Many-Fingered Hand

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A Many-Fingered Hand is one type of Hand of Power, usually created by or with the aid a Spectral Hag. It may be used by a priest to call upon the power of evil spirits. It greatly increases the spellcasing powers of an evil priest, grants the ability to turn undead or command undead, and bestows protection from good so long as it burns. However, when the Hand finishes burning, the user risks a chance of having his/her spirit displaced and replaced by one inflicted with madness. Should the user's soul remain so displaced, the user dies after a day has passed.[1]

Legends and Rumors

Arcana purports the hand the ability to conjure and bind spirits. If burnt on the night of a full moon, the Hand may burn for 13 days instead of hours. According to Moratty's Hymn to Madness, Alchon the Mad was able to restore the charges of the Many-Fingered Hand through the desecration of a holy sit and the delivery of congregation to madness.[1]



Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Forged of Darkness

Forged of Darkness - p 6

Forged of Darkness - p 6-7

Forged of Darkness - p 6-7

Hand, Many-Fingered