A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by steveflam »

Goren replies in his broken Mordentish. Mordentish "I is Goren. I nice meet you. I is no from Souragne but City on water calling Waterdeep. I is worship Morninglord Lathander. I maybe heal hand in morning if you like? I have spell then for that."[/i]

Before Nicolae is an average height man in a robe with the holy symbol of Lathander around his neck. Goren is red haired and has a thick beard. He has traveling boots and carries a small backpack. A mace hangs from his belt. The heat does not appear to affect him in the least.
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Higginz »

As he is about to acknowledge Goren, Nicolae suddenly pauses with his eyes fixed upon something hanging from Vincent's person. "That's a very nice piece you are carrying, sir," he says while signaling the crossbow that Vincent is carrying. "In fact, if I didn't know better, I could swear I've seen one just like it before!" he exclaims. "Might I inquire as to where you acquired such a weapon?"
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Ken of Ghastria »

Lucien says nothing further, seemingly content to examine the new "guest" and to examine the layout of the room while simultaneously keeping his distance from the foul, malodorous contents on the shelves.

When Nicolae looks at Lucien, he sees a very handsome man of average height, wearing a loose-fitting white shirt and an expensive-looking brown vest with gold embroidery and an emerald pin in the lapel. Gray breeches are tucked into high brown boots. He has short, dark brown hair, a thin mustache, and bright green eyes. The slight arch of his eyebrows and the pointed tips of his ears are the only things that quickly identify him as not entirely of human blood.
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Guzrath »

"Vincent Faussé" he says bowing and introducing himself. This fine and reasonably good looking young man has Auburn hair down to around his neck and green eyes to match. You notice that his right earlobe is missing. He is finely but simply dressed, which stands in contrast to his stance and attitude. Around his neck hangs a signet ring from a silver chain. His hand rests on the pommel of a rapier
A mix of some sort of perfume and some other not so good smelling substance hangs around his person. Apparently he has tried to coves the disgusting odor. "My apologies for the smell" he says, "I have not had time for a bath I confess".

"The crossbow?" he asks. "Well, in places where one can find these weapons of course." he says "Why?" he asks flatly.
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Higginz »

"I once had a pupil who had one just like it," he says. "It was fashioned by a Tepestani bowyer; I had given it to her as a gift, and I should be most surprised to discover that another weapon fashioned by the same hands had found its way to this remote location."
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Guzrath »

"Anything is possible monsieur. From being really hunted in dreams, to walking corpses to weapons fashioned by the same maker ending up here." he says.
"But you seem to be suffering more from the heat than us it seems. Delicate skin?" he says with a friendly smile.
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

At this point, you can hear a bit of a ruckus coming from the door Molliana just left by. It's muffled by distance and one or more wooden panels between you and the source, but you could swear it was a bout of, well, swearing. And shouting.

Soon enough, you hear loud footsteps approach, and the door is thrown open. Standing before you, dressed in a paisley house coat over grey pajamas, is a man of middling height. Silver-grey hair is swept back from a high forehead and a stern, proud face with harsh lines. All the fat and softness seem to have been burned out of this face; an impression which is only heightened by the fact that the man wears a black leather patch over his left eye. His right eye, whose iris is an icy blue, regards you all with extreme annoyance.

"Well?" the man snaps at you in Mordentish with only the very faintest of Lamordian accents. "Don't be shy now, my REM-sleep is quite disrupted! What do you all want of me?"

As Molliana comes scurrying up and says in a breathless voice that this is Doktor Auschluss, a memory tickles each and every one of you. You may find yourselves sneaking a peek at that coldly blue human eyeball floating in its flask. Yes, that one. It looks exactly the same as the one in the Doctor's face, which is regarding you all with such venom...
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Ail »

"Well, Zumba says, we've come here because we have an urgent matter. And we were informed that you were open all night. We... erm... have some suspicions that a chemical of some sorts is causing... erm... dangerous dreams. "

OOC: Zumba thinks Lucien or Vincent would be better than him to explain this. He is vague on purpose, hoping someone else will pick up on it.
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Ken of Ghastria »

"Good evening, Herr Doctor," says Lucien, "and I apologize for the intrusion. Yes, as my companion describes, we have reason to believe that there is a hallucinogen within candles that were distributed at the local inn. Considering the unpleasant events of recent days, we naturally wanted to find out for certain. We asked the locals to direct us to someone with both the skills and keen intelligence to determine the truth. Naturally, we were sent to you, sir."

Lucien makes his Obsequious Flattery check. :wink:
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

The Doctor rolls his eyes -- well, eye. The one in the flask is just floating there. "Oh Archimedes," he says in a caustic tone of voice, "now do I understand your suffering when you were summoned to treat the tyrant's hang nail. Should I even ask whether you young people have bothered to bring me a sample to research? I may be open for business at all hours, but that does not mean you can drag me out of my home at this ungodly hour."
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Ken of Ghastria »

Lucien reaches into a bag and holds out several candles that he and Zumba confiscated from the dining room. "Here you are, Herr Doctor," he says. He hears Claude's voice in his head. With his charming personality and good looks, I'm surprised that Moliana is looking elsewhere for sexual satisfaction.

Empathy power continuing.
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

"Young... man," the Doctor says, leaning forward slightl to peer at Lucien's ears but lifting an arm to cover his mouth. "I assume you do not have a scientific background. If you had received a proper education, you might have considered how very unwise it is to touch a potentially poisonous object with your bare skin."

The Doctor leans back and subjects Lucien to a withering glare, which goes on for entirely too long. Finally, the scientist snorts and storms back through the door he came out of moments ago. He looks over his shoulder and shouts: "Well? Are you coming or not? To the laboratory! I am not performing chemical tests in my anteroom! Molliana, lead them to the laboratory while I change into my smock!"

"Yes, Doctor!" Molliana squeaks, and beckons urgently to you. "This way, this way."

Provided you all follow, you soon find yourselves in a much larger room. The walls and floor appear to have been lined with lead and are covered with iron, although the roof looks to be made of very light wooden planking. A large steel table in the middle of the room just screams 'work table'. Racks of chemicals and mysterious equipment line the walls. The smell of chemicals is heavy here, but it is mixed with the smells of hot metal, issuing from mysterious whirring devices set on smaller steel tables.

"The laboratory," Molliana says, superfluously. "Please don't touch anything, I shall go help the Doctor get dressed for work." She leaves with commendable speed, leaving you in the lab.
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Higginz »

Having had his interest piqued by talk of exploding candles, the imposing demeanor of the resident physician, and the refulgent countenance of his assistant, Nicolae furtively follows behind the last of the entourage as the other patrons filter through the door towards the doctor's laboratory.
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by steveflam »

Though the doctor might be useful here in Souragne, that doesn't necessarily give him the right to act like that towards his companions. For now, he says nothing. However, if he continues to act like this towards his companions, he will say something to the doctor. He follows them into the laboratory.
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Ail »

Zumba follows, silent.
Zumba d'Oxossi (A Stitch in Souragne)
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