New Ravenloft fiction

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Le Noir Faineant
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Post by Le Noir Faineant »

Welcome, Mr Marmell! :)

I think the main question we all have is if you can disclose if this new line of RL fiction is actually accompanied by RPG supplements of any sort. :)
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Post by Matthew L. Martin »

Hmm...very promising.

The first book makes me a little nervous, actually--given the background and characters described, it's going to have to involve Christianity at least a little, and the way Christianity often gets treated in gaming circles leaves me uneasy. I don't know enough about Ari to make a judgement one way or the other, and I hope he doesn't take offense at this--I'm just a little hesitant.

That said, I'm definitely looking forward to these. I have to wonder if, should these take off, Ravenloft would be positioned better as a setting for a resurgent d20 Modern. I wouldn't mind that one bit--D&D's always been a little bit of an ill fit for the Land of Mists, especially now that 3E's more D&Dish than D&D's ever been before. A Modern interpretation, especially if they folded in SW Saga Edition's innovations, would be quite interesting . . .
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Post by Archedius »

I am looking forward to these books- that is all:)
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Post by Bluebomber4evr »

I'd rather Ravenloft stay D&D myself. :evil:

But all the same it's good to see something new! :o
Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002.
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Post by Dion of the Fraternity »

As for the "Gothic Earth" reference, I don't think it'll be set in Gothic Earth per se, but an Earth reality nonetheless.

Not every Earth-RL tie-in has to start in GE :)
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Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Just jumping in to say that I literally danced a little jig when reading this thread. We're back, baby! Can't wait!
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Post by Mouseferatu »

Rafael wrote:Welcome, Mr Marmell! :)
Thank you. :)
I think the main question we all have is if you can disclose if this new line of RL fiction is actually accompanied by RPG supplements of any sort. :)
To the best of my knowledge, no RPG supplements are planned at this time. (If I'm not mistaken, RL always sold better as novels than RPG books anyway.)

But who knows? If they do well enough, and there's a demand for 'em, I suppose anything's possible down the road...
Ari Marmell
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Post by Mouseferatu »

Matthew L. Martin wrote:The first book makes me a little nervous, actually--given the background and characters described, it's going to have to involve Christianity at least a little, and the way Christianity often gets treated in gaming circles leaves me uneasy. I don't know enough about Ari to make a judgement one way or the other, and I hope he doesn't take offense at this--I'm just a little hesitant.
I don't take offense at all. I think it's a valid concern.

Without getting too heavily into details (no sense in offering spoilers this far in advance ;)), I'll say this much. While religion obviously lurks in the background of the Earth-centric chapters, and the main characters clearly view the world through their own (often twisted) lenses of Roman Catholicism, those chapters are far more about the specific events occurring, and the specific characters' motivations, than they are about either the religion or the Church.

And while the primary religious institution of Malosia, the Empyrean Church, has some obvious and deliberate parallels to the Roman Catholic Church, it's also got some pretty major differences as well.

The upshot of all this? While I tried to make things feel familiar, and there are certainly some connections if people choose to draw them, I believe I've been very careful to avoid painting any real-world religions in any particular light, and I don't think anyone should find offense.
Ari Marmell
--Rodent of the Dark
Lord Soth

Post by Lord Soth »

I really should pay more attention. Otherwise these things wouldn't take me completely by surprise as this announcement did. I didn't quite understand it, either, til I did some checking around. So to clarify...

Ravenloft: The Covenant is a line of books reprinting old Ravenloft novels. Ravenloft: Dominion is a line of books producing all new Ravenloft fiction. Is that correct?

Anyway, I'm pretty happy about this news. Wasn't expecting new Ravenloft stuff, but here we go. :) To bad the first two books don't appear to take place in pre-existing Ravenloft domains (From the sound of the second book, it doesn't even sound like the characters end up in Ravenloft). Still, no reason they can't add more domains. And of course, if these books are a success then there's no reason to think that future novels won't take place in more wellknown domains like Darkon or Tepest.

Though rereading the press release, it sounds like the whole purpose of the Ravenloft: Dominion line is Ravenloft + Earth. So any chance we may see a THIRD line in the future? Ravenloft: The Covenant (Reprinted Ravenloft novels), Ravenloft: Dominion (Which connects Ravenloft to different eras on Earth), and a Ravenloft novel line which focuses specifically on Ravenloft on its own? Heh, maybe they should make FOUR Ravenloft novel lines, with the fourth being like Dominion. Except that, instead of featuring stories of people from Earth's past getting caught up in the Mists, it's stories of people from other settings (Dragonlance, Dark Sun, Eberron, Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk, etc) getting caught up in the Mists.

Whatever happens, looking forward to it. And I'll definitely be picking up these novels the day they come out. Not only to support Ravenloft but also because the novels themselves sound like they could make damn interesting reading (Though like Matthew, I was also worried the first book might devolve into Catholic bashing. I can go read The DaVinci Code if I wanted that. Thanks for allaying my fears, Ari). Now if only WoTC would announce a brand new Ravenloft Campaign Setting book. Eh, one can always hope.

Incidentally, anyone else suddenly interested in making up an Outlander character who hails from Europe during the Middle Ages? :D
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Post by Mouseferatu »

Green Knight wrote:Ravenloft: The Covenant is a line of books reprinting old Ravenloft novels. Ravenloft: Dominion is a line of books producing all new Ravenloft fiction. Is that correct?
That's correct. :)
To bad the first two books don't appear to take place in pre-existing Ravenloft domains (From the sound of the second book, it doesn't even sound like the characters end up in Ravenloft). Still, no reason they can't add more domains. And of course, if these books are a success then there's no reason to think that future novels won't take place in more wellknown domains like Darkon or Tepest.
Exactly. Since the new series does indeed have some differences from older RL fiction, it was decided to set the first batch of books in new domains, to provide a completely fresh start. However, it's been suggested to me that future novels may indeed take place in older domains. (I certainly hope so, since I'd really like to write more set in Souragne. :D I love that domain...)
Though rereading the press release, it sounds like the whole purpose of the Ravenloft: Dominion line is Ravenloft + Earth. So any chance we may see a THIRD line in the future? Ravenloft: The Covenant (Reprinted Ravenloft novels), Ravenloft: Dominion (Which connects Ravenloft to different eras on Earth), and a Ravenloft novel line which focuses specifically on Ravenloft on its own?
Well, yes and no. Any "outside" characters in RL:Dominion have to come from historical Earth. However, if I understand the new guidelines fully, it's perfectly acceptable to write a RL:Dominion book set entirely in Ravenloft, using native characters.
(Though like Matthew, I was also worried the first book might devolve into Catholic bashing. I can go read The DaVinci Code if I wanted that. Thanks for allaying my fears, Ari).
You're welcome. I'm not a fan of religion-bashing in any sense, honestly. I have a problem with what some people do in the name of religion, but I draw the line at blaming the religion itself.
Ari Marmell
--Rodent of the Dark
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Moral Machivelli
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Post by Moral Machivelli »

Hmm. You say the first novels are going to be in new domains. This begs the question, will those domains remain for further novels? and if so, will we (after a time) begin to see inhabitants finding out about the rest of the land of mists?
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Lord Soth

Post by Lord Soth »

That's correct. :)

You should've seen me about 30 minutes ago, when I thought The Convenant series was a line of novels with new Ravenloft stories. I Googled it and spotted a couple of books on sale at and got all excited, thinking that in only a couple of weeks I could buy new Ravenloft stories. D'OH! I'll be picking up a couple of books, though, as my novel collection is incomplete. I REALLY need to pay more attention to these things, though. ;)
Exactly. Since the new series does indeed have some differences from older RL fiction, it was decided to set the first batch of books in new domains, to provide a completely fresh start. However, it's been suggested to me that future novels may indeed take place in older domains. (I certainly hope so, since I'd really like to write more set in Souragne. :D I love that domain...)

That's understandable. Nice to hear, though, that using pre-existing domains isn't out of bounds. I know I'd like to read your Souragne book.
Well, yes and no. Any "outside" characters in RL:Dominion have to come from historical Earth. However, if I understand the new guidelines fully, it's perfectly acceptable to write a RL:Dominion book set entirely in Ravenloft, using native characters.

Sweet! So if there're any Outlanders, then they come from Earth, and not Krynn or Toril, but that's the only restriction. Even better. And here I was thinking that I'd have to wait for some as yet unnannounced Ravenloft line which may never have materialized to get stories revolving around natives. Nice to know that the Dominion line will give me those kinds of stories, too.
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Post by Mouseferatu »

Moral Machivelli wrote:Hmm. You say the first novels are going to be in new domains. This begs the question, will those domains remain for further novels? and if so, will we (after a time) begin to see inhabitants finding out about the rest of the land of mists?
Oh, absolutely they will. (Or rather, I shouldn't make promises. I can't swear that these domains will appear again, but I know that they can. I'm sure I'll wind up writing in Malosia again, if I'm given the opportunity.)
Ari Marmell
--Rodent of the Dark
Lord Soth

Post by Lord Soth »

So what's the deal with Malosia? Is it an island of terror? Is it part of a cluster? If so, how many domains border it? Or is it part of an entirely different core? And would it be an accurate assumption to say that the technology level is roughly parallel to that of the 1st Crusade? Or is it higher/lower?

As for the Empyrean Church, is it a monotheistic religion? Polytheistic? Do their priests cast spells? Inquiring minds want to know.
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Post by Mouseferatu »

Green Knight wrote:So what's the deal with Malosia? Is it an island of terror? Is it part of a cluster? If so, how many domains border it? Or is it part of an entirely different core? And would it be an accurate assumption to say that the technology level is roughly parallel to that of the 1st Crusade? Or is it higher/lower?

As for the Empyrean Church, is it a monotheistic religion? Polytheistic? Do their priests cast spells? Inquiring minds want to know.
Hmm... Now, I think, we're starting to get into specific details and even a few potential (albeit very minor) spoilers. I'm afraid I'm going to have to address most of the above with a "wait and see."

Sorry; I know that's not the most satisfying answer, but I'm already pushing the boundaries of my NDA pretty tightly as is. :oops:
Ari Marmell
--Rodent of the Dark
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