Is it possible to play Ravenloft online?

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Is it possible to play Ravenloft online?

Post by monty-- »

There are no RPG clubs where I live, I'm a thirtysomething anyway so I'll probably be looked upon is disdain if I checked out local game hobby shops but I'm really in the mood for a good game of Ravenloft. I don't think there will be a problem for conveying atmosphere from a Player Character perspective, as I have lots of spooky music. I'll just play that it the background. Do you know if there actually is a game set up where people can play online? Thanks.

P.S, haven't read the rules in years, so I need to freshen up on them. (I only have 2nd edition AD&D).
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Post by HuManBing »

Thirty-something being too old for hobby shops?

I ran a game for the past year where, as the DM and a 28-year-old, I was at least one decade (and in some cases two) younger than all of my players :)

But yes, check the Café de Nuit links near the bottom of the Forum Index and look at the message board gaming there. There should be a decent number of games you can join and the people here are all good.

Message board gaming has a few ups and downs compared to face to face gaming. It's not something that needs people to be in one place at one time, so it's logistically better. But the posting environment can favor those who post more frequently over those who can only post once a day. It all depends on who the DM is.

Alternatively some people (myself included) will DM games through an instant messenger. I have a face to face game and a Yahoo Instant Messenger game going, and the YIM game has a player who lives in Europe so a face to face meeting is impossible.
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Post by Strahdsbuddy »

Has the Ravenloft GAME ever taken off? I seem to remember a MOD for Neverwinter Nights, wasnt sure if it ever got off the ground (THe game itself seems buggy to me) What about for DDO or any other PC game?

I've never been part of a play by post or play by email game, and we tried IM once as a group when we were all in college. Even had one guy playing by phone while we all sat around the speaker. I miss the face to face, but i'd be willing to try anything.

ANd 30 in a comic/gaming shot does seem to be the cutoff, at least for me, who is 30. You do get looked at kinda funny. At the same time, i don't think the New D&D was meant for us anyway, but that is a whole other rant.
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Post by MadStepDad »

Strahdsbuddy wrote:ANd 30 in a comic/gaming shot does seem to be the cutoff, at least for me, who is 30.
Just wanted to say I agree with you. Still a few years from the big 3-0 myself, but the few times we ran up in a hobby store to run some games we got the look. Cats were shook. I definitely felt weird amongst the pre-teens and adolescents obsessed with magic cards and miniature battles. But on the real, table-top gaming is the absolute epitome of our genre. Others forced to look elsewhere for their gaming experience are only exhibiting their true love and passion for the game. I hope you find a worthwhile online game for yourself.




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Post by monty-- »

Whoops! Sorry, didn't see the link at the bottom of the page! Thanks for the comments! :D
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Post by superman »
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Post by Strahdsbuddy »

Exactly what i was talking about, but i'm put off by one fact: the MOD never gets mentioned HERE. I'm not so ignorant to think we are the ONLY people that know anything about Ravenloft. But does anyone on this board participate in nwnravenloft? i'm not a WoW player or even a really proficient with computers but the prospect of actually PLAYING Ravenloft really kind of excites me.

nwnwravenloft's FAQ doesnt really answer all my questions. I'm interested to hear any reactions the residents of this board have had with the MOD.

How bout it, Superman? Whaddaya know?
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Post by Lord Soth »

I actually tried that out, once. It was alright. Really wish they'd update to NWN2, though. Vastly superior to NWN.
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Post by Daisu »

Ravenloft chat game, but may take awhile to get into actual game, since it has died down alot
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Post by superman »

How bout it, Superman? Whaddaya know?
The best way to learn more would be to make a account on the website because that will give you full access to the forums. There you can get a better grasp about what is going on so to say.

Before POTM (Prisoners of the Mist - the mods name) I had only played UO, Everquest, and tried WoW at a friends. A few other games here and there but basically they were all the same.

I heard about ravenloft and really liked the Gothic Earth theme so started reading more about it.. eventually I ran into the POTM website. I gave it a whirl and never looked back.

I'd say I've played it around a year. Sometimes I play more, sometimes less.. just like anything else. The only thing that had thrown me off was I never played a truly RP oriented RPG. Since I got use to it I really enjoyed it., so much in fact I have never had the urge to try another since.

Those who rule the game (Community Council, Dev's, DM's) stay very true to the Ravenloft themes and lore. Adventures are frequent - but considering 60 + people play this mod, with five factions plus secret societies.. I think you get what Im saying.

The PC"s really make the setting too and even if you bump into a DM few and far between (on the forums they actually announce when they make plots, and how you can become involved) the PC community provides more then enough immersion.

Obviously I enjoy it. If you have any questions at all, fire away. Hope this was a good start for you.
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Post by Strahdsbuddy »

Thank you Superman. I actually went out and got all the expansions for NWN two years ago witht he express intent of playing this MOD, but never got around to it. I'd love to give it a shot maybe i will join their forums.

The fact that you say the MOD is role-play driven is very promising to me, particularly since video games of this sort are known for their Hack-slash tendancies. 60 players seems like a good small number which would eliminate the online gaming trends i've been fearing since DDO and WoW. You may see Strahdsbuddy there this week!

Is there tech support for the complete and total computer morons like myself?

Superman, why hasn't the MOD been advertised more here? This is a great place to find fans of the setting. Anyone else on this forum play this MOD? I'd love to hear moreopinions from teh RL community i've grown to trust the most.
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Post by superman »

On the forums there is a tech support section which has saved me numerous times... Im not very computer savvy. When I first installed the game and even an update or two gave me trouble; I couldn't play the game. Going to the tech board various members of the forums got me sorted and playing within a day or two.

As far as advertisement I'm not sure. I have seen mentions on the forum recently mentioning more advertisement and I know there are members from the POTM boards that at least look here... suppose I will bring it up. Definately seems like a good idea given the enthusiasm for the setting.

Through all the peeking I have done here before I made this account two days ago I saw one person I know is/was a member that is a member on our forums. Blue, bluebomber.. something along those lines. He is actually the DM in control of Strahd on POTM.
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Post by Bluebomber4evr »

Hey there, Strahdsbuddy. I'm one of the people who helped build PotM. :)

I advertised it here quite a bit when we first opened up, but I've been so busy adminstering our forums and building areas that it's taken up a lot of my time as of late. Feel free to stop by and check us out, though. :)
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Post by Strahdsbuddy »

I have registered on POTM forums and will try installing next week when my wife leaves town (Freeing me to do....WHATEVER I WANT! YAY!) SO please look forward to n00b questions a-plenty! Thanks Superman and BlueBomber.

The rest of us seem strangely quiet ont hsi topic, though. Not even a "I don't play video games" comment? No one?
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Post by Lord Soth »

Bluebomber4evr wrote:Hey there, Strahdsbuddy. I'm one of the people who helped build PotM. :)

I advertised it here quite a bit when we first opened up, but I've been so busy adminstering our forums and building areas that it's taken up a lot of my time as of late. Feel free to stop by and check us out, though. :)

When I first went to post over there, there was talk about upgrading to NWN2. Is that still on the table, or has that idea been cast aside? Thanks.
he rest of us seem strangely quiet ont hsi topic, though. Not even a "I don't play video games" comment? No one?

Well, the subject is playing Ravenloft online. Not a whole lot to say on the subject, there. Though I will say that I'm hoping to get Battlegrounds downloaded and maybe find an online Ravenloft game, there. I'd also love to play Ravenloft on the D&D Game Table if/when it's completed. And recently, I went to the NWN2 forums and asked if there was a Ravenloft persistent world for NWN2, though no luck in that regard.
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