Delphine LaLaurie

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Delphine LaLaurie was a slave owner and socialite residing in New Orleans. She was a sadistic serial killer and torturer of her slaves. Eventually a fire revealed her hidden torture chambers and caused a mob to come after her and her family. However, she escaped to Europe. She currently resides in Toledo, Spain with her physician husband Dr. Louis LaLaurie (whom may actually be Dr. Louis Bernard and their daughters. Delphine remains as much of a sadistic monster as ever.[1]

The Red Death has bestowed up Delphine LaLaruie a number of perverse gifts. She ages much more slowly, and she has the power to dominate minds and inflict horrible pain with but a mere touch. She can even transform people into Broken Ones.[1]

More on this person at at Wikipedia


Chaotic Evil female human dandy 9[2]
