Lief Lipsiege

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Across multiple continuities, Lief Liepsiege was the accountant for Strahd von Zarovich.

At the time of I6: Ravenloft (which in the 2nd Edition timeline was dated at 528 BC[1], Lief resided in Castle Ravenloft. He was the accountant of Strahd von Zarovich and is listed as a 0-Level Character but 2 Hit Dice Barovian (in the module, Barovian townspeople were given 2 Hit Dice) with no special powers or abilities (other than to sound an alarm if threatened). Although he was gruff and Chaotic Evil, he returned the favor if treated kindly.[2]

In House of Strahd, he is much the same but is simply a 0-Level Character[3]

In Expedition to Castle Ravenloft

In this module, Lief Liepsiege is a madman who represents a significant threat. He is hostile with overwhelmingly mad rage from the onset but not totally beyond talking to. In this version, Lief is also referred to as a steward rather than an accountant.[4]

In Curse of Strahd

In Curse of Strahd, Lief is much like his counterparts in the original I6 and House of Strahd. He is statistically represented by the Commoner NPC Archetype with a Chaotic Evil Alignment. If treated well, he may tell the location of the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind.[6]


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

House of Strahd
Ravenloft I6

Ravenloft I6 - p17

House of Strahd - p35
Ravenloft I6 - p17