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Rotipher of the FoS
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

With his hands full and his lips in mid-ballad, Crow (for once) can't utter a reply. Keeping his attention focused on the mired combatants, he doesn't turn to look at Buchvold, but shrugs his left shoulder to draw the Borcan's attention to the half-empty satchel slung over it: if the illusionist wants what's inside, he'll have to fish through the bag himself, because the bard daren't break off his harmonica-playing for the time being.

[OOC: Buchvold can root through the bag while Crow's wearing it, or he can take the lantern from the bard's left hand so my PC can slip off the satchel and hand it over to the Borcan. Either way, the spy's standard actions are otherwise engaged for now, unless his help is needed for something important enough to break off Inspiring Greatness on Dadrag's behalf. (VAN's PC got to the monster first, so she got dibs on the buff-effect. :wink: )]
"Who [u]cares[/u] what the Dark Powers are? They're [i]bastards![/i] That's all I need to know of them." -- Crow
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Post by Moral Machivelli »

With a cry of joy at Crow's indication, Buchvold made a grab for the bard's sachel. Rummaging through the many strange bottles (alchamy was never his Forte) he came across several bottles with the tell-tale Ezran shield and sword. Taking one in each hand, he flung them at the vague shapes he could see beneath the water with a cry of "Break it over that thing's stomach. Or as close as you can get."

OOC. Each bottle has holy water in it. See if you can get that thing to touch it. That may just help us work out what we're dealing with.
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Nathan of the FoS
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

OOC: Since they're underwater and involved in combat, I'm dubious Dadrag and Hiro would be able to hear you at all--also, they'd have to surface and grab the vials first! If you want to contribute holy water to the discussion you'll probably have to wade in yourself, MM.

IC: Nodding at Buchvold's recommendation, Roland pries off his boots and throws his jacket aside, puts his pistol into Gertrude's hands (which she receives with a look of surprise) and strikes out for the punt; reaching it, he pushes it toward the side of the channel.

Beneath the water, the creature struggling with Gerard releases him; the unfortunate boatman rises slowly as it turns its attention to Dadrag, lancing itself forward to grapple with the swordsman!

OOC: VAN: You need to make a Swim check at DC 12 or lose your Dex bonus to AC. The creature rolled a 15 to hit; if that hits your touch armor class, you need to make an opposed grapple check against the creature's Grapple roll of 32. (The creature has Improved Grapple--hence no attack of opportunity against the grapple attempt.)
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Post by VAN »

Barely seeing the beast coming toward him, Dadrag tries to avoid it, but the beast is faster than the assassin and manages to grapple him with his clawed hands. With Crow's inspiring song still at his head, Dadrag gets out his dagger and attacks the beast twice.
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
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Post by Coan »

Knowing that the battleground puts both he and Dadrag at a disadvantage Hiro once again tries to find and free Gerard. His plan is to free the man and get him to safety so that more reckless (and dangerous) attacks can be used.
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Post by alhoon »

Backing backwards towards the shore, away of the Creature's reach and once in somewhat firmer ground, Draxton used his magic to turn invisible.
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Nathan of the FoS
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

OOC: H'okay! Let's review:

Dadrag is underwater grappling the beastie; Hiro is getting an unconscious or dead Gerard to (drier) land; Roland is making sure the boat doesn't escape; Draxton is invisible (actually, he's making a big hole in the water at the moment) and retreating toward the bank; Gertrude is holding a lantern and reviewing her options; Crow is singing to inspire...greatness, I think?; and Buchvold is retrieving holy water bottles and attempting to get them to the combatants.

Am I missing anyone?

Continuation later today!

EDIT: I had "Dadrag" for "Draxton"--sorry, alhoon. Fixed it.
Last edited by Nathan of the FoS on Sat Sep 29, 2007 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Rotipher of the FoS
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

OOC: Inspire greatness on Dadrag. Crow's playing the harmonica, not singing, FWIW. (He wouldn't want Dadrag to hear the lyrics to the song he's using. :wink: )

He's also the one with the lantern, BTW, as he's closest to the water out of the PCs on the bank. It's the bard's guitar-case which Kingsley (the only one he trusts with it) is carrying, plus anything Roland might've given her to hold (his pistol maybe?) before he waded into the water.
"Who [u]cares[/u] what the Dark Powers are? They're [i]bastards![/i] That's all I need to know of them." -- Crow
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Post by VAN »

Dadrag is grappled and stabs the beasty, Draxton is invisible.

Roti, what is the benefit of Great Inspireness?
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
- W H A T ! ? !
- Or they should NEVER memorize rays!
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Rotipher of the FoS
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

VAN wrote:Roti, what is the benefit of Great Inspireness?
OOC: Two bonus HD (including 2d10 temporary hp), a +2 competence bonus to attack roles, and +1 competence bonus on Fort saves. :)
"Who [u]cares[/u] what the Dark Powers are? They're [i]bastards![/i] That's all I need to know of them." -- Crow
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Nathan of the FoS
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Rotipher of the FoS wrote:OOC: Two bonus HD (including 2d10 temporary hp), a +2 competence bonus to attack roles, and +1 competence bonus on Fort saves. :)
OOC: Which is good, cuz he needs them. :misori: All right, here we go again:

IC: Beneath the surface Dadrag and the creature grapple, its claws raking at the ranger's back and sides* while he stabs at it with his dagger**. Sensing Gerard floating to the surface, Hiro grabs at him and catches him by the arm, dragging him toward the side of the channel. In the fitful light of the lantern it is unclear if he is dead or merely unconscious.

OOC: Hiro's above water now, MM, so he can hear and respond if Buchvold tries to get him the holy water now. Next!

*The creature's attack rolls. What's Dadrag's AC? I'm going to assume the 26 hits and the 16 and 17 miss--let me know if that's right. If it is, you take 6 damage.

**I'm giving a +10 to Dadrag's attack bonus with the dagger after the -4 penalty for grappling and the +2 for Inspire Greatness--is that right? Damage with the dagger is 1d4+2, right?

That gives this, for 6 damage against the creature. (22 hits, 20 misses.)
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Post by VAN »

Seeing the blood getting out from a wound at his chest, Dadrag decides tha the cannot kill the clawed beast using only his dagger. So with his elbows tries to open slightly the beast's hands and then starts twirling.

OOC> Dadrag has escape artist +10.
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
- W H A T ! ? !
- Or they should NEVER memorize rays!
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Post by Pamela »

As the professor considered her own vanishing act, she saw Hiro bringing up Gerard. There was no hesitation; the Souragnien was their surest and safest way out of this swamp.

Gertrude quickly went down on one knee at the water’s edge, careful that any creatures beneath the surface wouldn't pull her in if they clung to the man's legs. Placing the pistol and Crow's guitar case on her left, protected by her body, she reached out with both hands to take hold of the still body of their 'captain'.
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Post by alhoon »

Draxton moved out of the water still invisible, and reached to help Getrude pull out the man. "It is me" he said to her just before grasping Gerard.
While helping he looked out to see what's happening and how is his henchman performing.

OOC: I believe that doesn't break the invisibility.
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
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Nathan of the FoS
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

alhoon wrote:Draxton moved out of the water still invisible, and reached to help Getrude pull out the man. "It is me" he said to her just before grasping Gerard.
While helping he looked out to see what's happening and how is his henchman performing.

OOC: I believe that doesn't break the invisibility.
OOC: Nope, that won't break the invisibility. Since your body pushes the water aside Gertrude will certainly be aware someone is getting out of the water beside her!

VAN, you can used either an Escape Artist check or a Grapple check to attempt to escape the creature's grapple. It looks to me from your character sheet that your total Escape Artist modifier is +10 and your grapple modifier is also +10, so I guess it doesn't matter which you use, but you might want to check just in case. Here are the rolls!

The escape attempt fails, so the creature will make another attack. All attacks fail. (I forgot to include the -4 grapple penalty to the attack on the creature's last turn, but since it got a 26 I guess it doesn't matter.)

IC: Beneath the water Dadrag twists in the grasp of the creature, attempting to pull away from it and gain room to maneuver. Its grasp only tightens, and he feels its claws rake at his armored torso again as they struggle, but to no effect.

Above, the water is briefly roiled as the combatants near the surface, then sink again. It seems likely to those observing from dry ground that Dadrag is getting the worse of it...

As Gertrude draws the swamp-fisher to shore, with Draxton's unexpected assistance, they see the marks of the creature's claws on his torso and throat. To an untrained eye it looks extremely dubious that he survived the encounter.
[b]FEAR JUSTICE.[/b] :elena:
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