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There are only two known sources of batteries in the Land of Mists and neither source is much inclined to catering to the public. Easan the Mad is the premier battery maker in the known world. He uses batteries to store electricity captured through a lightning harvesting system. The batteries are probably alchemical in nature, but they could be magical instead, then again, given alchemy's foundation in magic, they could well be both. Given the quantity of energy involved they are probably magical or at least extremely advanced. Dr. Victor Mordenheim has also made one or more batteries using them to power a laboratory pump. It is unclear how he charges them. They are assuredly chemical in nature, to not say achemical, as the doctor doesn't meet the prerequisites to have any useful skill in alchemey. The life support system of the Living Brain probably features a backup battery to provide power in an emergency.

Characters with the Create Device feat can attempt to create a battery with ten charges to use as a Power Source for their devices.[1]


Pages in category "Battery"

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