devering (60,000), Karg (30,000).
Borders: North: Okraina and Sanguinia, East: The Nocturnal Sea, South: Lamordia, Falkovnia,Tepest, Nova Vaasa; South-West: Nova Vaasa, West: The Sea of Sorrows.
Government: Absolute Centralized Monarchy.
Ruler: King Azal'Lan Firan Zal'honan
Darklord: Azalin Rex (Lich Wizard 20, L/E)
Lightlord: Irik/Angel of Death (Ousider, Incorporeal, Cleric 15, C/G)
Economy:Specialized Agrarian, Mining, Trade, Arcane Craftmanship.
Military:Standing, obligatory conscription, Magical enforcement, Undead levies, Strong Navy.
Politics:The Azalin Rex control, directly or indirectly any level of the country administration, from public health, to public entertainment. His secret police, the Kargathene, enforce the will of the Rex, inside and outside thje country.
Magic:Common,Many public arcane colleges do exist, with the King's College of Il-Aluk being the greatest . The king takes a personal interest in the most gifted practizioners of the art.
Religion: The Church of the Eternal Order, The Church of Ezra (L/E sect) The Cult of Lothurr (Clandestine)
Climate:Continental,on the interior, temperate on the East and West Cost.
Geography:A vast plain spanning two coast of the Core continent, the vast kingdom of Darkon is dotted by large lakes and many rivers.
Education:Compulsory ten years, there are many famed universities in Darkon, The Royal College of Martira Bay being the most important.
Languages:Common, Darkonese, Elfish, Gnomish, Halfling, Vistani, Dwarfish, Sylvan, Falkovnian, Lamordian.
Flora:Dead Tears Flowers, Night Ebony Trees and Raimbow Roses are the most notorious plants originating in Darkons.
Fauna: Badger, Deers, Foxes, Bears, Sparrows and Hawks.
Local Monsters: Zombie, Skeletons, Awakened Zombie, Awakened Skeleton, Ghoul, Ghast, Golems (all), Dire Badgers Dire Hawks, Dire Rats, Rat Swarms.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) The King is always right 2) Magic is like a tool, useful if you know how to use it, dangerous, if you know not 3) The undeads are friends 4) Death is a gambit 5) The King always knows.
Adventurers from the Nation: Wizards, Clerics, Rogues, Vigilantes, Magus, Spellbrakes, Fighters, Rangers.

Official Name:Kaiserreich of Falkovnia
Inhabitants:15 millions. (Human 93%, Halfling 2%, Half-elves 2%, Gnomes 1%, Elves 1%, Other 1% )
Surface: 125,000 Square Kilometres.
Capital City:Lekar (400,000 )
Major Settlements: Silvervas (200,000),Aerie (183,000), Aerie(180,000), Morfendi (180,000), Stangengrad (80,000),
Borders: North- East: Darkon, East: Tepest, Shadow Forest, and Borca, South:Invidia, South-West: Richemulot, West: Dementlieu, North-West:Lamordia.
Government: Ereditary Military Dictatorship.
Ruler: Kaiserfuhrer Vlad I Drakov
Darklord: Vlad Drakov (Fighter 17, L/E)
Lightlord: The Lost King aka Gondegal Adallyn (Cavalier 17, C/G)
Economy:Industry, Agraiculture, Weapon Craftmanship.
Military:Standing, obligatory conscription 2 years, professional.
Politics:Hight ranking state and military officers compete for promotions, and for prestige.
Magic:Uncommon, on strict state control.
Religion: all those which do not menace state security.
Geography:A vast plain, with several rivers.
Education:Compulsory eight years, Drakov University in Lakar produce best engeneers and military architects in the Core.
Languages:Common, Falkovnian, Lamordian, Tepestani, Darkonese, Richemoiloise, Sylvan, Borcan, Invidian, Dementlieuse.
Flora:Mourning Poppies.
Fauna: Hawks, Wolves.
Local Monsters: Dire Hawks, Two Headed Hawks, Darkonese Border Zombies,
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Fear the Hawk! 2) Falkovnia is Great! 3) The undeads are enemies 4) Traitors shall die 5) Conquer never last.
Adventurers from the Nation: Fighters, Paladins, Tyrants (Antipaladin) Cavaliers, Rangers, Magus, Wizards, Spellbrakes, Warpriests.

Official Name: La Sérénissime République de Dementlieu
Inhabitants: 10 Millions (Human 94%, Halfling 4%, Other 2% )
Surface: 50,000 Square Kilometres.
Capital City:Port-a-Lucine (130,000 )
Major Settlements: Chateaufaux (108,000), Bellegarde (103,000), Carlion-le-Duc (75,000), Chateaunoir (52,000)
Borders: North:Lamordia and Pureterre, East:Harrington Dale, Lamordia and Falkovnia, South:Richemulot and Mordentshire, West, the Sea of Sorrows.
Government: Aristocratic Republic.
Ruler: Lord-Governor Marcel Guignol
Darklord: Councilior Dominic D'Honaire (Mesmerist 10, N/E)
Lightlord: Alanik Ray (Elf Investigator 12, N/G)
Economy:Trade, Naval Craftmanship, Glass Craftmanship
Military:Standing, Professional, strong navy.
Politics:Noble and rich families compete for a place in the Council of Brilliance.
Magic:Uncommon but not inrationally feared.
Religion: Church of Ezra (L/G Sect), Cult of theLiving Brain.
Geography:A plain between a big River, the Musarde, and the Sea of Sorrows, with a belt of lakes dotting the course of the River.
Education:Compulsory 6 years, The Dementleuse University in Port-a-Lucine is one of the most renowned in the Core.
Languages:Common, Dementlieuse, Mordentish, Falkovnian, Lamordian, Richmouloise.
Fauna: Rats, Foxes, Rabbits.
Local Monsters: Specters, Ghosts, Intellect Devourer.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Looks are decieving. 2) Truth is like gold, treasure it. 3) Reputation is life. 4) A lie which everybody agrees on it's a truth until proven false. 5) Money plus Knowledge equal Power.
Adventurers from the Nation: Mesmerists, Spellbrakes, Occultists, Swashbucklers, Mediums, Investigators.

Official Name: Barony of Borca.
Inhabitants: 7 Millions (Humans 95%, Halflings 4%, Other 1% )
Surface: 48,300 Square Kilometres.
Capital City:Levkarest (115,000 )
Major Settlements: Sturben (89,000)
Borders: North:Richemulot, Falkovnia and Nidala, East: Dorvinia and Barovia, Soth-East:Lazendrak, South:Gundarak and Invidia, West: Verbrek.
Government: Feudal Ereditary Monarchy.
Ruler: Baroness Ivana Boritsi.
Darklord: Camille Dilisnya (Rogue (poisoner) 16 N/E)
Lightlord:Ivana Boritsi (Ermonderung Rogue 15, N/G)
Economy:Trade, Agriculture.
Military:Standing, Part Mercenary, part nobles Retinue.
Politics:Noble families competing with poison and gossip to obtain more powers.
Religion: Church of Ezra (L/N Sect)
Geography:A fertile plain dotted with hills and forrests, with the Vasha and Luna Rivers providing water.
Education:Only for Nobles.
Languages:Common, Borcan, Barovian, Richemouloise, Invidian, Nidalan, Verbreker, Falkovnia, Gundarakite.
Flora:Adder's Tongue, Silphium, Passionflesh Fruit, Caldura Rose, Royal Morel, Belladonna, Dewplum, Foxglove, Hemlock, Henbane, Banewort, Strychnine, Staggersap, Wolvesbane
Fauna: Rats, Foxes, Wolves, Centipedes, Scorpions, Spiders, Toads, Rabbits.
Local Monsters: Dire Toads, Giant Centipedes, Giant Spiders, Giant Scorpions, Red Widows, Violet Mushrooms.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Beauty is dangerous 2) The brightest the smile, the vilest the poison. 3)All can be deadly, so don't worry, and go on enjoying the life, while you can. 4) Hell hatches no fury like a scorned woman, expecially if she is Camille Dilisnya. 5)Never trust someone who share your tastes.
Adventurers from the Nation: Rogues, Bards, Investigators, Alchimists, Clerics, Paladins, Inquisitors, Mesmerists.

Official Name: Lordship of Dorvinia.
Inhabitants: 3 Millions (Humans 97%, Halflings 2%, Other 1% )
Surface: 25,300 Square Kilometres.
Capital City:Lechberg (85,000 )
Major Settlements: Ilvin (70,000), Vor Zyden (47,000)
Borders: North:Lazendrak, Nidala, East: Barovia, South:Gundarak, West: Borca
Government: Feudal Ereditary Monarchy.
Ruler: Lord Ivan Dilisnya
Darklord: Ivan Dilisnya (Slayer 15 C/E)
Lightlord: The Midwife aka Katrina Dilisnya (Alchemist (Healer) 14 N/G)
Economy: Agriculture, Mining.
Military:Standing, Mercenary.
Politics:Noble families competing to appease and grant themselves Lord Ivan's favours.
Magic:Uncommon and feared.
Religion: Church of Ezra (L/N Sect)
Geography:Valleys enclosed in the Balinok Mountains.
Education:Only for Nobles.
Languages:Common, Borcan, Barovian, Gundarakite, Nidalan.
Flora:Death Head Mushrooms.
Fauna:Adders, Rats, Foxes, Wolves, Spiders, Rabbits, Bats.
Local Monsters: Dire Bats, Bat Swarms Giant Spiders, Dire Wolves.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Lord Ivan is mad, but not let him hear you saying this. 2) The brightest the smile, the vilest the poison. 3)Trust the Midwife. 4)Curse the Dilisnya, but silently. 5)Fear envy.
Adventurers from the Nation: Rogues, Investigators, Rangers, Druids.

Official Name: Baronie de Richemulot
Inhabitants: 13 Millions (Humans 93%, Halflings 5%, Half-Vistani 1%, Other 1%)
Surface: 351,300 Square Kilometres.
Capital City:Pont-a-Museau (190,000 )
Major Settlements: Ste. Ronges (70,000), Mortigny (97,000), Rien (69,700), Dalla Mirandola (48,000), Mausenburg (45,000)
Borders: North:Dementlieu and Falkovnia, East: Falkovnia, South: Borca and Verbrek. South-West: Valachan, West: Mordentshire.
Government: Feudal Ereditary Monarchy.
Ruler: Baroness Jacqueline Renier
Darklord: Jacqueline Renier (Natural Wererat Rogue (Charlatan) 6/Courtier 5 C/E)
Lightlord: Jacques Renier (Natural Wererat Young Adult Human Paladin 8 L/G)
Economy: Agriculture, Trading, Informations.
Military:Family Retinues.
Politics:Competition internal and external of the Renier Family.
Magic:Common, yet Feared.
Religion: Church of Ezra(Neutral Sect), Cult of Grandmother Rat, Curch of the Rat King, Cult of yhe Rat Queen, Cult of the Withered Rat.
Geography:Fertile Plain crossed by the river Musarde.
Education:Only for Nobles.
Languages:Common,Richmouloise, Borcan, Mordentish, Valachani,Falkovnian, Dementlieuse, Verberker.
Fauna: Rats, Snakes, Spiders, Owls.
Local Monsters: Dire Rats, Rat Swarms, Giant Spiders, Wererats, Ogre Rats.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Walls have ears, many of them. 2) There are no Rats in empty pantsries 3) Do not trust Rats; but do not mistreat them either. 4)Solitude is a luxury, often too expensive. 5)There are more rats than people, and some people are rats.
Adventurers from the Nation: Rogues, Investigators, Slayers, Witches, Clerics.

Official Name: Earldom of Mordentshire
Inhabitants: 4 Millions (Humans 99%, Other 1%)
Surface: 41,300 Square Kilometres.
Capital City:Mordent City (170,000 )
Major Settlements: Tumbledown (84,000), Hope's End (70,000), Blackburn Crossing (60,000)
Borders: North:Dementlieu, East: Richemulot, South: Espinada, Verbrek and Valachan, West: Sea of Sorrow.
Government: Costitutional Ereditary Monarchy.
Ruler: Earl Jules Weathermay
Darklord: Wilifred Godefroy (Rank 4 Human Ghost Swasbuckler 12 C/E)
Lightlord: Earl Jules Weathermay (Old Human Fighter 16, L/G)
Economy: Agriculture, Trading.
Military:Standing, two years conscription, Middle-strong Navy.
Politics:Mercantile competition.
Magic:Common, yet Feared.
Religion: Ezra, The Morninglord
Geography:Fertile Plain on the Sea of Sorrows
Education:Three Years Compulsory.
Languages:Common, Mordentish, Richmouloise, Dementlieuse, Verbreker.
Flora:Ghostwood Tree, Soul Violet.
Fauna: Wildcats, Rabbits, Owls.
Local Monsters: Ghosts, Specters, Wraith, Midnight Cats.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Dead ones do not rest 2) Stay away from Gryphon Hill. 3) Soul Violets keep malevolent ghosts away, and protect innocent souls. 4)People never leave, forever. 5)Not all ghosts are evil, but all needs something.
Adventurers from the Nation: Rogues, Investigators, Slayers, Mediums, Spiritualists, Occultists, Clerics.

Official Name: Principality of United Cantons of Lamordia
Inhabitants: 1,5 Millions (Humans 99%, Other 1%)
Surface: 25,300 Square Kilometres.
Capital City:Ludendorf (90,000 )
Major Settlements: Neufurchtenberg (70,000), Baytown (40,000)
Borders: North:Darkon, East: Falkovnia, South: Pureterre, Harrington Dale, Dementlieu, West: Sea of Sorrow; The Strait of Misery (4,5 Km wide) separate the Isle of Agony, which is part of Lamordia by the independent Island of Demise.
Government: Costitutional Federal Ereditary Monarchy.
Ruler: Prince Wilhelm von Aubrecker
Darklords: Adam, Mordenheim's Creature (Awakened Dread Flesh Golem Barbarian 2 C/E) and Victor von Mordenheim (Arteficer 13 L/E)
Lightlord:Elise von Mordenheim (Caged Mind Psichic 10, N/G)
Economy: Mining, Trading, Craft.
Military:Standing, 5 years conscription, periodic mandatory training, Strong Navy.
Politics:Organized parties both local and federal.
Magic:Common, viewed as a specialistic branch of science.
Religion: Celebrant of Mankind Church, Cult of Lothurr.
Climate:Alpine, there is a cold current which causes even coastal climate to be rigid
Geography:Valleys closed beetwen the harsh mountains range called the Sleeping Beast. Only Agony Island has plains.
Education:10 Years Compulsory.
Languages:Common, Lamordian, Falkovnian, Demisian and Dementlieuse
Flora:Thunder Rose.
Fauna: Wolves, Bears, Mountain Lions, Eagles, Sreinbocks, Chamoises.
Local Monsters: Automatons, Golems (all), Dire Mountain Lions, Dire Wolves, Dire Bears, Winter Wolves.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Dr Mordenheim is brilliant but he is also completly mad. 2) Agony Island interior is dangerous, expecially when the sea freeze. 3) Science is reliable, faith is not. 4)Magic is science, only one poorly rigorously explored. 5)Automatons and Golems allow people to spare energy, and keep them safe; sometimes, they steal jobs, thought.
Adventurers from the Nation: Alchemist, Arteficer, Savant , Investigators, Hunters, Wizards.

Official Name: Royame de la Pure Terre des vrais Dementlieuses
Inhabitants: 1 millions (96% humans, 3% Vistani, 1% other).
Surface 9,700 Square Kilometres.
Capital City: Refuge du Roi (128,000)
Mayor Settlements: Loyalité (100,000); Fidelité (98,000), Verité (95,000)
Borders:North and East: Lamordia, South: Dementlieu, West: Sea of Sorrows.
Governement: Feudal Ereditary Monatchy
Ruler: King Robert III de Dementlieu.
Darklord: Judge Jean de Mordain (Old Inquisitor 7, L/E)
Lightlords:Difforme the Bell-Ringer (Caliban Brawler 5 L/G) and Izmara (Vistani Rogue 5 C/G).
Economy:Agriculture, Craft, Trade.
Military: Professional and Mercenary Militia.
Politics: It's nobility feud for prominence competing for the attention of the King.
Magic: Uncommon and Feared, accusations of unlawful use of magic can take a person on a pyre.
Religion: Cult of Ezra (L/N Sect)
Climate: Temperate.
Geography: An hilly land, heavily fortified with castles, and walled cities.
Education: Church ran, non compulsory, there is an University in Refuge du Roi.
Languages: Common, Dementlieuse, Lamordian, Collodian.
Flora: Black Lily, Dappleworth
Fauna:Rats, Foxes, Rabbits, Boars, Wolves.
Local Monsters:Spectres, Ghosts, Gargoyles, Clay Golems, Dire Rats, Were Rats, Dire Wolves, Were Wolves, Rat Swarms.
5 Facts known by Locals: 1) Vistani are vermins; 2) No crime or vice can be hidden to Judge de Mordain; 3)No one can violate the Holy Temples, expecially Notre-Dame of the Mist in Refuge du Roi. 4) No such place as the Court of Wonder exist, and even if it would exist, no one who knows were it is will ever told it. 5) Surely this Hunchback with the Vistani girl must be either a fool or very brave, if he keeps challenging the Judge.

Harringhton Dale
Official Name: Barony of Harronghton Dale
Inhabitants: 1,5 Millions (Humans 99%, Other 1%)
Surface: 15,300 Square Kilometres.
Capital City:Harringhtown (100,000 )
Major Settlements: Crownest (80,000), Oldmill (50,000)
Borders: North and East, Lamordia, South and West Dementlieu.
Government: Feudal Ereditary Monarchy.
Ruler:Baron Henry V Harringhton
Darklord: The Scarecrow King aka Henry I Harringhton (Dread Scarecrow Fighter 11, L/E)
Lightlord:Archibald Everlast (Lich Savant 11, L/G)
Economy: Agriculture, trading, livestock.
Military:Professional Militia payd by the richest familis.
Politics:The richest farm-owners form a sort of nobility, and they have ongonig feuds; The Harringhton are the more rich and powerfull family of the whole nation.
Magic:Uncommon and Feared.
Religion: Cult of Ezra, L/N sect.
Climate:Unusually temperate
Geography:A plain of extremly fertile land.
Education:Only for the owners, and only three years; superior education, and education of the farmhands is actively dicouraged.
Languages:Common, Harringhtonian Mordentish, Lamordian and Dementlieuse
Flora:Blood Poppy.
Fauna: Wolves, Foxes, Wilddogs, Rats, Doves, Boars, Pheasans, Temperate land Vermins.
Local Monsters: Dire Wolves, Dire Boars, Dire Mastiffs, Temperate Land Giant Vermins, and Swarms, Dire Rats, Wererats, Scarecrows, Dread Scarecrows, Haunts, Ghosts, Hatemongers.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Too much knowledge is bad, expecially if it keeps you from working 2) That old fool, Everlast, put foolish ideas in the mind of the youth, but I have to admit, he has always the right answer 3)Books do not feed people, hard work do it. 4) Scarecrows do theyr job, keeps our land safe from vermins, however, vermin is a broad notion. 5) If the Scarecrow King keeps watch on your field, rejoice, but if he is looking at you, apologize or ran.
Adventurers from the Nation: Fighters, Druids, Shamans, Sorcerers, Swashbucklers, Cavaliers, Rangers, Hunters.

Collodi :
Official Name: Princedom of Collodi
Inhabitants: 3 Millions (Humans 88%, Vistani 9%, Elves 2% Other 1%)
Surface: 80,000 Square Kilometres.
Capital City:Acchiappacitrulli (110,000)
Major Settlements: Collodi (60,000), Busybeestown (40,000)
Borders: North:Espinada, East: Valachan, South and and West: Sea of Sorrow;
Government: Feudal Ereditary Monarchy.
Ruler: Prince Gian Domenico Sorbelloni Mazzanti Viendalmare
Darklord:Stefano Barbagallo aka the Coachman (Wizard (Transmutator) 13, N/E)
Lightlord:Turchese, aka the Blue Fairy (Unique Fairy Sorceress 10, N/G)
Economy: Trading, Woodcraft, Alimentar Industry.
Military:Standing, 18 months conscription.
Politics:Corporations, noble families and guilds bribes theyr way to success.
Magic:Uncommon, but judged on the base of its effects.
Religion: Church of Andaral, Cult of Hala, Celebrant of Mankind Church.
Geography:A big river, the Narno River, makes his way from the mountains on the Valachan border, right to the sea, touching all three the main cities of the Princedom.
Education:3 Years Compulsory. Collodi Town's University is the most ancient in the Core
Languages:Common, Mordentish, Zherisian,Valachan
Flora:Fairy Trees.
Fauna: Wolves, Bears, Foxes, Eagles, Hawks, Boars, Beech Martens.
Local Monsters: Beechmartenfolk,Dire Beechmarten, Dire Boars,Werebeechmarten, Werewolves, Laughting Snakes, Fairy Puppets.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Vistani are thieves, lazy and untrustworhy. 2) Boys which do not stusy nor work, will end very badly 3) Healty people must work. 4) Money do not smell. 5)My town stinks, but your is worst.
Adventurers from the Nation: Clerics, Bards, Sorcerers, Witches, Paladines, Druids, Rogues.

Official Name:Kingdom of Lazendrak
Inhabitants: 6 Millions (Humans 50%, Dhampyrs 30%, Vampires (18%, Obiri, Nosferatu) other 2%)
Surface: 50,000 Square Kilometres.
Capital City:Covenant Rock (200,000)
Major Settlements: Merry Bloodlake(130,000), Shaderest(100,000 ), Twilight Gates ( 80,000 )
Borders: North:Nidala, East: Nova Vaasa, South: Barovia, West: Dorvinia
Government:Ereditary constitutional Diarchy
Ruler: Day Queen Elena II Ravenhair and Night King Ezekiel the Wise.
Darklord:Sebastian Bellamy aka Bloodstake (Antivampire Slayer 16, C/E)
Lightlord:Night King Ezekiel (Vampire Patriarch Alchimist (Healer) 16 , L/G)
Economy: Trading, Minecraft, Agriculture, Batsbreeding, Wolfbreeding, Pig Breeding.
Military:Standing, 1 years conscription for mortals, 10 years for Vampires.
Politics:An elective Council, divided in a Day Camber for Mortals and a Night Chambers for Vampires; There is a small but active anti-vampire party.
Religion: Church of the Morning Lord, Church of the Blood Mother, Church of Hala, Druidism.
Geography:A valley with a great lake of fresh blood and many blood rivers surrounded byhills fill of well and creeks of fresh waters.
Education:Compulsive, five years.
Languages:Common, Low Vaasan, Baloki, Borcan and Sylvan..
Flora:Blood Clovers, Scarlet Dream Orchid.
Fauna: Bats, Wolves, Leeches, Mosqitos.
Local Monsters: Dire Wolves, Giant Leechs, Mosquito Swarms, Bat Swarms, Leech Swarms, Dire Bats , Giant Mosquito, Werewolves, Blood Sharks, Antivampires, Vampires (All Kind) Werebats, Bloodied Pigs, Blodied Boars.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) A well fed vampire is a very good neightbour 2) Beware the bloody stakes.3) Yes, all that blood is slightly nauseating, but pigs were never fatter. 4) Alive or Undead, a good person is always a good person. 5)Not all Vampires are good persons, but you do not go to stake people randoms just because you don't trust them.
Adventurers from the Nation: Clerics, Rangers, Gunslingers, Shaman, Druids, Rogues, Inquisitors.

Nova Vaasa:
Official Name:Kingdom of Nova Vaasa
Inhabitants: 15 Millions (Humans 91%, halflings 5%, gnomes 3%, other 1% )
Surface: 120,000 Square Kilometres.
Capital City:Kantora (387,000)
Major Settlements: Liara (196,500), Bergovitsa (190,000), Arbora (102,328), Egertus (100,431)
Borders: North:Darkon, East: Nocturnal Sea, South: Hazlan, West: Hazlan, Barovia, The Shadow Forest and Lazendrak; North West: Tepest
Government: Aristocratical Elective Monarchy
Ruler: King Othmar Bolshnick
Darklord:Yuri Karchkov aka the Beast of Borchava (Accursed Werepanther Ranger 12, L/E)
Lightlord: Anton Kharchov aka The Chain Breaker (Cleric of Lothurr 12, C/G)
Economy: Trading, Minecraft, agriculture, Horsebreeding.
Military:Standing, 2 years conscription.
Politics:The 5 mayor families and theyr retinues compete to bolster theyr power.
Magic:Prohibited by the Lawgiver's Church, promoted by the Lathurr's Cult
Religion: Church of Zakhata, Cult of Lothurr.
Geography:Great plains with a group of rivers, on the coast of the Nocturnal Sea.
Education:Only for nobles.
Languages:Common, Hight Vaasan, Low Vaasan.
Flora:Many kind of Grass, Cactus.
Fauna: Plain Cats, Wild Horses, Snakes of many kind.
Local Monsters: Nightmares, Dire Cats, Dire Snakes, Hellcats, Cauchemares.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Nobles command, commoners obeyes. 2) Hight Vaasan are civilized, Low Vasaan are savages;3) Horses are better than gold. 4) Beware of Cats 5)When Zekhata and Lathurr clash, stay in a safe place.
Adventurers from the Nation: Clerics, Rangers, Gunslingers, Shaman, Druids, Rogues, Inquisitors.

Official Name:Kingdom of Invidia
Inhabitants: 8 Millions (Humans 98%, Paka 1%, other 1%)
Surface: 75,000 Square Kilometres.
Capital City:Karina (95,000)
Major Settlements: Beltis, Curriculo (72,600, Non-standard L/N), Endari Koorah (22,000 ), Tancos (42,000 ), Valetta (87,000 )
Borders: North:Borca, North East: Lazendrak; East:Gundarak and Barovia; South: Sithicus; West:Verbrek.
Government: Ereditary Feudal Monarchy.
Ruler: King Malocchio Treholani
Darklord:Queen Mother Gabrielle Aderre-Drakov (HalfCanjar Vistani Human Sorcerer 12 (Maestro Bloodline) N/E)
Lightlord: Lady Isabel Aderre (Vistani Human Wizard (Diviner) 10, N/G)
Economy: Hunt, Timber, Trading, Craft.
Politics:Noble families compete to stay in the royal family good grace. Competition often take the form of matrimonial alliances; Extra marital affairs can be a way to do politics too.
Religion: Church of Ezra (N/G Sect), Cult of Fenris (C/G Sect).
Climate: Warm and moisty.
Geography:River-crossed, forestal plains
Education:Only for nobles.
Languages:Common, Invidian, Barovian, Low Vaasan, Sithican.
Flora:Lover Bane, Passion Flower.
Fauna: Foxes, Wildcats, Wolves, Deers, Panthers.
Local Monsters: Werefoxes, Wolfweres, Pakas, Dire Wildcats, Dire Wolves, Dire Foxes, Dire Panthers.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) The Queen Mother is a slut, but never say so in her presence. 2) Vistani are the enemy, or so say the royals, sometime. 3) Wolves can be decent people; 4) Never trust too much cats and foxes. 5) Never entrust a woman with too much power.
Adventurers from the Nation: Sorcerers, Hunters, Inquisitors, Druids, Witches.

Feedback would be appreciated.
Last edited by Mistmaster on Tue Feb 16, 2021 12:59 pm, edited 24 times in total.
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
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Re: My take on Ravenloft, chapter one

Post by jamesfirecat »

Mistmaster wrote:
The Core, First Part

Mainland Part 1

Official Name: Kingdom of Barovia.
Inhabitants: 10 millions. (90% Humans, 5%Vistani, 4% Others, 1% Dhampirs)
Surface: 250,000 square kilometres.
Capital City: Barovia Town (30,000)
Major Settlements: Zeidenburg (50,000), Teufeldorf (47,000), Vallaki (35,000), Krezk (15,000), Immols (10,000)
Borders: North, Nidala; North-East and East, Nova Vaasa, South: Hazlan, Forlorn, Kartakass and Gundarak; South-West, Gundarak; West, Invidia, Borca and Dorvinia,
Government: Feudal Ereditary Monarchy.
Ruler: Count Strahd XII von Zarovich, King of Barovia.
Darklord: Count Strahd I von Zarovich, aka the Devil Steahd. (Vampire Ancient, Wizard 16/ Fighter 4, L/E)
Lightlord: Prince Sergey von Zarovich (Ghost Rank 5, Swashbuckler 20, L/G)
Economy: Agrarian, Timber and Iron, Local Craftmanship.
Military:Standing, Professional; Boyars and Bourgmasters are suppose tu muster theyr retinue.
Politics:The Count-King provide to defence and foreign politics, and, once a week, give an audience in his seat, Castle Ravenolft, except in winter when traveling is veruy difficult to hear the subjects lamentations; Boyars and Bourgmasters enforce the Count-King decrees, maintain peace, administrate the land and collect taxes.
Magic:Known, allowed, but feared; No public arcane college existing. In the bigger cities, there are private schools of the arcane arts.
Religion: Church of Andaran, Cult of the Morninglord.
Climate:Continental, rigid winters, cool summers.
Geography:Dominated by the Balinok mountain range, the valleys of Barovia are rich of forests and rivers.
Education:Dependant on neighbouring Borca for superior one, and on local administration for local one; There are three years of compulsive education in Barovia Town
Languages: Common, Barovian, Vistani, Invidian, Vaasan, Sylvan, Gundaraki, Kartakasian, Borcan.
Flora:Sunset Asher and Red Pines are the more diffused trees. Barovian Blood Rose is a variety of Rose which only grows in Barovia.
Fauna: Wolves, Eagles, Foxes, Bears, Deers, Sparrows and Bats.
Local Monsters: Barovian Zombies, Barovian Skeletons, Barovian Vampires and Spawns, Bloodwolves, Bloodbats, Direwolves, Direbats.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) The Devil Strahd is a Vampire and still roam the lands; 2) Vistani works for Strahd; 3) The Ghosts warn the livings against the undeads; 4) The Mists are the Devil Strahd claws, they chokes his enemies. 5) Barovian Blood Rose is anathema for Vampires.
Adventurers from the Nation: Sorcerers (From the Undead Bloodline), Witches, Rangers, Fighters, Slayers and Cavaliers

Official Name: Kingdom of Darkon
Inhabitants: 30 millions. (Humans 75%, Halflings 14%, Gnomes 5%, Elves 3%, Half-Elves 1%, Dwarves 1%, Other 1%)
Surface: 1,000,000 Square Kilometres.
Capital City: Il-Aluk (450.000 )
Major Settlements: Martira Bay (300,000), Rivalis (283,000), Nartok (200,000), Tempe Falls (110,000), Nevuchar Springs (80,000), Delagia (78,000), Devering (60,000), Karg (30,000).
Borders: North: The Frozen Sea, East: The Nocturnal Sea, South: Lamordia, Falkovnia,Tepest, Nova Vaasa; South-West: Nova Vaasa, West: The Sea of Sorrows.
Government: Absolute Centralized Monarchy.
Ruler: Azal'Lan Firan Zal'honan
Darklord: Re Azalin (Lich Wizard 20, L/E)
Lightlord: Irik/Angel of Death (Ousider, Incorporeal, Cleric 15, C/G)
Economy:Specialized Agrarian, Mining, Trade, Arcane Craftmanship.
Military:Standing, obligatory conscription, Magical enforcement, Undead levies.
Politics:The Azalin Rex control, directly or indirectly any level of the country administration, from public health, to public entertainment. His secret police, the Kargathene, enforce the will of the Rex, inside and outside thje country.
Magic:Common,Many public arcane colleges do exist, with the King's College of Il-Aluk being the greatest . The king takes a personal interest in the most gifted practizioners of the art.
Religion: The Church of the Eternal Order, The Church of Ezra (L/E sect) The Cult of Lothurr (Clandestine)
Climate:Continental,on the interior, temperate on the East and West Cost, Artic on the Northern coast.
Geography:A vast plain spanning three coasts of the Core continent, the vast kingdom of Darkon is dotted by large lakes and many rivers.
Education:Compulsory ten years, there are many famed universities in Darkon, The Royal College of Martira Bay being the most important.
Languages:Common, Darkonese, Elfish, Gnomish, Halfling, Vistani, Dwarfish, Sylvan, Falkovnian, Lamordian.
Flora:Dead Tears Flowers, Night Ebony Trees and Raimbow Roses are the most notorious plants originating in Darkons.
Fauna: Badger, Deers, Foxes, Bears, Sparrows and Hawks.
Local Monsters: Zombie, Skeletons, Awakened Zombie, Awakened Skeleton, Ghoul, Ghast, Golems (all), Dire Badgers Dire Hawks, Dire Rats, Rat Swarms.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) The King is always right 2) Magic is like a tool, useful if you know how to use it, dangerous, if you know not 3) The undeads are friends 4) Death is a gambit 5) The King always knows.
Adventurers from the Nation: Wizards, Clerics, Rogues, Vigilantes, Magus, Fighters, Rangers.

Official Name:Kaiserreich of Falkovnia
Inhabitants:15 millions. (Human 93%, Halfling 2%, Half-elves 2%, Gnomes 1%, Elves 1%, Other 1% )
Surface: 125,000 Square Kilometres.
Capital City:Lekar (400,000 )
Major Settlements: Silvervas (200,000),Aerie (183,000), Aerie(180,000), Morfendi (180,000), Stangengrad (80,000),
Borders: North- East: Darkon, East Shadow Forest, Nidala and Borca, South:Invidia, South-West: Richemulot, West: Dementlieu, North-West:Lamordia.
Government: Ereditary Military Dictatorship.
Ruler: Kaiserfuhrer Vlad I Drakov
Darklord: Vlad Drakov (Fighter 17, L/E)
Lightlord: The Scarlet Lion, secretly Radu Drakov (Vigilante 17, C/G, L/N)
Economy:Industry, Agraiculture, Weapon Craftmanship.
Military:Standing, obligatory conscription, professional.
Politics:Hight ranking state and military officers compete for promotions, and for prestige.
Magic:Uncommon, on strict state control.
Religion: all those which do not menace state security.
Geography:A vast plain, with several rivers.
Education:Compulsory eight years, Drakov University in Lakar produce best engeneers and military architects in the Core.
Languages:Common, Falkovnian, Lamordian, Darkonese
Flora:Mourning Poppies.
Fauna: Hawks, Wolves.
Local Monsters: Dire Hawks, Two Headed Hawks, Darkonese Border Zombies,
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Fear the Hawk! 2) Falkovnia is Great! 3) The undeads are enemies 4) Traitors shall die 5) Conquer never last.
Adventurers from the Nation: Fighters, Paladins, Tyrants (Antipaladin) Cavaliers, Rangers, Magus, Wizards, Warpriests.

Official Name: The Most Serene Republic of Dementlieu
Inhabitants: 10 Millions (Human 94%, Halfling 4%, Other 2% )
Surface: 50,000 Square Kilometres.
Capital City:Port-a-Lucine (130,000 )
Major Settlements: Chateaufaux (108,000), Carlion-le-Duc (75,000), Chateaunoir (52,000)
Borders: North:Lamordia, East Lamordia and Falkovnia, South:Richemulot and Mordentshire, West, the Sea of Sorrows.
Government: Aristocratic Republic.
Ruler: Lord-Governor Marcel Guignol
Darklord: Dominic D'Honaire (Mesmerist 10, N/E)
Lightlord: The Mad Lord Kalen de Veraux III (Medium 12, N/G)
Economy:Trade, Naval Craftmanship, Glass Craftmanship
Military:Standing, Professional.
Politics:Noble and rich families compete for a place in the Council of Brilliance.
Magic:Uncommon but not inrationally feared.
Religion: Church of Ezra (L/G Sect)
Geography:A plain between a big River, the Musarde, and the Sea of Sorrows, with a belt of lakes dotting the course of the River.
Education:Compulsory 6 years, The Dementleuse University in Port-a-Lucine is one of the most renowned in the Core.
Languages:Common, Dementlieuse, Mordentish, Falkovnian, Lamordian, Richmouloise.
Fauna: Rats, Foxes, Rabbits.
Local Monsters: Specters, Ghosts.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Looks are decieving. 2) Truth is like gold, treasure it. 3) Reputation is life. 4) A lie which everybody agrees on it's a truth until proven false. 5) Money plus Knowledge equal Power.
Adventurers from the Nation: Mesmerists, Occultists, Swashbucklers, Mediums, Investigators.

Official Name: Barony of Borca.
Inhabitants: 7 Millions (Humans 95%, Halflings 4%, Other 1% )
Surface: 48,300 Square Kilometres.
Capital City:Levkarest (115,000 )
Major Settlements: Sturben (89,000)
Borders: North:Richemulot an Falkovnia, East: Dorvinia and Barovia, South:Gundarak and Invidia, West: Verbrek.
Government: Feudal Ereditary Monarchy.
Ruler: Baroness Ivana Boritsi.
Darklord: Ivana Boritsi (Rogue (Spy) 6/Courtier 5 N/E)
Lightlord: Eptzibah Kalishny (Bruja Witch 6, N/G)
Economy:Trade, Agriculture.
Military:Standing, Part Mercenary, part nobles Retinue.
Politics:Noble families competing with poison and gossip to obtain more powers.
Religion: Church of Ezra (L/N Sect)
Geography:A fertile plain dotted with hills and forrests, with the Vasha and Luna Rivers providing water.
Education:Only for Nobles.
Languages:Common, Borcan, Barovian, Richemouloise, Invidian.
Flora:Adder's Tongue,Adder's Tongue, Silphium, Passionflesh Fruit, Caldura Rose, Royal Morel, Belladonna, Dewplum, Foxglove, Hemlock, Henbane, Banewort, Strychnine, Staggersap, Wolvesbane
Fauna: Rats, Foxes, Wolves, Centipedes, Scorpions, Spiders, Toads, Rabbits.
Local Monsters: Dire Toads, Giant Centipedes, Giant Spiders, Giant Scorpions, Red Widows, Violet Mushrooms.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Beauty is dangerous 2) The brightest the smile, the vilest the poison. 3)All can be deadly, so don't worry, and go on enjoying the life, while you can. 4) Hell hatches no fury like a scorned woman, expecially if she is Ivana Boritsi. 5)Never trust someone who share your tastes.
Adventurers from the Nation: Rogues, Bards, Investigators, Alchimists, Clerics, Paladins, Inquisitors.

Official Name: Lordship of Dorvinia.
Inhabitants: 3 Millions (Humans 97%, Halflings 2%, Other 1% )
Surface: 25,300 Square Kilometres.
Capital City:Lechberg (85,000 )
Major Settlements: Ilvin (70,000), Vor Zyden (47,000)
Borders: North:Falkovnia, Shadow Forrest, East: Barovia, South:Gundarak, West: Borca
Government: Feudal Ereditary Monarchy.
Ruler: Lord Ivan Dilisnya
Darklord: Ivan Dilisnya (Rogue (Poisoner) 6/Courtier 5 C/E)
Lightlord: The Midwife aka Katrina Dilisnya (Alchemist (Healer) 10 N/G)
Economy: Agriculture, Mining.
Military:Standing, Mercenary.
Politics:Noble families competing to appease and grant themselves Lord Ivan's favours.
Magic:Uncommon and feared.
Religion: Church of Ezra (L/N Sect)
Geography:Valleys enclosed in the Balinok Mountains.
Education:Only for Nobles.
Languages:Common, Borcan, Barovian, Gunadrakite, Invidian.
Flora:Death Head Mushrooms.
Fauna:Adders, Rats, Foxes, Wolves, Spiders, Rabbits, Bats.
Local Monsters: Dire Bats, Bat Swarms Giant Spiders, Dire Wolves.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Lord Ivan is mad, but not let him hear you saying this. 2) The brightest the smile, the vilest the poison. 3)Trust the Midwife. 4)Curse the Dilisnya, but silently. 5)Fear envy.
Adventurers from the Nation: Rogues, Investigators, Rangers, Druids.

Official Name: Barony of Richemulot
Inhabitants: 13 Millions (Humans 93%, Halflings 5%, Half-Vistani 1%, Other 1%)
Surface: 351,300 Square Kilometres.
Capital City:Pont-a-Museau (190,000 )
Major Settlements: Ste. Ronges (70,000), Mortigny (97,000)
Borders: North:Dementlieu and Falkovnia, East: Falkovnia, South: Borca and Verbrek. South-West: Valachan, West: Mordentshire.
Government: Feudal Ereditary Monarchy.
Ruler: Baroness Jaqueline Renier
Darklord: Jaqueline Renier (Natural Wererat Rogue (Charlatan) 6/Courtier 5 C/E)
Lightlord: Lord Simon Audaire (Mummy Paladin 8 L/G)
Economy: Agriculture, Trading, Informations.
Military:Family Retinues.
Politics:Competition internal and external of the Renier Family.
Magic:Common, yet Feared.
Religion: Hala
Geography:Fertile Plain crossed by the river Musarde.
Education:Only for Nobles.
Languages:Common, Borcan, Mordentish, Richmouloise.
Fauna: Rats, Snakes, Spiders, Owls.
Local Monsters: Dire Rats, Rat Swarms, Giant Spiders, Wererats, Ogre Rats.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Walls have ears. 2) Rats do understand you. 3)Do not trust Rats. 4)Solitude is a luxury, often too expensive. 5)There are more rats than people, and some people are rats.
Adventurers from the Nation: Rogues, Investigators, Slayers, Witches, Clerics.

Official Name: Principality of Mordentshire
Inhabitants: 4 Millions (Humans 99%, Other 1%)
Surface: 41,300 Square Kilometres.
Capital City:Mordent City (170,000 )
Major Settlements: Tumbledown (84,000), Hope's End (70,000), Blackburn Crossing (60,000)
Borders: North:Dementlieu, East: Richemulot, South: Verbrek and Valachan, West: Sea of Sorrow.
Government: Costitutional Ereditary Monarchy.
Ruler: Prince Jules Wethermay
Darklord: Wilifred Godefroy (Rank Four Human Ghost Swasbuckler 12 C/E)
Lightlord:Prince Marius Wethermay (Rank 4 Human Ghost Cavalier 10, C/G)
Economy: Agriculture, Trading.
Military:Standing, two years conscription.
Politics:Mercantile competition.
Magic:Common, yet Feared.
Religion: Ezra, The Morninglord
Geography:Fertile Plain on the Sea of Sorrows
Education:Three Years Compulsory.
Languages:Common, Mordentish, Richmouloise, Dementlieuse, Verbreker.
Flora:Ghostwood Tree, Soul Violet.
Fauna: Wildcats, Rabbits, Owls.
Local Monsters: Ghosts, Specters, Wraith, Midnight Cats.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Dead ones do not rest 2) Stay away from Gryphon Hill. 3) Soul Violets keep malevolent ghosts away, and protect innocent souls. 4)People never leave, forever. 5)Not all ghosts are evil, but all needs something.
Adventurers from the Nation: Rogues, Investigators, Slayers, Witches, Clerics.

Official Name: Principality of United Cantons of Lamordia
Inhabitants: 1,5 Millions (Humans 99%, Other 1%)
Surface: 25,300 Square Kilometres.
Capital City:Ludendorf (90,000 )
Major Settlements: Neufurchtenberg (70,000), Baytown (40,000)
Borders: North:Darkon, East: Falkovnia, South: Dementlieu, West: Sea of Sorrow; The Strait of Misery (4,5 Km wide) separate the Isle of Agony, which is part of Lamordia by the independent Island of Demise.
Government: Costitutional Federal Ereditary Monarchy.
Ruler: Prince Wilhelm von Aubrecker
Darklords: Adam, Mordenheim's Creature (Awakened Dread Flesh Golem Barbarian 2 C/E) and Victor von Mordenheim (Arteficer 13 L/E)
Lightlord:Igor von Mordenheim (Caliban Rogue 10, N/G)
Economy: Mining, Trading, Craft.
Military:Standing, 5 years conscription, periodic mandatory training.
Politics:Organized parties both local and federal.
Magic:Common, viewed as a specialistic branch of science.
Religion: Celebrant of Mankind Church, Cult of Lutharr.
Climate:Alpine, there is a cold current which causes even coastal climate to be rigid
Geography:Valleys closed beetwen the harsh mountains range called the Sleeping Beast. Only Agony Island has plains.
Education:10 Years Compulsory.
Languages:Common, Lamordian, Falkovnian and Dementlieuse
Flora:Thunder Rose.
Fauna: Wolves, Bears, Mountain Lions, Eagles, Sreinbocks, Chamoises.
Local Monsters: Automatons, Golems (all), Dire Mountain Lions, Dire Wolves, Dire Bears, Winter Wolves.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Dr Mordenheim is brilliant but he os also completly mad. 2) Agony Island interior is dangerous, expecially when the sea freeze. 3) Science is reliable, faith is not. 4)Magic is science, only one poorly rigorously explored. 5)Automatons and Golems consent people to spare energy, and keep them safe; sometimes, they steal jobs, thought.
Adventurers from the Nation: Alchemist, Arteficer, Savant , Investigators, Hunters, Wizards.

Collodi :
Official Name: Princedom of Collodi
Inhabitants: 3 Millions (Humans 88%, Vistani 9%, Elves 2% Other 1%)
Surface: 80,000 Square Kilometres.
Capital City:Acchiappacitrulli (110,000)
Major Settlements: Collodi (60,000), Busybeestown (40,000)
Borders: North:Mordent, East: Valachan, Southand and West: Sea of Sorrow;
Government: Feudal Ereditary Monarchy.
Ruler: Prince Gian Domenico Sorbelloni Mazzanti Viendalmare
Darklord:Stefano Barbagallo aka the Coachman (Wizard (Transmutator) 13, N/E)
Lightlord:The Blue Fairy (Unique Fairy Sorceress 10, N/G)
Economy: Trading, Woodcraft, Alimentar Industry.
Military:Standing, 18 months conscription.
Politics:Corporations, noble families and guilds bribes theyr way to success.
Magic:Uncommon, but judged on the base of its effects.
Religion: Church of Andaral, Cult of Hala, Celebrant of Mankind Church.
Geography:A big river, the Narno River, makes his way from the mountains on the Valachan border, right to the sea, touching all three the main cities of the Princedom.
Education:3 Years Compulsory. Collodi Town's University is the most ancient in the Core
Languages:Common, Mordentish, Zherisian,Valachan
Flora:Fairy Trees.
Fauna: Wolves, Bears, Foxes, Eagles, Hawks, Boars, Beech Martens.
Local Monsters: Beechmartenfolk, Dire Boars, Laughting Snakes, Fairy Puppets.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Vistani are thieves, lazy and untrustworhy. 2) Boys which do not stusy nor work, will end very badly 3) Healty people must work. 4) Money do not smell. 5)My town stinks, but your is worst.
Adventurers from the Nation: Clerics, Bards, Sorcerers, Witches, Paladines, Druids, Rogues.

Nova Vaasa:
Official Name:Kingdom of Nova Vaasa
Inhabitants: 15 Millions (Humans 91%, halflings 5%, gnomes 3%, other 1% )
Surface: 120,000 Square Kilometres.
Capital City:Kantora (387,000)
Major Settlements: Liara (196,500), Bergovitsa (190,000), Arbora (102,328), Egertus (100,431)
Borders: North:Darkon, East: Nocturnal Sea, South: Hazlan, West: Hazlan, Barovia and The Shadow Forest; North West: Tepest
Government: Aristocratical Elective Monarchy
Ruler: King Othmar Bolshnick
Darklord:Yuri Karchkov aka the Beast of Borchava (Accursed Werepanther Ranger 12, L/E)
Lightlord: Anton Kharchov aka The Chain Breaker (Cleric of Lathurr 12, C/G)
Economy: Trading, Minecraft, agriculture, Horsebreeding.
Military:Standing, 2 years conscription.
Politics:The 5 mayor families and theyr retinues compete to bolster theyr power.
Magic:Prohibited by the Lawgiver's Church, promoted by the Lathurr's Cult
Religion: Church of Zekhata, Cult of Lathurr.
Geography:Great plains with a group of rivers, on the coast of the Nocturnal Sea.
Education:Only for nobles.
Languages:Common, Hight Vaasan, Low Vaasan.
Flora:Many kind of Grass, Cactus.
Fauna: Plain Cats, Wild Horses, Snakes of many kind.
Local Monsters: Nightmares, Dire Cats, Dire Snakes, Hellcats, Nightmares.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Nobles command, commoners obeyes. 2) Hight Vaasan are civilized, Low Vasaan are savages;3) Horses are better than gold. 4) Beware of Cats 5)When Zekhata and Lathurr clash, stay in a safe place.
Adventurers from the Nation: Clerics, Rangers, Gunslingers, Shaman, Druids, Rogues, Inquisitors.

Official Name:Kingdom of Invidia
Inhabitants: 2 Millions (Humans 98%, Paka 1%, other 1%)
Surface: 75,000 Square Kilometres.
Capital City:Karina (80,000)
Major Settlements: Valetta (65,000), Tancos (20,000),
Borders: North:Borca; East:Gundarak and Barovia; South: Sithicus; West:Verbrek.
Government: Ereditary Feudal Monarchy.
Ruler: King Malocchio Treholani
Darklord:Queen Mother Gabrielle Aderre-Treholani (Sorcerer 12 (Maestro Bloodline) N/E)
Lightlord: Olyvar Aderre (Vistani Spellbrake 10, N/G)
Economy: Hunt, Timber, Trading, Craft.
Politics:Noble families compete to stay in the royal family good grace. Competition often take the form of matrimonial alliances; Extra marital affairs can be a way to do politics too.
Religion: Church of Ezra (N/G Sect), Cult of Fenris.
Climate: Warm and moisty.
Geography:River-crossed, forestal plains
Education:Only for nobles.
Languages:Common, Invidian, Barovian, Low Vaasan, Sithican.
Flora:Lover Bane, Passion Flower.
Fauna: Foxes, Wildcats, Wolves, Deers, Panthers.
Local Monsters: Werefoxes, Wolfweres, Pakas, Dire Wildcats, Dire Wolves, Dire Foxes, Dire Panthers.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) The Queen Mother is a slut, but never say so in her or the king's presence. 2) Vistani are the enemy, or so say the royals. 3) Wolves can be decent people; 4) Never trust cats and foxes. 5) Never entrust a woman with too much power.
Adventurers from the Nation: Sorcerers, Hunters, Inquisitors, Druids, Witches.

Feedback would be appreciated.
What is up with the "Scarlet Lion"/Radu Drakov thing in Falkovnia? I can't recall ever hearing of this character before. If you're going to use/need a lightlord for Falkovnia how about Gondegal The Lost King? He already seems to serve as a perfect "light reflection" of Vlad being a former mercenary who actually managed to conquer a small chunk of territory for himself without the Dark Powers help, got kicked out, and then after arriving in Falkovnia slowly worked to redeem himself as while at first he only wanted to be seen as a liberator when he took over Falkovnia to decrease the odds of people rebelling against him, now he genuinely does feel for the way its people suffer?

Also why is Halal a religion based around worship of nature/the natural order of things the main religion of Richemulot which is one of the most urban/city focused domains in the Core?

What is up with this line?

"Automatons and Golems consent people to spare energy, and keep them safe;"

In particular the words "consent people" I don't think "consent" is the word you want here, because it seems to be meaningless gibberish in this particular sentence.

Also what is the church of Zekhata doing in Nova Vassa?

Is "Zekhata" supposed to be the same as "Zhakata" from G'Henna?

Who/what is "Lathurr"?

Finally, what have the wolves/werewolves/wolfweres of Invidia done to earn such a good reputation?
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Re: My take on Ravenloft, chapter one

Post by Mistmaster »

jamesfirecat wrote:

What is up with the "Scarlet Lion"/Radu Drakov thing in Falkovnia? I can't recall ever hearing of this character before. If you're going to use/need a lightlord for Falkovnia how about Gondegal The Lost King? He already seems to serve as a perfect "light reflection" of Vlad being a former mercenary who actually managed to conquer a small chunk of territory for himself without the Dark Powers help, got kicked out, and then after arriving in Falkovnia slowly worked to redeem himself as while at first he only wanted to be seen as a liberator when he took over Falkovnia to decrease the odds of people rebelling against him, now he genuinely does feel for the way its people suffer?
The character of the Scarlet Lion was an idea of mine, as I liked the idea of a son of Drakov being the major thorn in his side; I didn't know about this Gondegal, thought.
jamesfirecat wrote:Also why is Halal a religion based around worship of nature/the natural order of things the main religion of Richemulot which is one of the most urban/city focused domains in the Core?
You are right, I got confunded with Ezra.
jamesfirecat wrote: What is up with this line?

"Automatons and Golems consent people to spare energy, and keep them safe;"

In particular the words "consent people" I don't think "consent" is the word you want here, because it seems to be meaningless gibberish in this particular sentence.
I meant allow, english is not my mother language, I'm sorry , I shall edit.
jamesfirecat wrote: Also what is the church of Zekhata doing in Nova Vassa?

Is "Zekhata" supposed to be the same as "Zhakata" from G'Henna?

Who/what is "Lathurr"?
If you read the second post of the thread, you shall realize that Zekata (which yes, should be Zhakata from G'Henna, I wrote it wrong) and Lathurr (which his an obscure divinity of Lamordian past, which I promoted) are two of the opriginal nine gods which created the Mistworld.
jamesfirecat wrote:Finally, what have the wolves/werewolves/wolfweres of Invidia done to earn such a good reputation?
That, I will detail further in the second thread, in which I shall expose my take on every domain.
But wolfweres in Invidia do play an important role.
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Re: My take on Ravenloft, chapter one

Post by Dark Angel »

Mistmaster wrote: The character of the Scarlet Lion was an idea of mine, as I liked the idea of a son of Drakov being the major thorn in his side; I didn't know about this Gondegal, thought.
He goes way back to Black Box Ravenloft days. Here is a bit about him.
"One does not stop playing when they get old, they grow old when they stop playing" George Bernard Shaw
"If you could be either God’s worst enemy or nothing, which would you choose?" Chuck Palahniuk
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Re: My take on Ravenloft, chapter one

Post by Mistmaster »

You convinced me, I edited.
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Re: My take on Ravenloft, chapter one

Post by jamesfirecat »

Also looking forward to seeing your write ups of Verbrek and Sithicus, should be interesting to see what you do with them...
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Re: My take on Ravenloft, chapter one

Post by Mistmaster »

The Core, First Part

Mainland Part 2

Official Name: Barony of Sanguinia
Inhabitants: 3 millions. (Humans 99%, Other 1%)
Surface: 120,000 square kilometres.
Capital City: Tirgo (120,000)
Major Settlements: Kosova (50,000), Fagarus(10,800)
Borders: North;Okraina; East, Okraina, South: Darkon, West, Okraina.
Government: Ereditary Monarchy.
Ruler: Baron Ladislav Mircea
Darklord: Ladislav Mircea (Eminent Obyri Swashbuckler 13, N/E)
Lightlord: Conestable Ion Ursinescu (Natural Werebear, Fighter 10, N/G)
Economy: Agriculture, Gold, Iron and Silber Mines, Fur.
Military:Standing, Professional, reinforced with the Crown privare funds.
Politics:Baron Mircea promove only administrators which proves successfull in building up prosper community.
Magic:Uncommon and feared;
Religion: Church of Andaran, Cult of Lothurr
Climate:Alpine, rigid winters, cool summers.
Geography:Dominated by the Sanguinis Mountains, greatest of which is Mount Radu
Education:Depending on local administrator.
Languages: Common, Sanguinian, Darkonian,Okrainian,
Flora:Mountain Tear.
Fauna: Wolves, Eagles, Bears, Stonbocks, Chamoises.
Local Monsters: Dire Wolves, Winter Wolves, Werewolves.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) The Baron loves his subjects 2) Wolves are evil. 3) Never roam the valleys alone. 4) White Fever is a frequent form of anemy; Wolf meat cure it . 5) Mountain Tear can kill of Werewolves.
Adventurers from the Nation: Hunters, Rangers, Swashbucklers, Fighters, Druids.

Official Name: Tzardom of Okraina
Inhabitants: 7millions. (Humans 93%. Half-elves 4%. Elves 2%. Other 1%)
Surface: 800,000 square kilometres.
Capital City: Yargorod (320,000)
Major Settlements: Olegburg (150,000), Egengrad(112,000), Aglovelesk (100,800)
Borders: North:Frozen Sea; East, Sea of Sorrows, South: Darkon and Sanguinia, West, Noctirnal Sea.
Government:Feudal Ereditary Monarchy.
Ruler: Tzar Vasily III Yargorov the Cruel.
Darklord: Tzarina Anna Sparatoga Yargorova (Witch 15, N/E)
Lightlord: Baba Yaga aka Grand-Duchess Maria Yargorova (Druid 12 N/G)
Economy: Agriculture, Timber, Coal Mines, Fur, Fishing, Trading.
Military:Standing, reinforced with mercenaries.
Politics:Boyars compete to gain the favour of the Imperial Family.
Magic:Common but frowned upon.
Religion: Church of Belenus/Yarilo, Cult of Lothurr, Cult of Fenris.
Climate:Sub-Artic in the interior, Artic on the nothern coast, Temperate on the other coasts.
Geography:Vast plain dominated by Tundra and Taiga forests, crossed by the Daan and Volra rivers
Education:Only for nobles
Languages: Common, Okrainian, Darkonian,Sanguinian.
Flora:Blue Rose.
Fauna: Wolves, Snow Leopards, Snow Tiger, Bears, Leopard Seals, Polar Bears.
Local Monsters: Dire Wolves, Winter Wolves, Dire Snow Leopards, Dire Snow Tiger, Dire Bears, Dire Polar Bears, Dire Leopard Seals, Winter Hags.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) The Tzar Reign, but the Tzarina rules. 2) Young blood is not safe for the Imperaial couple. 3)Winter is death. 4) The old woman can help you. . 5) Blue Roses are ill omens.
Adventurers from the Nation: Hunters, Rangers, Witches, Fighters, Shamans, Druids.

Official Name: Peaceful Country of Valachan
Inhabitants: 10 millions. (Human 97%, Gnome 2%, Other 1%ther 1%)
Surface: 75,000 square kilometres.
Capital City: Helbenik (120,000)
Major Settlements: Rotwald (90,000), Ungrad(57,000), Hafendald (18,000)
Borders: North:Mordentshire, North-East, Richemulot, East Verbrek, South-East: Sithicus, South: Zeindost, South-West, Collodi, West:Espinada.
Government:Parliamentary Teocracy.
Ruler: Hight Peacebringer Liutpold von Turre.
Darklord: Liutpold von Turre (Vrykolacha Patriarch Cleric of Yutrus 12, L/E)
Lightlord: The Panther aka Lady Elena von Starntraxis (Natural Werepanther Bard 10 C/G)
Economy: Agriculture, Timber, Trading, Craft.
Military:None. Only the clergy can authorize mitias for self-defense.
Politics:The rigide equalitarian system imposed by the clergy leave howecer space forcompetition, based on abnegation and loyalty to the community.
Magic:Uncommon and Feared.
Religion: Church of Yutrus.
Geography: a narrow plain beetween the Arden river and the Helfire Mountains, covered in luxury forrest.
Education:5 years compulsory, church ran.
Languages: Common, Valachan, Collodian, Mordentish, Verbreker, Sithican.
Fauna: Black Panthers, Deers, Snakes, Spiders.
Local Monsters: Dire Panthers, Dire Snakes, Vrylolachas.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Forgiveness and understanding for all. 2) Sinner get forgiven if they repents, but ruin attends those who persist in theyr ways. 3) Trust the clergy of Yutow...or not? 4) Trust the Panther, but do not tell it to the clergy 5) Violence is the very last resource.
Adventurers from the Nation: Clerics, Hunters, Druids, Rangers, Shamans, Inquisitors.

Official Name: Reino d'Espinada
Inhabitants: 22 millions. (Human 97%, Other 3%)
Surface: 77,000 square kilometres.
Capital City:Ciudad de Nuestra Madre de la Niebla (300,000)
Major Settlements: Puerto de Tormentas (230,000),Montaña del Diablo (170,000), Cueva de Leones (158,700), Bosque de Reyes (130,000), Puert Espada (120,000).
Borders: North:Mordentshire, East Valachan, South: Collodi, West:Sea of Sorrows.
Government:Feudal Monarchy.
Ruler: Queen Isabela III Maldonado.
Darklord: Don Juan Balthazar de Villaviecha (Young Adult Male Demon-Bound Himan Swashbuckler 13, C/E)
Lightlord: Don Alejandro de la Morra [Middleaged Human Cavalier (Order of the Shield ) 16, L/G]
Economy: Agriculture, Trading, Craft, Mining, Fishing.
Military:Strong, Strong Navy.
Politics:The hight aristocracy (Grandi) shere powers with the crown, in tnhe parliament (Cortes); they compete with the raising power of the low aristocracy ( Hidalgos), favored by the crown.
Magic:Uncommon and Feared.
Religion: The Creed (Triad composed by Zhakata the Lawgiver , L/N aspect, Ezra and Andral.)
Climate:Temperate on the coast rigid near the mountains, dey in the interior.
Geography: a large plain crossed by three large rivers, encased beetween the Hellfire Mountains (Sierra Fuego del Diablo) and the Sea of Sorrows.
Education:3 years compulsory, church ran.
Languages: Common, Espinadish, Valachan, Collodian, Mordentish.
Flora:Rosa do Demonio.
Fauna: Wolves,Boars, Snakes, Rats.
Local Monsters: Dire Wolves, Dire Boars, Dire Rats, Rat Swarms, Snake Swarms, Alada Hags, Brujas, Demons, Ghosts, Cocas.
5 Facts known by locals: 1)No Salvation outside the Creed. 2) Sin price is eternally payed 3) Better the Mists than the darkness. 4) Children should behave or Coca's will eat them. 5) Demon worshippers and heretics should cower in front of the power of the Holy Inquisition.
Adventurers from the Nation: Clerics, Inquisitors, Fighters, Swashbucklers, Oracles, Monks, Paladins, Knights.

Official Name: Kingdom of Hazlan
Inhabitants: 10 millions. ( Humans 92%, Halfling 4%, Gnome 3%, Other 1% )
Surface: 75,000 square kilometres.
Capital City:Toyalis (215,000)
Major Settlements: Ramulay (100,000), Sly Var (78,000)
Borders: North:Barovia, North-East, Nova Vaasa, East:Nova Vaasa, South: The Dread Sea and Zeindost, West: Kartakass, North-West:Forlorn.
Government:Dispotic Magogracy.
Ruler: Wizard King Hazlik Skarlvith
Darklord: Hazlik Skarlvith (Old Human Wizard (Evoker) 14 C/E)
Lightlord: Meera Enjivin (Wizard (Abjurer ) 13 L/G)
Economy: Craft, sheep breeding, Mining, Trade, Arcane crafting.
Military:Local retinues, magically enforced.
Politics:Wizards compete to gain position of power.
Magic:Common and Promoted.
Religion: Church of Zhakata, Church of Andaral.
Climate:Warm and Dry.
Geography: Plains, hills and mountain mainly covered in rocky deserts; Two main rivers consent to live in the land.
Education:6 years compulsory, in Ramulay there is the Red Academy for Arcane teaching.
Languages: Common, Hazlani, Forfarian, G'hennan, Zeindostein,Low Vaasan, Kartakassian.
Flora:Archmage Bush.
Fauna: Snakes, Scorpions, Jackals, Vultures.
Local Monsters: , Dire Snakes, Giant Scorpions, Scorpion Swarms, Living Spells, Oozes(all types), various Undeads,Werevultures, Werejackals .
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Magic is useful. 2) Magic is might, and might is right! 3) The Red Wizard can do anything, so, stay stay put from Veneficus. 4)Never taunt a Wizard. 5)Sorcery is cheating.
Adventurers from the Nation: Wizards, Magi, Clerics, Inquisitors, Alchemists, Spellbrake. Spellblades, Arcanists.

Official Name: Kingdom of Sithicus
Inhabitants: 1 millions. ( 96% elves, 2% half-elves, 1% humans, 1% other )
Surface: 175,000 square kilometres.
Capital City:Har Thelen (89,000),
Major Settlements: Hroth (30,000), Mal Erek (28,000)
Borders: North:Verbrek, Invidia, Gundarak. East:Kartakass, South: Zeindost, West:Valachan,
Government:Ereditary Aristocratic Monarchy
Ruler: King Loth Adarillion.
Darklord: King Loth the Black Knight (Graveknight Elf Cavalier 15, L/E)
Lightlord: Magda Kulchevich (Vistani Sorcerer 15, C/G)
Economy: Steed Breeding,Dog Breeding, Silversmithing, Officinal Herbs, Trading.
Military:Standing, ten years obligatory conscription for elves.
Politics:Noble elvish family compete to outdo eachother and better themselves.
Magic:Common and Promoted.
Religion: Hala, Elfic Pantheon.
Geography: The Sithican Forests are encased in a landscape of mountains and hills.
Education:16 years compulsory for Elves.
Languages: Common, Elfic, Sithican, Verbreker, Gundarakite, Zeindostein,Valachani, Kartakassian.
Flora:Black Roses, Sithican Oak.
Fauna: Owl, Badgers, Foxes, Spiders, Wild Hounds.
Local Monsters: Griffins, Unicorns, Black Unicorns, Hippogriffs, Giant Owls, Werebadgers, Dire Badgers, Grim Hounds, Fairy Hounds, Blinking Hounds, Yeth Hounds, Banshees.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Elves are superior, or so they say. 2) Try to do something beautiful every time you do something. 3)Obey the Black Knight. 4)Trust only what you breed yourself. 5)Everything has magic.
Adventurers from the Nation: Wizards, Magi,Sorcerers, Druids, Witches, Rangers, Bards, Summoners, Hunters.

Official Name: Kingdom of Tepest
Inhabitants: 12 millions. ( 97% Humans 1% Dwarves, 1% Goblins, 1% other )
Surface: 100,000 square kilometres.
Capital City:Kellee (82,000),
Major Settlements: Viktal (100,000) Briggdarrow (20,000),Shadewood Town (15,000), Keening (10,000)
Borders: North:Darkon, East:Darkon, South-East: Nova Vaasa, South:Nidala, West:Shadow Forest.
Government:Ereditary Feudal Monarchy.
Ruler:Queen Krimhilde von Müller und von Schnee.
Darklord: Queen Krimhilde (5 Rank Hag Witch 15, N/E)
Lightlord: Princess Blanche von Schnee (Feytouched Socerer 15 N/G)
Economy: Officinal Herbs, Trading, Fur, Crafting.
Military:Standing,Mercenary, each lord has its own retinue.
Politics:The various local lords squabble to stay in the queen's good graces.
Magic:Common yet Feared.
Religion: Tepestani Pantheon, Dwarvish Pantheon, Greenskin Religion.
Geography: Hill and Forest, with a big Lake in the south, and a rocky valley in the north
Education:Only for nobles.
Languages: Common, Tepestani, Darkonese, Sylvan, Low Vaasan, Nidalan, Dwarvish, Goblin.
Flora:Many officinal andpoisonous herbs, all kind of Fungi and Berry bushes.
Fauna: Owl, Wolves, Foxes, Spiders, Wild Cats, Straw Dogs, Ravens, Toads and Snakes.
Local Monsters:Hags, Dire Wolves, Werewolves, Werefoxes, Red Widows, Greymalkins, Wereraven, Giant Ravens, Goblin Beasts, Giant Spiders, Dire Snakes, Giant Toads.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Not every woman is an Hag, but every Hag is a woman. 2)Do not accept advices or gifts from starngers.3)Follow the path, and travel by day. 4)The Queen see! 5)Hope in the Princess.
Adventurers from the Nation: Witches, Rangers, Bards, Rogue, Hunters, Druids, Shamans, Fighters, Cavaliers.

Verbrek :
Official Name: Free State of Verbrek
Inhabitants: 2,5 millions. ( 57% Natural Werewolves, 42% Humans, 1% other )
Surface: 70,000 square kilometres.
Capital City:Arkandale (102,000),
Major Settlements: Fylfot (9,000) Alyssum (15,000)
Borders: North:Richemulot, North-East:Borca, East:Invidia, South: Sithicus, West:Valachan, North-West:Mordentshire.
Ruler:President of the Consortium of the Verbrek Companies, Head of the Musarde River Company, Alpha of the Arkendale Pack, Captain Nathan Timothy.
Darklord: Captain Nathan Timothy (Natural Werewolf Rogue 10, L/E)
Lightlord: Noah Timothy (Natural Mountain Loup Garou Barbarian 7 N/G)
Economy:Agricolture, Timber, Fur, Trading.
Politics:The various investors in the Consortium, and the farious Betas in the werewolves packs compete to increase theyr power.
Magic:Common yet Frowned upon.
Religion: Church of Andaral, Church of Zakhata, Church of Ezra (L/N Sect), Cult of Fenris, Cult of Lathurr.
Geography: Hills small mountains, and swamps surrounds the valley of the Musard River.
Education:Non Compulsory.
Languages: Common, Verbreker, Mordentish, Richemouloise, Borcan, Invidian, Sithican, Valachani .
Flora:Wolf Bane, Wolf Weed.
Fauna: Wolves, Crocodiles, Snakes, Deers, Elks.
Local Monsters: Dire Wolves, Afflicted Werewolves, Loup Garous, Dire Snakes, Dire Crocodiles.
5 Facts known by locals: 1)Wolves are predators,as much in the forest as on the negotiation table. 2)Do not tickle a wolf. 3)Never enter in a wolf hunting grounds uninvited. 4)Stay home with full moon.5)Be respectful with Captain Timothy when you trash him at cards.
Adventurers from the Nation: Rangers, Clerics, Rogues, Barbarians, Hunters.

Kartakass :
Official Name: Kartakassian Confederacy
Inhabitants: 10 millions. ( Humans 94%, wolfweres 4%, half-elves 1%, other 1% )
Surface: 35,000 square kilometres.
Capital City:Harmonia (118,000),
Major Settlements: Skald (92,000) Chord (65,000)
Borders: North:Barovia, North-East:Forlorn, East: Hazlan, South:Zeindost, South-East:G'Henna, West:Sithicus, North-East:Gundarak.
Government:Confederation of Parlamentary Meritocratic Bardocracies.
Ruler:Head of the Meistersinger Council, Meistersinger of Harmonia Eliska Vokrona.
Darklord: Meistersinger of Skald Harkon Lukas (Greater Wolfwere Bard 10, N/E)
Lightlord: Orinda Nahle, Meistersinger of Chord (Venerable Human Bard 12 N/G)
Economy:Agricolture, Entertaining, Timber, Fur, Trading.
Military:Each community have a standing one, with a year mandatory conscription.
Politics:While Bards have the executive power, each community has a democratically elected council; each community has it's own politcal parties. However, the two most powerfull are the Traditionalists, vary of any changing in Kartakassian traditional way of life, and the Modernists, willing to develope the country using it's natural resources.
Religion: Church of Andaral, Church of Ezra (L/N Sect), Cult of Fenris, Cult of Lothurr.
Geography: Plain covered by forrests, with small hills. Many communities dot the land.
Education:Five Year Compulsory, Bardic College of Harnonia gave superior one.
Languages: Common,Kartakassian, Barovian, Gundarakite, Forfarian, Hazlani, Zeindostein, G'hennan, Sithican.
Flora:Siverbell Flowers.
Fauna: Wolves, Owls, Boars.
Local Monsters: Dire Wolves,Wolfweres, Greater Wolfweres, Dire Boars, Giant Owls.
5 Facts known by locals: 1)Music is the best part of life. 2) Wolves can sing to. 3) Why fight if we can sing off? 4)Kartakassian Bards are best of the world. 5)Happiness is good company with good music and a bottle of Meekulbrau.
Adventurers from the Nation: Bards, Rangers, Rogues, Barbarians, Hunters, Druids, Shamans.

Official Name:Principality of Forlorn.
Inhabitants: 1 millions. ( Humans 68%, Goblins 20%, Vampyres 11%, other 1% )
Surface: 72,000 square kilometres.
Capital City:Caer Birnam (82,000),
Major Settlements: Caer Llyn (60,000), Forfarmax (57,000); Dur Draal(29,300), Caer Roch (23,000 )
Borders: North-West, North, North-East:Barovia, South-East: Hazlan, South-West:Kartakass.
Government:Ereditary and Elective Monarchy
Ruler:Hight Prince Tristen apBlanc
Darklord: Tristen apBlanc (Vampyre Bard 14 N/E)
Lightlord: Lady Brangain apBlanc (Vampyre Ghost Rank 3 Bard 13 C/G)
Economy:Sheep Breeding, Hound's Breeding, Trade, Steelcraft, Iron Mines.
Politics:The various Clans fight and compete for prominence.
Magic:Uncommon and Feared.
Religion: Celtic Pantheon, Goblin Religion, Vampyre Religion.
Geography: a valley beetween two hight montains, mount Arawn and Mount Armitage, with a big lake an many hills.
Education:Only for nobles.
Languages: Common, Forfarian, Hazlani, Barovian and Kartakassian.
Flora: Hag's Kelp, Dead Feet Grass.
Fauna: Wolves, Ravens, Boars, Deers.
Local Monsters:Banshees, Kelpies, Hags, Atachs, Fachans, Ettins, Redcaps,Shadow Hounds, Wereravens, Dire Boars.
5 Facts known by locals: 1)Never heed for lakes or ponds alone. 2)Never fancy a woman of a rival clan. 3) Do not trust Vampyres. 4)Work hard and feast harder. 5)Hounds are worthy Companions.
Adventurers from the Nation: Fighters, Bards, Barbarians, Rangers, Rogues, Witches, Sorcerers.

Official Name:Duchy of Gundarak.
Inhabitants: 2 millions. ( Humans 98%, Other 2% )
Surface: 75,000 square kilometres.
Capital City:Hunadora Town (38,000),
Major Settlements: Teufeldorf (65,000)
Borders: North: Borca, East:Barovia, South-East: Kartakass, South Sithicus and Invidia, West Invidia.
Government:Ereditary Dispotism.
Ruler: Duke Nharov IV Gundar
Darklord: Nharov IV Gundar (Old Nosferatu Fighter 15, C/E)
Lightlord: The Scarlet Lion, in secret Taron Gundar ( Dhampir Vigilante 16, L/G)
Economy:Agriculture, Livestock Breeding, Woodcarving, Trade.
Politics:Clandestine, as Gundar do not tolerate any faction he doesn't directly control.
Magic:Feared, allowed nly on the Duke authorization.
Religion: Hala, Culto of the Morninglord, Ezra (L/G Sect), Cult of Erlking/Fenris.
Geography: Hills and valley encased beetween the balinoks Mountains and the Hunadora River valley.
Education:Only if authorized by the Duke.
Languages: Common, Gundarakite, Barovian, Borcan, Invidian, Sithican and Kartakassian.
Flora: Rebellion Fruits.
Fauna: Wolves, Ravens, Boars, Deers, Elks
Local Monsters:Vampire Spawns, Dire Wolves, Dire Boars.
5 Facts known by locals: 1)Duke Nharov is a merciless tyrant, so do not cross him. 2)Might makes right, 3)Thinks on it befrre you try to cheat the Duke. 4)Be smarter than the tax collectors. 5) Brave ones fight, but wise ones win.
Adventurers from the Nation: Fighters, Rangers, Rogues, Witches, Sorcerers, Paladins, Clerics.

Shadow Forrest :
Official Name:High Kingdom of the Shadow Forrest
Inhabitants: 10 millions. ( Fairies 70%,Elves 20% Human 5% Other 5% )
Surface: 180,000 square kilometres.
Capital City:Avalon (318,000)
Major Settlements: Tirnanog (215,000), Mag Toureaudh (208,000), Goblein Market (160,000), Baen Sideach (153,000)
Borders: North: Tepest, East:Tepest , South: Nidala and Dorvinia. West: Falkovnia.
Government:Feudal Ereditary Monarchy
Ruler: Hight Queen Maeve Hightstar
Darklord: Lady Maab Hightstar (Unique Fairy Sorceress 13 C/E)
Lightlord: Maeve Hightstar (Unique Fairy Bard 13 C/G)
Economy:Arcane Craft, Entertaining, Trade, Craft.
Military:Noble hises retinues.
Politics:A refined game of courtesy and alliances, perfected in many centuries.
Religion: Cetic Pantheon
Geography: a continuous forest wher cities, ponds, lakes and hills blend effortlessly.
Education:50 years mandatory for Hight Court Fairy.
Languages: Common, Sylvan, Elfic, Gnomish,Nidalan,Borcan, Falkovnian, Tepestani.
Flora: Fairy Fruits, Fairy Fungi, Fairywood Trees.
Fauna: Deers, Foxes, Elks, Wild Horses, Unicorns, Pegasi,
Local Monsters:Yeth Hounds, Ruzalkas, Evil Fairies, Treants.
5 Facts known by locals: 1)Fairies are divided in two courts; Hight Court are nobility, Low Court are subjects. 2)Never lie to a fairy. 3)Fairies have a very different mindset than humanoid; this creates misunderstandings. 4)When you accept a gift from a fairy, make sure you understand it. 5) Never steal from a fairy.
Adventurers from the Nation: Sorcerers, Warloks, Rangers, Wizards, Witches, Hunters, Magi;

Official Name:Holy Kingdom of Nidala.
Inhabitants: 12 millions. ( Humans 98%, Other 2% )
Surface: 90,000 square kilometres.
Capital City:Touraine (138,000),
Major Settlements: Avonleight(165,000), Shadowgard (89,000)
Borders: North: Shadowforrest and Tepest, East:Tepest and Nova Vaasa, South: Barovia and Dorvinia, West Dorvinia.
Government:Theocratic Monarchy.
Ruler: Queen Elena Faith-Hold.
Darklord: Ebonbane (Greatsword possessed by Lussimar, Unique Outsider 18 DV C/E)
Lightlord: Shadowborn Tiara (Possessed by Keteri Shadowborn, Rank Four Ghost Fighter 18 L/G)
Economy:Agriculture, Trade.
Military:Standing, professional.
Politics:The various hight ranking member of the Military and of the Church compete for advancement.
Magic:Arcane magic and not-Belenus divine magic is restricted.
Religion:Church of Belenus.
Geography: A Fertile landscape of hills and cultivate fields.
Education:Church Ran, Three years compulsory.
Languages: Common, Nidalan, Sylvan, Barovian, Borcan, Low Vasaan.
Flora: Ebon Lily.
Fauna: Wolves, Ravens, Boars, Deers, Elks, Foxes, Hawks, Badgers.
Local Monsters:Drakes, Ogres, Trolls, Direwolvesm Dire Boars, Werefoxes Dire Hawks.
5 Facts known by locals: 1)Belenus is the only god who truly cares for his worshipers. 2)The battle for goodness start inside the heart, than it goes outside. 3)Evil prevail when good people stay idle. 4)Hold to your faith. 5) Always remember: there is light in the deepest darkness, and darkness in the brightest light;
Adventurers from the Nation: Paladins, Warpriests, Clerics, Druids, Fighters, Monks, Slayers.

Official Name:Republic of Zeindost.
Inhabitants: 20 millions. ( Humans 78%, Other 22% )
Surface: 390,000 square kilometres.
Capital City:Doppelhafen (410,000)
Major Settlements: Rotehafen (315,000), Gesteinhafen (287,000), Kromsabelhafen (199,000), Latstehafen (78,000)
Borders: North: Valachan, Sithicus, Hazlan. East:The Dread Sea, and throught the Island of Laatstehoop, 90 km east of Gesteinhafen in a straight line, the Nocturnal Sea. South: The Dread Sea, West: The Sea of Sorrows.
Government:Costitutional Presidential Federal Republic.
Ruler: President Karl van der Rund
Darklord: Captain Morgan van Techtovhaan (Sea Zombie Lord Rogue (Pirate) 14, N/E)
Lightlord: Kalista van der Bergen (Sealkie Cleric of Oceanus 14, N/G)
Economy:Trade, Timber, Mining, Shipcrafting, Piracy.
Military:Standing, professional, with great preaparation for the naval personnel.
Politics:Various parties representing the interest of the various groups of powers; It exist even an Undeath Party,headed by the notorious Undead Captain Morgan van Techtovhaan.
Religion:Cult of Oceanus, Church of the Eternal Order, Cult of Ezra (All Sects)
Geography: A narrow, fertile soil beetwen the Sea and the Gesteinvall Mountains
Education:Church Ran, Three years compulsory.
Languages: Common, Zeindostein, Hazlani, G'Hennan, Sithican, Valachanian.
Flora: Golden Kelp, Seawood.
Fauna: Dolphins, Sharks, Whales, Sea Hawks,Hawks.
Local Monsters:Any warm water sea creature. Sea Zombies, Weresharks, Weredolphins, Sealkies.
5 Facts known by locals: 1)The Sea is our friends if we respect it. 2)Once you sail, only the law of the sea counts. 3)Looks don't matter; Shallow waters look deeps, sometimes, and the opposite is true, too 4)They call it piracy, but, in truth, is a form of aggressive trading. 5) Honourable does not mean stupid or naive!
Adventurers from the Nation: Rogues, Fighters, Cleric, Druid, Rangers, Bards, Investigators, Oracles, Swashbucklers, Brawlers, Gunslingers .

Now only the Islands are to be done, of the Core. As always feedback is appreciated.
Last edited by Mistmaster on Sat Apr 27, 2019 5:56 am, edited 7 times in total.
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
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Re: My take on Ravenloft, chapter one

Post by Mistmaster »

Islands part of the Core

Islands in the Sea of Sorrows.

Official Name: United Kingdom of Zherisia
Inhabitants: 10 millions. (93% Humans, 3% Half-Vistani, 3% Doppleganger, 1% Dhampirs)
Surface: 200,000 square kilometres.
Capital City: Paridon (500,000)
Major Settlements: Nosos (315,000), Timor (285,000), Immerabt (213,000), Solanica (197,000).
Position: Zherisia is the largest Island of the Sea of Sorrows belonging to the Core, 100 Km from the Collodian main port.
Government: Unitary Constitutional Monarchy.
Rulers: Queen Anna II Fitzroy, represented by the Lord First Minister Julian Anderson.
Darklord: Malken, aka Malcolm Hiregard secretly occupying the body of Paridon's Chief Conestable Tristan Hiregard (Caliban Rogue 12 C/E)
Lightlord: The Shadow Cat, Secretly the soul of Tristen Hiregard (Shadow Unchained Monk 10 L/G)
Economy: Industry, Trade, Craft.
Military:Standing, Professional; Focus on the Navy.
Politics:In Zherisia there are many factions competing, not only in the parliament, where the Chartian Party, representing the working class, insidiate the rule of the Gentlemen Party of the hightest class and of the Liberty Party of the middle class;
Religion: Divinity of Mankind, Celtic Pantheon, Church of Andaran, Church of Ezra (L/N Sect).
Geography:Zherisia have rocky coasts and presents a moor landscape.
Education:Compulsory 10 years contend with Lamordia for number of Universities.
Languages: Common, Zherisian, Vistani, Collodian, Darkonese, Zeindostein and Lamordian.
Flora:Zherisian Grass, Wild Rose.
Fauna: Wolves, Eagles, Foxes, Swans, Rats, Wildcats.
Local Monsters: Unicorns, Marikith, Doppelganger, Greater Doppleganger, Golem, Oozes, Rat Swarms, Dire Rats, Swanmays, Wererats.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Long live the Queen. 2) Private vices, public virtues. 3) Don't walk city streets alone in the night. 4) The sewers are dangerous. 5) Zherisians have the duty to bring civilization to less developed people.
Adventurers from the Nation: Investigators, Rogues, Alchemists, Unchained Monks, Rogues, Wizards, Psichics, Mesmerists, Kineticists, Gunslingers.

Official Name: Republic of Markovia
Inhabitants: 1,8 millions. (70% Humans, 29% Broken Ones, Other 1%))
Surface: 60,000 square kilometres.
Capital City: Markovgrad (100,000)
Major Settlements:Vestegrad (60,000), Brokenport (19,000)
Position: Markovia lay in the Sea of Sorrows, 120 Km East of Martira Bay.
Government: Oligarchic Republic
Ruler: Lord-President Anton Markov.
Darklord: Dr Frantisek Markov (Unique Monstrous Humanoid, Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 9, L/E)
Lightlord: Tiger Khan (Anthropomorphic Tiger, Ranger 10, C/G)
Economy:Industry, Trade, Fishing, Mining
Military:Standing, Professional, Mandatory military service 3 years. Focus on the Navy.
Politics:The Markovgrad Markov Family have dominance on the island; competition is stronger inside the family itself.
Magic:Common, but feared
Religion: Divinity of Mankind, Cult of Fenris (C/N Sect), Cult of Lothurr
Geography:Hills and small dorment volcanos dot the island;
Education:Compulsory 5 years.
Languages: Common,Markovian, Barovian, Zherisian, Darkonese and Lamordian.
Flora:Carnivore Rose.
Fauna: Widcats, Wolves, Bears, Badgers, Rabbits, Feasans, Peacocks, Turtles.
Local Monsters: Broken Ones, Dire Animals (any), Awakened Animals (Any.), Anthropomorphic animals (Any).
5 Facts known by locals: 1)Do not poach on Diosamblet Manor ground. 2) Money buys all. 3) Some people behave like animals, and some animal behave like people. 4) Some predator could eat you, some other want only to talk; I would ran, in both cases. 5) Do not fear the broken, do fear the breaker.
Adventurers from the Nation:Alchemists, Gunslingers, Rangers, Hunters, Wizards, Druids, Shamans.

Official Name: Kingdom of Demise
Inhabitants: 100,000 (80% Humans, 15% Medusas, Other 5%)
Surface: 1,400 square kilometres.
Capital City: Stonewail (10,000)
Major Settlements:Stonefeast (18,000), Stoneward (20,000)
Position: Demise lay on the Sea of Sorrows, 4.5 Km North West from Agony Island, in the Princedom of Lamordia.
Government: Costitutional Matriarcal Monarchy.
Ruler: Queen of Stone, Althea Eurialidis.
Darklord: Former Prince Consort Stelios Gorgonidis (Maedar Stonespirit Wizard (Illusionist) 9, L/E)
Lightlord:Prince Consort Perseus Polymenidis (Human Fighter (Peacemaker) 10 C/G)
Economy:Stonemasonry, Stone, Marmor, Granite and Alabastrum Quarries, Trade.
Military:Standing; Humans infantry and sailor are the bulk of it, but Medusas and Maedar form the elite.
Politics:The secular convivence between Human and Medusas (Maedars are male Medusas) on Demise, has been possible thanks the predominance of moderate, integrationist parties in both the races. While Medusas keep the executive power, they share judiciary, and legislative is human province; The Chief Royal Advisor (a prime minister of sort) is always human.
Religion:Olympic Pantheon (Athena is L/E, while Poseidon is C/G, and the main god of the Pantheon.)
Climate:Temperate, thanks to a warm current.
Geography:The soil is rocky and a massive mountain, the Stone Titan, stand in the middle of the island, constantly eroded by the Demisian quarries.
Education:Compulsory 5 years.
Languages: Common, Demisian, Lamordian, Barovian, Zeindostein and Blausteinian.
Flora:Stone Seeds.
Fauna: Snakes, Seagulls, Seals.
Local Monsters: Medusas, Earth Elementals, Stonespirits, Stone Golems.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Ignore the snake hairs. 2) Do not stare. 3) Stone is not cold as it seems.4) When you deal with female Medusas who do not wear safe-glasses, avert your stare; maybe she controls it, but better be safe than stony. 5) Demisian stonecraft is the best in all this misty world.
Adventurers from the Nation:Rangers, Clerics, Wizards, Sorcerers, Witches, Druids.

Official Name:Kingdom of Ghastria
Inhabitants: 500,000 (97% Humans, Halfling 2%, Other 1%)
Surface: 50,000 square kilometres.
Capital City: East Riding (73,000)
Major Settlements: West Cove (60,000), North Dream (18,700), South Lagoon (15,700)
Position: The Island of Ghastria lay 160 km West of Rotehafen in The Sea of Sorrows.
Government: Feudal Ereditary Monarchy
Ruler: King Stezen III D'Polarno.
Darklord: Stezen D'Polarno (Pale Husk Fighter 10 N/E-C/E)
Lightlord:Andrik D'Polarno (Brightspirit Bard 10 N/G)
Economy:Trading, Fishing, Agriculture, Breeding, Spices.
Military: Standing, Professional; Small but effective military Navy.
Politics: Noble families compete for the King's favour.
Magic:Common, mixed view.
Religion:Cult of Lothurr,Cult of Fenris.
Geography:Plains dotted by marshes, small hills and forrests.
Education:Only for nobles.
Languages: Common, Ghastrian, Tempêtan, Blaustanian, Zeindostein, Todesteinian, Vechorite.
Flora:Umbral Pine.
Fauna:Snakes, Seagulls, Crocodiles, Toads.
Local Monsters:Ghouls, Ghasts, Pale Husks, Brightspirits, Diresnakes, Dire Crocodiles, Weretoads, Giant Toads, Snake Swarms, Toad Swarms, Carrion Crawlers.
5 Facts known by locals: 1)Enjoy the life, it's brief. 2)Follow your heart. 3)Passion can burn. 4) Sate your hungers while you are alive, or you shall have to do it after. 5)Everyone can be an artist; not everyone can be a great artist, thought.
Adventurers from the Nation:Bards, Swashbucklers, Barbarian, Skalds, Hunters, Rangers, Slayers, Gunslingers, Rogues.

Bluetspur :
Official Name:Commonwealth of Bluetspur
Inhabitants: 4,5 millions (53% Humans, 30% Illithid, 10 % Alterated, 6% Grimlocks, 1% Others)
Surface: 150,000 square kilometres.
Capital City: Alliance City (200,000)
Major Settlements: Malumbria (120,000), Old Thaan (92,900), Lidhaan (87,600)
Position: The Island of Bluetspur lay 100 km north of Ghastria.
Government: Federation of two different nations, the Illithid Egemony, and the Kingdom of Thaan One is an Absolute Theocratic Monarchy, the other one an Ereditary Constitutional Monarchy.
Rulers: King Seldrid Thaangor of Thaan and the Elder Brain of the Illithid Egemony, secretly the same person.
Darklord:Seldrid the God-Brain (Elder Brain Psichic 5, L/E)
Lightlord: Baroness Lia Lidhaangor (Disincarned Mind Psichic 20, L/G)
Economy:Occult Crafting, Industry, Trading, Gray Amethist.
Military: Standing, enforced with Grimlock Infantry and Illithid Spelcasters
Politics: Illithids compete for promotion,while Humans try to keep theyr autonomy.
Magic:Common and Promoted
Religion:Church of the God-Brain, Church of Ezra.(L/N Sect), Church of Andaral .
Climate:Cold and Rainy.
Geography:Hilly surface, vast subterranean cave system, warm and humid.
Education:Mandatory 8 years.
Languages: Common, Thaani, Qualith, Undercommon,Blausteinian, Zeindostein, Todesteinian, Vechorite.
Flora:Fungi, Psichic Shamrock.
Fauna:Rats, Moles, Spiders, Snakes, Moths.
Local Monsters:Dire Moles, Dire Rats, Psichic Moles, Brain Devourer, Ulitahrids, Illithids, Grimlocks, Weremoles, Rat Swarms, Sentient Rat Swarms, Illithidae Beasts, Alterateds.
5 Facts known by locals: 1)Always keep a Gray Amethist piece when you deal with Illithids, 2)Illithids eat brains, and reproduces using humanoid bodies; They claim they use clonation for both intents nowadays, but still, we wonder what happens to convicted criminals, sentenced to death. 3) King Seldrid stopped the war against the mind Flayer and turned them in allies. 4) Old Baroness Lia is deluded about conspirancies, but she does have a good heart. 5) Mind have power.
Adventurers from the Nation:Pshichics, Mediums, Kineticists, Wizards, Mesmerists, Alchemists, Artificers, Soulknives.

Blaustein :
Official Name:Kingdom of Blaustein
Inhabitants: 200,000 (99% Hunans, 1% Others)
Surface: 4,000 square kilometres.
Capital City: Raïs (100,000)
Major Settlements: Wivesrest (19,000)
Position: The Island of Blaustein lay 50 km West of Port-a-Lucine.
Government: Absolute Ereditary Monarchy
Ruler: King Raoul II "Bluebeard" Morrell
Darklord:Bluebeard (Caliban Brawler 9 L/E)
Lightlord:Prince Connor Morell (Caliban Rogue (Pirate) C/G)
Economy:Piracy, Trading, Smuggling, Brewing, Tobacco, Agriculture.
Military: Standing; Strong Navy.
Politics: Pirate Captains compete to gain Bluebeard's friendship.
Religion:Cult of Fenris, Church of Zhakata the Reaver, Cult of Lady Luck .
Geography:Hilly surface, fertile soil, higt shores with only a few landing spots.
Education:3 Years Mandatory.
Languages: Common, Blausteinian, Zeindostein, Vechorite, Dementlieuse, Lamordian, Mordentish, Ghastrian.
Flora:Blaustanian Blue Kelp.
Fauna:Seagulls, Crabs, Jellyfishes, Octopuses, Rats.
Local Monsters:Dire Rats, Dire Crabs, Giant Octopuses, Giant Jellyfishes, Crab Swarms, Jellyfishes Swarms, Rat Swarms, Sea Zombiesm, Giant Starfishes, Giant Sea Urkins.
5 Facts known by locals: 1)Glory to King Blueberd, the most fearsome pirate of all seas. 2) The Law of the sea is Law only when there is no land to be seen.3) Reave and Revel, thats the life of an happy man. 4) King Bluebeard have no luck with wives. 5) No one can lie to Bluebeard.
Adventurers from the Nation:Rogues, Brawlers, Fighters, Swashbucklers, Gunslingers, Bards, Sorcerers, Oracles.

Official Name:Whäl Republic
Inhabitants: 350,000 (98% Hunans, 2% Others)
Surface: 8,900 square kilometres.
Capital City: St.Hallen (128,000)
Major Settlements: Whalegrave (78,000)
Position: The Island of Whäl lay 78 km north of Demise.
Government: Oligarchic Republic, the welthiest Captains elects the Captain-President.
Ruler: Captain-President Jacobi Robertsonn.
Darklord:Jacobi Robertsonn (Wereorca Hunter 16 N/E)
Lightlord:Captain Mathias Finnfoot (Seawolf Swashbuckler 15 N/G)
Economy:Whaling, Fishing, Whale based Craft, trade.
Military: Standing; Moderate Navy.
Politics: Ship owner families compete for prominence.
Religion:Cult of Fenris, Church of Oceanus, Cult of Lady Luck .
Geography:Rocky surface with rare fertile spots.
Education:4 years, non compulsory.
Languages: Common, Zherisian.
Flora:Whalian Sea Urchin, Yellow Kelp
Fauna:Seagulls, Crabs, Octopuses, Rats, Killer Wales, Seals, Leopard Seals.
Local Monsters:Dire Rats, Dire Crabs, Giant Octopuses, Crab Swarms, Rat Swarms, Sire Leopard Seals, Dire Killer Whales, Wereorkas, Seawolves.
5 Facts known by locals: 1)Whalians are stout, silent and alwais meant what they says. 2) The Law of the sea is the only law.3) Fat is warm, and warm is good. 4)From the sea, both death and life 5) No Captain challange Robertsonn. save oner
Adventurers from the Nation:Rangers, Fighters, Hunters, Clerics, Rogues, Druids, Witches, Sorcerer.

Islands in the Nocturnal Sea

Île de la Tempête :
Official Name:Republique de l'île de la Tempête.
Inhabitants: 1,000,000 (99% Humans, Other 1%)
Surface: 15,000 square kilometres.
Capital City: Oeil de Midinuit (89,000)
Major Settlements: Baie de Naufrages (10,000)
Position: The Île de la Tempête lay in the Nocturnal Sea, 80 Km East of the border beetween Darkon and Nova Vaasa
Government: Constitutional Parliamentary Republic.
Ruler: Prime Minister Guillaime Levesque.
Darklord: Captain Alain Monette (Afflicted Werebat Gunslinger 5/ Rogue (Pirate) 3 L/E)
Lightlord:Francois Monette (Rank 3 Ghost Swashbuckler 7 L/G )
Economy:Trading, Fishing, Pearls, Spices, Tempêtan Bat's Guano.
Military:Standing; Professional, Focus on the Navy. Include sellsails.
Politics:The parliament is dominated by two parties, the Conservatives, headed by the Right Honorable Guillaime Levesque and the Radicals, head by the Right Honorable Captain Alain Monette.
Magic:Uncommon but not feared.
Religion:Cult of Lathurr.
Climate:Temperate, Rainy.
Geography:A rocky plain with low forests, and hills full of caves.
Education:Compulsory 3 years.
Languages: Common, Tempêtan,Ravenians, Hight Vaasi, Zeindostein, Todesteinian.
Flora:Tempêtan Wild Pepper, Tempêtan Wild Saffron.
Fauna: Bats, Barracudas, Octopuses.
Local Monsters: Dire Bats, Werebats, Bat Swarms, Dire Barracudas, Giant Octopuses, Giant Clamps.
5 Facts known by locals: 1)Bat's Guano means money 2) A storm is always near. 3) Brave the storm not.4) We Tempêtan are like our Wild peppers, short but hot. 5) If a ship wrecks, rescue the survivors, and loot the wrecks as reward.
Adventurers from the Nation: Swashbucklers, Rogues, Rangers, Hunters, Gunslingers, Fighters.

Isle of Ravens :
Official Name:Lordship of the Isle of Ravens.
Inhabitants: 300,000 (99% Humans, Other 1%)
Surface: 5,000 square kilometres.
Capital City: Blackfeather Cove (50,000)
Major Settlements: Bec du Corbin (10,000), Raven's Roost (8,700)
Position: The Isle of Ravens lay in the Nocturnal Sea 40 Km east the middle of Nova Vaasa's coast
Government: Feudal Ereditary Monarchy
Ruler: Lady Amara III Blackfeather
Darklord: Lady of Ravens, without her own knowledge Lady Amara I Blackfeather (Summoner 18, N/E)
Lightlord:Ulian Steeltalon (Baleful Polimorphed human in the shape of a White Raven, Wizard 17, N/G )
Economy:Silver Smiting, Gold Smithing, Raven Breeding, Raven Bait Berries, Trade, Fishing.
Military: Mercenary, small retinues for the nobles.
Politics: Noble families compete for the Lady Amara's favour.
Magic:Common and not feared.
Religion:Cult of Lathurr,Church of Ezra (Neutral Sect).
Geography:Sweet hills covered of ferile soils and trees.
Education:Only for nobles.
Languages: Common, Ravenian, Tempêtan, Hight Vaasi, Zeindostein, Todesteinian, Vechorite.
Flora:Raven Bait Berry Bush.
Fauna: Ravens, Dwarf Boar, Hare, Crabs.
Local Monsters: Dire Ravens, Raven Swarms, Giant Crabs, Crab Swarms, Wereravens.
5 Facts known by locals: 1)Ravens are smart.2) Dark Wings, Bright Heart 3) Jealousy is a poison.4) Stay away from the Flint Tower of the Raven Murder Woods. 5) Black beack, black news.)
Adventurers from the Nation:Wizards, Bard, Summoner, Ranger, Sorcerer.

Official Name:Republic of Skulland.
Inhabitants: 3,000,000 (47% Humans, Skullander Undead Humans 47%, 6% Others)
Surface: 98,000 square kilometres
Capital City: Necropolis (230,000)
Major Settlements: Graveyard Point (208,900), Cemeterial Cape(207,810), Carrion Bay (193,000), Barrow Hill (105,000)
Position: Graveyard Point is 100 Miles east of Nevuchar Springs.
Government: Parliamentary Democracy.
Ruler: Lord-President Gregory Marcham
Darklord:Vanessa Izuverich (Adult Werewasp Bard (Demagogue) 15 L/E)
Lightlord: Ulmar " Granpa" Skellingtron (Awakened Skeletron Inquisitor 15 C/G)
Economy:Cattle, Mines, Jewelry, Craft, Trade.
Military: Standing; effective Navy.
Politics: Living and Undead citizen elect each half of the Parliament, with universal suffrage, every 5 years; The speaker is always undead, the Lord-President living.
Religion:Church of Zakhata the Overseer, Church of Uncle Dead , Church of Vecna, Church of Twilight Glory, Cult of Doresain .
Geography:Hills dotted in grows and cultivated fields.
Education: 5 years mandatorys.
Languages: Common, Skullander, Darkonese, Okrainan, Zeindostein, Hight-Vaasan, Ravenite,Tempêtan .
Flora:Dead Head Mushroom, Zombie Hair Musk.
Fauna:Rats, Maggots, Wasps, Flies, Mosquitos, Small sea Mammals, Seagulls, Cats.
Local Monsters:Dire Rats, Giant Maggots, Giant Wasps, Blood Wasps, Giant Mosquitos, Maggot Swarms, Mosquito Swarms, Wasp Swarms, Ghouls, Skullander Zombie, Skullander Skeleton.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Better (un)death than slavery. 2) Death it's only the beginning. 3) Tongues sting. 4) Being undead is no reason to be enslaved. 5) The deads are very lively.
Adventurers from the Nation:Rogues, Sorcerers, Clerics, Bards, Inquisitors, Slayers, Fighters.

Nebligtode Islands:
Official Name:Republic of Nebligtode Islands.
Inhabitants: 1,5 Millions (97% Humans, 2% Lebendtod 1% Others)
Surface: 58,000 square kilometres (Graben Island: 38,000 sk, Todstein 18,000 sk, Knammen Island 2,000 sk.
Capital City: Graben Town (190,000)
Major Settlements: Kirchenheim (85,000), Meerdorf (21,000), Todsport (10,000)
Position: The Neblictode Archipelago lay in the Nocturnal Sea, 180 km Est of Okraina, with Graben Town being at the same latitude then Agrovelesk, in Okraina, while Todenstein lay 30 Km North-Est, near the Frozen Sea.
Government: Oligarchy dominated by the Graben Family.
Ruler: President of the Council of Elders Colin Graben
Darklord:Meredoth Graben (Old Wizard (Necromancer) 20 C/E)
Lightlord: Captain Marcus Graben (Magus (Hexblade) 20 C/G)
Economy:Trading,Mining, Jewelry, Livestock, Timber.
Military: Standing; Small yet effective Navy.
Politics: Competition inside and outside the Graben Family.
Religion:Church of Zakhata, Church of Ezra, Church of Oceanus.
Climate:Cold, Artic on Todstein
Geography:A landscape of hills and marshes.
Education: Only for rich families.
Languages: Common, Grabenite, Okrainan, Zeindostein, Hight-Vaasan, Ravenite,Tempêtan .
Flora:Grabenite Musk, Todesteiner Ivy.
Fauna:Small Mammals, Cougars, Bears Wolves, Snakes, Toads, Leechs, Beavers,Mosquitos.
Local Monsters:Dire Rats, Dire Cougars, Dire Wolves, Dire Bears, Giant Leeches, Giant Mosquitos, Mosquito Swarms, Leech Swarms, all creable Undeads, Lebendtod.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Never piss off the Graben Family. 2) Never go on Todestein interior. 3) Mind your own businness. 4) To sell corpses is a pretty legitimate businness. 5) The Deads remembers.
Adventurers from the Nation:Rogues, Wizard (Necromancers),Rangers, Clerics, Sorcerers.

Official Name:Liffe Union.
Inhabitants: 1,6 Millions (99% Humans, 1% Others)
Surface: 58,300 square kilometres.
Capital City: Claveria (28,000)
Major Settlements: Armeikos (46,000), Afterdale (20,000), Moondale (18,000) Risibilos (8,000).
Position: Liffe lay in the Nocturnal Sea, 40 Km Est of Nevuchar Springs in Darkon.
Government: Federation of five Costitutional Monarchies, the Princedoms of Claveria, Armeikos, Afterdale, Risibulos and Moondale, Ruled by an Hight Prince, elected for life beetween the five ruling princes, with the support of a Senate.
Ruler: Hight Prince Lyron Eversong of Claveria.
Darklord:Lyron Eversong (Bard 12 L/E)
Lightlord: Jander Sunstar (Eminent Nosferatu Fighter 9 C/G)
Economy:Fishing, Trading, Breeding, Agriculture.
Military: Each Prince has it's own retinue; Small yet effective Navy.
Politics: Each Princedom has a council, in wich forms many politcal faction; Liffe Patriots are a nationalistic movement on the grow; The Liberal party, financed by the wealthy merchants of Armeikos is still the first party.
Religion:Church of the Thousand Gods.
Geography:A mainly plain landscape with a low mountain range in it's center.
Education: Compulsory 5 years. Armeikos College is a renowned University in all the Nocturnal Sea.
Languages: Common, Liffen, Darkonese, Hight-Vaasan, Grabenite, Ravenite,Tempêtan, Zeindostein,Vechorite .
Flora:Diapson Rose.
Fauna:Small Mammals,Wildcats, Badgers, Foxes.
Local Monsters:Dire Badgers, Dire Foxes, Dire Wildcats, Dhampirs, Werefoxes, Werebadgers, Were Wildcat, Nosferatu Vampires.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Our differences are our greatest riches. 2) Foreigners are like roses, they are nices, but mind the thorns.3) Hight Prince Evensong is a smart chap, but he changes his mind too often.4) Every deity has a place. 5) Every princedom has got it's own troubles.
Adventurers from the Nation:Bards, Wizard, Clerics, Swashbucklers, Fighters, Cavaliers, Rogues, Sorcerers, Gunslingers, Druids, Paladins.

Official Name:Kingdom of Vechor.
Inhabitants: 5 Millions (90% Humans, 10% Others)
Surface:61,300 square kilometres.
Capital City: Abdok (227,000)
Major Settlements: Berock (226,000), Calmagh (225,000), Daltanak (224,000), Ergsan (223,000)
Position: Vechor lay 50 Km East of Liffe, in The Nocturnal Sea.
Ruler: King Easan Demonbound the Mad.
Darklord:Easan rhe Mad (Half-Fiend Elf Wizard 13 C/E)
Lightlord: Ahmi Vanjuko the Mechanichal Hunter (Mechanical Golem Ranger 12 L/G)
Economy:Agricolture, Craft, Stonemasonry, Brewing.
Military: Each City has its own military.
Politics: Each city decide freely it's own rulership, some are elective, some ereditary; Easan will dispatch any ruler he founds not of his taste.
Religion:Cult of Lady Luck, Cult of Lothurr, Cult of Fenris.
Geography:A mainly plain in the center on an hightplane, surrounded and covered by jungle.
Education: Depends on local rulers.
Languages: Common, Vechorite, Grabenite, Ravenite,Tempêtan, Zeindostein,Liffen.
Flora:Any, plus unique exemplars
Fauna:Any plus unique exemplars.
Local Monsters:Any plus unique exemplars.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) The Mad King's will shapes the land. 2) The Mechanichal Hunter protects the people 3) The Mad King never ask twice. 4)Justice belong to the people. 5) Everything it's possible in Vechor.
Adventurers from the Nation:Sorcerers, Oracles, Swashbucklers, Alchemists, Wizards, Paladins, Clerics, Bards.

And so my Core is over; Feedback, as usual will be wellcomed.
Last edited by Mistmaster on Thu Jun 28, 2018 9:50 am, edited 4 times in total.
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
Posts: 637
Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2014 11:30 am

Re: My take on Ravenloft, chapter one

Post by jamesfirecat »

Mistmaster wrote:Islands part of the Core

Islands in the Sea of Sorrows.

Official Name: United Kingdom of Zherisia
Inhabitants: 10 millions. (93% Humans, 3% Half-Vistani, 3% Doppleganger, 1% Dhampirs)
Surface: 200,000 square kilometres.
Capital City: Paridon (500,000)
Major Settlements: Nosos (315,000), Timor (285,000), Immerabt (213,000), Solanica (197,000).
Position: Zherisia is the largest Island of the Sea of Sorrows belonging to the Core, 100 Km from the Collodian main port.
Government: Unitary Constitutional Monarchy.
Rulers: Queen Anna II Fitzroy, represented by the Lord First Minister Julian Anderson.
Darklord: Malken, aka Malcolm Hiregard secretly occupying the body of Conestable Tristan Hiregard (Caliban Rogue 12 C/E)
Lightlord: The Shadow Cat, Secretly the soul of Tristen Hiregard (Shadow Unchained Monk 10 L/G)
Economy: Industry, Trade, Craft.
Military:Standing, Professional; Focus on the Navy.
Politics:In Zherisia there are many factions competing, not only in the parliament, where the Chartian Party, representing the working class, insidiate the rule of the Gentlemen Party of the hightest class and of the Liberty Party of the middle class;
Religion: Divinity of Mankind.
Geography:Zherisia have rocky coasts and presents a moor landscape.
Education:Compulsory 10 years contend with Lamordia for number of Universities.
Languages: Common, Zherisian, Vistani, Collodian, Darkonese, Zeindostein and Lamordian.
Flora:Zherisian Grass, Wild Rose.
Fauna: Wolves, Eagles, Foxes, Swans, Rats, Wildcats.
Local Monsters: Unicorns, Marikith, Doppelganger, Greater Doppleganger, Golem, Oozes, Rat Swarms, Dire Rat, Swanmays, Wererats.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Long live the Queen. 2) Private vices, public virtues. 3) Don't walk city streets alone in the night. 4) The Sewers are dangerous. 5) ) Zherisians have the duty to bring civilization to less develped people.
Adventurers from the Nation: Investigators, Rogues, Alchemists, Unchained Monks, Rogues, Wizards, Psichics, Mesmerists, Kineticists, Gunslingers.

Official Name: Republic of Markovia
Inhabitants: 1,8 millions. (70% Humans, 29% Broken Ones, Other 1%))
Surface: 60,000 square kilometres.
Capital City: Markovgrad (100,000)
Major Settlements:Vestegrad (60,000), Brokenport (19,000)
Position: Markovia lay in the Sea of Sorrows, 120 Km East of Martira Bay.
Government: Oligarchic Republic
Ruler: Lord-President Anton Markov.
Darklord: Dr Frantisek Markov (Unique Monstrous Humanoid, Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 9, L/E)
Lightlord: Tiger Khan (Anthropomorphic Tiger, Ranger 10, C/G)
Economy:Industry, Trade, Fishing, Mining
Military:Standing, Professional, Mandatory military service 3 years. Focus on the Navy.
Politics:The Markovgrad Markov Family have dominance on the island; competition is stronger inside the family itself.
Magic:Common, but feared
Religion: Divinity of Mankind, Cult of Fenris (C/N Sect), Cult of Lathurr
Geography:Hills and small dorment volcanos dot the island;
Education:Compulsory 5 years.
Languages: Common,Markovian, Barovian, Zherisian, Darkonese and Lamordian.
Flora:Carnivore Rose.
Fauna: Widcats, Wolves, Bears, Badgers, Rabbits, Feasans, Peacocks, Turtles.
Local Monsters: Broken Ones, Dire Animals (any), Awakened Animals (Any.), Anthropomorphic animalS (Any).
5 Facts known by locals: 1)Do not poach on Diosamblet Manor ground. 2) Money buys all. 3) Some people behave like animals, and some animal behave like people. 4) Some predator could eat you, some other want only to talk; I would ran, in both cases. 5) Do not fear the broken, do fear the breaker.
Adventurers from the Nation:Alchemists, Gunslingers, Rangers, Hunters, Wizards, Druids, Shamans.

Official Name: Kingdom of Demise
Inhabitants: 100,000 (80% Humans, 15% Medusas, Other 5%)
Surface: 1,400 square kilometres.
Capital City: Stonewail (10,000)
Major Settlements:Stonefeast (18,000), Stoneward (20,000)
Position: Demise lay on the Sea of Sorrows, 4.5 Km North West from Agony Island, in the Princedom of Lamordia.
Government: Costitutional Matriarcal Monarchy.
Ruler: Queen of Stone, Althea Eurialidis.
Darklord: Former Prince Consort Stelios Gorgonidis (Maedar Stonespirit Wizard (Illusionist) 9, L/E)
Lightlord:Prince Consort Perseus Polymenidis (Human Fighter (Peacemaker) 10 C/G)
Economy:Stonemasonry, Stone, Marmor, Granite and Alabastrum Quarries, Trade.
Military:Standing; Humans infantry and sailor are the bulk of it, but Medusas and Maedar form the elite.
Politics:The secular convivence between Human and Medusas (Maedars are male Medusas) on Demise, has been possible thanks the predominance of moderate, integrationist parties in both the races. While Medusas keep the executive power, they sharejudiciary, and legislative is human province; The Chief Royal Advisor (a prime minister of sort) is always human.
Religion:Olympic Pantheon (Athena is L/E, while Poseidon is C/G, and the main god of the Pantheon.)
Climate:Temperate, thanks to a warm current.
Geography:The soil is rocky and a massive mountain the Stone Titan stand in the middle of the island, constantly eroded by the Demisian quarries.
Education:Compulsory 5 years.
Languages: Common, Demisian, Lamordian, Barovian, Zeindostein and Blausteinian.
Flora:Stone Seeds.
Fauna: Snakes, Seagulls, Seals.
Local Monsters: Medusas, Earth Elementals, Stonespirits, Stone Golems.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Ignore the snake hairs. 2) Do not stare. 3) Stone is not cold as it seems.4) When you deal with female Medusas who do not wear safe-glasses, avert your stare; maybe she controls it, but better be safe than stony. 5) Demisian stonecraft is the best in all this misty world.
Adventurers from the Nation:Rangers, Clerics, Wizards, Sorcerers, Witches, Druids.

Official Name:Kingdom of Ghastria
Inhabitants: 500,000 (97% Humans, Halfling 2%, Other 1%)
Surface: 50,000 square kilometres.
Capital City: East Riding (73,000)
Major Settlements: West Cove (60,000), North Dream (18,700), South Lagoon (15,700)
Position: The Island of Ghastria lay 160 km West of Rotehafen in The Sea of Sorrows.
Government: Feudal Ereditary Monarchy
Ruler: King Stezen III D'Polarno.
Darklord: Stezen D'Polarno (Pale Husk Fighter 10 N/E-C/E)
Lightlord:Andrik D'Polarno (Brightspirit Bard 10 N/G)
Economy:Trading, Fishing, Agriculture, Breeding, Spices.
Military: Standing, Professional; Small but effective military Navy.
Politics: Noble families compete for the King's favour.
Magic:Common, mixed view.
Religion:Cult of Lathurr,Cult of Fenris.
Geography:Plains dotted by marshes, small hills and forrests.
Education:Only for nobles.
Languages: Common, Ghastrian, Tempêtan, Blaustanian, Zeindostein, Todesteinian, Vechorite.
Flora:Umbral Pine.
Fauna:Snakes, Seagulls, Crocodiles, Toads.
Local Monsters:Ghouls, Ghasts, Pale Husks, Brightspirits, Diresnakes, Dire Crocodiles, Weretoads, Giant Toads, Snake Swarms, Toad Swarms, Carrion Crawlers.
5 Facts known by locals: 1)Enjoy the life, it's brief. 2)Follow your heart. 3)Passion can burn. 4) Sate your hungers while you are alive, or you shall haveto do it after. 5)Everyone can be an artist; not everhyone can be a great artist, thought.
Adventurers from the Nation:Bards, Swashbucklers, Barbarian, Skalds, Hunters, Rangers, Slayers, Gunslingers, Rogues.

Bluetspur :
Official Name:Commonwealth of Bluetspur
Inhabitants: 4,5 millions (53% Humans, 30% Illithid, 10 % Alterated, 6% Grimlocks, 1% Others)
Surface: 150,000 square kilometres.
Capital City: Alliance City (200,000)
Major Settlements: Malumbria (120,000), Old Thaan (92,900), Lidhaan (87,600)
Position: The Island of Bluetspur lay 100 km north of Ghastria.
Government: Federation of two different nations, the Illithid Egemony, and the Kingdom of Thaan One is an Absolute Theocratic Monarchy, the other one an Ereditary Constitutional Monarchy.
Rulers: King Seldrid Thaangor of Thaan and the Elder Brain of the Illithid Egemony, secretly the same person.
Darklord:Seldrid the God-Brain (Elder Brain Psichic 5, L/E)
Lightlord: Baroness Lia Lidhaangor (Disincarned Mind Psichic 20, L/G)
Economy:Occult Crafting, Industry, Trading, Gray Amethist.
Military: Standing, enforced with Grimlock Infantry and Illithid Spelcasters
Politics: Illithids compete for promotion,while Humans try to keep theyr autonomy.
Magic:Common and Promoted
Religion:Church of the God-Brain, Church of Ezra.(L/N Sect), Church of Andaral .
Climate:Cold and Rainy.
Geography:Hilly surface, vast subterranean cave system, warm and humid.
Education:Mandatory 8 years.
Languages: Common, Thaani, Qualith, Undercommon,Blausteinian, Zeindostein, Todesteinian, Vechorite.
Flora:Fungi, Psichic Shamrock.
Fauna:Rats, Moles, Spiders, Snakes, Moths.
Local Monsters:Dire Moles, Dire Rats, Psichic Moles, Brain Devourer, Ulitahrids, Illithids, Grimlocks, Weremoles, Rat Swarms, Sentient Rat Swarms, Illithidae Beasts, Alterateds.
5 Facts known by locals: 1)Always keep a Gray Amethist piece when you deal with Illithids, 2)Illithids eat brains, and reproduces using humanoid bodies; They claim they use clonation for both intents nowadays, but still, we wonder what happens to convicted criminals, sentenced to death. 3) King Seldrid stopped the war against the mind Flayer and turnedthem in allies. 4) Old Baroness Lia is deluded about conspirancies, but she does have a good heart. 5) Mind have power.
Adventurers from the Nation:Pshichics, Mediums, Kineticists, Wizards, Mesmerists, Alchemists, Artificers, Soulknives.

Blaustein :
Official Name:Kingdom of Blaustein
Inhabitants: 200,000 (99% Hunans, 1% Others)
Surface: 4,000 square kilometres.
Capital City: Raïs (100,000)
Major Settlements: Wivesrest (19,000)
Position: The Island of Blaustein lay 50 km West of Port-a-Lucine.
Government: Absolute Ereditary Monarchy
Ruler: King Raoul II "Bluebeard" Morrell
Darklord:Bluebeard (Caliban Brawler 9 L/E)
Lightlord:Prince Connor Morell (Caliban Rogue (Pirate) C/G)
Economy:Piracy, Trading, Smuggling, Brewing, Tobacco, Agriculture.
Military: Standing; Strong Navy.
Politics: Pirate Captains compete to gain Bluebeard's friendship.
Religion:Cult of Fenris, Church of Zhakata the Reaver Cult of Lady Luck .
Geography:Hilly surface, fertile soil, higt shores with only a few landing spots.
Education:3 Years Mandatory.
Languages: Common, Blausteinian, Zeindostein, Vechorite, Dementlieuse, Lamordian, Mordentish, Ghastrian.
Flora:Blaustanian Blue Kelp.
Fauna:Seagulls, Crabs, Jellyfishes, Octopuses, Rats.
Local Monsters:Dire Rats, Dire Crabs, Giant Octopuses, Giant Jellyfishes, Crab Swarms, Jellyfishes Swarms, Rat Swarms, Sea Zombiesm, Giant Starfishes, Giant Sea Urkins.
5 Facts known by locals: 1)Glory to King Blueberd, the most fearsome pirate of all seas. 2) The Law of the sea is Law only when there is no land to be seen.3) Reave and Revel, thats the life of an happy man. 4) King Bluebeard have no luck with wiives. 5) No one can lie to Bluebeard.
Adventurers from the Nation:Rogues, Brawlers, Fighters, Swashbucklers, Gunslingers, Bards, Sorcerers, Oracles.

Islands in the Nocturnal Sea

Île de la Tempête :
Official Name:Republique de l'île de la Tempête.
Inhabitants: 1,000,000 (99% Humans, Other 1%)
Surface: 15,000 square kilometres.
Capital City: Oeil de Midinuit (89,000)
Major Settlements: Baie de Naufrages (10,000)
Position: The Île de la Tempête lay in the Nocturnal Sea, 80 Km East of the border beetween Darkon and Nova Vaasa
Government: Constitutional Parliamentary Republic.
Ruler: Prime Minister Guillaime Levesque.
Darklord: Captain Alain Monette (Afflicted Werebat Gunslinger 5/ Rogue (Pirate) 3 L/E)
Lightlord:Francois Monette (Rank 3 Ghost Swashbuckler 7 L/G )
Economy:Trading, Fishing, Pearls, Spices, Tempêtan Bat's Guano.
Military:Standing; Professional, Focus on the Navy. Include sellsails.
Politics:The parliament is dominated by two parties, the Conservatives, headed by the Right Honorable Guillaime Levesque and the Radicals, head by the Right Honorable Captain Alain Monette.
Magic:Uncommon but not feared.
Religion:Cult of Lathurr.
Climate:Temperate, Rainy.
Geography:A rocky plain with low forests, and hills full of caves.
Education:Compulsory 3 years.
Languages: Common, Tempêtan,Ravenians, Hight Vaasi, Zeindostein, Todesteinian.
Flora:Tempêtan Wild Pepper, Tempêtan Wild Saffron.
Fauna: Bats, Barracudas, Octopuses.
Local Monsters: Dire Bats, Werebats, Bat Swarms, Dire Barracudas, Giant Octopuses, Giant Clamps.
5 Facts known by locals: 1)Bats Guano means money 2) A storm is always near. 3) Brave the storm not.4) We Tempêtan are like our Wild peppers, short but hot. 5) If a ship wrecks, rescue the survivors, and loot the wrecks as reward.
Adventurers from the Nation: Swashbucklers, Rogues, Rangers, Hunters, Gunslingers, Fighters.

Isle of Ravens :
Official Name:Lordship of the Isle of Ravens.
Inhabitants: 300,000 (99% Humans, Other 1%)
Surface: 5,000 square kilometres.
Capital City: Blackfeather Cove (50,000)
Major Settlements: Bec du Corbin (10,000), Raven's Roost (8,700)
Position: The Isle of Ravens lay in the Nocturnal Sea 40 Km east the middle of Nova Vaasa's coast
Government: Feudal Ereditary Monarchy
Ruler: Lady Amara III Blackfeather
Darklord: Lady of Ravens, without her own knowledge Lady Amara I Blackfeather (Summoner 18, N/E)
Lightlord:Ulian Steeltalon (Baleful Polimorphed human in the shape of a White Raven, Wizard 17, N/G )
Economy:Silver Smiting, Gold Smithing, Raven Breeding, Raven Bait Berries, Trade, Fishing.
Military: Mercenary, small retinues for the nobles.
Politics: Noble families compete for the Lady Amara's favour.
Magic:Common and not feared.
Religion:Cult of Lathurr,Church of Ezra (Neutral Sect).
Geography:Sweet hills covered of ferile soils and trees.
Education:Only for nobles.
Languages: Common, Ravenian, Tempêtan, Hight Vaasi, Zeindostein, Todesteinian, Vechorite.
Flora:Raven Bait Berry Bush.
Fauna: Ravens, Dwarf Boar, Hare, Crabs.
Local Monsters: Dire Ravens, Raven Swarms, Giant Crabs, Crab Swarms, Wereravens.
5 Facts known by locals: 1)Ravens are smart.2) Dark Wings, Bright Heart 3) Jealousy is a poison.4) Stay away from the Flint Tower of the Raven Murder Woods. 5) Black beack, black news.)
Adventurers from the Nation:Wizards, Bard, Summoner, Ranger, Sorcerer.

Nebligtode Islands:
Official Name:Republic of Nebligtode Islands.
Inhabitants: 1,5 Millions (97% Humans, 2% Lebendtod 1% Others)
Surface: 58,000 square kilometres (Graben Island: 38,000 sk, Todstein 18,000 sk, Knammen Island 2,000 sk.
Capital City: Graben Town (190,000)
Major Settlements: Kirchenheim (85,000), Meerdorf (21,000), Todsport (10,000)
Position: The Neblictode Archipelago lay in the Nocturnal Sea, 180 km Est of Okraina, with Graben Town being at the same latitude then Agrovelesk, in Okraina, while Todenstein lay 30 Km North-Est, near the Frozen Sea.
Government: Oligarchy dominated by the Graben Family.
Ruler: President of the Council of Elders Colin Graben
Darklord:Meredoth Graben (Old Wizard (Necromancer) 20 C/E)
Lightlord: Captain Marcus Graben (Magus (Hexblade) 20 C/G)
Economy:Trading,Mining, Jewelry, Livestock, Timber.
Military: Standing; Small yet effective Navy.
Politics: Competition inside and outside the Graben Family.
Religion:Church of Zakhata, Chauch of Ezra, Church of Oceanus.
Climate:Cold, Artic on Todstein
Geography:A landscape of hills and marshes.
Education: Only for rich families.
Languages: Common, Grabenite, Okrainan, Zeindostein, Hight-Vaasan, Ravenite,Tempêtan .
Flora:Grabenite Musk, Todesteiner Ivy.
Fauna:Small Mammals, Cougars, Bears Wolves, Snakes, Toads, Leechs, Beavers,Mosquitos.
Local Monsters:Dire Rats, Dire Cougars, Dire Wolves, Dire Bears, Giant Leeches, Giant Mosquitos, Mosquito Swarms, Leech Swarms, all creable Undeads, Lebendtod.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Never piss off the Graben Family. 2) Never go on Todestein interior. 3) Mind your own businness. 4) To sell corpses is a pretty legitimate businness. 5) The Deads remembers.
Adventurers from the Nation:Rogues, Wizard (Necromancers),Rangers, Clerics, Sorcerers.

Official Name:Liffe Union.
Inhabitants: 1,6 Millions (99% Humans, 1% Others)
Surface: 58,300 square kilometres.
Capital City: Claveria (28,000)
Major Settlements: Armeikos (46,000), Afterdale (20,000), Moondale (18,000) Risibilos (8,000).
Position: Liffe lay in the Nocturnal Sea, 40 Km Est of Nevuchar Springs in Darkon.
Government: Federation of five Costitutional Monarchies, the Princedoms of Claveria, Armeikos, Afterdale, Risibulos and Moondale, Ruled by an Hight Prince, elected for life beetween the five ruling princes, with the support of a Senate.
Ruler: Hight Prince Lyron Eversong of Claveria.
Darklord:Lyron Eversong (Bard 12 L/E)
Lightlord: Jander Sunstar (Eminent Nosferatu Fighter 9 C/G)
Economy:Fishing, Trading, Breeding, Agriculture.
Military: Each Prince has it's own retinue; Small yet effective Navy.
Politics: Each Princedom has a council, in wich forms many politcal faction; Liffe Patriots are a nationalistic movement on the grow; The Liberal party, financed by the wealthy merchants of Armeikos is still the first party.
Religion:Church of the Thousand Gods.
Geography:A mainly plain landscape with a low mountain range in it's center.
Education: Compulsory 5 years. Armeikos College is a renowned University in all the Nocturnal Sea.
Languages: Common, Liffen, Darkonese, Hight-Vaasan, Grabenite, Ravenite,Tempêtan, Zeindostein,Vechorite .
Flora:Diapson Rose.
Fauna:Small Mammals,Wildcats, Badgers, Foxes.
Local Monsters:Dire Badgers, Dire Foxes, Dire Wildcats, Dhampirs, Werefoxes, Werebadgers, Were Wildcat, Nosferatu Vampires.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) Our differences are our greatest riches. 2) Foreigners are like roses, they are nices, but mind the thorns.3) Hight Prince Evensong is a smart chap, but he changes his mind too often.4) Every deity has a place. 5) Every princedom has got it's own troubles.
Adventurers from the Nation:Bards, Wizard, Clerics, Swashbucklers, Fighters, Cavaliers, Rogues, Sorcerers, Gunslingers, Druids, Paladins.

Official Name:Kingdom of Vechor.
Inhabitants: 5 Millions (90% Humans, 10% Others)
Surface:61,300 square kilometres.
Capital City: Abdok (227,000)
Major Settlements: Berock (226,000), Calmagh (225,000), Daltanak (224,000), Ergsan (223,000)
Position: Vechor lay 50 Km East of Liffe, in The Nocturnal Sea.
Ruler: King Easan Demonbound the Mad.
Darklord:Easan rhe Mad (Half-Fiend Elf Wizard 13 C/E)
Lightlord: Prosper Jonas the Hunchback Knight (Half-Celestial Caliban Paladin 12 L/G)
Economy:Agricolture, Craft, Stonemasonry, Brewing.
Military: Each City has its own military.
Politics: Each city decide freely it's own rulership, some are elective, some ereditary; Easan will dispatch any ruler he founds not of his taste.
Religion:ult of Lady Luck, Cult of Lathur, Cult of Fenris.
Geography:A mainly plain in the center on an hightplane, surrounded and covered by jungle.
Education: Depends on local rulers.
Languages: Common, Vechorite, Grabenite, Ravenite,Tempêtan, Zeindostein,Liffen.
Flora:Any, plus unique exemplars
Fauna:Any plus unique exemplars.
Local Monsters:Any plus unique exemplars.
5 Facts known by locals: 1) The Mad King's will shapes the land. 2) The Hunchback Knight protects the people 3) The Mad King never ask twice. 4)Justice belong to the people. 5) Everythingit's possible in Vechor.
Adventurers from the Nation:Sorcerers, Oracles, Swashbucklers, Alchemists, Wizards, Paladins, Clerics, Bards.

And so my Core is over; Feedback, as usual will be wellcomed.

Why did you not use Akanga as Markovia's lightlord? He sacrificed a life of relaxation and civilization to instead go try and help his fellow Broken Ones who were even worse off rebel against Markov's madness.

Also why did you decide to shuffle Jander to Liffe? It's ruler is a darklord who came from a completely different world than he does, and neither the domain or the darklord have anything to do with vampirism?

Have you considered using Ahmi Vanjuko as the lightlord of Vechor? He's a ranger who Easan forced into the body of a mechanical golem, forcing him to forever be apart from the nature he loves, even though he still means well and only wants to help people....

Finally I know this is a different post but how did you decide to rework Tepest exactly? I thought Wyan of Viktal would have been a perfect lightlord for Tepest given that he is silently suffering/helplessly caught between the rock of various monsters and the hard place of his own more radical followers who want to transform the Tepestani Inquisition into something more along its Nidalan equivalent...

Oh and I prefer the post GC version of Sithicus where Inza is the Darklord and in this case for a lightlord you could use the "Blessed Knight" reflection of "Soth" weather people realize it is him or not because I think it's nice to draw attention to one of the few moments in Ravenloft's history where a darklord actually managed to finally overcome their flaws and proves that even if it is not in the nature of darklords to repent, they're still capable of it if only they set their mind to it....

I think this is interesting, but you need to start filling in who these additional characters are in the cases where you've made up your own lightlords (or in a few cases darklords) and let us know who they are/how they got that way...
Last edited by jamesfirecat on Mon Sep 19, 2016 9:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
Posts: 1156
Joined: Fri Feb 19, 2016 5:27 pm

Re: My take on Ravenloft, chapter one

Post by Mistmaster »

jamesfirecat wrote:

Why did you not use Akanga as Markovia's lightlord? He sacrificed a life of relaxation and civilization to instead go try and help his fellow Broken Ones who were even worse off rebel against Markov's madness.
Partially, because I didn't know the character; However, as you would notice, my Markovia is quite a dufferent place from the original one;
jamesfirecat wrote: Also why did you decide to shuffle Jander to Liffe? It's ruler is a darklord who came from a completely different world than he does, and neither the domain or the darklord have anything to do with vampirism?
The domain do have something to do with vampirism, at least reading the Nocturna Sea Survey article; I decided to tie Jander to Liffe, because I liked the character.
jamesfirecat wrote: Have you considered using Ahmi Vanjuko as the lightlord of Vechor? He's a ranger who Easan forced into the body of a mechanical golem, forcing him to forever be apart from the nature he loves, even though he still means well and only wants to help people....
That is a fantastic suggestion, I shall heed it.
jamesfirecat wrote: Finally I know this is a different post but how did you decide to rework Tepest exactly? I thought Wyan of Viktal would have been a perfect lightlord for Tepest given that he is silently suffering/helplessly caught between the rock of various monsters and the hard place of his own more radical followers who want to transform the Tepestani Inquisition into something more along its Nidalan equivalent...
Tepest is now a feudal kingdom ruled by a Hag queen, which rules throught hermonstrous Vessels; I reworked it borrowing the idea of "dark FairyTale nation" by Carrion Crowns thread in Tepest. I concentrated the whole inquisitorial, religious theme in Nidala.
jamesfirecat wrote: Oh and I prefer the post GC version of Sithicus where Inza is the Darklord and in this case for a lightlord you could use the "Blessed Knight" reflection of "Loth" weather people realize it is him or not because I think it's nice to draw attention to one of the few moments in Ravenloft's history where a darklord actually managed to finally overcome their flaws and proves that even if it is not in the nature of darklords to repent, they're still capable of it if only they set their mind to it....
That's a possible development, but I kinda liked the idea of Soth as a Dark lord; But I shall explore the idea of a former Darklord turned Light.
jamesfirecat wrote: I think this is interesting, but you need to start filling in who these additional characters are in the cases where you've made up your own lightlords (or in a few cases darklords) and let us know who they are/how they got that way...
As I said, and this is too the reply to a couple of questions on the same line, previously eluded in my answers, I do intend to make another Thread in which I'm going to detail each domain, with all the Darklords and the Lightlords background. This thread shows a rapid panoramic of the Mistworld, and will details it's nations, in a didascalic way.
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Evil Genius
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Re: My take on Ravenloft, chapter one

Post by brilliantlight »

Mistmaster wrote:
The Core, First Part

Mainland Part 2

Official Name:Holy Kingdom of Nidala.
Inhabitants: 12 millions. ( Humans 98%, Other 2% )
Surface: 90,000 square kilometres.
Capital City:Touraine (138,000),
Major Settlements: Avonleight(165,000), Shadowgard (89,000)
Borders: North: Shadowforest and Tepest, East:Tepest and Nova Vaasa, South: Barovia and Dorvinia, West Dorvinia.
Government:Theocratic Monarchy.
Ruler: Queen Elena Faith-Hold.
Darklord: Ebonbane (Greatsword possessed by Lussimar, Unique Outsider 18 DV C/E)
Lightlord: Shadowborn Tiara (Possessed by Keteri Shadowborn, Rank Four Ghost Fighter 18 L/G)
Economy:Agriculture, Trade.
Military:Standing, professional.
Politics:The various hight ranking member of the Military and of the Church compete for advancement.
Magic:Arcane magic and not Belenos divine magic is restricted.
Religion:Church of Belenus.
Geography: A Fertile landscape of hills and cultivate fields.
Education:Church Ran, Three years compulsory.
Languages: Common, Nidalan, Sylvan, Barovian, Borcan, Low Vasaan.
Flora: Ebon Lily.
Fauna: Wolves, Ravens, Boars, Deers, Elks, Foxes, Hawks, Badgers.
Local Monsters:Drakes, Ogres, Trolls.
5 Facts known by locals: 1)Belenus is the only god who truly cares for his worshipers. 2)The battle for goodness start inside the heart, than it goes outside. 3)Evil prevail when good people stay idle. 4)Hold to your faith. 5) Always remember: there is light in the deepest darkness, and darkness in the brightest light;
Adventurers from the Nation: Paladins, Warpriests, Clerics, Druids, Fighters, Monks, Slayers.
If you are having Ebonbane as Dark Lord why not make Elena Faithold Light Lord? In this case she never fell, and it will be a BIG surprise for the players if they know the details of the canon Elena.
Evil Genius
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Re: My take on Ravenloft, chapter one

Post by jamesfirecat »

brilliantlight wrote:
If you are having Ebonbane as Dark Lord why not make Elena Faithold Light Lord? In this case she never fell, and it will be a BIG surprise for the players if they know the details of the canon Elena.

Eh I actually like the parallelism of having one intelligent object opposed by another intelligent object....
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Re: My take on Ravenloft, chapter one

Post by brilliantlight »

jamesfirecat wrote:
brilliantlight wrote:
If you are having Ebonbane as Dark Lord why not make Elena Faithold Light Lord? In this case she never fell, and it will be a BIG surprise for the players if they know the details of the canon Elena.

Eh I actually like the parallelism of having one intelligent object opposed by another intelligent object....
I can see that, my idea was more about messing with the players a bit. :twisted:
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