Category talk:Structure

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We need an operating defintion.

All buildings are structures I would say. Currently, all ships would be structures. Presumably all items (which currently includes ships) would not be structures. All ruins would be structures.Cure 17:18, 23 April 2010 (UTC)

In my mind, if it was built by humans (or other intelligent creatures), it's a structure. Ships were the only ones that seemed to pose a problem, since they move, so maybe they are items, but structure seems more right to me. We could say anything a person can enter is structure, and anything they can't is an item. But then what of the Apparatus? Personally I expect that to be an item. Same with a coffin. Maybe there's a better cut-off. Maybe it doesn't matter if there's some overlap. Nothing says item and structure/location need to be completely non-overlapping. -- Gonzoron 16:22, 26 April 2010 (UTC)

OK, wikipedia says: "An architectural structure is a free-standing, immobile outdoor construction." Seems like a reasonable definition, though it excludes ships, but maybe that's ok. Lets make ships into vehicles and put vehicles in items? Any objections? -- Gonzoron 15:04, 5 May 2010 (UTC)

Perfect.Cure 16:52, 6 May 2010 (UTC)