South Park

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South Park

Post by Band2 »

I am surprised not to have seen anyone mention this on the border yet. Cthulhu has been on the last few episodes of South Park. Apparantly BP's drills in the wrong place again and released him from another dimension. Who knew that his weakness was "mint and berry set with a satisfying tasty crunch."
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Re: South Park

Post by A G Thing »

And Kenny now is outed as an immortal!!! :D

Or at least until his mother dies!!! :)

Isn't that a flaw in the logic of the whole immortal thing? :?

Still he is the only one with a legitimate super power...

When Mint-Berry Crunch isn't around! :wink:
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Re: South Park

Post by Catman Jim »

Wow, they still make new episodes of South Park?
I only wish I had retired sooner!
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Re: South Park

Post by HuManBing »

Yes, they do. I'm still getting caught up on the last season (14?) on their streaming website. I watched the one about Nascar racing and decided it wasn't one of the better episodes.
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Re: South Park

Post by LadySoth »

I've only ever actually one complete episode of this show. It was one where all the kids were on Ritalin for ADHD and so the guys decided to make a drug called "Rital-out" to get rid of the effects. By the end all the characters are so stoned, they're jamming at a Phil Colins concert, (or similar, maybe John Tesh) I believe, and can't get over how awesome the music is. :lol:
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Re: South Park

Post by ScS of the Fraternity »

I only saw the first episode of that series, but I kind of figured Cthulhu was going to make an appearance after BP drilled into the alternate dimension.

I especially liked it when the News Anchor, with quiet and dignified acceptance, utters;
"Ia, Ia, Cthulgu Fgnatan. Back to you Tom."
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Re: South Park

Post by High Priest Mikhal »

The message of that episode was, "BP doesn't know what they're doing," in the real life sense. A post-spill investigation by experts showed critical errors, lack of proper precautions, you name it. The gummint has got to stop assuming corporations know what they're doing; didn't Wall Street teach us anything?

So of course, in the world of South Park, BP would make an even bigger mess by awakening Cthulhu. That's really about the only way they could have made things worse.
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Re: South Park

Post by alhoon »

I think that Kenny being reborn by his mother each time he dies counts as Immortality. Sucks to be Kenny doesn't it?

PS. As far as Southpark as inspiration for D&D goes, I made a whole adventure based on an episode of the 6th season. It wasn't Ravenloft but the adventure was nice and memorable. Obviously my players (not having watched South Park) didn't caught the hidden jokes.
It was a serious adventure inspired by one of the most over-the-edge episodes of South Partk.

For fear of Drusila's laws, I can't tell you what happened in the Episode besides the name "Death camp of tolerance", 6th Season.
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