Rolan Reveaux

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Rolan Reveaux is a minor antagonist from Black Crusade. He was the son of Silma Reveaux and a member of the Reveaux family, one of Birne's founding families. After Sir Diederic de Wyndt began investigation into why Marta Talliers had been falsely accused for witchcraft that had seemingly blighted Birne, Rolan, Alfrec, and a third young man attacked Sir Diederic and Leonera Talliers. Diederic pushed back Rolan's attack and humiliated him. When Rolan came at him with a sickle with the intent to kill, Sir Diederic killed the boy. The other two assailants fled into the night. Rolan's funeral was soon thereafter, after which Diederic found much of the town hostile toward him. Silma's mother attempted to have her revenge, but her attempt was foiled.[1]


  1. Black Crusade p. 137-142, 176-180