1001 ideas for a RL campaign.

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1001 ideas for a RL campaign.

Post by Scarycount »

1. A group of Dilisnya Scions serve Ivan, but secretly harbor ambitions of assasinating the dark twins and ruling Borca themselves.

2. Mordentish adventurers are snatched up by the mists and taken far away from home. A prophet hints that they were mist-led for a reason, and they must discover that reason in order to return home.
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Post by HuManBing »

3. The PCs wake up in Darkon with people trying to kill them. They have various mysterious scars on their bodies and histories they can no longer remember. A Darkonian agency is willing to help them regain their memories but have several missions for them to run.
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Post by DeepShadow of FoS »

4) PC's wake up in Avernus, clones reconstituted from flesh samples collected all over Ravenloft for a special project.

5) When a PC's uncle escaped from Ravenloft during the Grand Conjunction with one of the treasures of Avernus, Azalin curses the magic item that when it is used, it will return home. The relic is passed down in the family to the PC, unused.

6) A half-vistani PC has nightmares about a castle, a vampire, a wolf, and a dagger carved entirely out of ruby. (The Bloodknife, from VRA)

7) One of Ivan's Borrowed Time bodyguards discovers she has a terminal disease; Ivan's antidotes will only delay the inevitable for a few months. Disgusted with herself and Ivan for stringing herself along on his leash, she decides to go out with a bang....
The Avariel has borrowed wings,
The Puppeteer must cut the strings
The Orphan Queen must take the throne
The Queen of Orphans calls them home
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Post by LordGodefroi »

8.) PCs wake up to find themselves each in possession of Ba'al Verzi daggers and, amongst their effects, credentials. . . and the name of their next target!
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Post by Sylaire »

9. The campaign begins in Darkon, where the players begin to unravel the mysteries behind a hidden conspiracy...only when they are inevitably drawn across the border to follow up a clue they suddenly realize that everything they've believed about who they are and their own motivations...was exactly the opposite of what they believed.

10. Better yet, only one PC crosses the border and recovers his/her memories. Can he/she get back in and retrieve his/her friends and get them out of Darkon before he/she, too, loses her recovered history again?
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Post by NeoTiamat »

11. Outlander heroes hear that there may in fact be a way to escape Ravenloft. It seems that years ago, there was in fact a man so brilliant, so intuitive, that he managed to outwit the Dark Powers themselves. Before he left however, he left clues to allow people to follow him outside, hidden puzzles and riddles locked in works of art scattered across the Realm. He who follows them to its conclusions finds that escape is not a physical passage, but a state of mind. Or is this all a trap by the Dark Powers, a sieve to remove overly curious adventurers?

12. The party is paid a significant sum of money by a nobleman to escort his daughter to a distant monastery several domains over. The catch? The daughter is an infected lycanthrope, and a powerful one at that (Mountain Loup-Garou or similar). The PCs have to escort the noble lady across all the dangers of the land, without letting her come to harm or hurting someone else.

13. Someone is killing harmless old men across the Realm, old scholars and noblemen with seemingly little to do with one another except for their uniformly horrific way of death. When a mentor of the PCs dies, they have to track down the killer. But what do they do when they find that the killer is a ghost-ridden man out to avenge himself on the Fraternity of Shadows?

14. Someone is stealing artefacts from the Guignol Museum at the University of Port-a-Lucine. A group of thieves has stolen them under the cover of special magics and has shipped them to Nova Vaasa, and the PCs have to pursue. Of course, a powerful professor at the University, perhaps Balfour de Casteele, perhaps Adrian Ramsey, would rather have the magical artefacts return to him and not the museum, and sees this as an excellent opportunity to do so. And if the PCs return the artefacts to this 'representative' of the University, they may just find themselves drawn up on charges of theft.

15. As the PCs pass through a village, a traveling snake-oil peddler passes by, offering cure-alls and strength elixers of all sorts. For a wonder, the potions actually work, but if the PCs stick around for any length of time, they realize that the villagers become listless and quiet afterwards, and any with Ethereal Empathy or Ghost Sight realize that the people's souls have been taken. The peddler is actually Inajira, and in having the villagers sign his book of 'reciepts', he gets souls by the bushel.
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Post by Jakob »

16. A rakshasa outlander estabilished itself as "hidden leader" of a community in the Core after fleeing from Sri Raji. Arijani sent one of his minions (a 7-HD awakened tiger, or with the haunt beast template, CE) to recapture it. The tiger will use the characters as proxies in its hunt, maybe threatening the lives of the inhabitants of the community.

18. A group of bards, under the orders of a great and deranged playwriter (human female bard 6/alienist 3, CE) move from town to town, bringing with them a macabre show and telling people stories of an entity called the King in Yellow. Madness rises in their wake.

19. A cleric of the Eternal Order (elf male cleric 9, NE), in Darkon, periodically rises zombies and skeletons to reinforce the faith of his followers by scaring them. This time, unfortunately, his overdid himself: he cannot control all of the undead he created, and he asks the PCs to "clean up" the graveyard. The PCs have thus the chance to discover the truth behind the undead infestation.

20. In Darkon, a group of female elves dedicated to the worship of Death is looking for three specific corpses to be used as focus to gather the energies of Death's Horsemen.
I coloni rovinavano la foresta costruendo il capolavoro dell'uomo civilizzato: il deserto.
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Undead Cabbage
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Post by Undead Cabbage »

(Skipped a number Jacob)

17. In Mordent, the Weathermay-Foxgrove twins have unfortunately been prohibited from leaving Mordentshire by Daniel Foxgrove "so as to discourage this silly discourse of theirs, and to encourage them to focus on more pressing responsibilities". Although bound by Foxgrove's word, the twins are not ones to give in so easily to a life of dullness and nobility. They have called for a party of willing friends and allies (the PCs) to help them continue the Van Richten legacy, and perhaps see why Daniel Foxgrove has been acting so strangely as of late.
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Post by Jakob »

Undead Cabbage wrote:(Skipped a number Jacob)
Numbers are my slaves. I pick them as I see fit. :evil: :D

21. The sahuagin attacks on the Dementlieuse coasts have become more fierce, and more than a household has been dragged to the bottom of the sea during stormy nights. Are the attacks connected with the beautiful elven woman preaching about the coming of a "Great Devourer" (malenti bard 5/evangelist 5, NE), and who's becoming the talk of the nobles of Port-au-Lucine?
I coloni rovinavano la foresta costruendo il capolavoro dell'uomo civilizzato: il deserto.
- Luis Sepúlveda
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Post by DocBeard »

22. In the Mountains of Misery, the competition between the dwarves of Tempe Falls and the gnomes of Mayvin have reached a boiling point. Shipments of precious ore have gone missing, clockwork creations have been waylaid before being able to reach their clients, and beards are being pulled. Recently, Myar Hiregaard has gone missing; the dwarves claim that the jealous gnomes kidnapped him, in order to discredit their ability to keep an ambassador safe, while the gnomes claim that the dwarves must have made him vanish themselves, in order to have an excuse to turn the feud into open violence. Can the PCs find the ambassador and a way to calm tempers on both sides before violence breaks out...or, worse, the situation gets bad enough to attract the dread attention of Azalin Rex himself?

23. A wealthy halfling family contacts the PCs; wanting to avoid the chaos in Indiva, the halflings altered their summer traveling route to skirt around Falkovnia instead, believing that they had enough money to bribe their way around any trouble with the talons. Unfortunately, the youngest member of the family was a little too curious for her own good, and wandered off. Terrified that their child has been made into one of Vald Darkov's "amusements", the family wants the PCs to either save her, or confirm her terrible fate; the problem being, of course, doing so in a fashion that doesn't involve Darkov setting the PCs or their clients on fire in retribution.
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Post by HuManBing »

24. Vlad Drakov has finally bowed to the suggestions of his advisers and is seeking to procure gunpowder refining materials. Perhaps a surveyor has already found news of a vein of minerals in the Falkovnian mountains which, if properly mined, would yield enough saltpeter to support an indigenous Falkovnian war machine. Various countries have much to fear from this. Perhaps the simplest and most straightforward way to nip this in the bud is to kill the surveyor before he can make his report to Drakov.

25. One of Drakov's few competent underlings is his Minister of Espionage. Unlike the rest of the Falkfuhrers, this minister is cautious and lacks the depravity of his peers. Nevertheless, he is a formidable foe and the surrounding kingdoms are starting to learn that he has spun a formidable web of informants and spies. This man has many virtues, but nevertheless remains a very effective enemy and must be stopped or killed. (Or possibly blackmailed into deserting Falkovnia.) Of course, even if the adventurers are successful, Vlad will probably appoint a thoroughly depraved successor, to the detriment and oppression of Falkovnians everywhere... but so long the replacement is incompetent, the surrounding kingdoms would heartily support it.
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Post by Scarycount »

25. Dementlieu tries to convince the other tower countries to go to war with Falkovnia.

26. A group of Tepestani inquisitors hunt down fey, setting themselves up for a major crisis of faith when a trusted friend turns out to be an elf in disguise.
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Post by Jakob »

27. A good-natured Falkovnian officer befriends one of the PCs (better if female), and starts corresponding with her. After a while, the letters come to a stop. If the PCs want to look in the matter, they'll find the once gentle person has become a sadistic general: he discovered he is a Drakov! (human male [Drakov] fighter 6/cavalier 5, LE).
I coloni rovinavano la foresta costruendo il capolavoro dell'uomo civilizzato: il deserto.
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Post by HuManBing »

28. With gunpowder weapons at their disposal, a group of mercenaries is rampaging through domains, striking before the darklord realizes they're around, and robbing temples, banks, and innocents. They have escaped the borders so far... how do they do it? Are they merely lucky and get past the borders before they're spotted? Or do they have some powerful outsider with them to bypass the closed borders?

29. Slavery goes on in Martira Bay, but under cover. The Martira Bay police are trying to uncover who's taking these street bums and prostitutes and where these slaves are ending up. There are several answers, none of them easy for the PCs:

a) a fight pit duels them to the death as spoiled noblemen and former military types look on and bet
b) an industrial sweatshop works them to death, with the necromancer overseer reanimating their bodies to work after they die
c) a mysterious woman bids for slaves and they are never seen again (taken to Styrix's underground lair and fed to the Rift Spanner)
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Post by Dhampire »

30) The PCs slowly wake as if from a very long sleep but still feel tired. as they slowly try to stretch the stiffness from their limbs they come to realize that something is wrong and must now discover what happened to Il Aluk while they slept and why more and more of the residents are developing free will.

31) Members of the Nevuchar Springs sect of Ezra are being murdered. Is it a plot against them by the failing Eternal Order as the evidence suggests or is there something else behind it for more sinister means.

32) A vision of Ezra has been appearing in various communities throughout the core yet, despite the holy vision, everywhere the image arrives only death and desolation follow.

33) There is an increase in animal attacks along the Verbreck and Valachan border. Von Kharkov and Timothy are each searching for something along the borders between their domains. Something that will give unlimited power to either of these beasts-turned-man.

34) People living near the Shadow Rift have been seeing 'something big, balck, and serpintine "swimming" in the surface shroud of the Shadow Rift'. Each of these people are then mysteriously silent, mere shadows of what they were (changelings) a few days later.

35) Having found out about the secret little project that Stirix was working on, Azalin Rex has confiscated the Rift Spanner and intends to use it.
Nothing convinces like proof.
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