Idea for escaping a powerful curse

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Idea for escaping a powerful curse

Post by kottakinge »

Hello my fellow DMs,
my PC are concluding the adventure 'Servants of Darkness' which take place in Tepest.
They're doing well, and even managed to kill one of the 3 sisters (Laveeda).
Vicrory had a price as she managed to curse the PC who achieved the final blow.
I made him roll a curse check and he faiiled so he's now an old man (70 years) and will get old very quick (one day = one year so he has 28 days left before passed out, a dispell curse can only delay one day).
Problem is: i want him to go on a quest for discovering the cure.
They have an ally in Tepest who can help: a old vistana woman who can read the Tarroka.

Now, my fellow DMs, i need your devious brains, any idea for my poor PC? :azalin:
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Re: Idea for escaping a powerful curse

Post by ScS of the Fraternity »

A poem:
Good for evil, evil good
Walk Noden's road to wash away the blood
You must cross 100 miles, with the blink of an eye
Seize the Iron Dragon in the hands of a fly
And meet a newborn babe, whose soul is stained in blood
Quench the flames of vengeance in the freezing of a flood

Noden's road is a dirt path leading through a wood of brambles and thornes. This goblin haunted forest was once the hunting preserve of a noble knight, but was overrun by evil when the Knight was slain by an assassin.
The road leads past the wreak of a hunting lodge, which was once decorated with a beautiful mural. Seventy years of neglect, and goblin vandalism has worn it away - except of a sturdy looking beam of wood which bares a face whose's eyes are blinking.
Not far from the lodge is rocky chasm, known to the locals as the "100 Mile Gorge", since they believe it to be that deep. A vindictive wind blows out of the crack with a supernatural strength, dashing anyone who attempts to fly or leap across against the rocks. The only crossing is a rickety rope bridge with many spans in the center missing.
The only way to cross the bridge is to get the beam and lie it across the bridge.

On the other side of the gorge lurks a misshapen troll-ogre hybrid. He attacks the party with a huge club of black iron, shaped into the serpentine likeness of a dragon. Sometime in the fight the ogre will offer the smallest, weakest looking party member a first strike, calling them "A miserable cowardly fly". The devolved monster is nearly indestructible, but if that party member takes the opportunity to yank the "Iron Dragon" club from the ogre they are destined to succeed. The ogre looses his strength and powers and will be easily defeated without his magical weapon.
Just after the ogre is defeated the party will hear the sound of a screaming baby. Below a bluff is a sift flowing river bordered by sharp, deadly rocks. Floating in the foam of the rapids is an infant who has miraculously avoided being dashed against the rocks.
If anyone other than the cursed party member attempts to rescue the baby, they will be smashed against the rocks and likely die. If the cursed party member jumps in, they will be thrust up against the infant. The waters will drag both of them them down, and turn to them crimson color of blood. A miraculous transformation will occur: the old man begins to grow young again, the baby grows into a woman.

The two curses are nullifying one another. Just as the party member is punished for slaying a
great evil, so too was the woman cursed for slaying a force of good. She is the adopted daughter of the aforementioned knight - he had pulled her from this same river and raised her as his own. Seventy years ago she murdered him with the Iron Dragon club. She was transformed into an infant and forced to live by the gorge until another "foolish old man" rescued her.
The woman is no more grateful to the party than she was to her father. She wants her club returned so that she can use its power to dominate this region as a bandit.

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Re: Idea for escaping a powerful curse

Post by Daisu »

They need a new body, time to go to see Doctor Victor Mordenheim to try to have a work around. :Brain: Or switch souls with someone, sure there must be someone evil deserving such a fate but what price will you pay...

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Re: Idea for escaping a powerful curse

Post by thekristhomas »

I know it's just a name but maybe some "Borrowed Time"?
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Re: Idea for escaping a powerful curse

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Manusa vistani blood transfusion?

reincarnate spell?

An achemical purgative?

The Ragman (Book of Sorrows)?

(BTW, awesome story you whipped up there, ScS. A quest like that would be a good idea too.)
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Re: Idea for escaping a powerful curse

Post by kottakinge »

Thanks! All of you, especially the quest from Scs :D
Who is the Ragman Gonzoron?
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Re: Idea for escaping a powerful curse

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

kottakinge wrote:Thanks! All of you, especially the quest from Scs :D
Who is the Ragman Gonzoron?
the undead remnant of a doctor who roams the land, taking on the ailments of others. A very cool NPC from the Book of Sorrows (available free at
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