The Maison Soloumbre: Afternoon of April 9

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Post by Moral Machivelli »

Buchvold exits la maison and starts to wander the grounds staying in the shade of the trees

Perhaps a little air will do me some good ?He reflects.
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Post by alhoon »

Nathan of the FoS wrote: The Exalted Brother enters a small study (the same one where Crow and Buchvold had held their interview earlier) and gestures for Serd to seat himself.

"... Also, please inform me if you have been approached by anyone unknown to you claiming to be a member of the Fraternity or asking about Fraternity business."
Draxton started recounting how he moved through Darkon to learn where he could find information about the undead. He mentions the most useful contacts he used to track that book in the mountains of misery and to call on mercenaries recruiting a band to search for the book. He gives the Exalted Brother the copy with a smile.
He recounts his experience with the mummy and how it decimated his unlucky mercenaries and how it placed a curse on him. Then he says how he learned of and recruited Dadrag, an ex-assassin who obviously doesn't know what the Fraternity is.
Then he went on to his meeting with Brother Curwin ...

" I met Brother Curwin in Nevuchar Springs where I went to meet Getrude Kingsley. It was the first time I saw him. The man wore openly his ring and knew the passwords and he knew what has happened in Octomber. However he was an insufferable lout, not a civilized scholar like the brothers I'm used dealing with. He said he makes his living smuggling in the ports of that small town. He wanted to check on the book in order to give me information on where I could find someone knowledgable in these things that may be interested in a copy of the book and trade it for some extra information."

OOC> Nathan have you or I decided what is the effect of Draxton's first power check? I don't remember
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

alhoon wrote:OOC> Nathan have you or I decided what is the effect of Draxton's first power check? I don't remember
OOC: I haven't; if you did you haven't told me yet. ;)

IC: The darkling accepts the book with disinterest; after glancing at it, his face relaxes slightly and he seems to thaw a little bit. "A mummy?" he says, his eyebrows rising. "And it cursed you. You should have that seen to; such curses are often worse than inconvenient. Your man Dadrag--how long have you worked together now? Do you have any inkling of his loyalties? It goes without saying that you must continue to keep him ignorant of our true purposes."

At Serd's description of his meaning with "Curwin", Roeccha leans forward, his face intent. "A 'Brother Curwin', you say. Where did he say he was from? Does he spend much time in Darkon? Did he mention knowing any other members of the Fraternity?"
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Llana wrote:Where have we gone wrong?
Kingsley's reverie is interrupted for the moment by the reappearance of Larner, whose salutation is more relaxed this time. "Professor Kingsley," he says, "I'm glad to see you pass through the fire unscathed. Your husband sends his regards, and this." Reaching into a vest pocket, he hands a letter to the Zherisian woman.
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Post by Pamela »

Gertrude smiled and her eyes lit up at the proffered letter. “Thank you very much, Esteemed Brother,” she said gratefully, her fingers lightly caressing the envelope before she slipped it into her pocket for later. Soon, she thought, as considered her plans to return to Paridon after this meeting. It’s been far too long…

“I’m glad that so many of us have,” the professor remarked. The small inquisition would have been able to easily deal with the interloper on their own, but the idea that the jackalweres- and van Rijn- knew their whereabouts and could be close by… Well, they aren’t, she reminded herself, her smile still firmly in place.

“I’m very glad that you were able to attend this meeting- and giving a lecture. I am surprised at the subject however- a preliminary report on Zherisia?” None of the other countries except the islands of the Nocturnal Sea were giving such an account. It seemed very odd that her homeland was suddenly worthy of so much attention. Her brow creased as she asked with a touch of worry, “Nothing has arisen in the past month, I hope?”
His only real danger is if stupidity is contagious and lethal. In which case, we’re all dead…-Gertrude
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Llana wrote:“I’m very glad that you were able to attend this meeting- and giving a lecture. I am surprised at the subject however- a preliminary report on Zherisia?” None of the other countries except the islands of the Nocturnal Sea were giving such an account. It seemed very odd that her homeland was suddenly worthy of so much attention. Her brow creased as she asked with a touch of worry, “Nothing has arisen in the past month, I hope?”
"I would not say anything has arisen, so much as that I hope nothing will arise," Larner replies quietly, gesturing Kingsley to step down out of the room with him. They go down the stairs and out the Dementlieuse window to the lawn; once well in the clear and away from the other brothers, he continues, "You know, of course, that of our few Zherisian brothers, several came to the Fraternity through alchemy and transmutation--just as van Rijn did. He was much admired by many of us, and I think several would have been inclined to take his part if his manner of expressing his disappointment in failing to advance within the Fraternity had been less...spectacular. You see the concern; I felt that our branch of the Fraternity might be seen as ripe for subversion. Under the circumstances I felt it wise to immediately declare a city-wide search for any sign of the traitor, especially after learning that Monsieur Ray had named us a likely location for his next bolt-hole. I've compiled a preliminary report on our efforts for presentation here."
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Post by Pamela »

Gertrude followed, curious but also feeling the knot of tension tightening. She held her tongue, following Larner’s example as they emerged outdoors to relative privacy once more.

She nodded matter-of-factly at the reference to the alchemists; they formed the great majority of their members in Paridon. She herself had never any particular sympathy for van Rijn, but she’d also had little interest in the political discussions that had occurred in their tiny clique. She was a sorcerer, and female after all; neither were worthy of notice in the Fraternity. Arguing over the favoritism towards illusionists was the least of her concerns.

Her eyes widened at the implications however- and the fact that Alannik Ray had been brought in to investigate the matter, and his chilling speculation. Bloody sun… A memory of the Upheaval whispered through the back of her mind, as she considered the destruction of what remained of her homeland and family. She looked away, seized by a sudden fit of fear and anger.

Larner had at least spoken of the investigation in the past tense; whatever findings he had, he’d dealt with. When she found her tongue once more, she fervently remarked, “Alchemists and transmuters, yes, but we’re hardly sympathetic to necromancy.” She was unable to resist asking, “Had there been any signs of correspondence between van Rijn and any of the Brothers in the past year?” He can’t be there, he can’t! "And is there anything I can help with at all?"
His only real danger is if stupidity is contagious and lethal. In which case, we’re all dead…-Gertrude
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

"Why, yes," Larner says. "We need more help to finish the survey; as you know, because of our peculiar situation, outlanders may be more trusted in some ways than our own fellow-countrymen, and it would be well to have others brought in as well to satisfy the Fathers that nothing is being...concealed. I can't say that I've turned anything up, but perhaps I'm too close to the problem."

For just a moment Larner seems very worried and very tired; then the Zherisian reserve asserts itself, and he gives Kingsley a small smile. "So any help on that score would be much appreciated."
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Post by Pamela »

Gertrude was touched but also a little alarmed at the chink in Larner’s emotional armour. She admired her mentor, renowned for his discerning intelligence, impeccable reserve and courteous manner. A brief pang of guilt arose that she hadn’t been there to help with such a project before this. She had little love for most of those in her chapter, but she certainly didn’t want to see her compatriots- and herself!- besmeared as potential traitors, beyond the deadly implications that now involved. Her thoughts turned worriedly to Rupert for a moment, slightly irritated that he’d made no mention of this in any of their previous correspondence. Either sparing me…or not aware himself until perhaps recently. She feared it was likely the latter.

“Esteemed Brother, at the very least I know that nobody else in Paridon is better suited to discover the truth of the matter. At the very least an insider knows the hidden corners of society and the things which are undiscussed but nonetheless present. None of us can expect to be omniscient or completely objective.” She made a respectful nod as she spoke, in recognition of his talents and ability.

“I’d be honoured to give a hand,” she said firmly, smiling. “You know I’d be more than happy to speak to the Temple, and my associates in the Sociology Department,” -if Rupert hasn’t already- “I can also any of my acquaintances if they’d be interested in aiding the project… or would you prefer that I wait till the project is broached after your lecture?” One figure was prominent in her mind- personable, charming, willing to talk and listen- but would he be interested in visiting her supposedly stuffy homeland?

And do you trust him enough? Concerning his motivations for his interest in me, no...But I do believe that he is sincere in his hatred of van Rijn. Rupert would also be there to watch, as well as the Zherisian Brothers. Larner will probably want to talk to him himself, to ensure that he is trustworthy... She could get a second opinion without invoking undue suspicion or curiosity...she hoped. “There is one person I do have in mind, though I don’t know if he’d be interested in spending much more time off the Core.”
His only real danger is if stupidity is contagious and lethal. In which case, we’re all dead…-Gertrude
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Llana wrote: And do you trust him enough? Concerning his motivations for his interest in me, no...But I do believe that he is sincere in his hatred of van Rijn. Rupert would also be there to watch, as well as the Zherisian Brothers. Larner will probably want to talk to him himself, to ensure that he is trustworthy... She could get a second opinion without invoking undue suspicion or curiosity...she hoped. “There is one person I do have in mind, though I don’t know if he’d be interested in spending much more time off the Core.”
"Oh, yes? Who might that be, Professor?" Larner asks. "Does he have many ties in the Core, then? It would be just as well if we can recruit several to work in concert, perhaps in pairs; synergy is always admirable, and it will help to greatly reduce the possibility of replacement."
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Post by Pamela »

“He calls himself Crow; I have no idea what his real name is. He’s a bard, which accounts for his love of mystery.” And drama, she thought wryly. “He certainly seems to keep himself very busy moving back and forth there, and has been actively involved in hunting down any news of van Rijn’s whereabouts. I am certain that he must have several contacts who’d be interested in investigating the matter.” She recalled his earlier conversation with the Borcan; perhaps it would be an avenue to give her reason to approach Buchvold- and to learn what he himself knew about the bard whom he didn't seem to care for. It can of course all be an act, though I doubt subtlety is one of that man's strong points...

She nodded somberly at Larner's reference to replacement. She wondered how long it would be before the blood test began to find its way into the Zherisian chapter’s own private initiations. “I believe that he may still be around, Esteemed Brother, or would you prefer a time more convenient for your schedule?” She wasn’t certain what other plans- or sudden tests- might require the Zherisian’s further attention.
His only real danger is if stupidity is contagious and lethal. In which case, we’re all dead…-Gertrude
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Llana wrote: She nodded somberly at Larner's reference to replacement. She wondered how long it would be before the blood test began to find its way into the Zherisian chapter’s own private initiations. “I believe that he may still be around, Esteemed Brother, or would you prefer a time more convenient for your schedule?” She wasn’t certain what other plans- or sudden tests- might require the Zherisian’s further attention.
"If he's here at the moment I would be delighted to make his acquaintance." Larner pauses and gives Kingsley a sharp look. "You have no idea what his real name is? Dear me. Well, information is certainly at a premium these days, and bards have always have more of it than most. If you can arrange an introduction I should be much obliged."
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Post by alhoon »

Nathan of the FoS wrote: At Serd's description of his meaning with "Curwin", Roeccha leans forward, his face intent. "A 'Brother Curwin', you say. Where did he say he was from? Does he spend much time in Darkon? Did he mention knowing any other members of the Fraternity?"
"I think Brother Curwin is Darkonesse. I have met him some months ago and I don't remember much of the details. He seems to spend much time in Darkon so even if he wasn't Darkonesse, he probably doesn't remember it. He mentioned he knows some of the Fraternity members and actually knew the time I have arrived at the disastrous meeting in Octomber, so he was probably there before me.
Why are you so interested with him? I really despise this man."
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
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Post by Pamela »

Nathan of the FoS wrote: "If he's here at the moment I would be delighted to make his acquaintance." Larner pauses and gives Kingsley a sharp look. "You have no idea what his real name is? Dear me. Well, information is certainly at a premium these days, and bards have always have more of it than most. If you can arrange an introduction I should be much obliged."
Gertrude nodded, and had begun to turn to study those on the lawn when she received the sharp look. She paused to see what she’d said or done to incur it, then shrugged. “Professor Hazan had mentioned earlier in jest the importance of protecting true names. Some men hide their names, thus hoping to hide their identities, while others like van Rijn and his ilk hide behind their personas and reputations. Crow’s pseudonym or stage name at least reveals the fact there is a secret; I am beginning to appreciate the ability to have advance warning.”

She looked around, then said, “He must be inside still. Shall we?” They ventured across the lawn once more, the professor describing the bard in case her companion should spy out the bard before her. As they walked, she quietly asked, “Esteemed Brother, I’ve heard that Tarnos Shadowcloak shall be attending the meeting. Do you know if he has arrived yet- and whether he’d be amenable to discussion, or too preoccupied with the security measures?”
His only real danger is if stupidity is contagious and lethal. In which case, we’re all dead…-Gertrude
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

alhoon wrote: "I think Brother Curwin is Darkonesse. I have met him some months ago and I don't remember much of the details. He seems to spend much time in Darkon so even if he wasn't Darkonesse, he probably doesn't remember it. He mentioned he knows some of the Fraternity members and actually knew the time I have arrived at the disastrous meeting in Octomber, so he was probably there before me.
Why are you so interested with him? I really despise this man."
"Darkonese," Roeccha replies, brooding. "Or spends much of his time there. A smuggler." At Serd's question he looks up and says, "I'm interested in him because I don't know who he is, and I therefore suspect him of being an interloper. If you see him again, or get evidence of his whereabouts, please inform me or another Exalted Brother or Father immediately."

Standing, Roeccha says, "That concludes our first identity test, Brother Serd. Please accompany me upstairs for the second."
[b]FEAR JUSTICE.[/b] :elena:
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