5e announced!

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Re: 5e announced!

Post by ewancummins »

alhoon wrote:Well, I think people that would prefer old school art from the anime art of the 21st century are few Ewan. I don't see it happening.
You may or may not be right. I may or may not be on target. Who knows? Without market research, this is all just a matter of personal opinion. Here's my opinion: There is a large fanbase for the art and editions I have mentioned. Mearls and co. seem interested in recapturing some of that market share- and art may be one way to do so. Of course, some people really like 'fantasy glam' and would be upset to see less of it. There's no way to please everybody.

I really don't think most D&D art looks 'anime' in any edition, with the possible execption of some 4E stuff.
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Re: 5e announced!

Post by Drinnik Shoehorn »

I have never understood this forum's hatred of 4th Ed. Sometimes it comes across as "they didn't announce Ravenloft straight away! IT'S RUBBISH!", sometimes it's, "I can't make it gritty! It's rubbish!", a lot of the times it's "It invalidates the 3rd ed/3.5 line! It's rubbish!"

You read a lot of the posts by the people who don't like it, and when it comes down to the question, "Have you played 4th Ed?", 9 times out of 10 the answer is, "No."

And I guarantee, I guarantee, there will be bashing of 5th ed the day it's released. In the old K days, I was one of the most vocal 3rd-Ed-Should-die-in-flames grognards, then I played it and liked it. Yeah, I was reluctant to take on 4th Ed when it was released, but I tried it and I liked it. It makes things easier for DMs, it makes things easier for players, it gives classes stuff to do all the time. No longer does your fighter only swing his sword, he can do fancy tricks, no longer does your 1st level wizard sit out of the rest of the day's combat because he cast magic missle in the first encounter; every time something happens, a character has something to do. Was 4th ed necessary? From a marketing and business stand-point; yes. D&D suffered heavily from lockout and snobbery. 4th Ed changed the way the developers looked at the game. They weren't making it for you and me anymore, they were making it for everyone.

2nd Ed is a broken, overly complicated and boring system. 3rd Ed/3.5 is a more streamlined 2nd Ed, but suffers from serious flab around the middle and over reliance on magic. Seriously, I don't think I need ranks in "Craft: Painting" to say my character is an awesome painter; I can just say it. 4th Ed is not without its faults; it's too homogenous when it comes to character progression, there are elements of lots of options, one choice, and for a lot of the run it has been thin on fluff, heavy on crunch. Yeah, 4th Ed changed a lot of the aspects of D&D, the planes for one, but I think it should be commended for trying something different.

Go compare the 4th Ed DMG to that of any other edition. Which tells you how to run a game and which is only rules? 4th Ed went out of its way to be accessible, and it is. People with no RPG experience can easily pick up 4th Ed, I've seen it done. I wouldn't dream of introducing someone with little or no knowledge of fantasy to 2nd Ed as it's just too damn complicated. Even 3.5 would give me worries, but 4th Ed is designed for beginners and can get as complicated as you want it.

As to the idea that we need a Basic/Advanced separation again, why? It doesn't make sense from a business stand point, for a start, and it's unneeded. It over-complicates things and puts the company in competition with itself.

But back to the topic at hand; Is 5th Ed needed? At the moment, I say no. But I think we won't see it till 2014 at the latest. It's been announced and people will buy it. We can't speculate at the moment whether it will be better than 4th Ed or not, because absolutely nothing has been announced.

But seriously, if you have never played 4th Ed, don't disparage it simply because it's not 2nd/3rd/3.5/Pathfinder. Give it a try and then comment.

Blah, I've ranted now.

tl;dr - Try 4th Ed before complaining; 5th Ed is too soon.
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Re: 5e announced!

Post by MichaelTumey »

While its true, I too don't care for 4e - it's not for lack of trying. One of our gamers purchased the Gift Box and we rolled up characters, ran a couple of encounters, not a full adventure, but we didn't really care for the game. I've also watched most of an adventure run at my LGS and though I understand it better now, I've never been compelled to run a campaign with it. Our group has a much longer history playing 2e, with only a couple years at 3x. Since I am doing publications for Pathfinder, as a developer and cartographer, obviously the older style game suits me, especially doing this professionally. While the GSL hasn't helped with any possibility of me doing work for 4e - it's not the reason I don't design for it. Really I just don't care for that system - 4e is not for me. But it's not for lack of trying.

As a game developer/designer and as a GM, I LOVE GAME PREP - so the constant mention of it's easier for DMs does not apply to me. I actually make it harder on myself than with typical game prep, I create lots of extra material that often doesn't get used in an adventure, but since it could, I have it there. I don't want a game that make's it easier for me, GMing is too fun for me to have less work at it.
Last edited by MichaelTumey on Tue Jan 17, 2012 4:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 5e announced!

Post by ewancummins »

Drinnik Shoehorn wrote:Blah, I've ranted now.

tl;dr - Try 4th Ed before complaining; 5th Ed is too soon.
What did you hope to contribute with that post? What elicited your rant? It seemed to burst out of nowhere. Why did you feel it necessary to make dismissive comments about AD&D 2E in a thread about 5E?
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Re: 5e announced!

Post by ewancummins »

Oh, and Drinnik- are you familiar with the history of the Basic Sets for D&D?

4E was hardly the first version of the game that included material aimed at teaching a beginning gamer how to run and play the game.

The parts of 4E that appeal to me are:
  • tiers of play

    simpler alignment system

    simpler skills

    stronger archetypes/simplified class options
Some things that don't appeal to me:
  • removal or reduction of various deadly or crippling effects- no save or die

    healing surges

    change from Vancean magic to a powers system that seems unncessarily complicated

    a general trend towards change for the sake of change

    a general trend towards 'player empowerment' that seems to emulate video games
I would definitely give 5E consideration if it retained the stuff in 4E that I like, and removed/reduced the stuff I dislike.
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Re: 5e announced!

Post by Drinnik Shoehorn »

ewancummins wrote:Oh, and Drinnik- are you familiar with the history of the Basic Sets for D&D?

4E was hardly the first version of the game that included material aimed at teaching a beginning gamer how to run and play the game.

The parts of 4E that appeal to me are:
  • tiers of play

    simpler alignment system

    simpler skills

    stronger archetypes/simplified class options
Some things that don't appeal to me:
  • removal or reduction of various deadly or crippling effects- no save or die

    healing surges

    change from Vancean magic to a powers system that seems unncessarily complicated

    a general trend towards change for the sake of change

    a general trend towards 'player empowerment' that seems to emulate video games
I would definitely give 5E consideration if it retained the stuff in 4E that I like, and removed/reduced the stuff I dislike.
I'm going to address your problems with 4th Ed first and give my opinions on them:

Save or die is cheap. It's not fun, it's not rewarding and it doesn't add drama. What it does do, in my experience, is cause hassle and grief to players and can completely derail a game. What's fun about losing a character because they failed one die roll? They have to then go through the hassle of making a new character, which can take ages depending on what rules you are using (particularly Skills and Powers). Removing it is probably one of the best things in the game. That's not to say instant death is gone in 4th Ed, but you usually get one or two rounds of saves in first to help your allies get to you and save you first.

Healing surges are a simple way to recover from a battle, removes the need for a healer to lose all their spells to spontaneous casting after one fight and provide an easy way to judge how much gas is left in a PC's tank, so to speak. Saying "I've got 30hp left" when usually only you know your full total is not as easy as saying, "I've got 2 surges left." The second way allows the party to judge how battered they are and mean they know when the best time to take a rest is.

The changes in 4th Ed are purely cosmetic. You can go back to the old Cosmology if you want, for example. And Vancian magic still exists after a fashion; Wizards can swap their encounter and daily powers after an extended rest, similar to how mages selected their spells in previous editions. The major difference is, the encounter spells can be recovered quickly.

There's nothing wrong with change. Change can push the game forward; I think some of the changes have been welcome. Streamlining the number of gods and making some gods from older editions exarchs of the main gods makes it a cleaner system. Instead of there being 10 gods of war, there's two; Bane and Gruumsh, with the older gods like Malglibuyt being an exarch of Bane worshiped by goblins instead of a seperate war god. Expanding the Shadow Plane and the Plane of Fairie gave them more substance and encourages more diverse play. Though the changes to the Elemental planes, in my opinion, was too drastic.

The comparison to video games was made when 3rd ed came out too; but it's simplified what was a bloated and overly-complex system. And it encourages new players; make it simple and relatable and new people will play. WotC simply took the zeitgeist of the moment and channeled it into D&D. And what's wrong with player empowerment? I've found playing a character with an array of simple starting abilities is much more fun than playing a 4hp mage who can cast one spell and has no hope of getting to level 2 in less than 6 months of play.

For your first point, I'm aware of D&D's history. I started on the Basic Rule's set, moved on to AD&D and Skills and Powers, then 3rd and 4th Eds. And I much, much prefer the last two editions over the rest. I think that it's not financially viable to have two versions of the same game on the market, and why bother? 4th ed has done well with the Essentials options it has with the Heroes of the Fallen Lands and other books. Remember it was splitting its resources so much that killed TSR, and WotC would not want to repeat its mistake by splitting the audience of one of it's flagship titles.
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Re: 5e announced!

Post by Five »

Four editions in twenty-six years, then four more in twelve. There are that many editions of Dungeons and Dragons now that if they're not going to go out of the way to reach out to the fans (in whatever fashion) then they'll only run the risk of turning older fans into market competition. Eight ways to chuck and interpret dice, not to mention the various other systems...that's a lot of mechanics out there. They really do have their work cut out for them.
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Re: 5e announced!

Post by ewancummins »

Drinnik Shoehorn wrote:For your first point, I'm aware of D&D's history. I started on the Basic Rule's set, moved on to AD&D and Skills and Powers, then 3rd and 4th Eds. And I much, much prefer the last two editions over the rest. I think that it's not financially viable to have two versions of the same game on the market, and why bother? 4th ed has done well with the Essentials options it has with the Heroes of the Fallen Lands and other books. Remember it was splitting its resources so much that killed TSR, and WotC would not want to repeat its mistake by splitting the audience of one of it's flagship titles.
I have never suggested that 5E be split into two seperate game lines. That was someone else.
My suggestion was that the tiers from 4E be retained, and each tier be covered with a boxed set. The boxes would all be part of one edition, Drinnik- like BECMI.

I'm suprised you mention gods. That has nothing much to do with streamlining rules, does it? I don't even see much point in putting gods in the core rulebooks, except perhaps as examples (one or two might suffice). They belong in setting materials, IMO.

If you think 3E is simpler than AD&D 2E...well, I can't quite understand that.
AD&D 2E with every possible option crammed in versus just the 'core' 3E books?
How about we compare AD&D 2E with just the core books versus 3E with every splat book?

In any case, I'm more a fan of B/X- which is undeniably simpler than AD&D, 2E, 3E, or 4E.
Last edited by ewancummins on Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 5e announced!

Post by ewancummins »

Five wrote:Four editions in twenty-six years, then four more in twelve. There are that many editions of Dungeons and Dragons now that if they're not going to go out of the way to reach out to the fans (in whatever fashion) then they'll only run the risk of turning older fans into market competition. Eight ways to chuck and interpret dice, not to mention the various other systems...that's a lot of mechanics out there. They really do have their work cut out for them.

Pathfinder is going to present them with stiff competition for 3e/d20 fans.

That's part of why I think they should base 5E on 4E, rather than 3E. Pathfinder pretty much is 3E , with some power creep and a few rules fixes. PF is already doing the '3E continuation' schtick.

That doesn't mean they shouldn't incorporate things from older editions. I've suggested a more 'old school' art direction, and a multiple boxed set publishing format, after all.

All IMHO, and YMMV
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Re: 5e announced!

Post by Five »

Regardless of what they do with 5E, I'd like to see them pdf the old school line of products. Right back to Dungeons and Dragons. Who knows? Maybe some of the new school wouldn't mind taking a look at the old school. Might actually take in new fans, and bring back some old ones. Retro game night, I dunno. ha. But seriously, pdf the TSR...
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Re: 5e announced!

Post by Zilfer »

>.> i think you were a little drastic with the can only cast 1 spell, and will never get to level 2 before 6 months of play.... unless your playing bi monthly, i don't think that would happen. Hell depending on the wizard they might do even better than a fighter, should stat rolls decide it.

Had a wizard made by a friend he got stuck in the front of a party fighting some black hooded assassins that dropped from the ceiling and he pretty much took down more than the fighter. Another wizard of mine is an elf and wielded a sword at lower levels. +3 dex bonus + mage armor worked fine for me fighting as a fighter against goblins and orcs. Of course I had a +2 for con so that helped me have 6 hp.

Anyways if you go by pathfinder a mage HitDice is D6, making it much less likely to die, or at least they can take one hit.

I really don't think it's that big of a deal, and I have played 4e as well but it just does not appeal to me. I understand how it's easier but that doesn't make me want it any more. Complexity isn't a horrible thing, and different people prefer different things.

Me and my friends will still be playing 3.X for quite awhile to come i thinks. :D

as well as shadowrun. :D
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Re: 5e announced!

Post by ewancummins »

Five wrote:Regardless of what they do with 5E, I'd like to see them pdf the old school line of products. Right back to Dungeons and Dragons. Who knows? Maybe some of the new school wouldn't mind taking a look at the old school. Might actually take in new fans, and bring back some old ones. Retro game night, I dunno. ha. But seriously, pdf the TSR...

They actually did that- and then they yanked it all. Paizo had a license to sell those PDFs. I bought a LOT when they were still available.
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Re: 5e announced!

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Drinnik Shoehorn wrote:I have never understood this forum's hatred of 4th Ed. Sometimes it comes across as "they didn't announce Ravenloft straight away! IT'S RUBBISH!", sometimes it's, "I can't make it gritty! It's rubbish!", a lot of the times it's "It invalidates the 3rd ed/3.5 line! It's rubbish!"
And I've never understood people saying "this forum" hates 4th Ed. Granted, there are people here that hate 4e. There are people here that hate 3e, and 2e, and 1e, and OD&D and whatever. There are also people here that love each of those. Then there's HuManBing playing GURPS alone in the corner. (That's a joke, buddy! I kid!) "The Forum" is just all those people thrown together. I think I've taken a pretty hard line against edition bashing whenever I've seen it crop up, and the posts in this thread have been reasonable enough that I haven't had to do much moderating aside from the political digression.

By its nature, this thread is going to have to compare the editions, considering it's about a new edition that we can only guess about. And people are going to voice their opinions based on what they like and don't like about the previous ones.

Anyway, I've taken it upon myself to try to make this forum encouraging and welcoming for fans of all editions. I even wrote it into the rules. I can't make anyone like something they don't, but I can make them be respectful of those who do, or face public chastisement. If you have a problem with something a particular poster has said, (even me or one of the other FoS) hit the report button or send me a PM. But decrying 4e bashing without concrete examples just adds to the perception that the forum is anti-4e, and that is a perception that we have been trying as hard as possible to shed. So, please, by all means, point out what you like about 4e, and if you think someone is bashing 4e, let me know. But otherwise, please watch who you're painting with an over-broad brush.
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Re: 5e announced!

Post by Five »

ewancummins wrote: They actually did that- and then they yanked it all. Paizo had a license to sell those PDFs. I bought a LOT when they were still available.
Paizo got the license to sell TSR pdfs? How did that happen? Or was that 'accident' the reason why they got pulled?

Bugs me a bit that I missed out on that. I'm paying finder's fees for my rebuilding collection...
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Re: 5e announced!

Post by Five »

Gonzoron of the FoS wrote:Anyway, I've taken it upon myself to try to make this forum encouraging and welcoming for fans of all editions. I even wrote it into the rules. I can't make anyone like something they don't, but I can make them be respectful of those who do, or face public chastisement.
You guys should post this picture over the offending post: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/e ... 1917-1.gif

I jest!

Back to 5E...
"A very piteous thing it was to see such a quantity of dead bodies, and such an outpouring of blood - that is, if they had not been enemies of the Christian faith."

- Jean Pierre Sarrasin, "The Memoirs of the Lord of Joinville"
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