Category talk:Shipwreck

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Are there really going to be any named Shipwrecks in this category? The only ones I know of are in the Nocturnal Sea Gaz, and in DeepShadow's version of Saragoss. -- Gonzoron 23:37, 12 February 2010 (UTC)

I don't have the names at my fingers, but there was something like the Emperor Express in the northern Seas of Sorrows, another named vessel on Markovia, a possibly named vessel on the Finger, a heap of them at the other end of the Jackel's Ruse, at least one of which is name in the Teeny Tiny Tales, and perhaps others in the Eye of Anubis. So not tens of them, but some.Cure 09:31, 13 February 2010 (UTC)

OK, objection retracted. Good idea. -- Gonzoron 14:20, 13 February 2010 (UTC)