Gesmas Malaturno

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Gesmas Malaturno was an Invidian with a bad leg who had an uncanny ability to say the right, if often very improbable, thing due to sudden bouts of inspiration. This led to in his recruitment as a spy in the service of Malocchio Aderre. His gift allowed him to achieve incredible results, among them attending a dinner with the the Three Hags of Tepest: as a guest, rather than a dish. Gesmas' fortunes reversed themselves when he was dispatched to Sithicus to research the history of Lord Soth; in Sithicus, his gift of insight was inverted and kept leading him into danger instead of saving him.

Gesmas was finally seized, along with notes documenting his work, by Azrael and delivered to Lord Soth. The Dark Lord of Sithicus demanded he regale him with the tales he had acquired. Most proved to be falsehoods and empty speculation. When one of the stories proved to contain some of the truth of his past, Soth stirred from his throne for the first time in years, determined to find out who had told his tale. The death knight spared Gesmas' life, but condemned him to hard labour at the Veidrava Salt Mine.

Before Gesmas reached the mine, the carriage taking him there was attacked by the Wild Elves of the Iron Hills. Left for dead, Gesmas resolved to return to Invidia and pursue retirement. Before he could make the attempt, he was confronted and murdered by the Bloody Cobbler, who took from his corpse the soles of its feet, to later stitch them onto the feet of Ganelon.[1] It should be noted that the Bloody Cobbler treated Gesmas courteously and answered his final question - the true identity of the Bloody Cobbler - before killing him. Gesmas' face looked peaceful in death, suggesting the Cobbler killed him quickly and painlessly.

Both in the Bloody Cobbler's and Gesmas' own estimation, his life as a spy was a deviation from his true purpose in life, regardless Malocchio Aderre's claims that Gesmas should be grateful that the Dukkar had given him the role to play. At the time of his tenure in Sithicus, Gesmas was considering that he would have felt much happier serving as the master of hounds at Castle Loupet, a position he desired as his retirement from spy service - but knew his master would never let him have.
