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Ronia Sun
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Post by Ronia Sun »

Beyond that, I'd become a priest or a paladin, probably with a little bit of bard thrown in. I'd still be LDS, so who knows? Maybe I could start knocking on doors all over Mordent and start up a congregation!
Ah, there is another one here! Want a companion? I speak the Real-World equivalent of Barovian...:D ("Master, it's those people with the name tags again. They won't go away...shall I drain them?")

Seriously, though? I'd probably end up a paladin. I would make attempts to be one with a sense of humor, though, including adopting as my personal heraldic device a big huuuuuge target.

Either that, or I'd found a university for adventurers. Among the courses offered would be: "Tactics: More Than Just A Word", "Diplomacy 101: Or, How Not to Get Eaten/Poisoned/Turned Into Something Slimy By the Denizens of Darkness; and "Common Sense: The Not-So-Common Trait"
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Post by Pariah »

Despite not beliving too strongly in religion at the moment, I'd probably end up being driven towards Ezra for my survival and become the best damn Achorite ever. Keep my mea t shi-friends alive and bring down the holy fire of Ezra upon fiends everywhere!

Should Ezra not accept me for my very selfish reasons for following her...I'd probably end up a gunslinger/monster hunter. Depending on the rules for blackpowder weapons the setting is using :p

No matter what happens, I'd change my name to fit in with the locals...Unnecessary OR is no good, as I'll probably need diplomacy over intimidation ><

(Oh, and I'd definately start down the road to becoming a Dark Lord...if only for the power)
Kill one man and you're a murderer.
Kill ten men and you're a monster.
Kill one hundred and you're a hero.
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