Brainstorm: Demihuman Dominant Domains

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The Lesser Evil
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Re: Brainstorm: Demihuman Dominant Domains

Post by The Lesser Evil »

edised wrote:a drow dark lord, but unlike other drow heard the call of good, had a chance to change and said no.
also became consumed with the drow ruling the surface, and loves the night sky and hate/envy of other elves. the dark powers her and she became dark lord of a elven land ruled by drow, with other surface elves hunted or subservient. the twist is the drow follow a good god (the one she rejected)and the other elves worship her evil drow god.
I could see this happening with an outlander drow from the Forgotten Realms- here's one possible origin- the future darklord might've been raised by refugee drow who worshiped Eilistraee and taught their daughter to do the same. But perhaps the daughter felt drawn more to the darkness of her ancestors and saw the benevolence her parents espoused as weak. Her family fled to the surface, perhaps the forest of Cormanthor, because of their aberrant (by drow standards) beliefs

The daughter felt her beliefs were justified in the end when her parents were murdered, though she escaped, perhaps by betraying her parents. Still, the future darklord found she could not return to drow society, as the children of traitors are not accepted, nor could she make it in surface society as a singular drow with no further connections.

However, she eventually found a surface group of evil drow that venerated the evil gods of the Dark Seldarine. Thus the future darklord found new solace in the hands of an evil god, like Vhaeraun, Ghaunadaur, or more likely, Kiaransalee, the drow goddess of necromancy and revenge that hated both Lolth and the surface elf Seldarine. The future darklord went on to commit atrocities and provoke wars against both Lolth-worshiper drow and surface elves, stoking enmity toward each other, until she was taken away by the Mists.
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Re: Brainstorm: Demihuman Dominant Domains

Post by edised »

a hafling dark lord, after leavening home he had bad experiences with the bigger race's, hating being looked down on he became a nimble clever thief, then hafling/gnome mob boss. his crimes couet up with him at home. rivals went after his family killing his siblings, and the rest of his family finding out his activates, blaming him for what happened. he was angry they did not understand his motives, and in a rage he killed them and the mists came.

he now will never be looked down on ever again, he became a hill giant (but with his mind) in a Shyer like domain, fertile bread basket land of hill's and valleys. with hafling settlements all over (and some gnomes live their too).

his curse is he can never go home of feel at home, he is to big and clumsy to live like a hafling,
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Re: Brainstorm: Demihuman Dominant Domains

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

A Dwarf nobleman who, consumed by greed, increased taxes hand over fist throughout his reign, to the point that it ruined the local economy. When his people rioted, begging him to give them the money they needed to avert death by starvation and disease by trading with non-Dwarfs, he sealed himself in with his treasure and unleashed his guardian golems on his own people.

Now, he is the owner of a magnificent fortress and a peerless treasure ... in a stone age domain. The Dwarves there are hunter-gatherers, and all of his treasure is of no value to them; they refuse to sell him food for gold and priceless jewels, and his fortress can not provide him with anything but water. If he wants to eat, he has to create tools for the cave-Dwarves using his superior tools.

The domain has virtually no metal ore left, meaning the darklord has to resort to working with flint, or else melt down his treasure piecemeal...
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Re: Brainstorm: Demihuman Dominant Domains

Post by Mistmaster »

Can't he use the golems to bully the dwarves in submission?
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Re: Brainstorm: Demihuman Dominant Domains

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Ah, but they can just migrate away from him, and his golems are no good for hunting and foraging -- and neither is he.
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Re: Brainstorm: Demihuman Dominant Domains

Post by edised »

and thare are some beasts that are big (so the goloms can hunt it) thay are hard to kill, and butchering it effectively is out of the golims skills. so he only gets a few days worth of meat before scavengers come for it.

what if the land had gold and silver, as the most prominent minarol, temping him, and he can get iron, tin and copper, but only small amounts (relly small) from active volcanoes.
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Re: Brainstorm: Demihuman Dominant Domains

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

He'd be torn between temptation, fear of leaving his stronghold and maybe allowing Cave-Dwarves to move in (they hold all useful property as communal and do not respect his exclusive claims unless he's there to enforce them), and his lack of mining skills. ^_^ A nasty conundrum!
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Re: Brainstorm: Demihuman Dominant Domains

Post by KingCorn »

Dwarf Domain as an underdark.

Hilgvar Steelheart was always driven by pride and stubbornness, even among his people. In his clan, your name and deeds were everything, and only the mightiest deeds worthy of generations of songs could make one head of the clan. Hilgvar always dreamed of such a position, to lead his people as he felt he always should. Yet time and again his deeds where never enough, always overshadowed by his many siblings and cousins.
One day, the high king of the Shroud Mountains, lord of the all the clans, announced the mountain had gone dry, and they must find a new homeland. Eager to earn glory and respect, as well as a chance to lead the Steelheart clan, Hilgvar volunteered himself and his warriors to excavate the deeper tunnels to find his people a new home, rich with diamond and iron and gold. Taking with him his cousin, who was most likely to lead the clan in the coming years, Hilgvar set out. Yet on this journey, he pushed his men and himself to far, proving to be unreliable and inept in these unseen tunnels. Pushing them ever forward, he encourages his men to leave the sick and wounded behind, to follow him to glory and a new home for their people.
For years they wandered, blind and without hope, until at last, under the intuition of Hilgvar's cousin, they found it. A paradise of gold, diamonds, rubies, and rich veins of iron! Yet when cheers came, it was not for Hilgvar but for his cousin. Incensed, Hilgvar in the following days, purposfully lead his people astray in the tunnels and accused his cousin of getting them lost, though always his cousin would lead them back on track. Finally, driven to near madness at the thought that his cousin would claim the glory of HIS discovery, Hilgvar drew his cousin away from camp, and killed him. Returning to his men, he claimed that his cousin had abandonned them, that he had ran off into the tunnels to return home and claim glory alone, but assured the men he would lead them home. Lost, lieing to his men with the blood of his cousin still on his hands, the Mists claimed him.

Now he and his clan wander beneath the earth in the maze like Caverns of the Lost (it sounds better when the dwarves say it). The Caverns are treacherous, always shifting from cave ins, sudden drops, or even just at random. The wandering clan is now a shadow of its former self, crazed and desperate and lead by the glory hungry fool Hilgvar. Any dwarves found wandering alone in the tunnels are welcomed into the clan (or rather press-ganged into it) while any other creatures are killed, looted, and often eaten. Hilgvar leads them as unofficial clan chief (or in his own deluded eyes, High King), still intent on leading them home and earn the glory and prestige he feels he has earned. No matter how long it takes...

The threats are many in these tunnels, from ghoul dwarves, crazed nomads driven mad in the tunnels, giant purple worms, and even drow (I'll figure that one out later). Mostly, the threat is just getting lost and starving to death. Sometimes the tunnels will open up to the surface, leading to a random domain within the mists, usually at the bottom of some mine shaft. Hilgvar may close the borders of his domain by causing cave ins on all these exits, and making sure that, no matter how much you dig, you never find the surface.
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Re: Brainstorm: Demihuman Dominant Domains

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Hmm...! Your Dwarf domain and mine could form an interesting Cluster, kind of like Zherisia.

One darklord yearns for a Dwarven kingdom but is trapped in a labyrinth of material wealth with insufficient food; the other lives in a primal wilderness and yearns for material wealth and independence from the Dwarves he is forced to interact with.
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Re: Brainstorm: Demihuman Dominant Domains

Post by KingCorn »

Rock wrote:Hmm...! Your Dwarf domain and mine could form an interesting Cluster, kind of like Zherisia.

One darklord yearns for a Dwarven kingdom but is trapped in a labyrinth of material wealth with insufficient food; the other lives in a primal wilderness and yearns for material wealth and independence from the Dwarves he is forced to interact with.
That would be interesting, though I was kinda going for a domain that touches everything feeling. A way to have an underdark that isn't contained to just one domain like the sewers of Richeulmont or Timor.
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Re: Brainstorm: Demihuman Dominant Domains

Post by edised »

a doman for broken things, discarded and lost things. the land is mostly badlands, rocky and sandy with scarce vegetation. at the beach's the neglected things show up (magicked thare). the people are mostly half-breeds, hard working clever close-nit, living off and using junk to trive. (a nicer place to live, life is hard put not joyless,)

not sure of the dark lord
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Re: Brainstorm: Demihuman Dominant Domains

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Halfbreed what, exactly?
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Re: Brainstorm: Demihuman Dominant Domains

Post by edised »

all of them, elf, orc, etr.
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Re: Brainstorm: Demihuman Dominant Domains

Post by The Lesser Evil »

edised wrote:a doman for broken things, discarded and lost things. the land is mostly badlands, rocky and sandy with scarce vegetation. at the beach's the neglected things show up (magicked thare). the people are mostly half-breeds, hard working clever close-nit, living off and using junk to trive. (a nicer place to live, life is hard put not joyless,)

not sure of the dark lord
Thematically, the "land of lost and broken things" seems like a place that would be ruled by a gnome or the like. But a gnome darklord wouldn't be likely to hate it. I'd probably go with a darklord that was obsessed with purity (such as an elf) or order (such as a dwarf). This would of course be how the darklord understands purity/order (likely a twisted understanding). The curse would be living in a messy environment antithetical to their perception of the way how things should be. That others can live in such a place just fine would be more salt in the wound.
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Re: Brainstorm: Demihuman Dominant Domains

Post by edised »

The Lesser Evil wrote:
edised wrote:
Thematically, the "land of lost and broken things" seems like a place that would be ruled by a gnome or the like. But a gnome darklord wouldn't be likely to hate it. I'd probably go with a darklord that was obsessed with purity (such as an elf) or order (such as a dwarf). This would of course be how the darklord understands purity/order (likely a twisted understanding). The curse would be living in a messy environment antithetical to their perception of the way how things should be. That others can live in such a place just fine would be more salt in the wound.
a elitist seeing others as below him, garbage that got in the way. cynical and rather a misanthrope now lives in a gilded cage. living in the only whole place in the land, inaccessible to all he is trapped. his only entertainment to watch the broken people, the cast offs of society live laugh and love.

i like to think of the domain as strange as it seems, a good place, a place of healing. outcasts, rejects, the lost and broken are drawn their and find a better life then the one they left.
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