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Revision as of 21:14, 17 August 2015

Chardath Spulzeer is a human fighter from Faerun who is now darklord of Aggarath.[1] Chardath is a member of the degenerate and cursed Spulzeer Family. Chardath was seduced by promises of wealth and power by the spirit of Katak Spulzeer into reading a magic tome that enabled Kartath to possess him. So possessed by the spirit ,to murder his sister Marble Spulzeer such that Kartah might be revived into his lich form. After the lich's revival, Kartak cast aside Chardath and exiled him from the lich's lair.[2]

After many years of debauchery and hosting all manner of blood sports and other illicit entertainment, Chardath was visited once again and nearly scared out of his mind by a returning Kartak. Kartak coereced Chardath into protecting the knowledge of his lair from other people. Driven mad long ago by the murder of Marble and the undead looming about his casle, Chardath began to explore the forbidden tunnels beneath the castle and discovered a magical lamp that held the djinni noble Gentar. Gentar granted Chardath half of Kartak's wizardly spellcasting capability. Chardath found an intelligent, magical axe named Maleffluent, which subsequently made him its puppet. Manipulated by the axe and consumed by rage, Chardath gave himself fully to evil to enact his revenge.[3]

In 751 BC[4], a three way confrontation between Chardath, Kartak and his servant Gaspard deLouca, and Marble (the latter now a vengeful ghost), ultimately ended with the siblings turning on each other. In this climax, the Castle Spulzeer was drawn into the Mists, taking along with it Chardath, Marble, and Gaspard deLouca. Kartak, however, escaped.[5]

Chardath himself was absorbed into the demiplane Aggarath that lies within the ruby hilt of the dagger of the same name. There he is the demilord, but he has little direct, conscious control of his domain. Rather, his shattered mind has divided the domain into different facets of a fragmented reality, each drawing on a different memory of Chardaths. In the fragment to where his self image resides, Chardath has lost his stolen spellcasting power, but he can reshape that facet at whim and summon earth elementals. As demilord of Aggarath, Chardath is protected from Maleffluent's dominance.[6]
