Kartakass: Beginnings

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Post by lostboy »

Draven refuses to meet Valerians gaze and shrinks further back into the shadow, scratching his hand even harder.

However the arrival of the stranger breaks his concenttration and he returns his hands to the table and nods in greeting at Lucius.

Turning to the elf he says: "I too am keen to know what we are planning, will you enlighten us Tarlyn?"
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Post by steveflam »

Tarlyn rubs his chin and ponders the question. Didn't Father Dentor tell these people of our quest? Very odd that only I would know of it.

Leaning in towards the others he speaks in a low voice so only the group can hear him. "I thought Father Dentor told you about this, Mr. Drane" Tarlyn said, addressing him. "Oh well no bother. Some time last year an agent of the Temple here, a Percival Layhden was in Kartakass. He had been there for some time. In the autumn he sent word that he had contracted Lycanthropy and with the use of certain spells he was able to control it. Unfortunately spells can only do so much, so the Temple sent another agent Dominic Reyssay with certain items to help cure Percival." Tarlyn stopped so everyone could digest his words then continued his tale.

"So Dominic was supposed to have arrived in Kartakass in November. It is now June and no answer from either. Father Dentor fears the worst and wants us to find both Percival and Dominic as well as the items. Or the fate of both men which is what I suspect we will find. Maybe with a little luck we can find both men and recover the items." He stops and sits back, done his tale. Stranger things have happened, I suppose. BUt time runs short for those 2 I fear. If it hasn't run out on them already.
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Post by ewancummins »

The dwarf had been taking notes on a sheet of paper. He looked up, coughed to clear his throat and spoke:

''I've not been to Kartakass myself, but I speak Vassi passing well. I've some good maps of the southern lands as well.''

Looking around, he realized some of the gathering had no idea who he was.

''Cornelius Ordman, at your service. ''

Satisfied with his speech, Cornelius finished his pint of cider and called for the serving girl to bring him some mutton stew.
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

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Post by lostboy »

Draven catches the scent of Cornelius' Mutton Stew, which turns his stomach even further. He feels sweat breaking out on his forehead, and closes his eyes.Ive got to get out of here, but not before I hear the details, this could provide some of the anwers Im lookign for, not to mention the potential gp from this jaunt. I suppose Id better take the lead otherwise I'll be in the godforsaken hellhole all night

He opens his eyes with a new look of resolve on his face, wipes his hair out his eyes and addresses the table:

"So we have a company and a task before us. However Kartakass is a long way from here, how do we travel, and more importantly how soon? I for one am keen to get on the road, and can be ready dawn tommorrow. However I must break company for a short while as there are a few matters that demand my attention tonight, so lets us make the descsion gentlemen".

With that he drops a coin on top of the dead mouse and looks around expectantly. Anyone looking closely notices the nervous tick in the corner of his eye...
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Post by Ail »

Lucius twitches in his chair and responds

"I'm rather inexperient in these travels. All the places I've ever been too are Darkon and Dementlieu. Of course I crossed Lamordia to get there, but I didn't spend much time in that country. Still, I never like to set out without a good planning and sometimes a sound plan. I suggest we pool everything we know about the southern lands. I can speak Balok, which may be helpful if we cross Barovia, but I'm a zero at Vaasi and clueless about Nova Vaasa. So, what does everybody know? "

Zumba d'Oxossi (A Stitch in Souragne)
Brother Eustace (The Devil's Dreams)
Robert de Moureaux (A New Barovia)
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Post by steveflam »

"I have been to Sithicus, Barovia and Souragne, not counting here in Darkon. I believe we can get there the fastest by boat and then travel across Nova Vassa, Barovia then into Kartakass. I have a friend in Barovia as well as one in Kartakass, so we have guides if they are still alive." Tarlyn offers.

"The trip should take no more than 3 weeks to a month. I have no idea about Nova Vassa. Barovia the people are not as friendly as in Kartakass. My friend is a Priest in the Devil Strahd's army. He can get us through Barovia and into Kartakass. My friend Pietro can guise us through Kartakass. He is a lumberjack there. We can get what we need there in a moment. I want to hear of Nova Vassa from anyone who has been there."
Last edited by steveflam on Fri Oct 12, 2007 4:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by VAN »

Suddently the door opens wide and a blond man weaping a black cloak and holding a staff enters. Frenetically looks around and notices the gather party. Greating from distance Marentor he approaches the table"

"Hope I'm not very late. I get your message about the meeting yesterday Marentor. I came as fast as I could."

Looking the others, Van continues as he gets a seat.

"My name is Van Thunderstorm by the way and I'd like to join you to your adventure. I'm a wizard and I'm sure I'll be useful. So what is it about?"
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
- W H A T ! ? !
- Or they should NEVER memorize rays!
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Post by lostboy »

Draven goes very still when Lucius mentions Lamordia, watching the scholars face very carefully. He almost begins to say something, but is interrupted by Tarlyn and the arrival of Van.

"Well met Van, Im Alexander Draven. We were discussing an expedition to Kartakass, led by our friends Tarlyn and Warden Grane here".

Turning to Tarlyn he says "No Ive never been to Nova Vaasa but..." He stops as if something just sank in, then continues "Sea travel, I..I...I am not a good sailor, no sea legs and what happens if it sinks, or runs aground, or......." he tails off
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Post by Ail »

lostboy wrote:Draven goes very still when Lucius mentions Lamordia, watching the scholars face very carefully. He almost begins to say something, but is interrupted by Tarlyn and the arrival of Van.
(to DM): can I make a Sense Motive to check if I caught that?
(should these questions be asked here or in the OOC thread? They're so out of context there...)
Zumba d'Oxossi (A Stitch in Souragne)
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Post by steveflam »

OOC thread are for those ;)
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Post by BigBadQDaddy »

William listens to Tarlyn's proposal and a few responses from everyone else. He has never been far into the core, and most places he simply passed through, not taking the time to get to know the area. In most places he simply kept travelling not even stopping to learn the name of the land. He would provide little to no help whatsoever by traveling by land.
"Well sirs, I can't say I would agree with traveling by land. In all honesty, I think that would cause us more grief then not." He looks each of them in the eye and continues. "I say we take a vessel southward on the back of the Nocturnal Sea. I am a veteran sailor and former first mate, so believe me when I say the sea would be both quick and safe." He finishes off his piece with a confident nod, then looks about to signal the waitress for another glass of rum.
When Van introduces himself, William simply nods in recognition of his introduction, either being rude or a touch uncivilized by not returning the gesture and introducing himself in return.
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Post by NeoTiamat »

Valerian leans across the table and claps Draven heartily on the shoulder. "Worry not, Friend Draven, we shall be following the coast, and I am sure Ezra would not want you to drown before our task is completed."

The Warden nods to Van as he enters. "I am glad that the Grand Scheme gives us such arcane power for this expedition, it shall be useful. I am Warden Valerian Grane, and with Friend Tarlyn the organizers of this expedition. We search for two men in Kartakass, and a trio of relics of note, a wolf's paw and two amulets. We go under the auspices of Our Lady in the Mists and the Church."

The Darkonian preacher paused. "I have traveled to Nova Vaasa, and it is a land of sin and iniquity. The Priests of Chains hold sway there, and our expedition is unlikely to be looked upon with favor by they who follow the Iron God. The land itself is flat and open, though the cities are rank and stifling cauldrons of wickedness."
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Post by lostboy »

Draven manages a weak smile to the warden.

He sits back and resumes the itching of his hand, barely concious of those around him, lost in his thoughts.
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Post by Ail »

Lucius listens to all the others attentively. He nods Van respectfully, recognising yet another arcane practitioner and wondering whether all those frail men would not be easy prey for the dangers of the land.

He shrugged those thoughts aside and unfurling a map he took from under his cape he said

"I think we have the following alternatives, if we want to stay close to civilization: either sail the whole way to Kartakass' shouthern shore, skirting the whole eastern coast, turning the cape off Arbora and touching Kartakass. From what I've heard, I'm not at all fond of Hazlan and I would keep out of sight of the land as much as we can. Another way is to sail up to Egertus, and then take the roads to Kantora and Bergovitsa. That would lands us straight in Barovia, and I estimate the road would not be easier then, but at least the boat trip would be much shorter.
Or we could go by land to Kantora or Egertus, and the rest would be the same. I really don't know what is faster, or safer, but I'd put safety before expedience."
Zumba d'Oxossi (A Stitch in Souragne)
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Post by VAN »

"Glad to meet everyone. Kartakass ah? I have never been there. I'll be happy joining you. You have mentioned Nova Vasa, I have been there, actually I have stayed there for almost two months and I don't like it very much. The people are not so kind and they afraid of wizards. Also the clerics of Bane are treating them really bad. When I was there I had really hard time to not kill a few of them. They believe that poor people shouldn't be happy! That hapiness is only benefit of the rich people. They do everything for the Status, they are unbelievable. I agree also with Mr Valerian they might not like it if we pass from there."

Then he looks Lucius and says:

"I have been in Barovia too. There it's might be the problem of staying out during the night. If we pass from there we should be sure that during the night we are in a village or in a city. That being said I have no problem which ever direction we get."
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
- W H A T ! ? !
- Or they should NEVER memorize rays!