Category talk:Wolf

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I think Wolf creates a problem, since it is a category spaning Animal and Magical Beast, but is itself a creature that goes in Animal.Cure 07:19, 18 February 2010 (UTC)

Yes, it is a conundrum. What do you say to leaving Wolf as actual normal Wolves, and making category:Wolflike for all the other wolflike creatures? Alternatively, what about splitting them into category:Wolf Animal and category:Wolf Magical Beast? (either way, the same solution should be applied to Bat, Cat, etc..) -- Gonzoron 17:22, 22 February 2010 (UTC)

Wolflike might include wolf-headed demons. What about naming the basic animal wolf the Common Wolf?Cure 19:16, 22 February 2010 (UTC)

That would work, but doesn't address the animal/magical beast overlap. What do you think of category:Wolf Animal and category:Wolf Magical Beast? (or category:Wolf (Animal) and category:Wolf (Magical Beast)?) -- Gonzoron 19:59, 22 February 2010 (UTC)

I had gotten used to the overlap. Perhaps like one gets used to a toothache. Still, there is something intriscally nice about seeing all the cats together, regardless of whether they have Intelligence 2 or Intelligence 10. Animal and Magic Beast is a very arbitary division in a world whether few who are likely to make the distinction (essentially only druids and casters of spells targetting animals), so straddling the categories seem correct to me unless I am missing some other problem that is about to raise its ugly head.Cure 20:15, 22 February 2010 (UTC)