Phillip Ward

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Phillip Ward was the son of Grandfather Ward, brother of Lady Ann-Elizabeth Ward, uncle of Lady Gowena Ward-Barthold, and brother-in-law to Lord Jeremy Barthold. Something of an bachelor, eccentric, and artist, Phillip's nature lent itself well to having a warm relationship with his niece Gowena but only alienated him from her father Jeremy. Following Grandfather Ward's death, Lord Jeremy threw Phillip out. In the years following Ann-Elizabeth's death, Gowena grew more attached to Phillip as she drifted away from Jeremy. During her imprisonment in the Tower of Ward Mansion, Phillip would send her messages by trained carrier birds and eventually he sent her a horse to escape. She has made plenty of nightly rides, but has never had the complete will to escape permanently. Phillip is aging and is becoming less and less capable of helping her in ways other than simple encouragement and advice.[1]
