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Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

beasterbrook wrote:Thats just the Lving Death modules.. sure there is more as well just RPGA ones..
Yeah, we have this list of more RPGA Ravenloft modules as well:

I would call it complete, but now I'm not sure... :)
Does anyone have any of them at all??
I have most of the Adventurer's Guild modules. (Farewell to the Flesh, The Heart's Final Beat, Legacy of Venom, The Haunting of Silver Ruins, and A Second Chance.) I know some other folks around here have mentioned having some of them too.

But I don't have any of the other RPGA modules. Catman Jim might, he's the other mega-collector here. :)
Strahdsbuddy wrote:I take it those modules are not sharable?
Not legally, no. And hence, not here, no.
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Re: New to Ravenloft? Start here!

Post by CTHUTUBE »

Not new. I used to be "lovecraftforever". Its good to be back. Esp so close to Halloween!

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Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Post by Kjeran the Unholy »


New to the site, but not to gaming or Ravenloft. I've been gaming since 1981 and ran the original I6 Ravenloft module not long after it first hit the stands. It was a TPK but enjoyed by all. :)

I'm still more of a 1e AD&D/UA player and occasionally delve into 0e. In fact I might just eventually work up a pdf for using the Ravenloft setting in 0e; I think that would be fun just as an exercise. :)

So, well met, friends and fiends!
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Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Welcome, Kjeran!

Always good to see the old-timers around. :azalin:

Hope you enjoy your stay. As we often try to emphasize here, the rules you use don't matter as much as the story you tell, so I hope you find inspiration even from our 2e, 3e, 4e and even non-D&D ideas.
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Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Post by Kjeran the Unholy »

Well again!

But, of course! [/Grey Poupon voice] Story trumps rule set!

As I get older, though, I like the simpler rule sets. It has less to do with nostalgia and more to do with ease of play of play. It's worth noting that Gary still preferred to run 0E up to the day he died. :)
"It was an age of dark beliefs and of practises that were no less dark; and witchcraft and sorcery were rampant throughout the land, among all classes."
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Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Post by Rudolf Weathermay »

This is awsome. When Arthaus stopped with the gazetteers (which were fantastic in my opinion), i feared Ravenloft was dead. I always loved this campaign setting and collected almost every book during the years. But the dark powers never release a soul easily and yet again I was drawned into their clutches when I decided to start a new campaign again with a few players who know almost nothing about this setting. It was by pure accident I stumbled upon this site that still is breathing. The netbooks are really good (I have a lot to read because my players will certainly visit Souragne)

About myself. I'm a 31 year old man who started with Ravenloft/Forgotten Realms about 15 years ago. I hail from Flanders, Belgium.

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Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Post by Guardian of Twilight »

Welcome to the Mists, Rudolf Weathermay! I'm certain your experiences here in the Land of Mists will change the way your characters look at the world, and how the world in which our characters reside is so very different in Darkness and in Light.
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Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Welcome! glad you like our stuff! Ravenloft lives as long as the fans keep playing it.
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Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Post by Michael »

Hey. I've been an avid Ravenloft player since... I guess since I was a child. I've stuck with the game as it evolved over the years and was one of the more active players on the Sword & Sorcery hosted DigiChat Rookhausen and have been floating around the community online ever since.

My girl is an off-again / on-again poster here and mentioned the site to me. I thought I'd come and take a look. I admit to not being well-tenured with play-by-post formats, but the campaign setting is so near and dear to me, I'm willing to learn.
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Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Post by Guardian of Twilight »

Welcome to the Mists, Michael, and the Fraternity of Shadows. We're all glad that she directed you here to join us.
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Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Post by LamordianSorcerer »

I'm a long-time reader of Ravenloft books, but have only Gamemastered a few of them.

I greatly appreciated your Quoth the Raven and online Gazetteers. They are a goldmine of potential adventure ideas!
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Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Welcome! and on behalf of the FoS and all the contributors to out netbooks, thanks for the complients!
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Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Post by Guardian of Twilight »

Welcome to the Mists, Lamordian! :)
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Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Post by The Dark Pawn »

Greetings all,

As a regular visitor to this forum and a long-time fan of Ravenloft, I thought I should finally take the opportunity to introduce myself to this august body of Mist-led friends. And forgive me in advance if this bio is a bit long-winded :o

As hard as it is for me to believe (and I may be dating myself here), I have been wandering in the Mists for nigh on two decades now, having first been drawn into the Land not long after the debut of revered Black Box set. A school friend had introduced me to 2nd ed. and D&D fiction in the Dragonlance setting (The Legend of Huma and 2nd ed. PHB were my first treasured purchases), but it was not long before I became enthralled by the Mists.

My first exposure to RL actually came from the novels (Vampire of the Mists, Knight of the Black Rose and I, Strahd) rather than the gaming system - it was not until a year or two later that one member of our group introduced us to RL with a "weekend in Hell" run through House of Strahd (which then led us to an extended foray through Castles Forlorn, some "minis" from the Book of Crypts and beyond).

For a long while, I was able to largely avoid the temptation of the Dark Powers out of respect for our group's RL DM and his desire to "keep the curtains drawn" on the mystery of RL, but over time my resolve weakened and my research into the nature of the demiplane increased dramatically (read that as a significant amount of my adolescent income went to purchasing every RL product I could get my hands on :wink: ).

Thus, while I earned my roleplaying bones during the heyday of TSR in the early and mid-1990s (our gaming group dabbled in many of the published 2nd ed. settings over the years, with my interest being Planescape in particular), my corruption increased to he point that I could no longer disguise it from my friends and eventually I supplanted the old RL DM as the resident herald of the Dark Powers for our gaming group. I am pleased to say that my RL campaigns became a staple of the group's rotation for some time.

Alas, all good things must come to an end, however, and real life events eventually resulted in the dissolution of our gaming group as folks went their separate ways and (like so may of us) other pursuits abosrbed my time and attention (college, grad school, work, home). The vast store of my RL collection was consigned to a dusty existence in my personal Black Vault and I, dear reader, slipped into a self-imposed fugue as the Mists surrounded me.

However, the Mists have parted from time to time over the years and allowed my attention to focus on the Dread Realms periodically. I was awakened from my slumber long enough to witness the birth and demise of canon RL 3E under Arthaus' label and was able to secure copies of the entire line for the Vault before the village mob descended on the collection with fire and pitchfork in hand. Likewise, I continued to frequent the old Vallaki bookstore to purview its secrets before slipping back into a forgotten torpor once again.

Although I have not actively been gaming for many years now, I have kept up on the netbooks and other materials produced by the fan community and continue to enjoy the genre. I must commend the members of the FoS for their efforts to revivify the setting after the bookstore was shuttered for good - the value of your contributions and provision of a forum for fans cannot be overstated.

It is such a pleasure to see the continued vibrance and fan support for RL (especially the number friends from outside the US :!: ) after all of these years and every year around this time, I feel the compulsion to open the Vault and draft a contribution for the QtR or here in the forums. In the future, I hope to be a more active member of the community and lend my words to the body of work enshrined here.

And a bit about me today: I am a 32 year-old resident of Virginia with one very patient fiancee and no dependents (pets or children). I currently live and work in the city of Richmond (a place with its own share of ghost stories) in a historic district about two blocks from the longtime home of Edgar Allan Poe (now a very fine museum celebrating the author - I encourage you to visit online at or in person if you ever find yourself in RVa).

It has been a pleasure (virtually) meeting all of you and I wish all the best.

P.S. - Many of you probably recognize my nom de plume, but for those who do not the references to "The Dark Pawn" and "Gwillam Dartram" are from the Dungeon magazine article "The Book of Souls" by Robert Mullin in #234.
In times past I was known by the name Gwillam Dartram, but those days are long behind me...

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Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Post by Catman Jim »

The Dark Pawn wrote:Greetings all, It has been a pleasure (virtually) meeting all of you and I wish all the best.

P.S. - Many of you probably recognize my nom de plume, but for those who do not the references to "The Dark Pawn" and "Gwillam Dartram" are from the Dungeon magazine article "The Book of Souls" by Robert Mullin in #234.
Greetings & welcome DP, funny you should bring that up, we recently discussed that article here: ... f=1&t=7764

...and you meant of course, Dragon #234, the current issue of Dungeon is only at #194. :wink:
I only wish I had retired sooner!
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