Peter Laduc

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Peter Laduc was murdered by Yvonne Depardieu in 748 BC. He was courting the young woman and her twin sister Antoinette Depardieu. When he was deceived into mistaking Yvonne for Antoinette and confessed his preference for the latter, Yvonne transformed into a werewolf and slew him, although not before he managed to curse her. His murder was investigated the police in Mordent. Yvonne fled via the S.S. Bonniville before she could be interviewed.[1]

Before he breathed his final breath, Laduc cursed Yyvonne to show her true nature whenever the Mists were present. As a side effect, her behavior became much more erratic as well.[1]


Data not yet in the Ravenloft Catalogue

Dungeon #55: The Seawolf

Dungeon #55: The Seawolf

Dungeon #55: The Seawolf

Dungeon #55: The Seawolf