Notre Dame des Brumes

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A Souragnien goddess that displays a surprisingly strong resemblance to Ezra. Her likeness is displayed in the earliest sketches of architectural designs, and is always depicted with her protective grey cloak. In this, a parallel may be drawn between Notre Dame des Brûmes as an old and unsuspected aspect of Ezra, and the discovery of Ezran icons and texts in Ste. Mere des Larmes in Port-a-Lucine. Alternatively, the combination of Ezra and Notre Dame des Brûmes can be considered as an act of syncretism, absorbing an old faith into the new one in order to appeal to locals.

Since the arrival of the Church of Ezra, any items associated with Notre Dame des Brûmes were integrated symbolically into Ezran worship, adding the grey cloak of the Souragnien goddess to the existing iconography of Ezra. In the inclusive version of Ezran faith proposed by Manon 'Ti-Maman' Larouche, the figures of many loas are displayed as under Ezra's protection and guidance by having them shelter under the cloak inherited from Notre Dame des Brûmes.[1]
