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Revision as of 15:54, 4 January 2016

Lyssa von Zarovich is the daughter of Anna von Zarovich and Tod von Zarovich, the granddaughter of Sturm von Zarovich, and the grandniece of Count Strahd von Zarovich, the later of whom she has taken for an enemy. She is a potent vampire with strength beyond her years.[1] As part of a scheme that was monumental in its madness she contributed, presumably as a necrologist, to the creation of the illithid vampire[2] and so most probably has acquired at least a familiarity with the principles of biomancy. The creature proved to be as mad as the scheme and was of no use to her intention to reorganise matters in Barovia to her liking. Strahd's patient with Lyssa snapped eventually. The lord of Barovia, with the assistance of Emil Bollenbach and the golem Tom, poisoned Lyssa, condemning her to sleep long after sunset.[3] Lyssa conspires against Strahd from her perch in Zeidenburg, at the opposite end of Barovia from Strahd.[1]


Human ancient vampire female, Aristocrat 9 / Sorcerer 2, Chaotic Evil[4]




Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Children of the Night: Vampires
Thoughts of Darkness
Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume I

Children of the Night: Vampires - pp20, 25
Thoughts of Darkness - p60

Children of the Night: Vampires - p20
Thoughts of Darkness - p60
Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume I - p34

Children of the Night: Vampires - pp20-26
Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Domains and Denizens - p34
Thoughts of Darkness - pp43-45,p60
Realm of Terror - p126
Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume I - p34

Lyssa Heitman