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Tidhare is the god of rabbits and of freaks venerated by Hermos.[1](Given that Hermos is the spiritual leader of Carnival[2], presumably at least a few other individuals venerate Tidhare as well.) Along with Qin-sah, Tidhare is part of a whole pantheon of animal gods recognized by Hermos. Hermos does not think any human deities as part of this pantheon, as he believes they met with some unknown fate[3]- this may be an oblique reference to or some unconscious recognition of the Unspoken Pact between the Dark Powers and other deities.

Of the deities in this pantheon, Hermos believes Tidhare extends a special protection to freaks perhaps because he is essentially a freak himself[4]

Tidhare also bears a great resemblance to a character, the Ear-Tied Hare from the the story of the same name, a similarly lowly and ostracized individual. Their physical likenesses are all but identical, as the black tattoos marking freaks for death look both like the Ear-Tied Hare and Tidhare.[5] The links between Quince and Qin-sah may hint at Tidhare's origins. Even by the standards of gods the Demiplane of Dread, Tidhare's existence seems sketchy. Despite Hermos' devotion to Qin-sah and Tidhare, he is no divine spellcaster.[2] Moreover, as a child before suffering the living death that blocked out his memories, Hermos knew the story of the Ear-Tied Hare from which Quince comes from.[6] As he regains his memories, Hermos has a dream whereupon his pronunciation of Tidhare seems to derive from the Ear-Tied Hare.[7] Therefore, it may be that Tidhare originated as a twisted memory of the Ear-Tied Hare.


  1. Champions of the Mists p.51
  2. 2.0 2.1 Champions of the Mists p.50
  3. Carnival of Fear p. 24-25
  4. CoF p. 236
  5. CoF p. 193
  6. CoF p. 184
  7. CoF p. 187
