Category:Tomb Mote

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Tomb motes are undead made up of debris from tombs, graveyards, and other burial ground. They appear as small, roughly humanoid-shaped beings constructed from said detritus. Tomb motes seem to form by happenstance when sufficient magic builds up in the ground or undead show a lot of activity in the area. Even excess mass burials can trigger the formation of tomb motes. Despite such spontaneous origins, tomb motes show a surprising degree of cleverness and cruelty. They have a supernatural quickness and inflict corpsebloat with their bites.[1]

Descriptive Text

Trespasser beware! Stone and sky, river and flame alike defend Ankh-Memri. All things stand to protect his resting place, yea, even the very dust between these stones shall arise by the power of his word to strike down the impious, the grave-robber, and they shall long for death and not find it for the curse which lies upon them. -Inscription found on a Sebuan cartouche[2]


  1. Libris Mortis p. 128-129
  2. Descriptive text from John W. Mangrum's Teeny Tiny Tales of Terror project (contributed by Nathan Okerlund), from posts on the Fraternity of Shadows message board.

Pages in category "Tomb Mote"

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