Kartakass: Beginnings

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Post by lostboy »

Keeping an eye on the silent Marentor, Draven pulls his black cloak tighter around himself, slowly lagging behind. Searching for a perfect pool of inky darkness that could mask his movements.

In the long shadow cast by a derelict temple of some kind, he takes his opportunity and slinks carefully into the nearby passage, hoping he wasnt spotted....
"I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space..."
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Post by steveflam »

Tarlyn is walking in the front with Valerian and talking, yet keeping on the lookout for trouble. This is when he sees Alexander melt into the shadows. Smiling to himself he says nothing. He said he had some business to attend to. He will catch up with us later. I hope he doesn't get into any trouble. May Ezra guide him back safely to us.
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Post by NeoTiamat »

The Last Redoubt

Warden Grane led the way through the quiet streets of Nevuchar Springs with a practiced step, manuevering past the gardens and ivy-covered dwellings of the elves and past the warehouses and taverns of the docks with equal ease. At length, the party arrived at the Last Redoubt.

The old church deserved its name. A low, heavy-set structure, it squatted in the middle of an ancient churchyard, old graves and crumbling mausoleums dotting the grounds as the white-stone path led up to the building. Many of the old headstones were smashed, weathering giving the graveyard a ruined, decrepit appearance. As the party entered the fortress-church, they saw armed monks in the shadows, examing the party but letting them pass.

The walls of the Last Redoubt were thick, and sound was at once muffled and strangely echoed in its twisting hallways. At times the party could hear the conversations of Ezrites, only to turn the corner and see no one, or to come across a pair of robed clerics emerging from the shadows when none had seen them before. Alcoves lined the corridors of the fortress-church, with shattered and ruined icons of the Eternal Order lining the place.

Here and there, tapestries of Ezra had been hung up, but they served only to muffle the sound further. The old building seemed cold, and silent, and dark, as if life or energy were foreigners to it. Occasionally the part thought they could hear distant screams, shrill and piercing, as if from inhuman throats.

The Ezrans themselves were grim-faced men, going about their routines with only token, suspicious glances at the party. Many of them nodded cautiously to Valerian and Tarlyn, but looked askance at the obviously multifaceted men, and disdainfully at the drunken William.

In time, Warden Grane led them to a stone room, a classroom of some sort by the looks of it, with a pulpit at one end and a few dozen wooden chairs strewn about the room.

Valerian caught a green-robed monk by the arm as he passed the room. "Brother, tell the warders that we are expecting another, a nervous man by the name of Draven. He is to be shown here." The Ezran nodded and slipped away.
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Post by steveflam »

Tarlyn nods approvingly as he surveys the room. "This will do perfectly."

Turning to the others he smiles. "Well, sit! Sit! I thought perhaps since we will be going on a long mission together, we should perhaps get to know each other a little. Perhaps talk of our experiences. Who wants to go first?"
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Post by HuManBing »

An uneasy silence ensued. Marentor peered at his two fellow students - Cornelius and Van - and watched as the edge of his cloak measured a slow drip to the flagstones.

It was a foggy night indeed. The sort that brought out rats from the floorboards.

Marentor shook the thought from his head. With a sinking feeling, he silently called Hailang back to his side. She came back carrying a small trembling kerchief in her mouth.

Marentor held out his hand sternly and she dropped the kerchief into it. As the cloth opened, two struggling mice spilled out and fell to the floor. Unheeding of his colleagues' surprised glances, Marentor crushed one beneath his shoe. The other vanished into the dark, the cat already after it before he called her back.

The kerchief is a new trick, he thought. She's getting craftier by the week.

Grudgingly, she took her place by Marentor's neck. He straightened out his cloak, then felt the gaze of the others on him. He looked down for a few seconds, measuring his words, and then pulled aside his scarf to speak.

"I am Marentor, son of Malin the Medicinist of Nevuchar Springs," he said. "Petra Ma is my mother, patron of Serapelis." He looks to Van and Cornelius. "Serapelis - or his fellow mages - schooled all three of us at one point or another. Through him I learned Vaasan and Mordentish." A wry smile crossed his face, rounding his cheeks and smoothing his sharp features into a surprisingly compassionate cast.

"...and of course, I also speak and write Hua fluently," he finished quietly. As if we'll ever have need of that skill in Kartakass, he thought to himself.

It was an unusually long speech for him. Giving Tarlyn a level look, he bowed his head slightly, readjusted his scarf, and stepped back into ranks with his friends.

A near-imperceptible sound greeted him - halfway between a crunch and a squeak - and he looked down as Hailang darted away. She had put something behind him on the floor, something that was small and stunned and now very flat.

Marentor sighed and began clandestinely scraping his sole against the floor. Bad cat, he thought, knowing she could hear him. You sleep on the stones tonight, Tiaopi...
Last edited by HuManBing on Sun Oct 14, 2007 12:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by VAN »

Van nods to Marentor and continues:

"I'm Van and I'm from Martira Bay. My father is Eldon the mage, you might have heard of him. Except the training with Marentor, I went to an Academy of Magic in Port a Loucine, Paridon and some schools for mages not very known. I speak Mordentish, Balok, Vaasi, elven and draconic. I was in a party for 5 years and I have travelled a lot with them living amazing adventures. I have been to Mordent, DEmentieu, Paridon, Nova Vasa, Tepest and Barovia. As evoker I'm very capable with spells that deal damage, but of course I have and more usefoul ones. I have also a familiar, it's a hawk named Ace. He is briliant and his eyes will be usefoul to us. He is outside now, I prefered have him checking around.."
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
- W H A T ! ? !
- Or they should NEVER memorize rays!
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Post by lostboy »

Draven leans back against the wall, They arent looking for me, either I got away clean, or they arent worried. Alone, he breathes a little easier. He feels a small twinge of guilt for hoodwinking those he may soon come to rely on as allies, but pushes the thought away. If I get this done quickly I can get to the safe house shortly and hopefully not be missed

With that he concentrates on the task at hand.
"I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space..."
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Post by steveflam »

Tarlyn smiles to himself. Well this is going better that I expected. Hopefully Alexander will join us soon.

"Well I guess I can go next. I am Tarlyn Xarran and am from the Underdark city of Ched Nassad in Faerun. There I attended the fighter academy for 25 years as I chose that route. Some males chose to become like most of you, wizards. I also attended the mage and cleric academies for one year each. Only females attend the cleric academy full time." Tarlyn rose and stretched then continued, hands on the table and looknig at everyone.

"I became a scout for the patrols outside the city. I also ahd been training for special assignments with a select few other males to go to the surface! When our party finally did leave Ched Nassad it took us many weeks to make it there. I won't lie to you. Our mission was to kill some of our surface cousins. After this foul deed is done I happened to be
scouting ahead for our long trip back when I suddenly came upon fog. The farther I moved into it, the more I knew I was not in Faerun anymore." Tarlyn has a remorseful look on his face wehn he mentions the mission.

"So after I emerged from the fog I found myself in a strange land which turned out to be Barovia. As yo have noticed I speak Mordentish with a slight accent. I do also speak the Elvish, Draconic, Dwarf, the Common tongue of Faerun and a little bit of Kartakan and Darkonian. Though I have trouble with both of them! Where was I? Oh yes. In Barovia I met this priest in the emply of the Barovian army and spent a good year there. I spent some time in Sithicus. In Kartakass I made a good friend Pietro. He helped me search for answers to how I got there and why. No
such luck I am afraid. Apparently I missed some singing contest which apparently is a delight for the ears. In my studies in the mage and cleric academy they speak of Lycanthropes. The ones I fought there were bigger and stronger than I was told. My blades saved me on one than one occasion. I did also spend some time in Souragne. All I have to say about the island is it is very hot and humid. It rains quite a bit as well." Tarlyn lets the company absorb what he has said and continues.

"I forgot to mention I know some spells, but I only know those and that is all. A few may come in handy on our trip. I can also cast 3 innate spells, once per day. Well that's it on me." With that, Tarlyn sits and breathes a sigh of relief.
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Post by lostboy »

The moonlight catches Dravens face as he walks up to the crumbling gates of the churchyard, there is a slight flush on his features and he is whistling tunelessly.

He finds his way barred by a monk, conspicuously armed.

"Hail" he says to the dour looking monk, "Im looking for Warden... um I forget the name, but he's a large fellow, anyway my name is Alexander Draven, I hope Im expected." He says eyeing the monks weapon cautiously.

Looking rather displeased the monk escorts Draven through the church to the stone room with the others.

Draven walks into the room, showing no signs of embarasment at having slipped away earlier. "Excuse my lateness, business to attend to." He takes a look around the cold, austere room and slides into a vacant seat, looking around expectantly. "What did I miss?".
"I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space..."
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Post by NeoTiamat »

Valerian gave himself an imperceptible nod as Draven entered the room. He enjoyed being right, though he hoped Ezra forgave him that small bit of vanity.

"Greetings Friend Alexander! We had been waiting for you. You have not missed much, we were but going through the introductions. Friends Van and Marentor are magi, fellow students along with Gooddwarf Cornelius, while my fellow Tarlyn is a warrior, and an outlander to boot! The Grand Scheme has assembled a motley crew this day, though I think a good one."

Warden Grane rose up from his seat and began pacing the room. His big hands gesturing with surprising eloquence as he spoke.

"And on that note, I think Ezra shall forgive me some small presumption for being the next. Though in truth I have had a simple life. My name is Valerian Grane, and I am a Warden under Bastion Teodorus Raines. A wandering preacher, one may say. I spread the good word of Ezra, protect her faithful, and scourge the vile Legions of the Night, or any who would threaten her."

"I was born in a village not far from here, and it is to my shame that I came to Ezra later in life, for we worshipped the Gods of Death there. In my nineteenth year, there was a plague, a vicious one, and much of the village was slain. I left to find my fortune, for my family was dead. Nine years ago I had the privilege of hearing Bastion Raines speak, and I have followed Ezra ever since. I can but hope I have been of some little help in furthering the Grand Scheme."

Valerian realized he had neglected to mention his somewhat unusual seeing condition, but it tended to make people uncomfortable, especially so early in an acquaintance. There would be time later, should it come up.
Ravenloft GM: Eye of Anubis, Shattered City, and Prof. Lupescu's Traveling Ghost Show
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Post by BigBadQDaddy »

William notices a few eyes fall on him as he sits in a chair with his arms folded casually across his chest. He takes a deep breath and exhales with a groan.

"Well lads, as you all know, me name is William Tack, Former first mate aboard the Sea Spirit outta Paridon. And a good first mate at that. I was of her crew fer 'bout 15 years. Was born n raised n Paridon as well, Though the Sea of Sorrows is me true home and the Sea Spirit is me true mother. Far as I am concerned life as I know it didna begin till I was found stow away aboard that vessel. I took a right whuppin for that wee stunt and walked limp fer a while longer yet. After that, rather than bein' put to the sword for me crimes, I was allowed to work off the trespass...which I did for a good while till we found our port. It was then I was asked to join the crew...a wee little cabin boy job aboard the beautiful Spirit...such a lady was she..." Those paying close attention notice William stares off into space with a slight smile and a look of pride across his weathered features. With a heavy nasal exhale, he then lowers his head to look to the floor before continuing. "Yeah...that was a long time ago. Long...long time ago..." He sits a moment in reflection in which which you all can clearly see the youthful boy who dreamed of the sea so long ago in his haggard face.

"Well, I am here now and can handle meself in a fight if it comes to it..." He says sharply as he raises his head agin, this time with a face made of sterner stuff. "I would rather avoid a blood bath if you catch my meaning and I dont much care for the killin of men who don't warrent a killin, and I will say this, if you fine lads prove worth a damn, you'll find no greater ally than you find in William Tack. I would have gone into the deep for any of those fine lads aboard the Spirit and those lads didn't desrve..." He trails off, lowering his head again, exhaling heavily as he does so. A palatable frustration emanates from his frame as he works towards moving on from his faux pas.

"I am done...someone else say yer peace and get on with it." he snarls. Reaching into his coat pocket, he produces a steel flask from which he takes a nip, screws the cap back into place with a squeek and places it back in his pocket. He then turns his head off to the side, avoiding anyones gaze.[/i]
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Post by ewancummins »

Cornelius spoke up,

''The Ordmanni, my clan, are an old and honorable family. We have lived in this kingdom since the living first laid claim to it and drove away the unquiet dead with axe and spell.

Of myself, I will give only a brief account.

I studied under some of the same masters as my two friends here -

[indicates Van and Maurentor]

but my spells are focused more on gathering information and uncovering what is hidden.

I have traveled and studied for much of my life, and hope my learning and experience will prove useful to our endeavors.

I should add that my genius familiaris is this lizard, Skarn. He'll avoid getting underfoot, but please watch out for him.''

A green lizard crawls out of Cronelius' stachel and otno the table. It begins seraching about for bugs to eat, its tongue flicking in and out.
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

-from Moby Dick (Hermann Melville)
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Post by HuManBing »

Hailang immediately notes the lizard and climbs onto the table next to it. Marentor watches his familiar warily, knowing how much she loves to cause trouble.

But for the time being, she just wants to share part of her dead mouse with the lizard.

Marentor relaxes but keeps an eye on her.

The lizard does not appear to be impressed one way or another.
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Post by lostboy »

After the Warden's welcome, Draven sits back in his chair, eyes wandering lazily around the room, its difficult to tell whetehr he's lsitening to the others or not. Although he glances up twice, once when William goes into his pocket for the flask and again when the lizard crawls out of the satchel.

Sighing he delves into his own backpack, rummaging around. Suddenly becoming aware that its all gone quiet, he lifts his head out to see quite a few people loking at him.

"Oh my turn eh? Well Im like several of you, Darkonese, Darkonian, Darkonish or whatever we call ourselves. My roots are in the slain city, although obvisouly its been a while since I was there. I have spent the last few years travelling the cities of the western core, moving wherever the need for my particular skills take me."

He pauses glancing around, then relaising they are waiting for him to elaborate he continues "I.. uh..acquire things when engaged to for the right price" "Of course only legitimately and only for the most upstanding of clients" he quickly adds.

"Ive spent much time in all the civilised domains of the western core; Dementlieu, Borca, Falkovnia, Mordent, and Darkon" he quickly glances around again, then carries on " I might be the only one here who does not employ arcane means, I prefer to rely on my skills and my wits, although if it comes down to it Im a fair blade with the rapier, aha!"

He pulls out a ration from his pack "Got my appetite back!" He lapses into a concentrated demolition of the dried food.
"I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space..."
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Post by steveflam »

Tarlyn raises an eyebrow at Alexander's admission of legitimately and only for the most upstanding of clients........... I've done that a few times myself he muses dryly. Ah the paths we all take in life. I am not particualrly proud of my dirty work. I am glad for one thing though. It brought me here to these young men. I am hoping that this journey will be beneficial to all of us. Especially me who has so much to attone for.

"In a few moments 2 young Anchorites will bring us a chest full of equipment you can all use for the journey. It will most assuredly come in handy if we enounter any "trouble". Like I mentioned earlier, in Kartakass I have hidden certain weapons I acquired in my travels which I know will be very useful to you there." Tarlyn smiles. He gets up and walks to the door, opening it. Sure enough 2 young men struggle in with a rather large chest. He helps them in and nodding to everyone, approaches the table. The chest is then deposited on the table and Tarlyn opens it.

"Well I hope these prove to be useful to you on the long voyage."

GO to this url just for an explanation of the chest....
http://www.fraternityofshadows.com/foru ... 4&start=90