Powers Checks Ideas

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Powers Checks Ideas

Post by Hell_Born »

I know I already have a topic relating to Powers Checks, but no one bothers with it anymore. Anyway, I was taking a look through the downloads at Mongoose Publishing’s website when I found a web enhancement for Encyclopaedia Arcane: Chaos Magic. In it were three Paths of Chaos that were cut from the book, I took a look at them and thought that, with a little work, they could work out for Ravenloft. I thought I’d post them here and see what people think. Please let me know if you’ve any suggestions for converting them into Terror Tracks.

Path of Teratic Progeny
Chaos is found in the growth of all living things and, in some cases, chaos causes such growth. For those who find themselves upon this path, their bodies slowly transmogrify, becoming a fertile ground for teratic growths and tumourous pregnancies. In its final stages, the path leads the chaos mage toward his new life as a distorted womb, from which spill countless nightmarish and deformed children.

1. Humps of Life: Small lumps begin to appear just beneath the chaos mage’s skin. These are quite tender to the touch and the surrounding tissue is clearly engorged with blood.

2. The Eyes of a Child: Roughly one-half of the lumps on the chaos mage’s skin split open and begin weeping a clear, viscous fluid. Clearing away the fluid reveals a small eye in the centre of each of the lumps, perfectly formed but marred by a thick cataract over the pupil. These eyes are clear after a day or so of weeping, after which covering them causes the chaos mage a great deal of pain.

3. Vomitous Resilience: The other half of the lumps found beneath the chaos mage’s skin burst open, revealing tiny mouths lined with chalky teeth and filled with forked tongues. Whenever the chaos mage suffers damage, these mouths vomit up chunks of damaged flesh in a stew of vile-smelling fluid. This has the benefit of converting 2 hit points of damage from any attack the chaos mage suffers into subdual damage.

4. Babe’s Cries: The mouths that opened on the flesh of the chaos mage begin mewling and loudly clicking their teeth at random times. This causes a –2 circumstance penalty for any Hide or Move
Silently skill checks the chaos mage makes.

5. Tears of Venom: The opened eyes begin weeping more copiously, releasing thick, cloudy streams of fluid from the chaos mage’s flesh. Though disgusting to see, this fluid actually helps the chaos mage by removing toxins from his system at a much faster rate than normal. This provides the chaos mage with a +2 natural bonus to any Saves made to resist the effects of poison.

6. Freakish Gestation: The teratic growths within the chaos mage’s body begin to mature, draining away his vitality as they accelerate toward birth. The chaos mage must consume three times as much food and water each day as he would normally require and suffers the permanent loss of 1 point of Constitution.

7. Gestative Coma: The eyes from steps 2 and 5 of the path close and are sealed with a thick crust of black mucous. Even if cleared way, this substance reforms within moments, keeping the eyes sealed as they enter the final stages of their development. Unfortunately, this means that the bonuses gained from Tears of Venom are no longer available to the chaos mage.

8. Chaotic Gravidity: The body of the chaos mage begins to swell to nightmarish proportions, reducing his ability to move and sapping him of his strength. The teratic children growing within his body are so large now that he suffers a permanent loss of 1d3 points of Dexterity and 1 point of Strength.

9. Squirming Ejecta: The first horrific births take place as the sections of the chaos mage’s body burst open to eject thick, wriggling creatures formed from waste tissue and chaotic energy. These creatures live only moments before their horrific forms collapse into reeking scraps of corrupted flesh and oily liquids. 1d4 of these creatures are birthed each day, causing 1d6 hit points of damage to the chaos mage each. While the damage caused by their births can be healed, the permanent loss of 1d3 points of Constitution when this step on the path is gained cannot.

10. Womb of Madness: The chaos mage’s entire body is disrupted and reformed to operate as a womb for all manner of chaotic creatures. Horrific beasts, all with HD equal to or less than the chaos mage’s level at the time of his transformation, emerge wriggling from his bleeding birth canal to rampage across the earth.

Path of Agonised Ecstasy
The chaotic pathways forged through the body of the chaos mage become overloaded with sensation when this path is walked. Painful experiences become intensely pleasurable, while other sensations are magnified and distorted in similar ways by the forces of chaos. The distracting nature of these changes leaves many chaos mages completely mad, their minds unable to process the new floods of sensation they experience, reducing them to drooling imbeciles.

1. Love of the Lash: Sources of pain now provide pleasure for the chaos mage, with more intense pains providing more intense pleasures.

2. Self Abuse: The chaos mage finds it impossible to stop inflicting minor injuries upon his person. He scratches at himself, uses dagger tips to cut furrows in his flesh and gnaws mercilessly at his own tongue. The pleasure he derives from these experiences is indescribable, leaving others vaguely disturbed if they spend more than a few minutes in his presence. The scratches and other wounds are clearly visible, though they are not yet detrimental to his health.

3. Embrace of Pain: The chaos mage receives a +1 circumstance bonus to any Concentration checks he must make as a result of injury. He has successfully mastered his pain, at this point, and can ride out the waves of pleasure that assault him when his body is damaged.

4. Sensory Skew: Nothing the chaos mage perceives is quite right, any longer. His tastes are radically changed, leaving him with a hunger for offal and dirt while his stomach recoils at the thought of steak or lobster. Colours shift and skew before him and whispers become roars while loud noises are reduced to an indecipherable background murmur. This change in his senses leaves the chaos mage with a –1 circumstance penalty to all Initiative checks he makes.

5. Lust for Horror: In addition to the physical pleasure brought on by pain, the chaos mage becomes mentally aroused by things others find horrific. As a result, the chaos mage receives a +2 morale saving throw bonus versus any spell, spelllike ability, or circumstances that would normally cause fear.

6. Debilitating Ecstasy: The injuries the chaos mage inflicts upon himself become more severe and the wounds are never given a chance to heal. This reduces the chaos mage’s hit points by 1d6 points permanently.

7. Image of Obsession: Not content to keep his injuries hidden from the world, the chaos mage feels the need to share his ecstatic pain with others. Pliers and candle flames reduce his lips to withered worms of grey scar tissue, while constant cutting at his nostrils for that most exquisite pain has rendered his nasal pages into a fretted and flayed gawp in the centre of his face. As a result, the chaos mage has a hard time dealing with others and suffers a –6 circumstance penalty to all Animal Empathy, Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Innuendo, or Sense Motive checks he makes. If the chaos mage ever needs to make a Charisma check as a result of a social situation (other than attempting to horrify or intimidate others for which there is no bonus nor penalty), they suffer the same penalty.

8. Rushing Feedback: Your senses are so badly crosswired that pain translates to pleasure and pleasure to pain. When you are not concentrating on stopping the cycle, this can lead to a feedback loop that wracks your nervous system with conflicting blasts of pain and skull-rattling waves of pleasure that leave you unable to function. Whenever you suffer a number of hit points of damage equal to or greater than one-half of your current Constitution score, you must immediately make a Concentration skill check (DC 10 + damage suffered by the attack). If this check succeeds, you may continue acting as normal (though additional Concentration checks may be needed if you are casting a spell, for example). Otherwise, you immediately become incapable of any action for 1d3 rounds, after which you regain control of your nerves.

9. Addiction to Pain: The pleasure you receive from physical injury becomes so great you subconsciously sabotage your body’s natural instincts for survival. You are always considered flat-footed against any attacks or spells directed against you by a creature that has already injured you during the current combat.

10. Viral Sensation: You become a chaotic wave of energy laden with your own confused sensations. The physical body is transmuted into a pure representation of your own agonised ecstasy, which is in turn returned to the chaotic flows of the universe. The spot of your passing becomes renowned among those who seek extreme pleasures or heights of pain, and pilgrims of the outré find their way to your grave for midnight trysts in the hopes of receiving some sort of orgasmic insight.

Path of the Whore
While most chaotic paths create physical transmogrifications combined with mental changes that lead to more dangerous and pervasive insanities, the path of the whore is almost entirely a social and mental affliction. The chaos mage becomes obsessed with the concept of prostitution, in all its many forms, as a metaphor for the give and take of chaos magic. In an attempt to better understand his art, the chaos mage thus becomes the ultimate prostitute, advancing at last to become a wretched, cosmic whore enslaved to the will of beings from beyond the realms of mortals.

1. Questions of Worth: The chaos mage begins questioning the value of everything, doing his best to categorise the actions of others according to their ‘value’ in terms of gold, gems, or whatever other system of judging wealth he adopts.

2. Hired Help: The chaos mage is simply unable to do anything that he can hire someone to do for him. Shining his shoes, cleaning his clothes, or performing sexual favours are all things the chaos mage not only pays for, but prefers to pay for them above earning them in other ways. If presented with the opportunity to buy the services of someone, the chaos mage must take the opportunity, even if it is financially ruinous.

3. Whore’s Eye: The chaos mage is adept at judging the value of things, or at least the perceived value of things. This provides a +2 bonus to all Appraise checks the chaos mage makes.

4. Crude Proposal: Unable to restrain himself, the chaos mage continually propositions anyone he meets to perform some action they would normally find, at best, out of character. The chaos mage has no control over this – if he has a conversation with someone he doesn’t know, or has met before only briefly, he will proposition them in some way before the conversation is complete.

5. Seductive Offering: After a few slaps in the face and possible legal entanglements, the chaos mage has learned how to make proposals that are more enticing. The chaos mage receives a +2 natural modifier to any use of the Bluff or Sense Motive skills when attempting to convince someone to perform some service for him in exchange for pay. The pay for this attempt must be reasonable.

6. Gleam of Coin: Hiring others no longer appeals to the chaos mage, who now believes his handling of chaos magic has entitled the world to a piece of him, if they are willing to pay the price. The chaos mage will perform any service for a reasonable price, though he may refuse those that offer immediate personal injury in their terms. He will, however, use his chaos magic in the service of others.

7. Obsessive Servitude: The chaos mage hires himself out for menial or repulsive tasks, often hiring himself out to a whorehouse or other places of demeaning and spiritually exhausting labour. The chaos mage must spend a total of one month out of every three (though not necessarily all at one go) performing this type of work to the exclusion of all else. This reduces his Strength and Constitution by 1 point, as the work erodes his physical health.

8. Hireling: The chaos mage becomes incapable of performing actions without being hired to do so. Even his companions must make reasonable offers of pay if they wish to get the chaos mage to keep his end of the bargain up, and the chaos mage simply will not perform work of any kind without promise of pay.

9. Soul of the Slave: The chaos mage has little will of his own at this point, but will offer his services to any who can make even the feeblest attempts at pay. Those who know of the chaos mage’s condition can freely prey upon him –offering him a copper piece to sever one of his own fingers seems just as reasonable as would a request for the chaos mage to shine a lord’s shoes.

10. Whore of Chaos: The chaos mage offers his body and soul up to the forces of chaos, the mindless and seething energies beyond the realms of men. Sadly, they hear his offer and take him away to amuse themselves with his puny mortal existence for the next few generations, after which his vital energies are dispersed back into the universe at large.
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Post by ScS of the Fraternity »

Oh good god, these are some revolting transformations. What is supposed to be the benifit of this degeneration?
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Drinnik Shoehorn
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Re: Powers Checks Ideas

Post by Drinnik Shoehorn »

How about for the first one:
Hell_Born wrote:
Path of Teratic Progeny
Chaos is found in the growth of all living things and, in some cases, chaos causes such growth. For those who find themselves upon this path, their bodies slowly transmogrify, becoming a fertile ground for teratic growths and tumourous pregnancies. In its final stages, the path leads the chaos mage toward his new life as a distorted womb, from which spill countless nightmarish and deformed children.

1. Humps of Life: Small lumps begin to appear just beneath the chaos mage’s skin. These are quite tender to the touch and the surrounding tissue is clearly engorged with blood.
CHA -2 Damage reduction 2/Bludgeoning
2. The Eyes of a Child: Roughly one-half of the lumps on the chaos mage’s skin split open and begin weeping a clear, viscous fluid. Clearing away the fluid reveals a small eye in the centre of each of the lumps, perfectly formed but marred by a thick cataract over the pupil. These eyes are clear after a day or so of weeping, after which covering them causes the chaos mage a great deal of pain.
+2 on Spot Checks, -2 on all Dex checks due to pain
3. Vomitous Resilience: The other half of the lumps found beneath the chaos mage’s skin burst open, revealing tiny mouths lined with chalky teeth and filled with forked tongues. Whenever the chaos mage suffers damage, these mouths vomit up chunks of damaged flesh in a stew of vile-smelling fluid. This has the benefit of converting 2 hit points of damage from any attack the chaos mage suffers into subdual damage.
Damage reduction 2/piercing, anyone grappling character takes 2 points of damage, -4 on all Dex checks, -4 Cha
4. Babe’s Cries: The mouths that opened on the flesh of the chaos mage begin mewling and loudly clicking their teeth at random times. This causes a –2 circumstance penalty for any Hide or Move
Silently skill checks the chaos mage makes.
+4 on intimidate checks, +1d4 damage on unarmed checks, -2 on all move silently and hide checks, -6 Cha
5. Tears of Venom: The opened eyes begin weeping more copiously, releasing thick, cloudy streams of fluid from the chaos mage’s flesh. Though disgusting to see, this fluid actually helps the chaos mage by removing toxins from his system at a much faster rate than normal. This provides the chaos mage with a +2 natural bonus to any Saves made to resist the effects of poison.
+2 Unholy bonus to Fort saves against poison, gains poison attack (DC 10+Con modifier+ 1/2 Character level; 1d4 Str/1d6 Str) usable every 1d4 rounds, -2 Wis, -8 Cha

6. Freakish Gestation: The teratic growths within the chaos mage’s body begin to mature, draining away his vitality as they accelerate toward birth. The chaos mage must consume three times as much food and water each day as he would normally require and suffers the permanent loss of 1 point of Constitution.
1/day the PC can spit a fetal creature at an oppenent. PC must make a ranged touch attack. If it hits, the fetus explodes doing 1d8 acid damage to target and 1d6 damage to everything in a 5' radius. Must eat twice as much food and water a day or loose one point of Con, -2 Str
7. Gestative Coma: The eyes from steps 2 and 5 of the path close and are sealed with a thick crust of black mucous. Even if cleared way, this substance reforms within moments, keeping the eyes sealed as they enter the final stages of their development. Unfortunately, this means that the bonuses gained from Tears of Venom are no longer available to the chaos mage.
Damage reduction 15/magic, looses Stage 5 bonuses, -8 Cha
8. Chaotic Gravidity: The body of the chaos mage begins to swell to nightmarish proportions, reducing his ability to move and sapping him of his strength. The teratic children growing within his body are so large now that he suffers a permanent loss of 1d3 points of Dexterity and 1 point of Strength.
Grows to Large size, Damage reduction 15/magic and silver, +10 to intimidate checks, -6 Dex, -4 Str -2 Int
9. Squirming Ejecta: The first horrific births take place as the sections of the chaos mage’s body burst open to eject thick, wriggling creatures formed from waste tissue and chaotic energy. These creatures live only moments before their horrific forms collapse into reeking scraps of corrupted flesh and oily liquids. 1d4 of these creatures are birthed each day, causing 1d6 hit points of damage to the chaos mage each. While the damage caused by their births can be healed, the permanent loss of 1d3 points of Constitution when this step on the path is gained cannot.
PC can spite 4 fetal creatures/day, each causes PC to take 1d6 non-lethal damage due to their size. -4 Str, -3 Con, -10 Cha
10. Womb of Madness: The chaos mage’s entire body is disrupted and reformed to operate as a womb for all manner of chaotic creatures. Horrific beasts, all with HD equal to or less than the chaos mage’s level at the time of his transformation, emerge wriggling from his bleeding birth canal to rampage across the earth.
Gains Abberation subtype, grows to Huge size. Can spew forth 3 pseudonatural creatures/day of no more than 1/4 of character's HD. -6 Dex, -12 Cha, -4 Int
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Post by Hell_Born »

Well ScS, originally they had no benefit (being Paths of Chaos they're just supposed to chronicle your Chaos Mage's descent into ruin) but they seem to fit the flavour (like you said, these are revolting without being outright lethal, perfect punishment!)

Drinnik Shoehorn, I thank you from the bottom of my twisted heart! That's a perfect conversion for the Path of the Teratic Projeny, do you have any ideas for the Path of Agonized Ecstasy or the Path of the Whore?

Just a little question, I know that with the standard 6 stage Terror Track you can (if your DM lets you) keep playing a character with 5 failed checks, but what about with a 10 stage Terror Track? Do you have to give up your character at number 6 like normal or can you cnotniue playing until check 9/10? Because my personal theory has always been, with a 10 step, that two steps equal 1 stage, so two steps on a 10 step Track is equal to one on a 5 step Track. I just thought I'd ask, cause this has been nagging me.
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Post by Hell_Born »

Just two questions about the Path of Teratic Progeny;
1: are the stat losses cumulative or in total (ie, at stage 10 do they deduct 14 from their Cha or is that how Cha they've lost by thist stage)?

2: exactly what are pseudonatural creatures? Some kind of home-made abberation?
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Post by Drinnik Shoehorn »

Hell_Born wrote:Just two questions about the Path of Teratic Progeny;
1: are the stat losses cumulative or in total (ie, at stage 10 do they deduct 14 from their Cha or is that how Cha they've lost by thist stage)?

2: exactly what are pseudonatural creatures? Some kind of home-made abberation?
That stat losses are just increases, so at stage 10 they've lost -12 from their original Cha score.

Pseudonatural is a template from the Manual of the Planes. It's creatures touched from the Far Realm. One change I'd make to them for this creature is they have the Abberation subtype rather than the Outsider subtype.

Check out Lords of Madness by WotC, out next month, for more ideas (it's the Abberations book in the same vein as the Dracomnicon and Libris Mortis).
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Post by Hell_Born »

Thank you Drinnik, have you had any luck with converting the Path of Agonized Ecstasy or the Path of the Whore to Terror Tracks? Because your Path of Teratic Progeny works very well.

On a sidenote, could you post sample psuedonatural creatures here, just so I know what you mean?
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Re: Powers Checks Ideas

Post by Drinnik Shoehorn »

Hell_Born wrote:Path of Agonised Ecstasy
The chaotic pathways forged through the body of the chaos mage become overloaded with sensation when this path is walked. Painful experiences become intensely pleasurable, while other sensations are magnified and distorted in similar ways by the forces of chaos. The distracting nature of these changes leaves many chaos mages completely mad, their minds unable to process the new floods of sensation they experience, reducing them to drooling imbeciles.

1. Love of the Lash: Sources of pain now provide pleasure for the chaos mage, with more intense pains providing more intense pleasures.
-1 Con, for every 5 points of damage the PC takes, he gains a +1 Unholy bonus to hit.
2. Self Abuse: The chaos mage finds it impossible to stop inflicting minor injuries upon his person. He scratches at himself, uses dagger tips to cut furrows in his flesh and gnaws mercilessly at his own tongue. The pleasure he derives from these experiences is indescribable, leaving others vaguely disturbed if they spend more than a few minutes in his presence. The scratches and other wounds are clearly visible, though they are not yet detrimental to his health.
-1 Cha, as he is growing more resistant to pain, the PC gains damage reduction 1/-
3. Embrace of Pain: The chaos mage receives a +1 circumstance bonus to any Concentration checks he must make as a result of injury. He has successfully mastered his pain, at this point, and can ride out the waves of pleasure that assault him when his body is damaged.
+1 to Concentration checks made in combat, due to his constant self abuse, the PC gains a further +1 to hit when he is dealt 5 points of damage (this is an increase from the +1 at the first stage of corruption). Scars cover the body of the PC, decreasing his Cha (-2 Cha)
4. Sensory Skew: Nothing the chaos mage perceives is quite right, any longer. His tastes are radically changed, leaving him with a hunger for offal and dirt while his stomach recoils at the thought of steak or lobster. Colours shift and skew before him and whispers become roars while loud noises are reduced to an indecipherable background murmur. This change in his senses leaves the chaos mage with a –1 circumstance penalty to all Initiative checks he makes.
The PC gains the Scent ability, but can be repelled by certain odours (unique to the character). The PC gains the "Willing Deformity" feat. -2 Con
5. Lust for Horror: In addition to the physical pleasure brought on by pain, the chaos mage becomes mentally aroused by things others find horrific. As a result, the chaos mage receives a +2 morale saving throw bonus versus any spell, spelllike ability, or circumstances that would normally cause fear.
The PC gains a +2 Morale bonus to fear effects. Instead, when forced to make a save vs. a fear effect, the PC must make a Will save at the same DC to avoid becoming enraptured with the caster or scene. If the save fails, the PC will try and stay near the scene or will immediately attack the caster.
6. Debilitating Ecstasy: The injuries the chaos mage inflicts upon himself become more severe and the wounds are never given a chance to heal. This reduces the chaos mage’s hit points by 1d6 points permanently.
The PC must always be 1d6 below his maximum hit points. The pain caused by this makes him always on edge, however, granting him the awareness feat, even if he doesn't meet the requirements. -4 Cha
7. Image of Obsession: Not content to keep his injuries hidden from the world, the chaos mage feels the need to share his ecstatic pain with others. Pliers and candle flames reduce his lips to withered worms of grey scar tissue, while constant cutting at his nostrils for that most exquisite pain has rendered his nasal pages into a fretted and flayed gawp in the centre of his face. As a result, the chaos mage has a hard time dealing with others and suffers a –6 circumstance penalty to all Animal Empathy, Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Innuendo, or Sense Motive checks he makes. If the chaos mage ever needs to make a Charisma check as a result of a social situation (other than attempting to horrify or intimidate others for which there is no bonus nor penalty), they suffer the same penalty.
The PC gains a +10 bonus to intimidate checks, but a -6 penalty to Cha checks. His love of pain is now so great that when ever he takes 5 points of damage in battle he gains a +4 Unholy bonus to hit, but the constant torture he inflicts reduces his Con further (-4 to Con).
8. Rushing Feedback: Your senses are so badly crosswired that pain translates to pleasure and pleasure to pain. When you are not concentrating on stopping the cycle, this can lead to a feedback loop that wracks your nervous system with conflicting blasts of pain and skull-rattling waves of pleasure that leave you unable to function. Whenever you suffer a number of hit points of damage equal to or greater than one-half of your current Constitution score, you must immediately make a Concentration skill check (DC 10 + damage suffered by the attack). If this check succeeds, you may continue acting as normal (though additional Concentration checks may be needed if you are casting a spell, for example). Otherwise, you immediately become incapable of any action for 1d3 rounds, after which you regain control of your nerves.
When damaged in combat, PC must make a Fort save (DC 10+Damage dealt) or collapse with a scream of pure joy. Fortunately, the scaring on the PC's body has granted him damage reduction 10/magic. -8 Cha
9. Addiction to Pain: The pleasure you receive from physical injury becomes so great you subconsciously sabotage your body’s natural instincts for survival. You are always considered flat-footed against any attacks or spells directed against you by a creature that has already injured you during the current combat.
As above, plus: gain regeneration 5, normal damage from fire and acid.
10. Viral Sensation: You become a chaotic wave of energy laden with your own confused sensations. The physical body is transmuted into a pure representation of your own agonised ecstasy, which is in turn returned to the chaotic flows of the universe. The spot of your passing becomes renowned among those who seek extreme pleasures or heights of pain, and pilgrims of the outré find their way to your grave for midnight trysts in the hopes of receiving some sort of orgasmic insight.
PC transforms into a cloud of pure pain, leaving it's material body behind. PC gains the incorporeal and undead subtypes. It appears as a red mist and has the same abilities as it's corporeal form except it can no longer cast spells or turn undead. PC also gains the ability to turn pain to pleasure and visa versa. It must succeed a touch attack. The target must make a will save at DC 10+PC's Wis mod+ 1/2 hit die or be infected. An infected person can no longer tell the difference between pain an pleasure. they act if under the masochism spell, but when they inflict damage they must make a will save at the same DC as before to avoid dropping to the ground in agony.

The feat "Willing Deformity" and the "Masochism" spell can be found in the Book of Vile Darkness.
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Post by Hell_Born »

Thank you Drinnik, any luck with the Path of the Whore? Also, I attempted to create a 'Path of the Illithid' some time ago, but I only managed to think up drawbacks and not powers. If I post it here, do you think you might be able to turn it into a proper Terror Track?
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Post by Hell_Born »

Drinnik? Are you there? Here's that Terror Track I mentioned in my last post, do you think you can make something out of it? I apologise for my impatience, I know that the Path of the Whore is pretty tough to translate and maybe it can't be translated at all. Oh well.

Terror Track of the Illithid
For people who delight in using their minds to ruin their enemies.
Stage 1: the character’s body grows weaker, the character suffers –1 Strength and –2 Constitution. The character develops a bizarre birthmark some 5 inches in diameter on some part of its body; a writhing mass of tentacles (optional: wrapped around/flowing from a skull/brain) which is a deep purple in colour, this mark is cold to the touch; raise OR by +1 if this mark is discovered.
Stage 2: the character begins to have strange urges to feast on raw brains, if the character kills a sentient being it must make a DC 20 Will test or gorge itself on the raw brains, this is a Madness test for viewers and the character must make a Horror test after the first time it succumbs to the hunger. The character also loses a further point of both Strength and Constitution. The character’s hands and fingers twist into the form of an Illithid’s.
Stage 3: the character’s mark spreads across it’s skin until it covers a third of the character’s skin, the character is also more susceptible to heat; it suffers a –3 penalty on all Fort saves made to resist high temperature and fire. The character’s sweats disgusting, icy, semi-transparent mucus instead of sweat, increase OR by a further +2 if this is revealed.
Stage 4: the character’s eyes increase in size by 50% and film over, turning cloudy. The character suffers a -4 penalty on hit rolls and skill/ability checks made in full daylight and similarly powerful lights (such as the Daylight spell). Penalties of -2 and -1 are given for less powerful lights (like cloudy days/full moon nights and candle lights). Increase OR by another +1.
Stage 5: the character’s facial features alter to resemble those of an Illithid’s; growing the brain-extracting tendrils and the bone structure warping, though hair and body structure remain the same. Increase OR by +3. The character must now feast on the brain of at least one sentient creature a week or suffer the effects of starvation; regardless of how much nutrition the character eats, it must eat a sentient’s brain or starve. The character loses another 2 points of Strength and Constitution.
Stage 6: The character’s skin turns entirely purple and the character now resembles an Illithid almost perfectly, it retains it’s original height, build and gender but otherwise is a perfect example of an Illithid, a DC 35 Spot check will reveal differences in body structure though. Actual Illithids which encounter the character and pass a DC 20 Spot check (being more familiar with the way an Illithid should look) will instantly become hostile towards the character, seeing it as a hideous mockery and a blasphemy against nature. Though the character gains none of the benefits of being an Illithid (bar those received from this Terror Track), it does gain all of the weaknesses of being one.
"Is there any word more meaningless than 'hope'? Besides 'blarfurgsnarg,' of course."

"Seek and Locate! Locate and Destroy! Destroy and Rejoice!"
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Drinnik Shoehorn
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Post by Drinnik Shoehorn »

Hell_Born wrote:Drinnik? Are you there? Here's that Terror Track I mentioned in my last post, do you think you can make something out of it? I apologise for my impatience, I know that the Path of the Whore is pretty tough to translate and maybe it can't be translated at all. Oh well.
First time I've been online for days.

I haven't had a chance to look at the Path of the Whore properly yet, and I'm dissertation bound for the next three weeks, so maybe someone else can give it a go?
"Blood once flowed, a choice was made
Travel by night the smallest one bade" The Ballad of the Taverners.
The Galen Saga: 2000-2005
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Post by Hell_Born »

Sorry Drinnik, I had no idea, I apologise.
"Is there any word more meaningless than 'hope'? Besides 'blarfurgsnarg,' of course."

"Seek and Locate! Locate and Destroy! Destroy and Rejoice!"
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