How do you think 4e will impact Ravenloft?

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Jack of Tears
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Post by Jack of Tears »

But, I didn't really address the original question, did I? I might be concerned about how accessible magic is going to be - or how the power level is going to skyrocket because everyone will have special maneuvers and talk is level progression will occur every 2-3 sessions. (if you follow the intent of the design, though xp is still a gm matter)

I'm affraid that the Fantasy aspect of RL's fantasy horror setting may escalate considerably.

Of course, many gms may choose not to make the switch, just as many of us never picked up 3.x, so nothing will change for them. (and, considering there won't likely be any more RL material released, it won't be much of an issue)
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Post by order99 »

That was precisely my point, Jack. Sadly, the Voices in My Head keep commenting on the text and before I know it They/We/I are in Rant mode...alas.

(did you really just end a sentence with"alas"?)
(what a maroon!)
(what's a maroon?)
(a really STUPID color)
(SHUT UP!!!!!)

er...right. I'm on 50-hour shifts at the Island of Factory Drones again...

Seriously though, if anybody's serious about this RL Ultralight project-i'm really spent on time right now(see above) but I could dig up my old Pickup Notes and place them in a Text file sometime next week. I don't think the rules were over six pages or so(taking half-scribbled abbreviations into account of course). If nothing else it might be a jump-off point

(on what NOT to do!!)
(don't forget the Stickmen illos)
( AARGH!!)

Um...oh yeah-the problem would be the Ravenloft name and the rights thereby. Keeping it here as a free download may or may not be kosher with WOTC, but any release to a wider audience would require filing off the serial numbers, as it were.

I'm going to bed now-i'll be back when my Chorus is back in tune... :?
"And did she ever come out?"
"Not Yet".
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Post by Ivana_Boritsi »

You know what? I think Jack of Tears has a good point. Right now, it's still very possible to run a low-magic game in D&D. Even in 3.5. When people use magic, it's a limited resource, and they have to pick their spells carefully, because that's all they will have for the day. (I'm thinking in terms of an investigatory game here).

However, if spells refresh easily, you will have your spells with you literally all of the time, giving you a lot of ways to easily burn through investigations with the use of magic.

The only thing I would add is that, to counter the availability of magic, WotC seems like they are going to be giving Wizards and Cleric less spells to choose from. For one, I get the impression that with 30 levels, we'll see the same spells we saw before, just strung out over 30 levels. Also, I'm betting that you will get new spells each level, instead of every other level. So that tells me that people will be getting little handfuls of spells each level.

If this is the case, then I don't think that a Ravenloft game would get flooded with magic, because the careful selection of spells would be up front when you gained a new level. (Do I take an offensive spell? Or an investigatory spell?) So you would have to be really picky about what you take in the beginning and after that, you would be able to do only a small handful of tricks, but often.
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