The Shattered City: A 4E Ravenloft Campaign

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The Shattered City: A 4E Ravenloft Campaign

Post by NeoTiamat »

“Master Jean!” Mrs. Blanchard, the housekeeper knocked lightly on the door of Jean Lachenal's study, holding a still-warm plate in one hand. “Master Jean! Cook's made sandwiches for you and Paul!”

A moment passed, and after some muffled sounds from inside, the door began to slowly creak open, the young Lord Lachenal straining to open the massive steel-reinforced timbers. The housekeeper gave the stubborn door a good shove, and together they got it fully opened.

“Cooky and I were thinking that the two of you were getting hungry, what with all the racket Paul's been making.” Mrs. Blanchard chatted amiably, sparing her employer a concerned look. The young Lord Lachenal was handsome, in the way of pale young men the world round, with his alabaster skin and mane of rich, black hair. Even with his perpetually half-distracted look, Master Jean had no shortage of admirers. A fact which amused the staff to no end, seeing as the young Lord Lachenal was wholly unaware of his own looks.

“Er, thank you. And thank Cook.” The young Lord Lachenal favored Mrs. Blanchard with a swift smile, then looked around the cluttered study. Absently, he twisted the Lachenal signet ring on his left hand. “Just put them down... anywhere, I suppose.”

This was easier said than done, as the study, never a bastion of neatness and organization in the best of times, was currently being invaded by a small army of workman's tools. A collection of hammers and saws sprawled next to antique letter openers and correspondence from old school friends. A tray of cement occupied the floor beneath the lilac-curtained window, while the stout, oaken door had been given a backbone of steel. Leftover iron bars were stacked haphazardly in a corner, beside the gilded end table. It was onto this last that Mrs. Blanchard placed the tray of sandwiches.

Paul the footman paused in his struggles with the bars he was placing in the last window to reach over and swipe one of the sandwiches, grinning unabashedly as Mrs. Blanchard sent him a black look. “Those are for Master Jean first, you layabout, not you!”

“Sorry ma'am, but this is hungry work!” Paul smiled, wolfing down the sandwich in record time, then returning to working the steel bar into the Chateau Lachenal's stone window-frames.

“It's... it's alright Mrs. Blanchard, it really is.” Lord Lachenal waved it away, sparing only a glance at the sandwiches before beginning to pace about the room. “Paul is doing very good work, truly. How much longer, Paul? It's almost ni--, it's getting late.”

“Nearly done, sir.” Paul the footman braced himself and gave the steel bars gracing the window a firm push. They didn't so much as twitch, which was a fair achievement considering that Paul served Chateau Lachenal as both footman, groom, and general groundskeeper, and had a build that would make a Falkovnian marauder jealous. “That ought to do it, milord. This'd stop a cannon ball, it would.”

“I can call Professor Bellec, Master Jean, if you wish.” Mrs. Blanchard offered. Her sister had been doing the cooking for the elderly academic for a good fifteen years now, so he would come if she asked politely enough. “He can cast a few wards around the windows, keep out anything you like, sir.”

NO! No mages.” Lord Lachenal shouted, causing both servants to stare at their young master. the aristocrat continued hurriedly. “I mean, it's no necessary to bother the professor. It would... just cause more trouble, there's no need.”

“I'm sure it wouldn't be any trou--” Mrs. Blanchard began to say, but a look from Paul cut her short. If their employer didn't want any mages around, then that was his affair, and none of theirs. “But as you say. Shall I tell Cook to get dinner started?”

“N-n-no...” Lord Lachenal glanced at the wall-clock. Six thirty nine in the evening, it proclaimed. He looked at Paul, who was gathering up his tools, and at Mrs. Blanchard. “It's... I won't be coming down for dinner.”

“Shall I have Cook send something more substantial up, sir?” Mrs. Blanchard offered. It offended her sensibilities that Master Jean should skip a meal. It wasn't as though he had much meat on his bones anyway.

“No. In fact, please, both of you, take the rest of the night off. And Cook as well. You deserve it.” Lord Lachenal said, his voice quivering. He looked so very young. Suddenly, he threw his arms around Mrs. Blanchard, burying his face in her shoulder. “You deserve so much more. I'm... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. You've been my family, since... since I... Since Father died. I'm so sorry.”

The two servants exchanged another confused glance, and the housekeeper patted Lord Lachenal on the back, even as he let out a couple of helpless, wracking sobs. “There, there, sir, it's alright... we love you too. Been like our son.”

“I'm...G-goodbye, Mrs. Blanchard, Paul.” Then the door closed, and the two servants could hear heavy deadbolt being pulled shut. “Goodbye.”

<> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>

The next morning, Mrs. Blanchard collected the quick breakfast Cook had prepared and went to find young Master Jean. The dining room was empty, and a glance inside the bedroom confirmed that the Lord Lachenal had not been there that night. It was with a vague puzzlement that Mrs. Blanchard went to check the study. Surely Master Jean couldn't have spent the whole night there. It was with a stern talking-to about the young Master's unhealthy sleeping habits in mind that Mrs. Blanchard ascended the stairs to the study.

Her scream roused the entire household.

When Paul and Cook arrived, they found the breakfast tray in shatters, as Mrs. Blanchard pointed hysterically at the door. From beneath the massively reinforced oak doors of the study, a large pool of blood had seeped out, staining the beige hall carpet a deep, rich burgundy. The door refused to budge when Paul tried. It was only later, when the gendarmerie had arrived, that Paul was able to kneel in the pool of blood and slowly take the door off its hinges.

The study was a scene out of nightmare. The thick steel bars that Paul had installed just yesterday were torn from their moorings and tossed contemptuously aside, the metal rods twisted apart by brute strength. Two of the three bookcases had been knocked over, spilling old family records and modern novels itnto an untidy heap, while the third had simply been torn apart, the wooden frame shattered into so much kindling. The thick, solid desk, which had served the Chateau's study since Master Jean's grandfather's time, was still in one piece, though the surface of the desk was gouged with long, deep marks. And everywhere one looked, there was blood.

Blood had pooled out from the body, congealed into a thick sludge by the time the room was opened. Blood had been splattered onto the portrait of Master Jean's great-grandfather, the painted face of that distinguished gentleman now covered with slick, crimson droplets. Blood had soaked through the fallen books, land records and family trees now fit only for destruction. The Lachenals' massive, leather-bound Book of Ezra had fallen open to one of the early passages, but Ezra's words were illegible, coated over with dried, red-brown blood. There was blood on the floor, blood on the walls, blood on the furniture, even a handful of splashes upon the ceiling. There was blood everywhere around the unrecognizeable corpse.

It was only by the Lachenal signet ring upon the hand that the inquest was able to conclude that the corpse was that of the young Jean Lachenal.

Ravenloft GM: Eye of Anubis, Shattered City, and Prof. Lupescu's Traveling Ghost Show
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Post by DocBeard »

"'s a hundred and six miles to Port-a-Lucine, we got a fresh horse, half a box of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses."

Tomas Eisenwald pulled on the lapels of his plain black suit, and flipped the smoked glasses onto his face, looking towards the city. "Hit it."
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Kaitou Kage
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Post by Kaitou Kage »

EDIT: Negotiations are under way.

Ho ho ho.
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Rock of the Fraternity
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Hey, I've been saying I'd join up with this campaign since NT talked about it, and that was a while ago. Liability Mourneswaithe, at your disservice. Wait ... something's wrong with that sentence, but for the life of me I can't figure out what it might be ... 8)
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Post by yalenusveler »

And so It begins....
"Sometimes, Mr.Liquor cabinet is my only friend"
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Post by lostboy »

Already? Hell I need to get back to work on that map!
"I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space..."
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Post by Kaitou Kage »

lostboy wrote:Already? Hell I need to get back to work on that map!
*cracks whip*
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Post by HuManBing »

"Strange memories on this nervous night in Port-a-Lucine. Has it been five years? Six? It seems like a lifetime, the kind of peak that never comes again. Dementlieu in the calm before the storm was a very special time and place to be a part of. But no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time in the world. Whatever it meant."

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The Whistler
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Post by The Whistler »

This requires a new profile pic! Now to iron out which of my two possible character concepts I want to go for...I'm pretty sure neither of them look much like that dude in the hat, as awesome as he was.
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Post by Nerit »

Petroselinum, salvia, ros marinus, et thymus.
Nuray Solak
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Kaitou Kage
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Post by Kaitou Kage »

Should we start tossing out what we plan to play so folks have a sense of what's already in-game?
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Post by NeoTiamat »

Feel free to bandy around ideas, though I would hold off on heavy-duty character creation till you see what the char-creation post will bring.
Ravenloft GM: Eye of Anubis, Shattered City, and Prof. Lupescu's Traveling Ghost Show
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Post by Kaitou Kage »

I'll be playing an avenger. Nathan is going to be a swordmage.
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Rock of the Fraternity
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Mine's a wizard, in case anyone in this thread hasn't read EoA or wasn't expecting me to bring Lia back. ;)
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Post by The Whistler »

Either a bard (virtue of cunning build) or a sorcerer (wild magic build). Can't decide which at the moment!