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Janos was a prideful wizard who created the Living Armor. He was a member of Edvard's Five adventuring party. After their priest Dargon perished in Verbrek, a new divine spellcaster named Karla joined them. She and Janos drew quite close. After he had a falling out with the rest of the group, Janos tried to persuade Karla to come with him and establish their own adventuring party, though she declined. Humiliated, Janos left and fashioned the Living Armor in order to demonstrate his independence. However, it went on a killing spree. When Edvard's Four attempted to intervene, almost all were slain save for Karla, whom was able to escape thanks to Janos' interference as he attacked the Armor from within. Now he is trapped inside his diabolical creation without food or water. However, to kill the creation means that Janos will die as well. The only other alternative is provide the monster a new brain[1]

Game Statistics

male human wizard 15; Chaotic Neutral[2]


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Children of the Night: The Created

Children of the Night: The Created - p68

Children of the Night: The Created - pp64-65