The Devil's Dreams: Zandor alone

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The Devil's Dreams: Zandor alone

Post by ewancummins »

You've been riding since a little past daybreak, the package you had recieved from Ferenc safely stowed in your saddlebags. It's nearly noon now, and your horse needs to rest again. You've found a tree-shaded vale not far from the road, where a clear brook trickles through a stony bed.

You recall the queer instructions that Master Ferenc gave you.

''Ride towards Sainte-Ronges. Make certain that you let the servants see you head that way, Zandor. By mid-day you should be far away from the estate, and all alone. Find a place to rest. When the sun hits its zenith, and not before, open the package I have given you. Follow the instructions therein. Do all that I ask of you, and you will be amply rewarded for your service to my house. With Crespin dead, you are the only one left I can trust."
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

-from Moby Dick (Hermann Melville)
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Re: The Devil's Dreams: Zandor alone

Post by JMaytr »

Zandor makes his trip away from the manor doing precisely as instructed. Several times while on the grounds he calls out to other servants, waving goodbyes and blowing flirtfull kisses to the fairer maids.

As the noon hour approaches Zandor finds the tree shaded vale. he ties his horse to the tree, feeds the beast water and oats, and then sits comfortably on the mossy ground among the grasses and opens the strange package Master Fenrec gave to him.
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Re: The Devil's Dreams: Zandor alone

Post by ewancummins »

Iside the package you find a pouch, a folded piece of yellow paper, and a ring. The puch contains twenty gold ducats and fifty silver florins. The ring is fashioned of silver and set with a pale moonstone.
The paper turns put to be a letter in Ferenc's spidery script-


My life is in danger. Experience has shown that I cannot trust the meddling fools hired by my heir. I have sent for my own man- one who can be trusted. His name is Louis. He may be working alone or using assistants. I direct you to seek out the crossroads of the road to Sainte Ronges and the track that leads towards Pont-a-Museau. You should be able to reach that spot easily, if indeed you've not passed it by the time you read these words. Go there and wait for him. If neccesary, wait all night. I expect his arrival before sundown, though, so you likely will not be very late. You will recognize the man by the patch over his left eye. Show him the ring, so that he knows you have come in my service. Pay him half the money in the purse. The other half is for you- keep it. You must guide Louis back to the estate- the sooner the better. If you accomplish all this to my satisfaction, greater rewards await you.

-F. D.
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

-from Moby Dick (Hermann Melville)
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Re: The Devil's Dreams: Zandor alone

Post by JMaytr »

Zandor immediately burns the note and makes haste for the crossroads.
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Re: The Devil's Dreams: Zandor alone

Post by ewancummins »

JMaytr wrote:Zandor immediately burns the note and makes haste for the crossroads.

You get to the crossroads without any trouble.

You aren't waiting long before the patter of hooves breaks on your ears. A short while later two riders come into view over a nearby hilltop to the west of the east-west highway. The lead man, mounted on a big roan horse, stands tall in the saddle. His long, forest-green cloak flutters behind him as he rides towards you at the canter. He swivels his head back and forth as he comes forward. The second rider, a shorter man mounted on a sorrel pony, comes on more slowly.

When the big rider draws near, you get a good look at his face. He wears a leather patch over his left eye. His black beard is short but a little ragged. The hair in his head is unfashionably short. Scars like the marks of an animal's claws- or a woman's nails, run down his right cheek. When he breathes, a faint whistling sound comes out of his crooked nose. If he was born handsome, life has erased such grace from his features.

The big man leans forward in the saddle and fixes his good eye- a washed out blue orb as cold as a fish's eye- on you. You are very conscious of his size and latent physical power. He's got to be taller and heavier than Karim- and the Pharazian was a paragon of muscular development! A faint clinking sounds from beneath the rider's drab clothing hints at concealed armor or weapons- maybe both. He is certainly armed- a poniard sticks out from beneath his cloak on the right side and a hatchet hangs from his saddle-bow.

The hulking horseman smiles without warmth, and says-

''Nice day for a ride. Where are you bound?''
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

-from Moby Dick (Hermann Melville)
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Re: The Devil's Dreams: Zandor alone

Post by JMaytr »

Zandor is unnerved by the mans dead eye, but recalls the details of the note from Fenric that said Louis wore a patch over his eye, which this man did not.

"I ride for Pont a Museau, monsieur. The day is warm and the sun bright enough to enjoy. I've decided to take tea here before continuing on. You and your companion are welcome to join me. I'm am Zandor Blacksong, It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance sir....." Zandor trails off, his tone friendly and without guile.
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Re: The Devil's Dreams: Zandor alone

Post by ewancummins »

''Louis. This racsal-"

He jerks his right thumb back to indicate the man on the pony,

''-is Piers."

Piers rides a little closer. He's a whipcord lean man, several inches below average height, who sits the saddle in a lazy, slouchy way. His bright emerald eyes glare out from a narrow, creased face smeared with road-dust. Now and again, he flicks his tongue across his blistered lips. His clothes are dusty and drab.
In his arms, partly hidden by the folds of his travel-stained cloak, he cradles a loaded crossbow as tenderly as a mother might hold her baby.
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

-from Moby Dick (Hermann Melville)
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