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Gonzoron of the FoS
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Presenting... Mistipedia

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Dommer Zoltan barked an arcane order at the piano which covered the entrance to the Fraternity's most unusual cellar. The piano dutifully slid aside and the trap door opened to allow the aged, tattooed diabolist to descend. His arms were full with pouches, vials, braziers, a wooden box, and a large covered cage, which released an indignant squawk when Zoltan banged it carelessly on the edge of the hole in the ballroom floor.

"Silence, wretch, or you will feel worse pains than that," said Zoltan to the cage. This would be easier if any of his new brethren were around, but most of them were off enjoying their newfound mobility thanks to the conduit. Of the few that remained at La Maison Soulombre, Hazan was busy packing for his survey of the Sea of Sorrows, another futile hunt for the traitor-lich, Lochspeare flat out refused to take an "unnecessary" trip to the cellar, and Skully was lost in a bottle of Borcan red upstairs in his chambers. Zoltan suspected their excuses were simply to hide the unease they still felt around him, but he had not joined the Fraternity for camaraderie. Their ambition and resources still astounded him at times, and he was determined to put both to use.

At last reaching the bottom of the stairs, he felt a swell of pride as his gaze fell on their triumph. "Greetings, 'Hizzoner'," ... or should I say, Melano? ... "I trust you are as comfortable as usual?" Zoltan deposited his paraphernalia on the prepared table beside The Book while ignoring the stream of Infernal obscenities that issued from the corpulent devil on the pedestal. He gave the creature a few solid whippings out of principle and then turned back to the table.

He set the candles in a typical ritual circle around The Book and lit them with a thought. Zoltan's gift of The Book had been well received at first, and all agreed that the Cellar was the safest place for perhaps the most detailed description of the Misted Lands ever created. But as the conduit began to be used more often, The Book had begun to be viewed as a nuisance by many of the brethren. Even now, as he inscribed runes in the table and filled them with assorted mystic powders, Zoltan felt the pull. The need to fill in the blank pages was almost unbearable to many who passed by, but Zoltan had become accustomed to it over the years, or perhaps it had simply lessened as Zoltan had poured nearly all he knew into it, and there wasn't much left for him to write.

The fiend stirred in its confines, and growled, “Have you forgotten me, Moth? Or are you going to tell me what foolishness you're doing over there?”

Zoltan placed the covered cage in its place among the runes and turned to the hellspawn. "You words are merely a foul wind, Gatekeeper, but you would do well to show some respect, especially since I've brought you a friend." With a flourish, he removed the cloth from the tall birdcage, revealing a raven standing amongst arcane circles inscribed on the base of the cage; clearly the cage itself was not what was keeping the raven inside. "Wretch! show 'Hizzoner' your true form!" The raven briefly puffed into a cloud of brimstone scented smoke and then resolved into a sullen-looking imp.

“Hmph. The Moth builds my army for me. May I have a Pit Fiend next?”

"Silence!" A few more whippings forced the fiend into obedience, then Zoltan returned to his ritual. "You forget your place in the Lawgiver's blessed hierarchy, Gate-warden. Wykie here has his own task set before him. He knows better than to join in your futile dream of escape, isn't that right, Wretch?" The imp rolled his eyes, crossed his arms, let out a slightly sarcastic "Yes, Master," then turned back into a raven to give himself a little more room in the cage.

Despite his insolence, binding the little devil into obedience had been quite easy, for one of Zoltan's skill. And his hold over the creature had been proven at the Black Spire. Though it protested, it followed his orders: once in the lost land of Bluetspur, Wykie had performed the Power Ritual as Zoltan specified, and found a way to return to Hazlan, a piece of that desolate domain's psychic power within him. All was going according to plan.

Soon, the pull of The Book would be gone. There were few problems that could not be solved by proper harnessing of diabolic power, and the backing of the most powerful organization of wizards in the world. From the wooden box, he removed the doll golem prepared by the Fraternity's insane vampiress, and sat her in front of The Book. The doll allowed Zoltan to clip the coil of mage-spun wire to her back, and he wrapped the wire around the base of the imp's cage thirteen times before clipping the other end to the rune at the peak of the cage. A few brief incantations, and the bizarre apparatus was complete. He handed a black quill to the doll, who eagerly set to writing in The Book.

It worked, of course. From now on, the users of the conduit would no longer have their time wasted by being compelled to write in The Book as they passed. Rather, the imp's telepathic powers would simply pluck the knowledge out of passersby and the doll would fill the pages. It would be like an encyclopedia written in collaboration by all who came near it.

Zoltan bid the imp and the fiend farewell with a few cursory whips each and ascended back to Souragne, a fraction of a smile on his lips....

Esteemed members of the Fraternity, yes the rumors are true. Behold! Mistipedia, the Fraternity's Ravenloft wiki, is here.

Many thanks to Nerit for prodding us into this by taking the plunge first and convincing us that it is the right way to go. And as mentioned in the Cemetery announcement, she was responsible for rescuing Gryphon Hill's maps from extinction for use in her wiki. Now that they are hosted here, we have permission to use them as well in ours. And thanks also to the words of encouragement from other members who wanted to see a Ravenloft wiki here.

As you will see from a brief browse, the wiki is already far from empty. Through long hours slaving away with bound devils, xml, arcane spells, php, and perl scripts, we've imported all the information from the Ravenloft Catalogue into the wiki as a starting point. The Catalogue will remain live, and (hopefully) will continue to be updated. In fact, I'll take a moment here to announce that The Forgotten Children netbook is now completely indexed in the Catalogue (and hence, also in the wiki), marking the first non-canon source, and the first Masque of the Red Death information in the Catalogue. And we are now set up to import future changes in the Catalogue into the wiki as well.

(Aside: Why keep the Catalogue? We believe it still serves a useful purpose. Since it is more controlled than the wiki, we can be sure exactly what is and isn't covered in it. If you search for something in the Catalogue and it doesn't come up, you can be reasonably sure it doesn't exist in the list of products that are complete in the Catalogue. The dream, of course, being that one day all the products will be completely in it. Also, the wiki will have summaries of information, but the Catalogue will still point you to the exact pages where the full information lies.)

As you probably know, a wiki allows anyone to edit it. We require you to register a username and not make anonymous edits, but beyond that, Mistipedia is yours to fill in. Wikis thrive on the community, and their willingness to pitch in. Don't be shy, go ahead and edit. It's easy! We know you all have a lot to say. ;) Just please abide by the guidelines on the wiki Main Page. Apart from that, go nuts! We need your brains! (this ritual has been hungry work...)

You will see a lot of "WIKISEED" labels in the wiki. This is an indicator that something has been imported from the Catalogue, but hasn't yet been filled out into a full wiki entry. Please feel free to edit these into more cohesive text, and remove the WIKISEED label when you're done. In the future, we plan to import the List of canon and non-canon Material into WIKISEEDs as well. Stay tuned...

The wiki is currently available at this address:

The Catalogue remains at:

And is now also available here:

As soon as I figure out how to do it properly, the wiki will also be available at any of these addresses:

This is the Fraternity's final gift for this year, but there are more goodies to come in the next. Happy New Year! We'll be seeing you...

GonzoRon, for the FoS
Last edited by Gonzoron of the FoS on Fri Apr 09, 2010 8:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by cure »

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Post by Nerit »

Hurray! Thanks for all your hard work, FoS.
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Post by Tommy Brownell »


Already bookmarked. You guys rock.

Hopefully I will be running Ravenloft again sometime in 2010, so everything helps.
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DeepShadow of FoS
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Post by DeepShadow of FoS »

This is gonna be great! Everyone get cracking!

Can we add subcategories? I'd like to have a subcategory for plants, so if, say, I wanted to have some exotic plants for an herbalist's collection, I don't have to go through every Gaz for flora sections, but can just go to the wiki and run through the summaries.
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Gonzoron of the FoS
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Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

DeepShadow of FoS wrote:Can we add subcategories? I'd like to have a subcategory for plants
Absolutely. I guess plants are a subcategory of items? Go for it.

The categories I listed are just the ones from the catalogue plus whatever else I could think of. Feel free to add more.

Other possible subcategories... darklords, ghosts, vampires, etc. as subcategories of npc. Inns, rivers, mountains, etc. as subcategories of location. Islands of terror, core domains, cluster domains, as subcategories of domains.
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Post by cure »

OK, I am new at this.

I wanted to add the following monsters related to Nova Vasa but don't see how to do it. (It really isn't as easy as walking by a caged imp in a basement occurried by a powerful fiend. At least yet . . . ;-) )

Doedrideres (These creatures are a frightful and melaconic marriage in undeath of horse and rider. They enjoy the company of the living and do not pose a threat so long as they are humoured. Fortunately, they are mostly found in and about the shunned Dommark.) [Gaz V pg. 19]

Hestdrikkers (These horse-drinkers are thought to be Fey and by night feed on the blood of horses sickening or even killing them.) [Gaz V pg. 19]

Hestskærere crazed stallions (Hestskæreres are goblin-like creatures who are said to slit open the stomachs of stallions and crawl in maddening the poor animals and generally sowing mayhem. A few Nova Vaasans have noted that Hestskæreres are often preceeded by Hestdrikkers.) [Gaz V pg. 20, Author's Notes to VRGttM]

Niksiees (These beautiful but false horses lure riders onto their back and bear them off to the nearest river or lake to be drowned.) [Gaz V pg. 20]

The Black Duke (This fiendish cult leader briefly terrorised the Ehrendton. Cult members spouting heresy to the effect that the Black Duke is an avatar of the Lawgiver are arrested, tortured, and executed from time to time.) [VRGtF, Author's Notes to VRGttM]

The Bad Wind (This maddening wind haunts the coast of the Nocturnal Sea in particular.) [CoTN:F pg. 24-29]

The Centaur (It is a human-headed, ragged, bonny horse with human arms sprouting from its neck. It haunts the Dyrskov forest.) [GV pg. 15]

The Furies (According to Nova Vaasan legend they ar three vain daughters who wandered into the Mists demanding the respect and seeking the adoration each so richly merited. Their mission is to keep the evil from straying off the path of utter damnation.) [VRGttM pg. 60]

The Mud Monster (This shambling form of mud is said to haunt the dangerous Avener’s District of Bergovitsa. Its benign or lethal disposition is hotly debated as it is a relatively new arrival.) [VRGttM pg. 60]

The Red Bride of Nova Vaasa (It is a dangerous creature of the Mists.) [VRGttM pg. 36]
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DeepShadow of FoS
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Post by DeepShadow of FoS »

It is indeed tricky to add a new piece. I don't know any way to do it whole-cloth; rather, the way I've been doing it is to find an existing item that is related to it, create a reference, click on the reference, and then edit the resulting stub.

For example, I started the Plants subcategory because I wanted to add the material from Dragon #272. First I created the category, then I edited it to contain a reference to Dragon #272, then I edited THAT entry to contain references to each of the dozen plants I wanted to add, then I edited THOSE entries to summarize the plants. Working backwards, maybe, but it keeps things growing in an organic manner--no orphans.

Of course, this doesn't always work seamlessly. In your case of the Black Duke, you could start by editing Nova Vaasa to include Ehrendton, then edit Ehrendton to refer to the Black Duke (if your Nova Vaasa entry didn't already mention him) and go from there. Likewise with the Centaur and the Dyrskov forest. OTOH, it's a little odd to mention Hestskærere apropos of nothing in the NV entry, just to give you a reference....
The Avariel has borrowed wings,
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Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Yes, it is a bit counter intuitive, but there is a bit simpler method than the one you found, DS.

You'll notice that the Main Page of the wiki has this address: ... =Main_Page

Every page in the wiki is of that form. So for example, Barovia's entry is: ... le=Barovia

All you need to do to create a page is go to the new page's address as though it existed. The wiki software will automatically create it for you and give you a link to edit it. Once you've edited it to contain something, it will officially exist.

So if you want to create a page about The Bad Wind, just go here: ... e_Bad_Wind

(note that spaces should be underscores instead)

This is why DS's method works. He clicks on a link to a non-existent page (which is what the red links mean, by the way) and it takes him there.

This is admittedly a bit weird, but that's the way the wiki software works.

***NOTE: soon I will figure out how make the pages of the simplified form:

but the method remains the same. You will just go to:
instead of the current ... _Page_Name
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Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

As promised, I have changed the urls for the wiki to the recommended "short form."


instead of ... =Main_Page

(I'm trying to figure out how to get both to work, but so far, no luck. Sorry for the inconvenience if anyone bookmarked anything, but better to "rip off the bandaid" now, in case I never figure out how to make both work.)

So now to create a page, just go to:

and it will be auto-created
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Post by Delyun »

I have been adding subcategories and adding existing sources for ravenloft info.If you know any dragon magazines that had ravenloft info let me know.I will dig through the pile and find the pages for it.
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Post by The Giamarga »

Dragon: ... nloft.html

Though iirc some of those articles are only useful for Ravenloft and not explicitly set there. For example Nigel Findley's article about vampires in Dragon 162 is not a Ravenloft article per se.

Dungeon: ... nloft.html
Last edited by The Giamarga on Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Rotipher of the FoS
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

What's the procedure for adding alternative titles for existing entries? There are a lot of NPCs listed alphabetically by their titles (Brother, Captain, etc) who ought to be cross-listed by their names as well (e.g. both "Garvyn" and "Captain Garvyn"). Surname-first variants might also be appropriate for some.
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Post by Le Noir Faineant »

The internet has an universal term for what you're doing here:

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Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Rotipher of the FoS wrote:What's the procedure for adding alternative titles for existing entries? There are a lot of NPCs listed alphabetically by their titles (Brother, Captain, etc) who ought to be cross-listed by their names as well (e.g. both "Garvyn" and "Captain Garvyn"). Surname-first variants might also be appropriate for some.
This is a called a "redirect" in mediawiki-ese. Here's how you do it:

1) Pick the "most official" name for the person to have the actual entry.
(remember, spaces become underscores in the wiki URLs)

2) Then for each alternate name (we called them aliases in the Catalogue) create a page with that name.

3) on the page you created in step two, add the following line:
#REDIRECT [[Official Name]]
(example: #REDIRECT [[Captain Garvyn]] )
NOTE: This should be the only text on that page. Move everything else over to the official page.

For an example, see Strahd. If you go to Strahd, it will redirect to Count Strahd von Zarovich and it will say at the top:
"Count Strahd von Zarovich
(Redirected from Strahd)"

If you click on Strahd from there, it will take you to the actual Strahd page and force it NOT to redirect. (by going to the 'secret' URL ... edirect=no )

You can edit that page to see exactly how it's done. (don't change it, please, but just look.)

A lot of these were already done by my catalogue import script. But I'm sure there are many more to be done.
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