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Re: New to Ravenloft? Introduce yourself here!

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Welcome Addar's Heir and Xararion! In honor of this special double-welcome, you will now be fused into a single horrific amalgam-being by our crack team of mad taxidermists! Congrats!
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Re: New to Ravenloft? Introduce yourself here!

Post by Shadowling »

Thought it about time I introduced myself.

I am 35 and live in the UK, been playing since i was 13 years old starting with AD&D second edition playing a forgotten Realms campaign.

I can't remember when I started DM'ing but chose the Ravenloft setting and have been hooked since then.

I much prefer DM'ing than playing (why play 1 character when i can play them all!!) . Over the years we moved the game into D&D 3.5 and finally with PFRPG. Never bothered with 4th or 5th, the rules we have work perfect for what we like :)

I have been away from the game a few years due to various factor but are back now, currently forming a campaign to start in the new year. A mix of home made and old 2nd edition stuff updated.

The thing I am trying this time round is making a long term campaign starting at 745 through to 760. I intend to use the requim stuff as I used them before and with modification I find them great.

Well thats me saying hello, I would like to commend you on all your fine work you do for the Ravenloft setting.

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Re: New to Ravenloft? Introduce yourself here!

Post by Dark Angel »

Welcome aboard! And it explains the odd feeling of being watched (at least more than usual)...
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Re: New to Ravenloft? Introduce yourself here!

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Welcome, Shadowling! Good luck with your campaign, and let us know if we can be of any assitance!
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Re: New to Ravenloft? Introduce yourself here!

Post by Vorcoth »

Hi all, I've been a member here for years and on the Kargat site as well, but only lurked for the most part.

A Nova Scotian recently transplanted to northern Alberta, I was hooked by D&D via the Red Box back in grade 4 and have been gaming my face off ever since.

I jumped all over the original Ravenloft Black Box when it was first released and it will always be my preferred setting.

Unfortunately, my regular weekly gaming group back in Halifax did not share my passion for gothic, low-magic settings, and so I rarely had the opportunity to actually play very much.

I enjoy DM'ing as much as playing, and I've finally decided to run a Ravenloft campaign that would begin with Grand Conjunction events and proceed all the way through to the current timeline.

However, I'm planning on modifying/altering much of the actual adventures' storylines and events in order to a) suit my version of the Demiplane of Dread and b) keep it fresh for players who may have already played through Ravenloftian history.

Expect a post about it in Cafe de Nuit very soon, since I plan on running it as a play-by-post here.
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Re: New to Ravenloft? Introduce yourself here!

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Welcome Vorcoth. Glad we can scratch your Ravenloft itch for you!
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Re: New to Ravenloft? Introduce yourself here!

Post by violentpurge »

I know Ravenloft, but have never had the exp. to play. My play group leaned more towards classic fantasy (Forgotten Realms) than gothic horror, other than for modern. But I am new to this forum. Currently designing a d20past cluster based in 1832 Germany with a Shadow Fey Darklord.
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Re: New to Ravenloft? Introduce yourself here!

Post by Dark Angel »

violentpurge wrote:I know Ravenloft, but have never had the exp. to play. My play group leaned more towards classic fantasy (Forgotten Realms) than gothic horror, other than for modern. But I am new to this forum. Currently designing a d20past cluster based in 1832 Germany with a Shadow Fey Darklord.
Welcome aboard! Would the shadow fey be the force behind the Confederacy and other political machinations or actually be directly leading the greatest political threat to the current powers that be in Europe (even as I write this I can see the thread forming)? Have you thought about using Masque of the Red Death as a resource with the D20 Past supplement?
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Re: New to Ravenloft? Introduce yourself here!

Post by violentpurge »

The Shadow Fey's Court has infiltrated most of the Political, Religious and Intellectual social circles. (A thread there will be, as I am trying to set up an online campaign). no I have not thought of such, I will look into and maybe.
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Re: New to Ravenloft? Introduce yourself here!

Post by Jal »

Hello everybody. As for an introduction:

"Jal" was the name of my first Ravenloft character, a chaotic neutral half-vistani bard. He came very close to dying during our very first session when he was overrun by ghouls in a country-side inn. After that, Jal learned the Dark Speech (Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss, pg. 85) and became a dirgesinger (Libris Mortis: Book of Undead, pg. 43). Eventually, he would save a sorceress from the fires of persecution and put a stop to the evil reign of a charlatan priest that commanded a powerful dullahan warrior. In the end, he was unable to set the horseman free, choosing instead to become the creature's new master. Though that campaign was short-lived, the dirgesinger remains, to this day, my all-time favorite D&D character that I've ever played.

I'm really hoping for some official Ravenloft support with the new edition of D&D. Glad there's going to be rules for madness in the upcoming DMG, but I'd really like to see a setting book full of thematic backgrounds and class options, as well as rules for converting creatures into dark lords (complete with legendary and lair actions, perhaps).
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Re: New to Ravenloft? Introduce yourself here!

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Welcome Jal! We're happy to have people bringing Ravenloft into the newest edition. If you haven't already, check out Jester and alhoon's 5th edition material in our recently released netzine, Quoth the Raven, issue 21. Jester is working on some more 5e rules in the forum as well, and would welcome any input.
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Re: New to Ravenloft? Introduce yourself here!

Post by Skyrock »

Looks like I have missed the introduction topic :)

I have found this site when Tales of the Grotesque and Dungeonesque linked to it in the final post of its Ravenloft month.

I have never been fond of most prefab campaign settings for D&D - Ravenloft is the sole exception, as it rhymes with my love for classical Hammer-style horror since childhood. I have read about it the first time when a video game mag in the early 90s reviewed the 1994 boxed set, and that one page description of it hooked me immediately.

After having wandered of to other systems during the 4e era (mostly Savage Worlds and OSR stuff), 5e has very successfully rekindled my interest into "mainstream" D&D, and I am keen to see the setting adapated for the new edition.
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Re: New to Ravenloft? Introduce yourself here!

Post by Jal »

I posted a 5E conversion of Dominic d'Honaire here, if anyone's interested.
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Re: New to Ravenloft? Introduce yourself here!

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Skyrock wrote:Looks like I have missed the introduction topic :)
And now you've found it. Welcome, Skyrock!
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Re: New to Ravenloft? Introduce yourself here!

Post by Orphan »

Hi folks! I'm a long time Roleplayer and GM from Southeast Michigan United States!

I didn't start with Dungeons and Dragons, but instead with Werewolf: The Apocalpyse back in the early 90's when I was a younger teenager. Suffice to say, I've always been addicted to Horror based RPG's ever since, from the Whitewolf games, to Call of Cthulu, to Deadlands, and more...

I didn't get properly introduced to Ravenloft until Whitewolf picked up the Licences and started publishing it during the era of 3rd edition. My mind was blown by the sheer creativity involved with the Domains of Dread, the world, and everything involved with it.. in fact, it was a little too blown! Because despite picking up the core books, it all seemed a bit to over whelming at the time, and sadly I didn't really get into the Gazeteers (Which seemed to really explain the individual countries more) and my group didn't enjoy 3rd edition too much...

Well fast forward about a Decade later, and I've become a fan of Pathfinder and more recently.... 5th edition. My group has fallen in love with 5th edition and has been actively playing it...and all I can think is.. "Man, I'd really like to run some Ravenloft..."

Thankfully, I have an awesome girlfriend who loves 5th edition too, and doesn't mind being my Guinea Pig for a solo campaign we can play together outside of the normal group campaign I run...

So now here I am, developing my own Cluster within the Mists for her to begin exploring, starting with some serious work on the first country, an Ireland analog named "Inisfail" (My girlfriend loves Ireland, she's visited it several times, so the first country in the cluster is just for her) where an on-going shadow war between the Church of the Lawgiver and adherents of "The Green Faith" takes place while the provincial kings try to keep the peace!

This site has been IMMENSELY useful particularly the Mistipedia since my 3rd edition copies of Ravenloft have been lost. Seeing Jester's work on bringing Ravenloft into 5th edition has been helpful for my own work!

Anyways that brings my rambling introduction to an end!
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