The Dresden Files

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The Dresden Files

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

OK, everyone should be reading this series. I know some of us already are. Here's the place to talk about it, so we don't clutter up other threads too much.

I've just started Ghost Story (book 13) after just over a year of binging from the beginning. I don't want to spoil anything but, wow! Changes (book 12) was the perfect title. Changes, indeed!
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Re: The Dresden Files

Post by steveflam »

Too bad it didn't last on tv.
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Re: The Dresden Files

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

tarlyn wrote:Too bad it didn't last on tv.
I dunno... I'm only 2 episodes into the series, and coming from reading the books first, I'm not loving it yet. I'll watch it to the end, but I hope it improves. FWIW, my wife hasn't read the books, but likes the show so far. I don't know how much is that I don't like it because it's not like the books, or how much is legitimate dislike.
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Re: The Dresden Files

Post by Zilfer »

From prior thread....

I actually liked the actor for Dresden and noticed right away murphy's hair color was off but i'm not that far in so it may not have bothered me.

I think they changed bob as well being out of the skull? Does he do that in the book? I found bob to be very awesome in the show. :D
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Re: The Dresden Files

Post by The Giamarga »

Me and the wife are eagerly awaiting the next novel. It's the one fantasy line that i could hook her on.

Part 15 of 20. And then the apocalyptic trilogy. I can't wait. Butcher should definately write faster, but i'm glad he's not as slow as G.R.R. Martin.

FYI there's also graphic novels and novellas/short stories of Dresden files available. Check wikipedia's Dresden Files page for more info.
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Re: The Dresden Files

Post by Rogold Gildenman »

I have read just as many of the Dresden Files as I can get my hands on and have yet to be disappointed by a single one - quite frankly if it's a choice between Ice and Fire or Harry Dresden, Mr Dresden wins every time.

Have PITY Supreme Maester Martin - Heroes have to win sometimes!

If I remember correctly I started reading the series with Fool Moon, so I didn't have to worry about too many spoilers (although I think that I read ahead before looping back around to Storm Front).

You would have to press me HARD before I could even begin to decide upon a favourite novel in this series, but if pressed I'd say it's probably Proven Guilty - although any novel in which Wizard Dresden hammers the hollywood out of thrice-accursed Vampires will always find a warm place in my heart waiting to embrace it.
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Re: The Dresden Files

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Zilfer wrote:murphy's hair color was off but i'm not that far in so it may not have bothered me.
It's not just the hair color, it's pretty much every physical characteristic. :) She went from short, blond, blue eyed, cute, and Irish, to tall, brunette, dark eyed, sexy, and Hispanic. I know, I know, the physical aspect isn't really that important. But it definitely causes some cognitive dissonance for me. Oddly, I'm OK with them adding a kid for her, though. Well, at least they didn't make her a man. :D
I think they changed bob as well being out of the skull? Does he do that in the book? I found bob to be very awesome in the show. :D
It's a bit different in the book. He's not a ghost, he's an elemental spirit, so on the few occasions he does come out of the skull, he's just a golden glow, not humanoid. I can see why having a physical actor is better for TV, both for budget, and for the other actors to act against. But his personality is just soooo much better in the book. I never would have picked an effete old British guy for him. His more of a snarky lech in the books. (Overall, the show could use some more snark from everyone).

I'm 4 eps in now, and it's getting better a bit (nice to have some lechery from Bob at least in ep 4). Weird to see a sort of hybrid of the werewolf story (from Fool Moon) and the vampire story (from Grave Peril) in ep3. Can they really be skipping the whole Susan story? Or will it seem like a rehash of this werewolf girl story when they do it?
Rogold Gildenman wrote:I have read just as many of the Dresden Files as I can get my hands on and have yet to be disappointed by a single one - quite frankly if it's a choice between Ice and Fire or Harry Dresden, Mr Dresden wins every time.
Heresy! But truth be told, they are so different, it's hard to even compare them.
Have PITY Supreme Maester Martin - Heroes have to win sometimes!
Suuuure they do. :azalin:
You would have to press me HARD before I could even begin to decide upon a favourite novel in this series
Hmm... that is tough (especially after reading them back-to-back, it feels like one long story), but I'll say Turn Coat or maybe Changes.
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Re: The Dresden Files

Post by Rogold Gildenman »

Heresy! But truth be told, they are so different, it's hard to even compare them.
True - I've increasingly come to suspect that ASoIF is a history disguised as a fantasy epic (reading The Princess and the Queen only strengthened that suspicion!), whereas The Dresden Files happen to comprise an Urban Fantasy Epic!
Suuuure they do.
If I have to pay to read through a doorstopper of Fantasy Fiction they had d----- well better!
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Re: The Dresden Files

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

OK, another few eps in, and it's definitely improving. The Bianca ep was great, although their relationship was such a huge departure from the books, I had to keep reminding myself "the show is not the books, the show is not the books" over and over. The actress was great. I knew who she was the moment she appeared onscreen. The one with
Sharon the necromancer
was cool too, though in the end, the bad guys' plan just didn't make a lot of sense. Seemed like a lot more mystical trouble than mundane insurance fraud for worse results, but it was a neat character-building ep for Harry, Murph, and TV-Bob. The one with the Hand of Glory.... eeehhhhhh.... kind of a let down after those two. My Disc was scratched and skipped a few parts, but I felt like I hadn't missed much. Glad it didn't happen in a better episode. I'm not loving the actor who plays Morgan, and not just for the physical departure from the books. Old white guy, young black guy, whatever, but I just don't like his acting at all. Hardass != stiff. And his stylish suit is no Warden cloak. Makes him seem like a slimy backroom dealer, not a driven (albeit perhaps misguided at times) enforcer.

Curious to see how they adapt Storm Front, since that seems to be the next episode, but they've already changed Third Eye drastically from the books, and it figures large in that story.

In book news, I'm further into Ghost Story, and it's frakking heartbreaking... yikes.
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Re: The Dresden Files

Post by Zilfer »

Further into Small favor and i'm liking the take on Micheal and that holy sword. Some action in a subway with some darkness..... I like the roller coaster effect the chapters generally have. xD
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Re: The Dresden Files

Post by Jester of the FoS »

Doing the series Book Club style with a friend, hitting a book a month. Bit of a delay now as I'm waiting a few weeks for Changes onward to arrive.

I didn't like the series initially but it's grown on me over the past while. There are some stronger books and some weaker books, some stronger plot lines and weaker plot lines. But the growing overarching story has me interested. I'm curious to see where it all goes. It's going to suck when I get through Skin Game and suddenly have a year to wait.
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Re: The Dresden Files

Post by Mortavius »

After starting reading this series a few years ago, Jim Butcher became my favourite author. I just can't say enough good about his work, but I'm preaching to the choir here.

I agree when people say they have trouble with the first few books. Though I was hooked, I understand. Jim wrote those three initially and then tried to pitch them for publishing, under the premise that a book publisher would get three complete books, not just one. It seemed to work in his favour.

I just finished Skin Game the other night, and wow. Another great work.
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