Maison d'Sablet: Night of April 10th

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Maison d'Sablet: Night of April 10th

Post by Nathan of the FoS »

"So. Follow me, please," the Souragnien noble says, lifting a lit lantern high. "Who takes the other?"

Handing the other into a willing hand, he leads the group roughly westward, keeping to the verge of short grass by the road rather than walking on the road (now a morass of mud) itself. The rain is steady but not particularly heavy; at present there is little wind. Every minute or so lightning flickers across the sky to the north, and thunder echoes distantly long seconds afterward.

The trees grow more thickly as you leave the town, and the occasional houses become smaller and more ramshackle; ten minutes' tramp brings you to a final house crouched beneath funereal willows. Opening the low gate in the surrounding split-log fence, your guide steps to the door and pounds on it. "Gerard!" he shouts. "Gerard! Levantez-vous!"
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Post by steveflam »

Ooc:Tarlyn is surely walking with Draxton and Dadrag.Some drow words do have plurals others don't. :)

Leaning to Draxton as they walk, Tarlyn asks in a low voice."Pardon me Sir. But who is this Van Richten that fellow mentioned before, and who are all these people?It's always good to know who you travel with and easier to speak to someone if you know their name, wouldn't you agree?"

Looking to Dadrag he asks "What can we expect from the swamp, that the others may not have mentioned, Dadrag?"

I rather ask someone I know, as they may not withhold any information a stranger would. Then again in this land, I may be expecting too much from the rivvin=humans
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Post by Coan »

Taking the lantern from the guide Hiro holds it high to observe the area as the ground becomes less firm and more muddy.

Leaning up against the wall of the final house he waits.
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Post by VAN »

Dadrag shrugs.

"I don't know this swamp. But there are many possibilities to encounter snakes and other reptile creatures. I hope to not encounter any undead, I have heard there are zombies there."
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Post by alhoon »

"We are sure to encounter mosquitos." Draxton grumbled. "And these people are some aquintances I have made in my travels. We are all fellow scholars that once we meet, we try to figure things up. It helps keep the mind sharp and the body in good shape."
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Post by steveflam »

"So you know nothing of this Van Richten person?Pity, I thought he was someone important".
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Post by VAN »

Dadrag gets a side glance to Draxton but he says nothing. He doesn't even comment the scholar thing. The mercenary is pretty sure that this group of wizards are far more powerful and important than simple scholars. As about Van Richten the ex-assassin has only heard about him but at least he knows that he is an important person. Since he wants to know more about him he asks:

"What has done Van Richten?"
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
- W H A T ! ? !
- Or they should NEVER memorize rays!
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

As you converse in low tones you hear someone get up in the house, muttering a question in the thick local patois. "Etrangeres avec argent," your guide says in reply.

A moment later the door is thrown open to reveal a heavyset, dark-skinned man in his late fifties or sixties; his rheumy eyes blink in the lantern light as he hitches at the high-waisted pantaloons, held up by one suspender, which are his only clothing. His gaze slides across the company with disinterest until it reaches Kingsley; on seeing her he yelps and shuts the door, emerging a moment later wearing a shirt which has apparently seen duty as a dishrag in the recent past.

"E bon, m'siegneur, voulez-vous aller a la marais?" he says in his deep voice, laughing long and silently at the thought. "Avec ces estrangeres?" Staring at the group again, he hawks and spits behind him. "Cinquante," he says with an air of finality.

"He says fifty," the noble says, shrugging expressively; looking at Draxton, his expression carefully neutral, he says, "So, m'sieur, would you care to do the honors."
Last edited by Nathan of the FoS on Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by steveflam »

Leaning into Draxton's earshot, Tarlyn whispers "I'm positive the gold I gave to this Rolande fellow should cover Rolande's fee as well as this newcomer's. He has "100 reasons in his coat pocket, Sir"
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

Not particularly interested in Draxton's transactions with Rolande and the boatman, the bard hangs back, the mostly-empty satchel now hanging loose over one shoulder, the guitar-case over the other. Still a tad miffed at Kingsley's words, despite himself, he opts to approach another potential conversationalist: one of whom he has heard more (thanks to the Borcan) than the other likely realizes, yet not nearly so much as he would prefer to know.

Ambling over to where the enigmatic Hiro Harako waits, the bard too leans against the wall of the boatman's house -- not too firmly, mind; housing for the poor of this soggy Island leans toward the ramshackle, quite often literally -- and begins scraping the worst of the mud from his boots with a stick.

"If it's a test you took those wet corks to be, sir," he softly remarks, not looking directly at Hiro, but gazing into darkness to avoid spoiling his night-vision in the glare of the lantern. "I can only conclude your use of the smoke-paper was much the same. Bit of a risky test, if so: not all our traveling companions, I daresay, are as swift as yourself, when it comes to distinguishing a mere accident from a true threat.

"Or from a ruse, for that matter."

He pauses in cleaning his boots, lets his hand tilt slightly -- just enough for Hiro to glimpse the fragment of glass he'd displayed, to excuse the corks' dampness, palmed within -- so that the rag-bewrapped armsman, alone, can see it. Crow 'vanishes' the shard again, then resumes tending his footwear.

"Best not to rouse the Darkonian's fears any further, I suspect. Still, I thought it best if the three of you had some hint as to what manner of work your employers are leading you into ... whether or not they felt it necessary."

He nods, almost imperceptibly, in Buchvold's direction.

[OOC: Crow is implying that Hiro wanted to see how many of the group jumped to conclusions, and how quickly they reacted, when he set the slip of paper on fire. The bard's as much as admitted that the holy water was indeed a test for undead among the hirelings, and that Hiro should expect to fight such creatures in the next few hours. He's also warning him not to speak of this to the others, both to keep Dadrag from getting too trigger-happy from fear, and to hide the fact that Crow's clued Hiro in about the undead from Buchvold (who'd been keeping Hiro in the dark).]
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Post by steveflam »

[Ooc: Tarlyn did notice that but chose not to comment or show any sign of noticing. 23 Bluff score if anyone did try the sense motive.Thanks]
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

[OOC: If Tarlyn is whispering in Draxton's ear and talking to Dadrag, he can't be spying on Crow all that closely, can he? At most, I'd think he could observe that the bard is having a private word with Hiro; if he's trying to figure out what he said -- or, much tougher, what Crow showed him -- then I suspect Listen or Spot checks are probably called for. :-/

[Either way, the bard definitely notices Tarlyn's curiosity, and his attempt to hide it.]
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Post by steveflam »

Ooc : I did not mean Crow and Hiro he isnt paying attention to them, cuz im too far to hear and cant read lips in the dark. I meant about before in the Inn, the vials and your "reaction" to it being broken and not "buying" your story(I hid my reaction from your story) Sorry if you misunderstood, maybe I should have specified what I meant :) HE wont even try to listen to Crow and Hiro only observe :)
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Post by Pamela »

Gertrude fell into place with the others, following Rolande’s example in keeping to the grass. She alternated between trepidation and enthusiasm as she considered the night’s trek. Her previous trip to Souragne had avoided the swamps and so it was an unknown territory to her.

As they stopped at the shack, the Zherisian stood quietly, ignoring the others’ conversations. She worked to keep her face straight when the boatsman emerged looking like the stereotypical country bumpkin. Now just to wait for him to pull out a harmonica and invite us to a square dance, she thought with private amusement. This softened into sympathy when the stranger’s eyes met her own, but her willpower was yet again seriously challenged when he reappeared wearing his ‘shirt’. Oh blessed sun, Rupert is never going to believe me when I tell him about all this…

She quietly translated the dialogue over the price, then turned to Serd expectantly. The price was probably exorbitant, but she didn’t care. It wasn’t their money, after all.
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Post by Coan »

Hiro’s gaze is covered and thus Crow could not be sure his hint had been taken but the man’s head does seem to nod slightly.

“There are other ways to test a man.” He says “Less dangerous ways yes, but I find my self a man coming to a crossroads –is it not better to read the signs along the way?”

Hiro seems to shrug slightly as if dismissing where his thoughts might lead him and then sighs.

“You walk a different path yourself. Many here are scholars or warriors but you appear as neither. You care slightly too much than the others… pray tell, why are you here?”
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