Lady Izabela Dilisnya

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Izabela Dilisnya was nobly born in Prime Material Barovia in the 3rd century. She was the mother of Pidlwik Dilisnya, the grandmother of Reinhold Dilisnya, Gertrude Dilisnya, Oleka Dilisnya and Leo Dilisnya, and the great grandmother of Lovina Wachter. Izabela was the aged matriarch of her line when in 314 BC she was assassinated. The crime was blamed upon the Katsky and the Petrovna families. They had been locked in a dispute with the Dilisnyas over the rights to the prosperous (but now played out) silver mines of Mount Gries. There was also a century of accumulated ill-will between the families. The assassination touched off the War of Silver Knives. It was far less a war than a series of tit-for-tat assassinations that Count Barov von Zarovich ordered an end to in 316 BC. Peace was restored, but the distraction and the losses helped pave the way for the Terg Invasion in 320 BC.


Gazetteer I, p 16.