Random hooks thread

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Re: Random hooks thread

Post by Solan »

The Lesser Evil wrote:That's a neat hook, Solan. Welcome to the Fraternity of Shadows Boards.
Thanks! I'm glad to be here.
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Re: Random hooks thread

Post by Zettaijin »

Mother's Day

The corpulent, face-painted woman only known as Mama has certainly her presence felt within the conflicted island domain of Saragoss.

When was the last time an outsider been anything but fodder for the long term residents?

Mama is different, everyone knows it. Mama knows some dark secrets and weaves spells like others weave stories. Then there are her "sons". How or why they decided to join up with her is not for anyone to know, but that doesn't stop anyone from trying to pierce her mysteries.

See, she started with a small crew of men. It was Rae who first fell to her. Yes, Rae the Crow, son of Albert the Northern Storm, and long time resident of the place. Rae had been pretty successful owing to his father's skill and dedicated training but he fell to Mama like so many others.

One of his men escaped the capture of his fleet and recounted tales of masked men who fought like beasts. Even when they'd be disarmed, they'd charge forward without any care for their own well being. As far as he can recall, none of them even got so much as a scratch! Rae's crew had prowess and years of experience at the game so you'd forgive the man for thinking a small ship of newcomers would make an easy prey.

Maybe the stories about Mama are like any other in that they tend to get wilder and more improbable as time goes; you know, how a single rumour can take a life of itself and grow into a fable. So Mama came with a small crew of masked madmen and all of a sudden her crew seems to have more than doubled!

At this rate, she may just take over Saragoss.


Mama is a rogue priestess of some ancient fertility God venerated by swamp people. Her people were notorious conquerors who eventually migrated to the seas in order to propagate what they felt was reign of the chosen people. If their people cannot hold the land, then no one may do so in their stead.

Through her power over the mysterious swamps, Mama found herself able to control an odd offshoot of the doppelganger plant which produces particularly robust and resistant clones of whomever they consume. Given enough care and the right environment, the clones can live for more than twenty years and obey Mama without fault. Sadly, a side effect of the robustness is the gradual loss of distinct facial and bodily features. Scars, tattoos, various markings and even simple physical traits will eventually dissipate leaving a fairly nondescript humanoid whose skin will also eventually turn to a moldy brown.

Tall clones will shrink over time until they reach an average height while shorter ones will grow.

Her eldest clones are impossible to tell apart as even recent modifications will fade over time.

As such she employs masks to identify her crew members. Each mask has a numeral engraved on it that acts as a means of identification.

Their battle abilities reflect those of the initial body that was cloned with vastly increased physical strength, agility and endurance (roughly one and a half to double that of the original) but these too tend to dissipate with time and a clone near the end of its natural lifespan and who engaged in constant vigorous activity (which will hasten the process) may very well become nearly useless and incapable of carrying out even the most basic commands.

Mama communicates with her crew through a pseudo-psionic link that could be broken if the plant that gave birth to the clone is destroyed. A clone who loses its parent plant will become instantly mad and attack anything in its vicinity that it recognizes as moving. Even a swaying tree could be the object of the clone's wrath.
Last edited by Zettaijin on Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Random hooks thread

Post by Zettaijin »

Only 12 domains to go! Thanks again to The Lesser Evil for contributing to the cause with hooks for Odiare and Necropolis!
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Re: Random hooks thread

Post by Zettaijin »

The Weeping Widow

The widow weeps by the lake or at the edge of the forest. Her tears and lamentations are enough to touch even the coldest heart, yet few know of her and those who do are divided as to whether her existence is real or merely one of countless tall tales.

Those who believe in the widow's existence have differing theories as to her origins and nature, although most agree that she is some manner of ghost. A few old timers claim they have spoken to the widow and learned of her eternal yearning for the child and husband she lost during the Avergnites' takeover. She will not rest until she learns of their fate and comes to terms with the potentially grim reality.

Her spectral mind is clouded by grief and she is unable to fully remember or indeed communicate the vast knowledge she possessed in her former life. Information that could very well upset the balance of power withing the domain of Staunton Bluffs.

Of all the old men who claim to have encountered the widow, one is openly investigating the matter as opposed to merely sharing tales and theories with other raconteurs. William Roche is how he identifies himself and is actually quite eager to share his knowledge with strangers and actively seeks out outsiders to aid in his search for the son and husband of the widow.
Last edited by Zettaijin on Sun Apr 10, 2016 11:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Random hooks thread

Post by Zettaijin »

The Cook

Kedarnath was born on Ghastria, his parents having been brought over by the lord of the land a number of years ago.

His father was a renowned cook, a man who knew more about the exotic spices of Sri Raji than anyone else, a man who had served the highest nobles and most holy men. Whatever meager means and ingredients he may have had at his disposal, one could be certain that he would make a sumptuous feast. D'Polarno heard of him through a victim coming from the steaming lands cluster and quickly arranged to negotiate for a temporary use of his services for a great "feast" the Marquis was planning.

So pleased was the marquis that he asked the cook to stay for a season or two more for never had he tasted such succulent, exotic dishes. On condition that his expecting wife join them, Pramatha agreed to stay not quite knowing what truly transpired at the great events organized by the Marquis.

After a year, the Marquis once again begged Pramatha to stay but the later was finding it quite difficult to work with the bland, tasteless products of the land and had his worries that he may soon be unable to provide his patron with a proper table fit for one of his noble lineage. The Marquis assured him that this was the curse of the land but that he would do his best to ensure sufficient amount of spices be imported from his homeland.

The Marquis agreed to offer Pramatha's son a proper education, allowing the boy to learn Mordentish as well as the skills to follow in his father's footsteps. However The Marquis was no fool and knew that Pramatha was restless and upset - Pramatha was clever enough to suspect foul play and given the natural tendencies of "these people" could very well turn feral. There were growing concerns that Pramatha was not given as much access to his son under pretense of the boy's education being a slow process.

The boy however was an amusing project - less than a full man, obviously, but educated (to the best one could expect out of someone with his inferior blood) and capable of taking over for Pramatha. If the filial bonds were weak, then things would perhaps be easier.

One warm summer night, D'Polarno had asked for a great feast again and invited none other than Pramatha's wife to come and see some of his paintings. It was a strange request, but the wife obeyed and fell victim to the Marquis' power as her husband walked into the room as per the lord's plan. Seeing his wife falling to the floor along with all those present, Pramatha unsheated his knife to assault the laughing Marquis. The cook's attack left no marks and lacking any other options Pramatha decided that he would rather die than serve D'Polarno.

The news of his father's suicide following a rather unfortunate bout of indiscretion on the part of his wife left young Kedarnath cold and angry, but D'Polarno promised that he would take care of the biy as he were his own and to honour the spirit of his father by acting as the Marquis' cook.

Over the years, Kedarnath has proven faithful to D'Polarno to the point that the Marquis feels no need to keep the young man on a leash - although the thought did cross his mind once. Kedarnath undertakes long voyages to Sri Raji were he imports the spices of his family's home and prepares the meals of the Marquis and his nobles. Kedarnath doesn't mention his once famous father's name, perhaps out of shame, but truth be told he actually knows more than the Marquis believes.

The Marquis has little genuine respect for the "funny brown boy" aside from his considerable culinary skills. The Marquis does not believe the boy to be anything more than a savant, a pet taught tricks through meticulous "proper" education.

Kedarnath has played along so far...
Last edited by Zettaijin on Sun Apr 10, 2016 11:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Random hooks thread

Post by Zettaijin »

Only 10 domains to go!
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Re: Random hooks thread

Post by Zettaijin »

Sleep with three eyes open

Alistaire has not had a restful night of sleep in far too many moons and his eyes now seem to recess ever more deeply into their sockets as heavy bags mark his face.

Rather odd that he was almost left for dead but a few months ago with doctors unable to wake him from what appeared to be an unnaturally deep slumber. Yet he woke up one day with vivid memories of dreams that felt all too real.

As he lays his head down upon his pillow and prepares to enter the world of sleep, he is nervous; his usually steady hands tremble; he sweats; some odd memories linger in he back of his mind yet he he fails to summon them every time. A ring - a ring is all he can recall. Of all the memories, the only one that seems to bring forth unpleasant feelings is that of the ring.

However, he had no ring upon waking form his coma and none of those attending him recall seeing one upon his fingers prior to losing consciousness.

All his other memories lack the emotional heft of the ring.

Recently, however, he wakes up periodically as a bizarre rag-clad beggar clutches at his arm in a strange recurring dream. Sometimes, the beggar is replaced by a cruel woman who lashes at him with a vicious whip while apparently questioning him or, worse yet, the slumbering man in the glass coffin who stares at him unflinchingly.

While he recalls more and more of his dreams, only the presence of these three will allow his mind to focus sufficiently to keep the memories alive.

If only he could remember what that ring was...

(Obviously, the lord of Davion, Davion himself is after the ring which Alistaire hid somewhere within the land of the Abber Nomads - as of course is Narana. Hypnos, much like the rest of the Nightmare Court, is intent on controlling Davion and thus found himself involved in the dreams of Alistaire).
Last edited by Zettaijin on Sun Apr 10, 2016 11:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Random hooks thread

Post by Zettaijin »

Heart of Stone

"How long has it been, you say? My dear Johan, you ask too much of me. I have long since lost track of time myself in this miserable place. I admire your tenacity - you constantly repeat that question no matter how many times I in turn remind you that I cannot know. Come on now, eat your meal before it gets cold."

"Oh now, now, I assure you I am as much a prisoner as you are. She would rather see me drowned or my bones broken upon the shore than to have me leave. You and I, Johan, are all we have."

"I do not fear anything but boredom here."

"I found this bottle upon the shore. It was broken but a piece of dampened paper was caught in the jagged edges. Did you try sending another message out to sea? Well, no, I'm not upset. In fact, I admire your tenacity. Your body is as useless as this bottle - fragile, broken. And yet it is also full of hope! 'What if?' you probably pondered 'What if it reaches destination...' Highly unlikely given the sea's unforgiving nature, but you tried nonetheless. This is why I value your companionship."

"What would I do were I to escape? I never truly thought of that. You dream of escape, but I'm too realistic for such things."

"She rejects me still. Too proud to be someone's consort, but she rather enjoys my cooking - I can tell."

"Would I kill her if it meant my freedom? I couldn't bring myself to harm another soul - not even her... Enough of this, let us eat and then exchange tales..."

(Isle of Demise)
Last edited by Zettaijin on Tue Apr 12, 2016 9:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Random hooks thread

Post by Zettaijin »

Two smaller domains done, but now I realize that some novel domains like Al-Kathos are missing along with the Headless Horseman's pocket domain.

I may have to go back and make sure the list is truly complete.

The Shadowborn stuff is a pain as is I'Cath, but Castle Island shouldn't be too hard much like the Nocturnal Sea.
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Re: Random hooks thread

Post by The Lesser Evil »

Follow the Winding Road
It is said that the Headless Horsemen rode during the Grand Conjunction (see the 2e module From the Shadows), perhaps at the call of Azalin, or at the call of Soldani, the brother of the pariah Hyskosa. Some seers are saying that he will ride again and thus usher in the Time of Unparalled Darkness.

To prevent that dread prophecy from coming true, the Headless Horseman must be stopped, or at least, as an immortal, convinced not to ride on that dreaded day. The road to the Horsemen begins with the Tribe of Hyksosa (see Champions of Darkness for details), either enlisting these tribe of darklings' help to force Azalin's hand against the Horsemen, or to get them to spill the beans on Soldani's current location. From there, the heroes will have to find a way to cross a Road that is Endless (the Endless Road, ruled by Eli van Hassen, see the 4e Dungeon Magazine #174, and also Ryan Naylor's Children of the Night: Darklords Netbook) to get to the Winding Road (see Darklords accessory, DragonChildren o the Night: Darklords netbook). The Road may lead to across all number of domains.

(A hook for the obscure Tribe of Hyskosa, the Endless Road, and the Winding Road.)
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Re: Random hooks thread

Post by Zettaijin »

Thanks for the hook!

Clever use of an otherwise limited darklord!
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Re: Random hooks thread

Post by The Lesser Evil »

Food Wars! (Ghastria, Virisa, and possibly Borca)

For the past century, the practice of professional cooking has gradually decayed in Ghastria. In that cursed land, anything native-grown is as tasteless, no matter the skill of the chef. With the limited population of Ghastria, and the population further limited to those who can afford costly mainland-grown food, many professional or would-be professional chefs and cooks, butchers and bakers have left for lands with meatier prospects such as Richemulot and Dementlieu.

For a while, the emigration from Ghastria acted as a figurative pressure release valve on the Ghastrian professional culinary market. However, after foreign markets ate too much of Ghastria's culinary talent, the scale began to tip in the other direction. Virisa, a hated rival to Ghastria and a fellow Sea of Sorrows Island to boot, has long cannibalized Ghastria's culinary talent. In Virisa, the culinary arts can make dish up a chef noble status. Like lambs to the slaughter, Ghastria's cooks have flocked to Virisia.

Meanwhile, the culinary brain drain has caused relations between Ghastria and Varisia to simmer to a boil. D'Polarno, in one of his particularly colorful phases, ordered his agents in Virisa to contaminate the food supply with poisons, such as umbral gray. Virisa suffered food poisoning, but it did not die. In retaliation, Willem Ducas, lord of Virisa, declared a counter-offensive on Ghastria by ordering his navy to burn all of Ghastria's food shipments to a crisp. The two nations' emnity threaten to turn into open war, which will surely mean the destruction of the relatively weak Ghastria. However, in the meantime, it means the conflict will choke all trade along the western seaboard.

Dread Possibility: Ivan Dilisnya of Borca, fellow poisoner and victim of denied flavoring, has allied with D'Polarno out of spite against Ducas and has placed some of his best poisoners at Ghastria's aid.

(Virisa is a fan-made domain that is basically Soylent Green combined with the Most Dangerous Game. http://fraternityofshadows.com/wiki/Virisa
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Re: Random hooks thread

Post by Zettaijin »

Funny enough I added a hook about D'Polarno's chef recently.

Anyhow, I rather enjoy the humour in this one. I somehow never noticed the shared curse of Ivan and Stezen.
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Re: Random hooks thread

Post by The Lesser Evil »

Zettaijin wrote:Funny enough I added a hook about D'Polarno's chef recently.

Anyhow, I rather enjoy the humour in this one. I somehow never noticed the shared curse of Ivan and Stezen.
Actually, that is no coincidence. Your hook inspired mine.

As for Ivan and Stezen, yeah, I figure they would either really sympathize with each other or absolutely despise each other (or maybe turn from the former to the latter), since they're both royal poisoners, somewhat foppish, and have similar curses.
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Re: Random hooks thread

Post by Zettaijin »

Strength in numbers

Language fails us at times. We chase wayward words with clumsy tongues and clouded minds only to for others to escape our lips before we had time to stop them.

For some, language is more than just words and concepts we use to organize the experience of life. Indeed, for a few language is a tool of power. When the rulers of the six islands came to know of written language they were overwhelmed by its potential for power. Codes of law, historical tomes, memoirs - the ability to establish a sense of permanence in the kingdom of impermanence.

The reasons why he numbers four and seven came to be considered harbingers of misfortune due to their unfortunate similarity to the word for death is something scholars have long tried to mute as they refer back to an even more ancient world. One which saw their ancestors at an age of clubs and fists.

Not all learned men shun the old world. In fact, some embrace it and seek to fill their minds with knowledge from its own intellectual giants. Others would find in such research the key to ancient mysteries and secrets, many arcane in nature. And these men know that what may seem like a tale or a legend may in fact be instructions that only those with the proper knowledge could understand.

A lavish golden box which holds three others. Covered in ancient ideograms which bear but a passing resemblance those used in the islands, it sits on a silk pillow and is guarded night and day. In the boxes are four items which are to be used to unveil the knowledge of the ancients: a cured turtle shell marked with runes and ideograms; a set of divining sticks; small bones; and the ancient text which acts as both the instruction and the portal to enlightenment.

It is a gift for a powerful and ancient sorceress who inhabits an island far out beyond the mists.

It is said her palace is made of bones and that she lives alone with her daughters. The tales are from ages past and seem quite improbable even to the common folks of the islands who cannot discern baseless superstition from true arcane matters. Yet some people believe in it.

Eager to prove herself a true explorer of the lands beyond the mists, Abigail Sexton, a Mordentish would-be discoverer of new lands, has agreed to embark on the journey. No woman of the islands would sail to meet the fabled sorceress so the gift would have to be brought in by an outsider.

As for whom the box belongs to and who would have such artifacts, he would rather his identity not be known. Acting through agents and go-betweens, the scholar has merely left detailed and one might say meticulous notes for Captain Sexton. She is to deliver the box alongside a nun versed in the ancient tongue of the sorceress. Then they shall negotiate their price: the safe return of a few souls in exchange for the knowledge held in the box.

The Captain is hiring...


The "few souls" include one man who actually has great knowledge of the gift being presented to Tsien Chang and, if released, could unlock certain secrets for the sake of the scholar. The scholar guesses that the sorceress, given her might and wits, should have unraveled the mysteries by herself but something or someone is preventing her from doing so. The gift will keep her busy while the man comes back to the islands and hopefully aids the scholar in his efforts to understand the ancient documents which he holds a copy of.

Last edited by Zettaijin on Tue Apr 12, 2016 10:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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