Death House

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Ken of Ghastria
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Re: Death House

Post by Ken of Ghastria »

"Where... where are they?" asks Vorj, spinning around to look for the refugees who'd just been scattered by the cannonball fire. "Van, do you see any of them? What's going on? This is madness! IT'S..."

He catches himself, closes his eyes for a moment, and takes a calming breath. He can see Van clearly enough, but any other figures are indistinguishable in the eerie fog -- phantoms in the mist.

"Kimber! Are you out there?" he calls, striding forward. He takes another step -- and his boot hits a solid object. "My axe," he says. "Must have been thrown free of the wagon by the cannon fire. One fortunate outcome, I suppose...." He picks up and sheathes the massive axe, opting for the easier weight of the longsword for the moment. "Kimber!"

I hope you don't mind that Vorj "found" his greataxe. :wink: I'll edit the post if it's a problem.
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Re: Death House

Post by steveflam »

Bhunder is torn. Go to his brother's side or help get rid of that mage. As much as he would like to be with Gnorric, there are more important things to

consider. Grabbing one of his flaming toys, his visage is grim. He moves as close as he can towards the mage. Winding it up, he kisses it, for good luck.

"Make me proud" he whispers to the toy wagon, and trying to aim it best he can, throws it at the mage, hoping it explodes right in his face.

The mists become thicker and thicker, even as he has let go of his toy. Soon, he can see nothing before him. Worried now, he calls out for Gnorric.

Waving his hands in front of him, as if eh could part the thick fog.

"Gorric! Gorric! Are you there? Anyone????"

He is feeling quite lonely now as the sounds of the battle have disappeared, replaced with nothingness, dead silence.

He clutches his cloak closer to his body, suddenly nervous and unsure.
Last edited by steveflam on Wed Mar 09, 2016 9:58 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Death House

Post by VAN »

As the canonball scatters the few refugees he and Vorj were trying to save, Van exclaims:

"Bloody royalists! You are so brave only behind the canons! You cannot put up a fight like real men!

He wanders if some refugees will manage to escape even if deep down he doesn't get his hopes high. Focusing at the present looks around more and more puzzled, he has never seen that thick fog before. Taking only small steps hoping to not bump to anyhing he listens Vorj cries. The paladin's shape is the only thing he manage to discern.

"Vorj! What is going on? We should have killed this nasty mage!"

Listening more cries in distance yells:

"Is there anyone out there? Bhunder! Gnorric! Are you guys ok? Follow my voice if you hear me, better stick together to not get further lost."
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
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Re: Death House

Post by kintire »

Kimber turns towards the sound of her name, but the mist soon robs her of any sense of direction. She crouches down and examines the ground, trying to determine its slope, but she cannot get her bearings even from that. Her sense of dislocation intensifies, and she moves forwards slowly, pace by pace, often spinning to meet some phantom threat, weapons lifted only to see nothing but the mocking mist. Soon she is sweating despite the cool mists around her, her breath fast as she controls panic.
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Re: Death House

Post by alhoon »

The mists thicken. Most of the time, the eye can't see more than a foot away. Except when the mists thin.

Gorric feels the ebb and flow of cool mists around him, as his conscience returns under the spells of the dwarf cleric. He can't see much. He feels his brother's hand, cold from the shock steady on his chest.
Bhunder's vision is blocked by the mists. The sounds of battle seem distant and close, from many directions and none. He's completely disoriented. He hears Burdur nearby praying in dwarven. He puts a hand out to find his brother on the ground since he's unable to see. And he finds another, dead-cold, boney hand already on his brother's chest.
As he yelps in surprise, the feeling of the hand disappears but both the gnomes can hear a rasping, cackling laugh.

Kimber listens to Vorj and Van fighting the enemies. As she moves towards the fight, he listens the refugees screaming for mercy... except that it's elves that scream for mercy, begging Vorj and Van to not end them. Before she has the time to realize what happens, she listens humans scream and cry. As elves cut them down. One shout, of a little human girl, sounds right in front of her. The hoosing sound of arrow right past her ear abruptly cuts the girl's screams and Kimber feels the warm blood wetting her hand. But when she brings it close to her face she doesn't see any wet spot.

Vorj and Van listen each other, but are unable to track each other. Every time they take a step, the other's sound comes from a different direction. The mists thin a bit and Vorj can see a rider. He wears black tatters and holds a scythe. His horse has Van's head which turns and leers mockingly towards Vorj before the rider and his bizarre Van-horse disappear in the mists.
Van can see a figure in the mists right ahead of him. Before he can even speak the figure, more like a shadow, grabs his scimitars by the blades, kicks Van strongly in the belly to weaken his grip and pulls them right out of his hands. As Van screams in rage, Kimber can listen his scream. The figure laughs and disappears.

The heroes spent an indefinable amount of time in the mists, lost, harried and taunted. It's an unsettling experience. Gorric feels a face with two mouths gently kissing his wound, as if feeding from his pain. Bhunder is yanked by the collar from a giant he can't see and thrown away from his brother, alone in the mists, falling for what could be minutes. Kimber hits a headstone; the headstone of her own grave. Vorj stumbles in the mists and falls face-first on a book of dark demonology, signed by a fiend he's unfortunate to know. Van, looking for his scimitar feels a crown on his head.

and then, as they fear they will lose their minds, the mists start to thin. The heroes start to see figures in the twilling. Moonlight seems to finally filter down through the mists. They can hear each other screaming. The mists keep thinning. Soon they can tell each other as they move closer. The six of them seem to be there. And something watching.


The land is different. Not just a different location, but different. As if she watches the same pond but through a translucent oily corruption on it. She feels she can still reach into the pond and use her magic. But she will have to touch the disgusting, smelly, film first.
Since the exorcism, Vorj had hid doubts about how permanent this solution was. He could feel the corruption within, the coldness, the evil. He had assumed the priests have managed to put the terrible entity to sleep. Now he felt that the fiend was trapped, locked, but awake. He has no influence on the paladin, no hold, no voice. Yet. Vorj suddenly feels that he should be very careful to not unlock that part of his soul.
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Re: Death House

Post by VAN »

As the mists get thinner Van's screams lower. He looks around puzzled and still terrified of what he saw, listened and felt. He checks his hands only to see that his scimitars are still there. Then passes his hand over his head to make sure that no crown, symbol of royalty, is there. More and more puzzled of what has happened and where they are, he gets closer to the gnomes. At least his friends were with him.

"Bhunder, Gorric? You are here, what is going on? Gorric, you are wounded!"

Looking desperatly around he keeps talking more to himself than the others asking rhetorical questions even if he knows nobody can answer.

"Where are we? Where are the refugees? What happened? Where is the caravan? Bhunder, Vorj are you wounded? The mage did all that, I'm sure, if we ever get back, he will not last even two seconds against me! And are you the girl prisoner I saved from that guard? I'm sorry for his behavior, guards often missbehave and lose their focus. I hope he didn't attempt to bother you again. Friend dwarf, thanks for healing me now please tend my friends wounds if you can."
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
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Re: Death House

Post by Ken of Ghastria »

Vorj, still on his hands and knees, looks around for the book. His eyes are wild with panic. But the tome is no longer there -- if it ever existed at all.

Slowly, he perceives the presence of others, friend and foe alike. Yet the trees... don't look the same. And the distinct smell of gunpowder and burned flesh is gone. But how...?

He stands up. "I ... am unharmed," he replies to Van. "I think. Where... where are we? This is NOT where we were."
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Re: Death House

Post by alhoon »

The party tries to get their bearings in these strange lands. Weak light from the gibbous moon filters through the thin mist that seems to be everywhere. One by one the heroes realize that they've left Crownfalls during a crescent moon night and the few stars that can be seen through the mist are also peculiar; nobody recognizes any constellation. Through spell or other magic, the heroes find themselves in a very, very different place than the place they entered these mists.
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
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Re: Death House

Post by Ken of Ghastria »

"Damn sorcery," says Vorj. "Everyone, get to your feet! We're too exposed here -- let's move into the trees a ways...."

He pauses, suddenly remembering that -- despite his natural impulse to take charge -- most of those around him were enemies minutes ago. "If a wizard dropped us here on purpose," he says in a calmer, though still commanding voice, "he's probably sent some forces this way to finish us off. So let's not make it easy. Move into the trees and regroup."
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Re: Death House

Post by VAN »

Van nods in agreement.

"You are right, if we want to survive in this place and have a chance to go back better start acting like a group. I suggest we better introduce ourselves as walking and seek cover. I will start first. I'm Van and I will not hide behind my finger, I'm proud to be rebel and I believe our lives will be way better without the King and his lackeys...But here there are no rebels and no royalists I would say there are just survivors and people that want to go back and procceed with their lives."
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
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Re: Death House

Post by kintire »

Kimber looks slowly around, an expression of slight disgust on her face. However this disgust does not seem to be directed at her companions, but rather the general surroundings.

"We are in a very different place. This land is cursed... dark magic lies over it like a film of scum on a pool. The forest will provide little shelter from that. We should leave this land, as soon as we can..."

Kimber blinks as Van introduces himself and nods "Oh, uh yes. Kimber. hi."
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Re: Death House

Post by Ken of Ghastria »

The paladin looks oddly at Van. "Vorj. I'm not making speeches today."

He scans the area for soldiers, wild animals, or other predators.
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Re: Death House

Post by steveflam »

"Gnorric, Gnorric are you ok? Can you move?" He turns to whomever has bad words about sorcery.

"Not everyone sues magic for evil means, keep that in mind." HE tends to his brother in the meantime.
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Re: Death House

Post by ewancummins »

steveflam wrote:"Gnorric, Gnorric are you ok? Can you move?" He turns to whomever has bad words about sorcery.

"Not everyone sues magic for evil means, keep that in mind." HE tends to his brother in the meantime.

Gnorric gets up.
" I can move."
He looks about for the dwarf." Thanks."
He glares at Vorj and Kimber.
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

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Re: Death House

Post by Ken of Ghastria »

"Point taken," Vorj says in response to the comment about magic.

He strides over to Gnorric. "Are you injured? I can offer some healing. We may need to travel far, and none of us will be helped if you're limping." The tone is brusque, but Gnorric can tell that the human's offer is sincere.
"There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are."
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