The Grand Entrance III

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Post by Pamela »

Gertrude smiled when she saw Hartly, glad to be able to return downstairs and away from the rats which were much more numerous up here, though even those numbers were dwindling.

“I’ve no idea at the moment,” she said to Hartly at his query about a plan. “Viktor’s worried that van Rijn may have entered the library- I guess because he’s been quiet for so long. I’d like to know how he’s able to summon all these zombies, or if he has allies outside who’re bringing their own little armies.” Which is all we need…

“The Philosopher’s Stone? It’s supposed to give immortality, isn’t it? Considering his fear of dying it would make sense…But why make an invasion of a simple theft? Surely it would have been easier to steal it when security wasn’t so high as it would be on a night like this?” Or else the man’s a bloody idiot and coward who needs as much help as he can to tackle his plans. No wonder he couldn’t advance in the ranks…

She waved the cage at the invisible voice and quickly pulled it back when she heard the statement of support. “Please, no more swarms at the moment, though I’m sure it’ll be useful soon enough. We can use the web to block whatever passage the traitors approach us by.”

“Look, what do we do next to restore the wards? And how do we deal with this fire? We’re going to die of smoke inhalation if we have to make a stand here…Hazan, are there any scrolls in the library that could help us?”
His only real danger is if stupidity is contagious and lethal. In which case, we’re all dead…-Gertrude
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Post by alhoon »

"I have a scroll of "gust of wind", a spell that will blow the smoke away for some time and put out small fires. But we will need to open the door for this to work. We better do this a few minutes before the zombies are upon the house. I'd like to not use the scroll myself as it will break my invisibility spell. If you agree, I'll give it to you to use it."

OOC> decide soon! I'll ahve to leave in about 15 minutes!
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
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Post by Pamela »

OOC: On behalf of Hartly, since Tobias has gone to do a few errands. :)

Hartly turned towards the invisible man, reaching out his hand. "I'll do it, if Viktor agrees to open the door." He turned towards the wild-haired professor.
His only real danger is if stupidity is contagious and lethal. In which case, we’re all dead…-Gertrude
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Post by alhoon »

A yellowed parchment touches Hartly's hand. It is obvious the scroll is an old one, not made by Draxton.
"Here take it. I wish I had found the time to copy it in my Grimoire." Draxton says with a sigh.
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
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Jester of the FoS
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Post by Jester of the FoS »

The undead shamble forward, they move quickly for zombies but are still ponderous and lurching. Some drag along on useless limbs, feet crushed beyond use or shattered legs. Others are missing hands and arms. One at the front has a shattered face, his jaw long since fallen off.

All have one thing in common. Empty eye sockets that are not entirely empty. In the shadows of their skeletal faces glow dim, pale lights. Small skulls flicker with unholy energy in their eyes as their master sees what they see.

They march in unison, all obeying the will and commands of their master.
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Moral Machivelli
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Post by Moral Machivelli »

Suddenly You all here a voice in your head. "Members of the fraternity, this is Conrad. Van Rijin has retreaved the item he came for. Also, we believe their are other factors at work here increaceing the danger. I'll explane more later. For now, all members retreat to the dining room."
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Post by Pamela »

A loud shattering rang out from the dining room. Gertrude turned her head to look, wondering if the chandelier had fallen or if van Rijn’s rebels were starting a new attack. She stiffened at the message in her head, then looked at the others to see that they were hearing it as well. This day just gets better and better…

Sighing, unable to speak due to her frustration and a sudden sense of despair, she walked into the dining room. She paused at its entrance as she saw the hole in the roof, and the books tumbling down. The odd image caused her to suddenly laugh. “Well at least we can save a few books… Halloo, Conrad, or whoever else is up there! What did he take? Are these all the books that you’re planning to hide?”
His only real danger is if stupidity is contagious and lethal. In which case, we’re all dead…-Gertrude
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Jester of the FoS
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Post by Jester of the FoS »

Hartly unrolls the yellowed scroll and mutters the arcane words quietly. There is a rustling throughout the Entry Hall as an unnatural wind picks up. A huge gust of wind rattles through the Hall blowing smoke and embers out the blackened front door towards the approaching horde.

The dead pause for a moment as the flame lick the ground in front of them, awaiting instructions.
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Moral Machivelli
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Post by Moral Machivelli »

OOC, Buchvold will start talking. Check the dining room II thread.
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Erik Van Rijn
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Post by Erik Van Rijn »

He walked boldly into the hall. Now, for the first time in years his body no longer ached and pained him. His master’s undead beat a path to the door and slowly entered the building.

The Entry Hall was blackened but no longer burning. Instead the rats had spread the flames across the Manoir. Already orange and red flickers could be seen in kitchen and spreading down into the Wine Cellar.

Van Rijn turned to address the newcoming undead.
“Greetings my...” The words died in his throat. He choked them out. “... my Master. I have the plans promised you but I was unable to recover the statue I wished.”

One of the undead spoke with a voice not its own, a cold voice from many miles away. “Perhaps your brothers discovered its true nature.” The other undead parroted the speech in a grisly display of mimicry.

“Perhaps, but I doubt the fools had the intelligence to recognise its true value.”

Van Rijn reluctantly handed over the parchment to the spokesperson undead the promptly turned and left, he had to deliver this immediately. The other creatures of the grave remained. They still had a purpose.

As one they moved towards the blackened door of the Dining Hall intent on murder.
My talk? You'll have to wait. It will be well worth it, I assure you.
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Jeffery Terrence
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Post by Jeffery Terrence »

Feeling quite nervous among the wave of undead Terrence walked close to the doors leading to the Dining room. The couple dozen or so undead touched him. Their cold, dead skin brushed against his and he could see the hate in their eye.

He took his position in front of the doors and cast his spell. He was growing quite weary and his sorcerer powers were dwindling but his master commanded it.

With a flick of his fingers and a few choice words a crackle of static encircled his hands. He finished the spell and a bolt of lightning shot forth striking the doors and blasting into the Dining room.
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Jester of the FoS
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Post by Jester of the FoS »

The undead slowly peel away at the shattered door, slipping through one or two at a time into the vulnerable Dining Hall.

So distracted are they by the frightened and living victims awaiting within they do not hear the clattering of metal. Heavy iron-clad footsteps echo through the hallwalls, a clatter of metal on stone and tile.

The they enter the room. Suits of armour, decorative relics from a former age when men wore clothing of steel. Now they move of their own accord, activated by the defences of the Manoir to a threat from without.

They move forward in unison, draw their maces, and advance of the undead forces striking from both sides.
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Post by Jester of the FoS »

The two unstoppable inhuman forces meet. Suits of metal and dead meat. The clash can be heard across the Manoir as metal strikes bone and relentless undead tear at the armour.

Van Rijn himself ignores the struggle at the moment, his eyes focusing on those in the Dining Room.

“They must know something.” he hisses. ”The must know where it is!
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Post by Jester of the FoS »

With that call to flee most know the battle is lost. They tried their best but the Invaders were too strong and too numerous.

A volley of Molotov cocktails clears a path through the Entry Hall where another battle is being fought. Burning zombies fall easily before the blades of defenders. The few dozen remaining guests and loyalists flee while they can. Some duck through the glass doors while others make the charge through the Entry Hall. Those too injured to fight any more are carried or left to die.

But those that can move forward to distract van Rijn and clear the way for the others.
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Post by Jester of the FoS »

A fireball ripped through the lobby followed by a half-dozen Molotov cocktails launched at van Rijn. They fled, they all fled.

Ripping off the burning rags the traitor snarled.

“Let the cowards flee, I’ll find what I need when they’re gone.

. The few remaining zombies finished off the armoured guards and turned of the last of the defenders. Van Rijn turned and moved into the Dining Room commandingly, the tattered remains of his opera cape fluttered around him like a shroud. He considered a small triumphant laugh. Then he saw the open cage.