Teeny Tiny Tales of Terror: Catching Up II

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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Elemental grue, air [Complete Arcane] Pic
Elemental grue, earth [Complete Arcane] Pic
Elemental grue, fire [Complete Arcane] Pic
Elemental grue, water [Complete Arcane] Pic

Among creatures of this type also note the grue, useful principally by virtue of the spell-seed which may be rendered from their essence. These may be considered "impure" or "defiled" elemental types, and may be noted by the distortion of their physical forms, ranging from the subtle (the "faces" noted in the air grue, the eye-spots of the water) to the grotesque (the burning mannikin of fire, the mud-mole of earth) and by their aura of malice, quite unlike the inhuman affect of the true elemental.

From an untitled bestiary found in the library of the lich known as Phantom's Bane

Elemental monolith, air [Complete Arcane]

"Big storm comin', Captain," the mate muttered as we stared toward the murky gray-green clouds building at the horizon. "Gonna be a hard blow, sure."

"I don't like it," Captain Handspall said, just loud enough for us to hear him. "It's not natural for the wind to change this quickly..."

Just as he said this, the crew and passengers gasped with one voice. The vortex of clouds had built into a waterspout, and in the clouds above that sinister twisting funnel we saw limned, for one moment only, the features of an enormous human face.

pamphlet titled The Wreck of the Ste. Claire, (supposedly) published in Port-a-Lucine, 644

Golem, brass* [Monster Manual II]

There was at one time a great statue made of brass situated in the center of King's Court, near the former University of Il Aluk, notable, in the days when that city was inhabited by the living, chiefly because no bird would set foot on it, nor bedung its noble features. (This writer observed the statue while a student at the University, and can attest to this feature, at least.) It is claimed that the statue walked away from its pedestal on the night of the Hour of Ascension, and has since been seen at times on the road between the Slain City and Castle Avernus; but this writer remains without reliable evidence of the truth of this story.

Folk-tales of the Eastern Core, Magnus Wolfsbane
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Re: Teeny Tiny Tales of Terror: Catching Up II

Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Golem, alchemical* [Monster Manual III]

It has become obvious to those practitioners of the High Alchemy with whom I have spoken that the creation of an Alchemical Childe is a process fraught with difficulty and peril. Unfortunately, not all of them are wise enough to therefore leave well enough alone. One gentleman of my acquaintance claims to have improved on the Alchemical Childe in a way heretofore never seen; Wisdom forfend that his claims have any grain of truth to them, for the creature he describes, merging the Childe with even stronger arcane essences, could only be a devastatingly powerful and perverted creation.

Celebrant Agatha Claremont to Gennifer Weathermay-Foxgrove, private correspondence

Golem, mud* [Monster Manual III]

So, I took my axe to it and hacked it into so many mud-pies, I guess you could say. Afterward I asked the Doctor about it, 'cause I thought it must have been some kind of elemental. Maybe if a water elemental and an earth elemental had kids, or something. But the Doctor said no, the odds were it was a golem, and he showed me the diagram from the book we looted (and it was about all we got, too). "A golem?" I said when he told me. "Burn me black, these wizards will make golems out of anything".

Geddar Ironheart

Golem, lesser, maggot* [Requiem, Dragon 339]

There is a saying in Darkon that Life breeds Death. And yet, how often we see that Death breeds Life, as well, as when decaying flesh brings forth the larval fly! Therefore this creation is a philosophical whole, binding Life brought from Death to unlife, that it may thereafter slay the living.

Fragmentary manuscript held in Special Collections in the Great Library of Port-a-Lucine, author unknown
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Re: Teeny Tiny Tales of Terror: Catching Up II

Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Dustblight [Sandstorm]

They say that a man who sleeps in the deep desert will see it, sometimes. They say he was a man who came by night and filled the oasis of his enemy's family with sand, so that the good water was burnt away in the sun; or that he was a man who quarreled with his neighbor and buried him to his neck in sand, then left him to die of sun-madness and thirst. We do not know the truth. But they say he was cursed, and now the thing he has become is always thirsty.

Har'Akiri folk-tale

Elementite swarm [Planar Handbook]

The qualities of the truly elemental pertain from the greatest scale (the epitomes, in all their forms, ranging up to those avatars called monoliths) down to the most tiny, such as might be evident in every spark, every breath of air, each drop of water, each grain of sand. Even these, the smallest of their type, are in power not inconsiderable when, as often happens, they join in bands of thousands upon thousands and act in concert.

from The Book of First Things, standard magical textbook

Fiendish symbiont: fiendish familiar [Fiend Folio]
Fiendish symbiont: gutworm [Fiend Folio]
Fiendish symbiont: soul tick [Fiend Folio]

There was an outlander sorcerer, a man of puissant evil, who came among us some moons gone by, who did much wickedness in the land, until our noble King (long may his reign endure!) came forth at the head of a band of our young men and smote the miscreant. And, in truth, the evidence of his corruption was seen immediately in this: that he carried within his breast another mouth, which did utter strange blasphemies (this died with him); that his hair and skin crawled with vermin; and that his belly was already distended in the moment of death with worms, as if he had been dead many a day. These vermin and these worms our King (whose word is the law of his subjects) commanded should be taken up in vessels that were thereafter sealed, that he might make more close examination of them, and this was done; those who participated thereafter being much prone to the falling sickness, to divine madness, biting at the flesh, and so forth, all signs of the favor which obedience had won them.

common Vechorian tale, accepted by some as having historical basis
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Post by Mangrum »

Here are capsule descriptions for the last few monsters playing catch-up.

Dharculus: Medium Aberration (Extraplanar), CR 9, neutral. Imagine a graboid from Tremors, except that instead of burrowing through the earth and poking its jawed tentacles up from the soil to snag prey, it lurks in the Near Ethereal, poking its tentacles through to the Material Plane. Another ethereal monster in the Lovecraftian “if you can see it, it can see you” category. Has human-level intelligence. [Planar Handbook]

Dread Warrior: Medium Undead, CR 3, neutral evil. Basically, a slightly-more-powerful-than-average zombie made from a dead warrior, capable of using weapons and possessed of limited intelligence. [Monsters of Faerûn]

Ephemera (general): Non-undead creatures native to the Plane of Shadow, their bodies composed of shadowstuff. Also fall into the “if you can see them, they can see you” category. Don’t have reality wrinkles. [Manual of the Planes]

Dusk Beast: Medium Outsider [Extraplanar], CR 3, neutral. A two-headed lizard with a barbed tail, seemingly composed of darkness, that’s the size of a man. Possesses nearly human-level intelligence, and can stretch its shadowstuff body somewhat. Despite their intelligence, they’re basically just territorial predators.

Ecalyspe: Large Outsider [Extraplanar], CR 9, neutral. Vaguely resembling a horse, these creatures have six legs and a gray, semi-transparent body, sometimes allowing bones and internal structures to be seen. Unlike horses, they growl rather than neigh. They communicate telepathically with each other, and can sometimes be used as steeds by those powerful enough to tame them. Semi-intelligent. They can merge with shadows.

Gaki (general): Minor undead spirits, the souls of wicked mortals forced to return to the world of the living as punishment for their sins. By far most common types of “walking dead” in Far Eastern realms. All gaki share a limited array of stealthy spell-like abilities, plus the ability to fly and the power to assume the form of a common insect. [Oriental Adventures]

Jiki-ketsu-gaki: Medium Undead (Spirit), CR 6, chaotic evil. The undead forms of corrupted monks and other holy men. Somewhat akin to vampire spawn – they have dark, greasy skin, fangs and claws, and bloodshot eyes. Unlike other gaki, they retain human-level intelligence and can speak. They drain blood and can use a musical instrument to hypnotize victims.

Jiki-niku-gaki: Medium Undead (Spirit), CR 1, chaotic evil. The undead forms of miserly merchants and others who were exceedingly greedy in life. Phyiscally somewhat similar to jiki-ketsu-gaki, but they lack any special powers beyond those of all gaki. Their behavior is more akin to ghouls – they simply attack people, drag them off into the woods, and eat them.

Shinen-gaki: Medium Undead (Fire, Spirit), CR 6, chaotic evil. The undead forms of treacherous or cowardly soldiers. They appear as a hovering ball of flame, not unlike a will-o’-wisp, and burn all that they touch.

Glaistig: Medium Fey, CR 6, chaotic neutral. Incredibly beautiful, female fey that dwell in pools and lakes. They have an insatiable thirst for humanoid blood. They mostly resemble human or half-elven women, but they have goat legs with long white fur, which they hide with long dresses or by staying waist deep in the water. They can actually be somewhat helpful when they’ve recently fed—unlike vampires, they aren’t purely malevolent. They have a beguiling song and are mystically linked to their pools, as dryads are to their trees. [Monster Manual III]

Goblin, Dread, Forestkith Goblin: Small Humanoid (Goblinoid), CR 1/2, chaotic evil. A, rare, hairy, and particularly feral breed of goblins that hunt anything that intrudes on their forested territories. They’re excellent climbers and can frighten foes with their insane attacks. They can even transform themselves into small trees to hide, though once they use this power, they’re stuck in tree form until sunset or until they take damage. [Monster Manual III]

Grimweird: Medium Undead, CR 11, lawful evil. A weak and withered undead creature that possesses potent spell-like abilities. The most significant of these powers is its ability to magically summon evil creatures to its aid. [Monster Manual III]

Grisgol: Large Construct, CR 15, neutral. A golem constructed from broken and worn-out magic items. Since its limbs are wrapped in magic scrolls, it can be mistaken for a mummy from a distance. A grisgol can only be created by a lich, and the lich’s phylactery sits at the grisgol’s heart, empowering it. It has numerous lich-like powers, including a paralyzing, negative energy-imbued touch and spell-like abilities, plus striking it kicks up infectious dust. Once it’s destroyed, anyone examining its remains may be driven mad by a powerful curse. In short, a powerful guardian for a lich’s life force. [Monster Manual III]

Hannya: Medium Monstrous Humanoid, CR 4, chaotic evil. A female spellcaster from a Far Eastern tradition who has made a dark pact to permanently transform herself into a serpentine form of hag. Somewhat resembles a reptilian green hag from the waist up; serpentine body from the waist down. It has limited innate magical ability compared to other hags (merely the power to read and control minds), but can constrict with its coils. Like other hags, it can shapechange. Violets repel it, like a mirror repels vampires. [Oriental Adventures]
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Re: Teeny Tiny Tales of Terror: Catching Up II

Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Dharculus* [Planar Handbook]

...little Toby has grown quite impossible to manage in the last few months, claiming to see things in the house and so forth. Only last week he broke a good mirror because he said it showed "snakes" in it; he now refuses to look into any mirror in the house, and has taken even to avoiding the windows, so that the "snakes" will not see his reflection, burst through the glass, and eat him! I pointed out that we look in mirrors often, and remain uneaten; to which he only replied that, as we couldn't see them, naturally they couldn't see us! I am quite convinced he is merely indulging in these fits to get attention, and I have arranged for him to visit Dr. Heinfroth's asylum for a time for observation; he charges fearfully high rates, but nothing is too good for our son!...

letter from Sophie Ste. Claire to her sister, Port-a-Lucine, Dementlieu, October 759

Dread warrior [Monsters of Faerûn]

Security [black], encryption [Talos II]
Destroy after reading

Re: Suggestion that research be directed toward "fighting fire with fire" and generating un-dead warriors to march against Darkon. Initial efforts have proven surprisingly fruitful. Improvement in both manual dexterity and in retention of conceptualization abilities has proven less difficult than expected. Border raid utilizing new "death troops" scheduled for June 760. KF must NOT BE INFORMED of progress at present.

Internal memorandum, Radiant Tower
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Dusk Beast:

"Old MacMurtry, he's got himself a guard dog, see? Except it's not a dog. It's a black thing the size of a big dog, except it has two heads, and sometimes it's not there. I truly don't care if you believe me, because it's true. If you see him go out sometimes on a moonlit night you'll see it following along behind him, going from shadow to shadow.

Except I'm not sure he sees it, and sometimes I kinda wonder if he got it on purpose, or if he doesn't know it's there, and it's...you know. Following him for its own reasons."

(Private interview with Sean Tovey, Smythe's Ferry. Further investigation provided no evidence for the existence of Dophe MacMurtry's "pet".)

Laurie Weathermay-Foxgrove, private notes


The two riders were approaching across the salt flat; behind them heat lightning lashed down on the strange ruined city. Their mounts might, at a distance, have been mistaken for horses, but they had a way of skittering sideways which no horse could duplicate, and the wind brought me their growling, more like that of bears or wolves than of any ruminant. As they came closer I saw, too, that these strange steeds had six legs.

I stepped out from behind the stone, and the riders seemed to notice me for the first time; instantly, without any obvious communication between them, they stepped sideways--as it seemed, into their own shadows--and were gone.

From a purported diary of Dr. Gregory Illhausen
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Post by Gemathustra »

Mr Mangrum, wasn't the Grisgol made from a lich, in that another arcane magician steals the aforementioned lich's phylactery, and essentially imprisons the lich's spirit in a body made of broken and worn out magic items?
"Arrogant mortal! You are in my world now and you will never leave this attic alive! I will destroy you, and then I will possess she whom you love the most. And there is not a single thing in the world you can do to stop me!"
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Re: Teeny Tiny Tales of Terror: Catching Up II

Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Hag, spectral* [Denizens of Dread]

It seems in some sense fundamentally unjust to me that such a creature as the hag, which lives to warp, defile and destroy, should be capable of enduring even beyond the life it seems to hate in others (and perhaps in itself). And yet my researches have shown definitively that such is the case, ranging from such fell spirits as the legendary spectral hag Arianthe to the Weeping Woman of Shallowford, whom we confronted and defeated in my first meeting with the druid Alannthir.

working notes to Van Richten's Guide to the Witch

Hannya [Oriental Adventures]

Kazuo shuddered in spite of himself; the snake must have been very large to leave such a trail. But the voice of the old woman called again, "Help! Help me!" and Kazuo pressed forward, for surely it would be shameful to leave an old woman in need of assistance unaided, snake or no snake. But as he went he saw a patch of violets, and he remembered the advice of the kami, that the violet is a flower strong against all evil deeds; so he stooped and gathered a handful, and hurried to help the old woman calling for his assistance.

Foolish Kazuo and the Hannya, traditional Rokushiman
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Post by Mangrum »

Gemathustra wrote:Mr Mangrum, wasn't the Grisgol made from a lich, in that another arcane magician steals the aforementioned lich's phylactery, and essentially imprisons the lich's spirit in a body made of broken and worn out magic items?
Er, yes. My error. Skimmed that one too quickly.
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Re: Teeny Tiny Tales of Terror: Catching Up II

Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Gaki, jiki-ketsu-gaki [Oriental Adventures]

There was an old man seated on top of the wall, dressed in the robes of a monk; but his teeth were too long for his mouth, and his fingernails were claws, and his skin was dark and greasy. Kazuo was not fooled at all; he knew it was no ordinary monk. But it never does harm to be polite, and so he said politely, "Pardon me, uncle, but which is the road that leads to Takeda?

"Well, my nephew," the gaki replied, "if you go to the left and hurry, you may be there before the sun rises. Whereas, if you go to the right, you will never seen the sun rise at all."

"Thank you, uncle, but it is quite dark--which is the path to the left?" cried Kazuo. but the gaki was already gone. You can guess what happened next. Kazuo turned to the right--because he could not tell his left from right in the dark--and set off boldly down the road, as he thought, to Takeda.

Foolish Kazuo Goes To Takeda, traditional Rokushiman

Gaki, jiki-tuku-gaki [Oriental Adventures]

Of the merchant Wazira they say that he ate up men, because his greed took the food from the mouths of many honest laborers who died in the famines when he demended their last copper coin for a bowl of rice. Being himself such a great glutton, it is no surprise that he hungers, even after his death, for man's flesh. They say he is seen sometimes on the road between Takeda and Moroshi, stirring a pot filled with men's bones; but that a traveler who presents him with a copper cash may pass freely.

Kenzo Nakamura, The History of the Islands of the Sun

Gaki, shinen-gaki [Oriental Adventures]

Military Governor Ozuna had the traitors crucified in the courtyard before his palace, but his own cruel deeds (which were very many) soon came home to roost; for the courtyard was afterward haunted by their vengeful spirits, who appeared on every first night of the new moon and burned in the air until the rising sun dispelled their light. One year after their death the shinen-gaki appeared and advanced on his abode, and, entering, burned all within whom they could find, leaving the Governor's Palace in ashes. The place is still widely considered accursed, and none save the bravest with sleep within its walls.

Kenzo Nakamura, The History of the Islands of the Sun

Glaistig [Monster Manual III]

The folk of that place [Tepest] have their own strange religion, which until very recent times made much of the propitiation of fey spirits. There is a hamlet, I am told (and told more than once) where not a generation gone by they would, in every year, take some miscreant or criminal and cut his throat over the brook which watered their flocks, to placate the water-woman (who they say had the form of a beautiful woman above the waist, and a goat below) who lived therein. This practice being ended by the Inquisition, the spring soon went dry, and all those who once lived there found themselves obliged to find a new home.

Folk-tales of the Eastern Core, Magnus Wolfsbane

Goblin, dread, forestkith goblin* [Monster Manual III]

We thought that we had fled beyond the reach of the forest-folk, and as the afternoon wore into evening we took refuge in a small copse of strange crooked trees near (we hoped) where our path would cross the road leading back to the village. It was not a restful place, however; it seemed a little goblin-face peeped at us from each surrounding tree, and at last Harespex prevailed on me to leave before the sunset found us there still. Only much later did I learn of our narrow escape, for there are those among the goblins who take the form of trees during daylight hours and walk the woods by night; if we had found ourselves among such, we might very well have died that night.

Bertram Mac Laren, Sixty Nights in Tepest


Of all the restless spirits said to haunt that dark & misty land (and there are many), but few are more feared than the Dark Mourner, whose song is said to summon all fell creature to its side, so that he who would oppose it finds himself surrounded at once by all enemies of the living, drawn from miles around to the Mourner's aid, perishing, therefore, before he can so much as raise his blade.

from Catalog of the World Entire

Grisgol [Monster Manual III]

Standing next to the dread Phantom's Bane was a creature which we took at first to be a mummy, as it appeared to be a human frame wrapped in what appeared to be long rolls of cloth.

"I have no more time to entertain you," the lich said in its inhuman whisper. "I leave you with my good friend the Red Hand. At one time he and I were enemies, but I won him over at last, and he has served me well. I hope our own relationship follows the same course, Master Van Richten. Adieu."

What that the image of the lich flickered and disappeared--its presence had been merely illusionary! As it did so the "mummy" strode forward, and I could see it was actually a creation of metal rods, crystals, and wood, bound in papyri on which I seemed to see blasphemous arcana of great power written...

Working notes for Van Richten's Guide to the Lich
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Post by Mangrum »

Thanks Nathan! And that's another batch done.
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